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ISTEW BOOT & SHOE 3 U? CD 122.13 k v5 i WEI ' -. U. B. COLE, (Suocessor to Moore & Loonii ) bas oponed a store in the FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Hem street, Aun Arbor, and has on hand a largo assortinent of B00Ï3, SHOES & RUBBERS, manufactureel freva tho best material :ini Arraatvd to give satiafaction, eonsisting of MkN'S KIP, CALF AN0 THICK BOOTS, DOUBLÉ SOLF.D MEN'S BUI FALO OVïRSHOES, of all dcsciiplions. LADIES GAITERS, Moroccu Bootees, RalnwrnU, Feil Otcrskoei, and Rubbers. Also, Boy 's Kip, CaJf & Tliïcfc Boots, together wilh a vnríeíy nf CIIILDKEK & YOUTH'S SHOES. I in also Manufiw -turing WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Meii's Fine Frenen Calí Boofs Peg-gi'd and Ktweíl. Give tur n cali before purcliasin e!sevhprp. I wül sell my tioods clieap Cor cash. REPAIKING NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTICE. N.B.COI.E. Ann Arbnr.Jan. 13th, 1RIÍ3. 8S7tf A LECTÜllB TO "STöXJHG MEN! Just Publishid, in a Scaled Envelope. Priet Six Cents, A Lscture on tlie l'í ature, Treatment p.nd Radical Cure of Sperma torrhrea or Seminal Woaknoss, Involuntary, EiuissiMis Sexual Debility, nml Impedimenta to H&rriage general iy , Nervouaoesa, Consnmption, Kpilep sv a ml Frs ; Hental aad I'hysieal Incapacity, renal tmg fñmi Sttlf-Abuae, kc - By R(')RT. .ï. CULVEKWKLL, M. D.jAuttorof the Green Book. &-c. The world renowad author, inthia admirable Lecture cloarly prives from bia ovo experieno tliai tbe awful coiusequences oí Ëelt-bufe may teeffectually removed without medicine, and withtcut dangerous Burg!e&1 operatioiií , bo ugips, Instrosieiita , rïttga or eordlals, pintiag out a mode of cure at unce certtiin and effecttta 1, b which e evy ftafferer, mí maitsv bjat hin couditioti niüv bo. may ctnpe himsctli cheaply, privalely, and radically . Tuis LsOTvBl w ili. peove a hoon TyTHOüfUNDs AND THOOflAWDa, Sont tinder sea!, to any addres.i,!n a plain cnvelope, on í? receiptof six cuts,or twe poiitage tnraps,by addres.inê', CFÏAfl J.C. KXÍNE&C0-, 27 Bower.New York, Post Oftice Box, 4586 THE PERFECTION OF 2?ECHAEÍISM ! THE MAGIC TIME OBSEÜVlÜ, BKINTG a Htntino and Opkh Pací, or Lady's or GraTLSHAH'8 VViTCB CöMlllNKI), WITB P.Tl NT SlLPW1N1HNC IJII'R'JVKÜRNT. ThjíNew Vork ÏlujsTBATED News, the leadinp; pic torial paiKM of the United States, in t- issue o i Jan. lOlh, 18 3, en paye 147, voluntiirüy says : '■We have been jfeown a most pleáslng'noTelty, of wliich the HuBiiARD Bros., of this city. are the sole Importen ït ff talled the ' Mjgii Time Ob.-=kkvkr,' mid is a huntïng and open -face wateb combined. This is ooe of ttie i)ri'ttieft, most convenient, and dccidediy the best and eheapPRt time ptece or ücnnal aml reli&ble ase, ever offer Od. Il has uithin t and conneftted with it.s maehinery, itfl own winding att;ichment, reudsrfag a key entirelv uuntíceasarj. Tbe cases of this Watoh a.'-e comjmsed of two metáis, the outer one bein. line 16caratgold. Itbae the imp-POTecl ruby actiüc vwr muvement, warirui (■■! in Accurate timepiece " l'rice, BUperbly eograted, hv babq of a half dozen, SiOl CQ Sample Watcííes, in neat morocen boxeft, f'or those pfopoBing tf' bay at whotesal, $;ïö, sent by expresa, with billpayabfe mi delivery Soldiers muat cemit ji.iymcilt, m advftnee, as we caanut coltpct irom those n the Army. Addreis, HüBBAKD BROS. t( O,, Pole Importeer, 6w888 South Nassau & John ar.,NBw Yotr . # tórSA 'QÏi WOïsDEEFÜL BUCCEfeS. #]$ The attentïnn and research of the most dUtiaguished CbenïtstB and Phyeioiana lor years have been devote! to the product ion of i remedy for mosi 'lisi reasing m;il,idit NbükaiöU aña RhíüHat su. After long stiriy and m.tny experiments, a spuctjic preparan orí. has been dtseoVered. WATTSON'S N'euralgia King, an Internal Kemedy, iacuring tkousauds of cases trhereall oth er remedies liave atterly failed. We are assureil that t is no mere lí ANODYXK," relieviug for tlie moment whiletlie canse remains, but is a perfect SPKC1FIC and CUKE for those painful diaeases. The vaat number of Liniments, Embrocaliona and Exteinil Medicines, which act as stimulants af tlie sutface only, are merely tempnraiy in their eil'ects and of duubti'ul virtue. The NEURALGIA KIXiï re'aehe.i the sourue of all trouble, and effectually baaishes the diseaae from the system. l'rice - Une Dollar per Bottle. Prepared by C. R. WALKER, Iy887 Iluffalo, N Y-, aua Fort Erie, C.W. lam bouïid for the SHOESSyG SHOP! J. C. ÖUUTHER & R. A. JOHNSON, Blacksmiths. Will do Horst Sioeingantl all kinds of Jobbing in their line at tlie shortest pasible nolice Alst Carriage anl Wagon Wurk done to order, and satist'action given or no pay. CHELSEA, Wasbteoaw Co. , Slich., Feb. 2. '03, 3m890 Tcba cco ï Tobacco ! I AM SK1.L1NC GOODFINE CÜÏGHEWING TOBACCO At from rif ly cents to % per pound SMOKING TOBACCO, From 1 t cents to '20 cents per pound at retad. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbur, llicb., Du . 17, 13C2. 883tf A.TT3NTIïf J THE CHEAPEST JEWELUY IIOUS'E IN THE WORLD I! 4,318 PlBCES OF ABBO&TBD jEWHf.RY FOR $50 COMPLETE ofFineliold, Plateil aail OrciJu t Jewelry, sent re. Address, J. A. 8ALISBÜRT, Asna, 6888 PnovuiKMCE, H. I. Pensions, Bounty Money, Back Pay, &c, &c, Due Soldiere, their widowa, difldren, or other heirs can be obtaia d by apDtylag to FüAXKiJV L, PAKICER. autboHzed agent, ortoTBACY V'. ROOT. Root & rAKKUK atieii'l also to Go)lectio(p, couveyanoing and furnïshing abstraéis of land tiiic-, having carefuïly prepared booka and plata showiüg the condition oJ title of all laodi ïn Washtenaw Cuuty ; nayíng tasen, and [nvestigating tax and other land titles ia any part of ! the Mate or L'n:ted Slatew. Have ;;! Fa ram ivnd umraproved tand e fot salo ur esohange. And are at eutu tuc the Atlanliv l re Insurance ■ ' nipanyuf New York City, OUico opiiosite Uie Frankjiü HuuStf, Auu Arbor. anti DioSutioiï IVdtice. rpiirrv "m:im ■i;.-jjii' I eiefore exifltinp mrier the ; mutual coDseiit. W. L LO HÜi, A.rj Arbör, To.". - ?91au3 THE RE3ELLIOH ON BIGH PRICE8 FOR CLOTH1NG, HAS CÜMMENCED AT THE ' CL O & KELIABLE OLOTHINO EMPORIUM ! No. 3 PIICENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. IAM nOW openfng alfirgc and v&riod assortment of S raaf and SummerGoods, and in view of the rebell ion on higb prioon generalij, will offer th om tomy frlenda amd rs at ihe verylowest Bgurea for Cnsl.- 'I'liiiso in want oí a suuerioi article oí Cloths, Cftssimeres. or Beady-Made Clothing, -will cali onWM. WAGNER, who has just returnr-d from tho Kast, with a large assortiment of SPRING & SU MM ER DOODS vlilch have been purchnsod at the hite LOW PRICES! and can offer tliem at a lowcr figure than cvtr bef ore. Amongmy Assortment inay be found BBQADCLOTHS, ÜASSIMERES, DOE8KTNS, VESTINGS of nll 'lescriptions, togethor with a superior nssortment of Made ClolUIiig, (PjkVa.TllC.VB, CARI'ET BAOS. glit JLiM lMMIKI.I.AS, and mxBieiH!eimn's Furnishing C3rOODB, with nnmoionp otlior arti'cles usually found ín similnr establishment. As an EMPORIUM OFFASHION, the subsrriber flattcrs rnrnsdf, tlmt hi.s Ion experiencc and general success, will enablQ him to frive the greateBt s&tisfftctlon lo all Who may trust himiiithe wny oí Í3P Manufacturing Garments to order. ■VM. WAGN'ER. AnnArbor, Ap:ü 9tV, 1862. 848tf THE ROOTS AND THE LE AVES WIl.L be for the-IIealii g of the Nationa. Bible. 3Fiof. tf LYOKTS, THE OREAT AND CELÉBRATE D PHYSIC1 N of tlie THBOAT,LÜNGS, HEART, LIVhR A.VD THK BLOOI", Known all over the country as the CRUSBftATBD XTIDIA.Xr ÜBHB DOCTOK 1 W 282 iSujerior .straet, Cleveland. Oliio. Will vipsit the following places, vix JOINTMETaïOB1882, 1868 and 1864 Prof R. J. T'Vns can be conaulted at the following places every móet v'z: Detroit, KusselHuuRe, -chmoith, ïsthanrl 19h. Ann Arbor. Muuitar House, eaoï month,J0ih. .lack.sdn, ll.Lbani Uouse, tacli raontii, .. Adrián, BracLet llouae, each iucnth i'M andj?'1Tiledo, ühio, Cullins House, euch muntli, 21th, 25th, aniiaath. Hilledale, Mich. , gillsdale Soues, each month, 27th ('oldwater, Mich., tíoutliern Micliigan HouAöj each month, 28th. Klkhart, Elkhart House, each month , 29th. South Hend, lnl., .st. ,To. Hotel, each month, 30. I.aporte, Ind., Tee Uarden House, (ütch month 31st. Wooster, Ohio, Crandell Exchange, each month, Tth and 8;h. Man.siitlJ, Oliio, AViler House, each moüth, Gth and lOth. Mt. Vernon, Kenyon House, each month, llth and lith. Xeivark, Ohio, Holton House, each montli lCth and 14lh, Painesville, Ohio, Cowles House, each month 4th a.l-.VM.AND, OHIO. RE8IPEN3K AN 1 OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. Eaal &f the public square, oppnsite tlic PostofHce. Oflict Ja ■ ' ■■'■'■'■ mnuih. lst. üd, 4th, 5lb, Okh', 15lh.- OIlico hucPra from 9 A. M. to V M. and from 2 I'. M. to 4 P. II. QnSaudfly from 9 to lu A. il., and 1 to 2 i'. M. jjMxhüs BtricUy adhered to- I ix'we such balm aa have no strife, With nature or the Iaa of Üfe, With biuu'ïmy haiida I naver st&iá' Norpoison men toeaso their puin. He is a pky sitian indeed, who Cures. The Indian i'octor, R. J. i,VUNr, cnree the fol lew i Dg compiaiats in the moat ub8tftt etages of tlieir existenoe, viz Digèasefi af theThroat, Langa, íleart, Mver, Stnmach, Dropsy in the Chest, Rheumatism, Neuralgia its. or Palliag SlekDes8aad ill other ueryoua lieraageiQftiits. Also alldiseasesof the bloed such as Scroiula, Erysipeias, Canoera, Fever Sores, Leprosy, aud all other coroplicated chronic complaints All forme of f emule dilïiculties aticnded to with the happiest results. It is hoped that no one will despair of a cure un+il they have giveu the ludían Herb Doctor's Medicines a fair and faiihful trial. -i)uriug the Doctor' traveld in Kurope, West Indie.s, South Ameiica. and the United States, he lias been ihe iQstrument in God's hiind. to restore to health and vigor thousands wlio were givenup md pvonounced incurable by ihe most eminent old (school physicians; nay, more, thousands who were on the verge of the grave, are now living mor,iinints Éo the Indis d Herb'a Doetop'a skill nd successful treatment, andaré daily excíainiing: "B'essed be th-ilay when lirst v,e taw and partoolc of the Indian Herb Doetor'8 medicine." ."■atisfactory referencesof cares will be gldly and cheerfully given w henever required. The Doctor pled ïes his word and honor,, that he will in do wise-, directly or ndirectly, induce or cause any invalid to take hi.s medicine without Ihe strongeat probability of a cure. JtÉg1 Mode of examination, which is entirelv different from the faculty. Dr. Lyn profesaos to dicern diseasos by the eye. He therefure aslcs noquestions, nor does he require patieatato explain symptoms. ('all one and all, tod have the Rymptoms and Iocation of your disease explaiued free of charge. IJgThe poorshall beliberally considered. ijÊSPostoiIlce addreas, box 2063. R. J. LYOXP, M P. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25. 1S62. ly=80 Trnses ! ptTPTÜRfi CAN BR CURED BY A TRUSS of Ihe I right kind, if properly fiited and dulv attended to. This has b.jen abundantly demonntriited in innúmera blf instnnces by the uwe of the Alultipectnl Trusa of Dr. Rlgs, durtng the last few years. This Truss boing oOveied with Hard Blubber, is perfedly waterproof, may be used in bathing, und is tuwaya cloanly as wcll afl ndefftruotible by ordlnacy usage, if not satisfactory af ter a fair trial of sixty days, it may be r - turnea It challungts comparison with any truss known. Dr. KIÜGS' uffice, No. 2 BAROLAY Ötreet, NewYork. e85tf 1862. 1862. NEW FALL GOOOS! Now opening, a spiendfd stock of New Goods 'for the l'all Trade at C. H. MILLE N'S Ann Arbor September 15, 1803 STOtf AU Losses promplt a fijnst cd MERCHANTS'ISSURACE CO,, OF HARTFORD, C0NIÍ. Cash Capita], $200,000. Total Assets, Jan. lsi , 18C2, $2.17,,S.C7 OS Llabilities, i ;'s;;, i o. MARK HOWAUP, Ptetídeut E. Tnos. Lobdell, Secy. The undersigned hai heen appcfaied A-ont for the aooyg reliable Cianpany, :itv! will efiect Insufauce agaiasi losses by at reaaonableraie. .!. W. KVTGHT. Ann Arbir, Juno 2, lf 2. s;,.e 1 1 -A-t ten tion Jornpa ny ! rrmim of Honre i l.cmmis, tra now losiug unt k llirir buiiaesB in t is city. mi.l n!l thuBe indi h?i"l tu ti1 liriii, li u:o or bouk Hccounl, m-e it. i.,cr . 1'nlly iiivii"! ti c.i 11 uncí settls t (lui immVli telv ■''"' cnat. ■-" Arit-r tbe lOth, lnt... ilif bonita Jirul acc'Hiiils of sutil !:rm will he lult vi tli Mi ]! folc, oue door nortij o) Mesara. Kohoff de Millor', nv, (-'riuMiii üluck, who s dulj uthoriïcd to ri'jtllo tbe Mime. JfdöRE L UïOMÏS. Aan irbor. Jan. Ttb, 1863: ■ g+i


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