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RlSDON&HEJVDERSOiX !O XJ 0 13L TES JE3 CRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Mnnufíicturcdat Spring&eld, Ohio. rpBS VEHY LATEST IMPROVEMENT and betterttian X all others; a-lapi'l to soninj Wüoat, I'e, Oats, Bario;' andüraya Soed. lst. lt Tías a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds (f Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Nevcr íunches tht Grain ith. liever breaks ilie Grain. 5th, Sows Grass Seed broadcast.beItindtlie Drill. GtJt. lías 7iigh ivheels and long Hoes. Ilh. Has long and wide steel pointsSt7i. lt has a land measure or Sur' veyor. 9tÁ. It has doublé and single rank drills. lOth. lt has a self adjusting s7iuí off slide. It ís neatly and substantialij macTe, There s lmrdlya Drül ofuirodiu the marküt but enu boaat of muie or leas " FIRST PREMIUMS." Thej aro ftbnut as íüdiscriminately bflVtoved ti? the titlo of " Profesor," whicfa a Rometlmes applied to the "jiddler" or t boothlack," They ceasc tü convey tbe iilea of merit. The BuckeyeDrill han been on Exhibïtum at quite a number of State and Cóunty Fairs, and ivithout seeking favor at the bandH of any Committed, haa received ita full abare of Premiums; TESTIMOXIALS : We givp the followmg namen of n few Farmers in ih}n v i ei alt j wao bave bouglil and osed the OuckeyeDrilI : Godfre.v Miller, Sc)o. Jacob í'olhoiauí Jacob Tremptír, t ThotóaftWuite, NorthfleW. John Brok&w, " Chrislian Kapp, EdwiirU Boy den, Webster. James Tre&dml!, Ami Arbor, Daniel OrUara( " John (. Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, tl L. Li.l mon -'s, Saline. George Cropsej-, Groen Oak, Lir.Co, We rca'so Agenta for ihe Ohio B,eaper & Mcwer, acknowledged tr be the very best in use. We are just in z'eceijt of 100 Grain Oradles Wlïïli we will sell Cheap. Also alargeassortment o G-rass Ana the largest and best selected atock of BENT STUFF FOR CARRIAGF.Sever before ofiered in thi3 market. Ve aiso keep a large and full NATLS, GLASS, PÜTTY-, PAINT, aod LINSEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWAEE, ANB KAVE TROrcnSaln'f.ys on hand and put up at tlio siiortcst uuticc, PI3DON k PE.NDERPON Are Ar'bor, June 23tli 18fi2or'Qtf O. BIiISS Wonld take this method of informing Ti is oíd fríenda and patrona and all others wli ma y favor him with their patronage, tbíit he has greatly fularged bis tock and Assortment ! and baving adopted tho CASn SYSTEM BOTH INBÜYING &SELLING ia preparadlo setl C.noiis at "jerj qjdqqjh tlo Fricea, Hia Btook consista in part 01 ihe t'oUowlng: _-j AMERICAX AND OTHER ULOCKS! Fine Jewelry 8etts GOLD CriAINS, TABLE AND POCKET OUTLfiliy ! Pazors, lHJar. Pcissors and Rruslies, liOUI'S l'LATED WARE, the best fn markot, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, I'AI'ER and ÉNVELOPÉS, LLusical Instriiments, Stringx Sf Bools fur nstrvments, S3PECT iCüBS, of Goldt Silver, Stccí, and llaUAt toith PERISCOPIO GLASS, a supe) tor articto Persoos baving diDicuIt ivalcisof to flt witli glasses crin 1b aocomodated, as my stuok is large and coraplcie. P. S. I'íirliculiir aUeuWnu to tilo ofnl! kimla of finu Watuhes, sitch as Making and Sutting new Jewels, i inirmt, Siafft, and Cylindtrs. .-Uno CLOCES, &c TEWELR-Y1 nv.itly FepMred and wai-unua, at bia oíd stand at siai; oí Main &treet. C. BLISS. Aun ibor, Xov. L5, ■ l ■':} 836ti rrjFAIRBAKICS' J ni Standard S CALES! FníriüKuilis, Gienrieaf & co .. ni LnkSiti t, i : r. ■■.. Solí u rytMfit hr farr m & siruiiY. STBr Pai-iftj! to oolv the jin ig5 t PAIN CUREDÍ RftWAYS READY RELIEF Is mn-t itn]iortanl medicinal curativo- ƒ■ íhe i bifTarer- oi'ull vartotios ofi.'AlNS, and ixniïiü! IKS, m;d tho prompt euro ot" tho. Hick v.'h'TO PAIN', intornal or externu!, is a co iDt Of Lho disoaso, Llmt liO3 ever been di.scuvurwd. IN A FEW MINUTES After the application of tho P.KADY 1UUKF extorii il y,or iuaütnitiUtration lotjrnaily, tbe p;it;o..i- eoísw l wilh (he Alón oxeriiciating I.vl'", ACWBi ( KaMi-, líHB0JIA'ri.-iM,NECRALGlA.COüT,I.U.BA(ií, IT.VKIi AND AGUE, ;-!'.'.sI-, PORE iHRtMT, ÍN'KUJEKZA, Oll'rHKRIA.CONOHíTlON o.' Ufl'LASMtiTlON, MU onJoy e:is una comfort. RAD WATS RE AD Y BELIEP fS safor to ad mini I stop pain qni&er, tbin al! prepnruti'Ois of o.unru, Morphi,.o, Wruir.n', Hyoscia'.nus, Aruica, Tnrunan, fhlurofinri ta#%9 or Ether under whatevor immj distinguís bed ; eiiiier Linimento j Pain Kuiers r Sop kin-} btti ■;-.., v!iii;li inerely misptiuh the feeltnflvt p;u:i by Ucoun&fng tlio [terceptivü f.ioulties and kiiliag Hm net-ve. 'i '; h .rèttu. ttdmiuters'Choroífinim,Uiii!iin,L:e .toreader in j n íliía tïioiiervftS of porcepti ■m- EUmYAYS KKAMY ÜKI. !!■.!" ■tops tht! öiostüXcruciating paiu,a:Ht Bocure tho i.t.ont' thu full paisesalnn orhh.-en-es. TüMh thp-nn'y roma !y i i general uso that will stap pain, so q:iick, Uut ld frew fi-'m Opium, Morph 10, or boi&q oihur kiuUruU dru, burtful t tbegonénti Iwilibi 23U OT23IÍ &ïtf SflftSCB. Ouard againfit sieknes.1;. On thö flrt hidicutlnn ei pait or uutusincss, if in tho HTOllAi Jï or BoWKLS, Uike a tcaspoonlut of the REAIY IÏEL1EF in a wiiie gla-is of water. If in tho LfMB3, JOIMTS, ïfl?.!., TUUOAT, CUÍfiíT, BA' 'IC, or uth-r jwU of the toet?. apply tlw; lï-LlEP ttXTKBSAIXT - Í'l a f ei 't Vlinutr.S all pain and dUcamfort vl! c tase. Tiiis siropio appllcatim m ir break tip a foruilabl' UUaft. It is much c;uier u prevunt dbeae tlrut t cure it. VVEALTH FOFl THE POOR. M'CAU'ii i; tho workiog mau'd ca;)it:([ Tiio poor mim eau i:l aflord to l;ar the b'iriiciiJ it'i -KDOssdrpéydoettr'sUilla. ONKfffSOTT "1VB CK.NT BOiTI.KOFilAhWAV'SKEAllY UKUEF . v. i'!.-,: uiekfcu1e liim'qulck,ancl cii:i!)l;hiinto resumo hi.-i labora hüUolU louqf time - and, if used wlien pain Is first experitrwcd, willstop it itnnie:!iMtly. Keep this KomiJy alw;i y [n lho, ünd use it whün you ieül pain ; you' wi 1 üut 1u-ü o.iö üiy iii u ear by riickuood. IMPORTANT TO FARMEUS And othon!,rasld]ngta sparsc'y?cttlcil dmrlctfwbor9 t U difikuiii to securo tlie eervioed oí' a phyici;m, RADWAY'á KF, VDY KEUEF i iuvaluable. It c;m bj ue-i with positiv; HSSuntúcS 6f dtÁug g kkI in all ca-itu whero pa 'nor ííwc'i f"t is u.tpericni;t'il. ir if xeued 4ii.' I.VFL LnZA, lIl'mKRlA, SOBE TiliiOAT, BA!) OOUOHS, HOAR-jBN'E8, BILIOUa CHOUC, ISFEAMtA' Tiax of IHS i;owu,s, sroMACH, lcngs, i.ivkk KIIIN'EVS, or with SMAI.L, TüX, SCAKI.ET FKTEK, 11EASLE3, TYPHOIB FEVKR, BlUOÜá FgVER. Fi'.V,,K AND AGÜE, or with NEURALGIA, HEAD A'HE, TIÜ DOLORF.rX, TOOTlIAfHE, EARACHB, or with LIT.MBAG!), PAIS IK THE BACK nr RHKU5IATKM, or with DIARKH(E-, CHOLKRA M0RBÜ3 or J)Y-ETIÏRY. or with BüüNS, PCALIS or BRUlSfS, or witb STRAISN.. CRAMÍS r SPA3M8 The applicalion of RADWAY" REATiY HEI .1 ; F 'I cure yau of the worst of t'ooo Coi pliiiuu ia a t'ow hours. KaKlIMATlBM; .wmm'íLS pal.:fül i:is?a.--o luis baffied tho most skilful t ll; phys'ci ui-1 an 1 popalar mn&dies. It i-; t-tie mo t GilVo tlifflcult cf diü-e-i to tre -.-vet IUDWaY eA RKAOÏ REIJEF h-is uevcr failfliï ín aif ird Dg imuiduiut ■ roLcfio thosiiIH-rer ; and i.i all cacs of Acnto, inü ttomatory ü:1 Ncrvou.s, lo effct a pjfm-iuotcure. (I.i Chronic Rb maü-in and (ïotit. R VÓVVAV'd CLINSINU SYllüP, cdleit Rs% m twíií, phould ba takeu !ü au at'juact with the UKAL) ACUTE CHROÍCC RHETJMATISM. Tho fotowing i.s writton hy th ' well kinuvii vrrespna déntof theNew Yu.k HeraM. ïMiiUm Times (Kll&Iand), New ürx'uns Ptoayuue, Delu, CuarïeKtoQ iÍL'rcury(&c. :' Wil. BIDSET 1ÍYERS, EÍQ , IIAVAN'A, CCRa! . IJatax.i, Cuba, Jn. 2, 1S58. litttrt Rad ra á Ca. : Gkniliímiín - I havo bcoii apníT-rcr from Acuto Clirotiic Rheumatism i-r the lusi twenty yöars o'" ray ]ifu ; niy suifont'gs iluri:t;i thatperitï !, ueliber toug:ie nor pen cu oSTM6SSj ï Uftve ; poitt a Uit fortuna ou J).-c drs" bil t. wi li tttUorivingaEysub.-tanlliü beueflt. üoceotly I bad ono 'if mf frequent periodioal ut ntín. I was ve y UI for a vieek, and h iii not Blept au l.our at any wio tim ■. A Spanish l'riesd, to whora 1 relatad iht s ffijrlngn, ViM meho had a reme-'y whtcli would give mo relief, ani; bo kin llv praeentfid me wiih a b t;o f " BADWAY'rf, Ri-'Ai'Y Kl LIKP." Altbou.a'h ekeptical or dcrlring nny atlvant.uc from IU use, i tóai .g ■! pplied it f.ouly on goiDg to beil, and, to iny great nt, Wt i olievt-d and slopt suundly. Tho uext nigbt I apaiu apiiüed the liKiUY Ri.iiw .a'i'i nwpko in iba morning Ireo from pain. Inving ouly Uied about half the bottle. Heartily d I retoña yn r.iy hunabie acknowIodRments for yotlr lavaluable medtcii, whicb miy weü bj alled "oblosBlng to man." Thanking yon, fi-om my soul,fbr yrmr wun lerfui rtiinedy, 1 have uo lwuor to sutoerttoe .:. Yours. respRCtC ly, W. SIÜ-SEY MYI-TIS, NEUR ALGIA. (1ÍXQ,ÜISITE PAÍS,) TIC POLOREUX, TOÜTH-ACHE. FACEAOHE, SHARP SUDDEN TAINS. PereoiM pníTcririfí with Neuralgia expertence ttíe nrrhbftixcruclating pata. The parosysms are Bharp, midden , plungiiig, siuübiug, iiiductíií iu-tautly - lUce an 'clectni; eíiock. MATTWAY'S RKADY HKLTHF is the only romerty liithertokuovn,tbat wilhtffo diminediatore-litíf-' to those who suffer with this türturinuf . l'mi ■. nlalnt (Ï0 oases of chronic Neuralgia, thé clc.;i isiug Syrup, uiled RENOTAX1NG RpapLVJïNT; will expedito tho care.) In recent atticlcs, the RKAÜY RELIEF, apptied cxternally to tho parts whoru the v in OHJees, ivhd a teaspoonful óf KKLERF to a wine g.03 of water, wbeu the paroxysms appear, will elfecta euro. MO vV TO CïïRE A BAÏ GOIiB QCCWLEN BKD-TIilE AND SÜNKISK, Tfeolxed withSORKTHROAT,Hoarsones.-. fïwl Couph, iIiükMilt Breuihlnjc. Hewl-oh.e, W.'tery lacfiargoa t'ruia the Kose and lvi;-, Pain h ïlic Bacl? and' Joiuts, &c, liatlic tho 'llinnt, CtieBt. Hood and Juiuti with tho iiEADY HEI.IKF, and m.íco a HOT READY RELIEF SLING, By addiag to half a tumblei' . l hot water, sweeteneA with sugar, a deaert-spooifül of RADWaY'S RKADT UKI.IEK, and drink thia 011 gpiug U) bod.' In a fiüw müiutca yoii will prspire fraety, sleop yuuudiy, auii wake iu Lho murüiiii cureJ ofyuur ookl. (Froni Üie Christian Ádvocá'e.) (1 Wo beg f ) present to fte rci-lcrs of tïio Adv-vaU the foHowmg letter iddrcs-e4 t Jic. Baday. 1-t ttio-o afflicted wiUi v;:.K LÜNG AND THREÁTKÍíEO WITH CONSUMPÏIOX, peftd Thewrltar, Mr. .iaMi- saok, w woil kuowu u SiicüiüANa-i a popular hotol-lceeper." lÍRHPins, MaCnmb Go., Mich., Sept. 4, 1SC2. Pr. Radway - Dear-SLn About ftur yeara úmc 1 wu rory much iiffecteq witii WSEASBU LiUKCM. My frleniN lliuuiihti.a'ï Goifsumption. 1 vu enUr(4y uulit fu ijiHiin.', rui ;cl bl'i .d, iuiil had eve y symlt 'i of tho abovo fatal diseae. Otienlght.on gtng eobud.IÉfioiiRht 1 wnild lake a eweut, and jour Rkapy Beuiv (in hot water) B :'- .-üinulant tík sv-it me. It ili l m. Tüe terpfra Ittn wa-; of n sh nj .'.! 4 hicl', and offsnsiva -iu -11. 1 lollowcd : lng;t,l )'!■", v!v Ri:lt f oveiy oüiop nighl fop foui i-L'i'ks,igi 1 a; tÜe eíí uf %Ut timu rtitirely wo'.l. Tbirf U n ifiiü sUiUuuCtit ot fact-f, wliicïi I v. ,11 le-itiTy to mUw Utith. Viu.s, yic , ■ÏAAl &aGC. fturela Iï'tol, PEVER AND AGUE. A Ubte-siwuiui ut' RADWAY '8 KfcAlY KKLlF, in a tuiniíler of water, t iken pvery iiiurntng boibro, will prevout att ick ; of Kcvor a:ni .', if t'Xnsrit to jt,i mal iria. If öiz id wuli thio c nopluuit, lako iho ftiune (lotto, .■'■ M uit, Ni-k, KBin In and RpiiK! ono hoiir Uc(Ura tllQ ;.ro rx - ctliU ; ihió will break uu aud Cui c lho wor t l'oruw ui Ag :e. eft"%cxT, KAIHVAY dvos you, fir 25 conU,a mo Hclno "uï' ''' "' '" 1)1(V'1 '' '' ' L'lftüatiV lu n few limirs, aml ƒ■(,; cjre yotv f IJ dbiea-itw th.u, undur tlmoi'úiuary é' trorti ni'iit oí' íyft!ciiiH, wuuid lay mi tip Tor il.ty ,■..■■ -I; ■ ;i;i 'l' 'ii tlw. : eo ih t evry iuititn is complete, when yu piiichae, and purutnse uo KKAl'Y CIXÜF iiülc-iü f'ic sitnite h ;:iali)rc of KAHU'AY & ('O. is on the'ïi i ■ lTauiliij naiuouf IíaiíWaY & C(). bltiwn on utn KUwu uf eif'u ■ U'I-íMU.I IiY lRt'G(HTH N i IMRF-KKEPERS IN1 FVKIÏY VLIJ A(EAXl)'liWNi.N TOtí V:M lüÜ rTA Lt 'DCANAUAa. KADWAY oí CO., 87 KulUou Iaqs, n. Y. For Sale bv STEBBIN8 & WILSON Ayer's Caihartic Pilla.


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Michigan Argus