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I PRINT IÑG ""'" OP ALL KINDS Meatly Executed AT THE AUGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPaRED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PBINÏING AT THE MOST EEASONABLE RATES. We hare recently purolmsed BuaaLEs ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have ad1ed tlie lntst styies of Card Type, Trhich enables us to print INVITATION CAEDS, WEDDIN& CAEDS, V1S1TING CAEDS, BUSINESS CAEDS, &c. in the neateat styles, and as cheap as any other house in the State. We aro also prepared to print POSTEES, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, LJLL I1EADS, 'CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS &e, BOOK BINDERY ie in charge of Ï1RST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OK ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufacturod in best style at New York Prices, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound. All Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, Propr. Office and Bindery, cor. Main A Hurón Sts. j. -w. icasrio-ieca?, Agent for the Phoenix Insurance Company OF HARTFORD CT., AND THE CONWAY INS, COMPANY, OF BOSTON MA?S. LoftWt Honorably adjusted and promptly pnid at ths Agcncy, Office Córner Mnin and Hurón Street, over the Store oÏIÏach & Piersojï, Ann Arbor. Ann Arbur,Sept,19, 18G2. FOR HIJ I rpWO of the most desirable buildinglots in tbe City nf L Aon Arbor, containing eacb one acre and a quarter ofvoondt They are situ.ited on State Street, near the South west corner of the Unirersity Square. For term, fcc.,inqulreU th-' AIIOL OFFICE. Kat. 14 1P62. I , _=_ AN'lí Manufacturera, a Xevv auO siuck pf L.AVV & MEDICAL líOOKS, School Books, Miseellaneous Uooks, lilank Buoks. dan STATIOSTSKT! YVüll and VTindow Paper, Drawing and Sfathematieaflna&umentsj Musíc, Juvenilo Lrorarieii, Envelopetf, Inka and Gards. GOLD XmíZ a7 oMe1 kinds of Pens and Penáis Window Cornice, Hhaile and Kixture, POCKET CUTLEBY! Andeverythincr pertaining to tlio trade, and more to wbichthey would iuvite the attention of the country. our business, we hall di all tlmt can hedone,so tbat no rcasonable mas, wumau or child sha 11 fïnd any fauít. We poBResR facilities wbich will enable us to supply ourstomers at tb e Lowest Poesíble Figures. We prnposetosellfor RJSADY I'AV, ata smalladvance. VTe ex poeta pro'flt on out goods, but Cash Sales will Adrnit of low FIGUHES. The "EmpikkBoOK Store," Ia manned by a gooi 'crew,' mi they will always be fOBnd óü the "quarter deck," readj and w!llïng to atlend to all wilb pleasdre, wko wil] fav-or them witii ;i cill. Itomember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEJJSTER & Co Ann Arbor, Hay, 1800. Ï4f Great Eeduction in the Price of SINGKR & CO.'S Standard Machines . Wtll known to be Vne Best for Mmufacturing Purposes. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly sold at $90, reduced to 70. No. 2. of same kind of Machine, for inorly sold at $100, reduced to $75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Istbebest Macbine in 'Jio rni-M for Family Swing and Light Manufacturing puráiMes (loitk Jicmner,) and beautifully ornament The Nos, 1 and 2 Maebines are of ffreat capaerty and appiication for manufacturing purposey. Uur No. 3 Machines are eapeefefij adapted to all kfoda of light and heavy Leather Vori;, in Carriaff Trhoiuing, Bo't and öboe Making, Harness Making, eto., etc. They areof extra size, and nith an arm Jong cnougb to take undcr it and stitcb the largest 'oize dasbes. Tinne is scarcely any part ofa Trimmers ' Btitcbing tbat cannot bo better done witli them than by hand ; so,too,tlie saving oí time and labor is ve-y great. Thetableof these mach. nes ïs 2i iuches tong, and the .shuttle vrü hold six tinicRthe vsunl qtiftntitjof threa3. Thelarge machine works as fastas sinall ones. We would ask our Vettët A Iriahines, ihe secialattention of Vest Makers and Dress Makera, and all those who want Machines for tightmavufaeturi-ns 'purposes. They embcxly the pridciples of the stundard machines, irakiitg likelhem tbeintei'locked SÏteh, and are dentiiied to be as cclubriiteil lor Familv 3kving ;u:d light manufacturing purposes as our standard machines are for raaniílacturinir in general. We have alwayson hand, HEMMJwa GACtiEa ,SlLKTWlsT LIUSH AND GeXXOJf THREAD, ON SI'OOLS, BEST AIAC1IINK OILÏn bottles, etc, etc. We manufacture our wn Neodles, and would wan ftll persons using our machines nottubuy anyotbera. Wè know tbat there are needles sold f tftê most hfcrinr quality ut bigher prioes than we chárg? fortheéesí. The needies Kold by us are manufacturad ispeciallyfor our ma bines. A bad nccdlemay rendtr ikt be-it machine, almost úseles. Our custonier.-i may rost assttred tbat al. imr Branch OJTicesaie furnUhed witbtbe ■' genuine aótï jl " In casp of small purclmses , the mmiev may be sent in pos tíi pe stampsf or bank aofc Correspondente wil] plea se b rite t neir names distincfly. lt is all mpoctant ih.t we sbould, meooixcase, know the Host U0ice, Couuty. and State, fl A'.l persons requirjng information about Sewing Machine.-; tbei ' aize, pi ices, working oapacitles, and t he best metboda of i urchaaiBp, can obtain it by aoading to us, of any of ont B'anch Offices for a copy of, I. M. Singer & Co.V Gazetto, Which is a beautiful Pictorial Paper efltirely devoted to the subject- It will bestntgratis. 4-1 , We have made ttie abuve REDOCTIOK IN PBICE-i with the two-fold view of beneHtlug the public and ouv sele. TIn public have been swmdled bj spurious machines made in imita tiun of our. Tiie metal in ihein, 'rüm the iron casting to the smallest peice, isoi poor qudlity. Their makere bave not th rfiearie to do Iheir woi'tiveii. They areliid away in aecret ]1:t cs , whcre it wou ld bc; mpossiblc to have at Uk Ir coramand the irnpïr mechanica! appUanoes. It is only by (liiir a greal uaine88,and haring extensivo raamufaetui ing establifibments, that irood roaabiaes ean be mude at moderatiríces, The besi deiíigned naacbines, BADLY MADE, are always hnble to pel out of order, and aresurelo oost Qoneidei able trouble aurt money to keen tliem in rei uure The qualitiefl to be looked for in a Macbinea-re1 : cjitainty of correct actiën ut all rales ot speed, simpiicity of construction, great darabilhy, andrapidíty o operfttion, with the least labor. Machines to combine Uiesc essential qualities, ;oust be made of tF.e best nie:al and lambt-d to per ft et ion. We have theway and means,on n. grand icftle, to do r.;iN. Thé purchaser.sol mnoMm, whoaedaily bread itmay concern, will Qod tbat those havinirthe abovequalittes not only work vell at rápidas wcll as slow rate ei speed .but tastlonger inthc flnestpossjble workingorder. Our machines, a.s made by us, will earn more money with Lesa labor than any others whetber in imitation oí ours or not. In fact, they are cbeaner tlum any otbei machines as a gift. 1. M. SÍNGER & CO., 458 IJroadway New Vork. Detroit Ofíice, 58 Woodward AvPinie, (Merrill Block.) Slltf M. II. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. NEW FALL GOODS ! BAGH PIERSOñl Have just opened a Stock of WOOL, COTTON& SIL 1C for Ladies' and Gentlemens Wear, also a stock of Best Family Groceries, which will bu nckl CHEAP FOR CASH. Gold, received at 16 por cent. prem. Sitver, ' "14 " " Canada, " " 14 " " " Oíd demand Treasury notes, at 10 per cent. prem. BACH & PIERSON. Ann Arhor, Sept. 22, U 63. IhORACE WATERS, AGENT 3 3 3 Iï r o a I w a y , Nu v York LUbllher olIUu-l 13ocIi.9 .ANP JiKAI.EK IV Piftnos, JPÍelodeoris, Alexandre Ofgans I ürgan Accordeons, Martii)s cdebnited etridother Guitars, Violius, Tunor Viol, Violin.oellos, Accordeons, Fhuinus, Finios, Files, Triang]orj, CJlarisjietts, Timing Foiks, Pipes and Hammen, Violin Lïows, bestllaliun Strings, Bass Instruments for Bahás, Piano Bttiols, and covers, ml all kinds of Musical Instruments. JE 3. o o t M xtl S x o . tom all 1 1 1 publisUers Ui the l'. s., Bertmi's Himiin's, -uni Modtrn irdnml, and ftïl of Liisini. ■! üii Boöka 'dr the abuve riwtrunientBj ( bureb Mu-ic Books; Music elegantly buund; fclusic paper, and all kinds of .Music ' McïótiuyUse, A t t he L o west P r i c s. New I' i a n o s , At $17f, Í200, L2'5, V-5U, umi u to $800. Secoml Hand Pianoe ffotn $25 up to SltiO; New Helodeons, $45 $60, $76, $100, and ap to 200; Reeond Hand ilelpdeona from ÜOto 80; Uexandre Organs, with fivestnpa, SWOi nfnestopa, $185 and í 22B ; thlrteen atops; S250, $275 and $300; ttfteen stupH,$ü20 and $375; A libera] disco uní to QÍrgyineD, ( Uurcliea, Sabbfitb School, Sajoinariea ;md Tfeaohera: Tl.e Trade suppliod at the usual trade disco ijri+8 'EVsiïiuonïals of tle llorare AVntcr Planos and melaaeone John ITwott, of Cítrthage, ew iTork, who lias had one of the Horacc Wátera Píanos, Trtitésaa followe: - "A friend of mine wtahes aas to purehase ;t piano 'nr lier. She líkés the one yöü oíd me in Deaimber, 1856. ,',! jiaöo ia beeoming popular in tbis phice, and ) tbñik I can introduce one or twe c&ore; tliey will hv mure popular tlian any olher umke." 'lWe have Cwo of Waters' Pianos in uSé in ourPeminary, ono of wliich bas been severoly tested for three yeUrö. and wc can testify to their ffood qnnJity and durabilil.v."- Woud k, Gregorjr, Motini Carroil, III. "11, Watera, Eaq, - Di:.u; fint: Having u-ni oneof ynur Piano Fortes for twoyears past. I have fonud il a very superior Instrument, Alontzo Gkay, Prhicipal Brookfyn Reights Seminary. "The Piano I received from you continúes to givc gatïsfaction. 1 regard t as ono of tlie beat inatVumenta ín the place." JamkisJj, Ci.ari;i:, Charleston, Va. 1 "The Melodcon haa safely arrived. I feol oblfprèilto you foiy onr liberal discount." Rev. J. hl. SltCoKMick, YarqueBvilleS, C"Tlie jiiano was duly received. Itcame in excellent condition, and is very mnch admirr.l by my numeroui l'amily. Accept mv thatika for your promptuesB, " - ROBSHT CöDHEBt, IVdrrenham, Bradjoed Co. Pa. "Your pi'no picases UB w-flll. It ís 11ui best one in our county."- TiiOMaR A. I.atham, CamfheHtov, fía. "We are very much obrfgeH to you for haring sent sach a fine instrument for Í250." - Brank,Hblb fc Co#, Bitffalo Demccrat. 'LT]ii' HoriHMi Waters Pianos a re known as1 amontr the very best V are enabled to speak of these instrnments wlth confiiience. trom penonft] knovtedffe of tlieir exceHeni tone nu ilumbla i]uali(y." - N. Y. Evan#efift.. "We can speak of the merits of the Bomce Watera pfanofjfrom personal knowledge-, n boing tlie very Ünesi quality."- Christian Intelligenter. "The HorS.ce Waters pianos ure ouilt of the best and most thoroügfely seasoned material. We h8Te no doubt that buyers oan do aa well,perhap8 better, at thisthan ;ii any otherhouse in the Union."- Advocate and Journal. Waters' planos aad melodeons challenge eomparison with thfi nnest made anywhere in t!ic country." - Home Journal "Ilorace Waters' Piano Fortes are of l'ull, rich and even tone, and powerful - N. Y. Musical Rew'ew. '■Our friandö will find at Mr. Waters' atore the very best aesortment of Music and of Piano? to be found in the United States, and we urge onr smiCoern and western frionds to ffive liim a cal! whenever they go iu New York." - Grahtun's Magazine. Wareliotise 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sab ba t h Se fa ooi Bell. 100,000 Isared Iu ten Munths. Tlie unprecedented sale of tliisbook has induced tlie pnblishei I ... 80 ncw tunes and hymnatoits present siie, withonrj?iira cbace, except on the eheap edltion- Anionf: flíemany beautifu] tunea and bymns added may be found: - "I ought to love my muiln-r;"' 'oi'll be a good child, indeed 1 wiïl." These and eight otbers trom the Bell, wcre rtung kt tb Sunday School AnniverBpy of the M. K. Church at the Academv of Music, wiih great appUuise The Bell coLtnins neariy 200 tunes and hvmn,anü is one of tlie best collections aver issuad Price 16c; 830 per hundred, nostage 4c Elegantly bound, embossed t;ilt, Üfic, $-0 nev 100 It haa been introdueed into many (f the Publieke' als. The e is pablished ín Rmall numliers entitled Anniversaryand Sand:. School Musia Boots, Ko8; 1,2, 3, .t 4, in order to accomiriodate the inillion; prioj 2 & $3 per hundred No. 5 will soonbe istuied - commencement oí a;other book. Atsp, Bevival Míieíc Books j No, 1 fc . pric $1 & $2 por 1U0. postage lc. More th&J 300,000 copies of the above books have been fssued the past efghteen months, and the úemand is nipidly iuurea.sing Published bv IIORACK WATEBS, Agent, S33 Bruadway, N. r. Fublised by Horace Waters lío. 3 3ÍÍ Htoadway, New Vork. Vocal "Kind Wördfl can nevev dip;" "Tl e Angela bold me bo;" "Wiids of the West;" lcThoughtfl pr God;' Gïvs rae back my Mountain Borne;'9 "Öay Oranm?1 ■' Dandv C'ock Kobin;" 'Tin with thee s( ;;ï : ;l'rt names;" "There's no dftrilnglïkemme;' "Saiab .1 me;1' "Kver ff tíiee:'' "l'm tea ving thee in Sórrow' "Bird of Beauty;" "Home of our birth;" "Give t f Rosabel," and 'W;ikc, lady, wake,.' price 26c 'ich. ' ivsTKriiKXTAi..- ' 'l'alace 'Jardeu, or Pfnging Bird POlka,' 4(c; ''Swinging Schottische;" "Mirabel Pohottisch;" 'Ttaoroaa lïnkei-'s Bofeottiftche;" "Piccolomini l'olka, 35 cei'ts each. Tlie abovepiaceiilïave.beaBtifnJ Vignettee "Weimer Polka;" '-Arabiau Wai ery Maroli," the vèy last; "Vassoviapn;i I'onieüs Mazurka; "Rea 1: n? PoBta;" ''Crinoline Waliz." nu "Lancers' Qua drille,"'25c eftcb.. "The Kmpire of Relch'fi Quadrille;" :i new dance, and "The Hlbernian Quadiil'io," 35ceaoh. Many of these jiieces are pUyed by Maker 's uelebm fed Oï r.i with jrreat applru-íe.XifS" Mailed f ree. A [urge lot of Fereign Music at half price. Pianos Mcloiïoons and Organs The JTorace Water jpianon and Melodeons, for depth, purity of tone and durabiÜty , ure unsurjjassed. Priceivery íow corifl FTand Píanos and Welodeons from $-5 to $160. Itfusic and Musiccl Inatructionn of i 11 kinds, atthe lowegt pi ices. liORACK WATERS, Airent. Xo. 333 Broadway.X. Y. TBflTiMONiAiB; - "The lïoraeft Waters ïManofl are known s nmong tbftvery best.' - Evangélfot. u We can speftk of their meiitsfrom personal knowlectgo." - Christian fntelit#cncer. "Xotliinat the Fair displaved greatcr excel'ence -" - Chv.rchman. Waters1 Pianos and Meloueoaa chaUengftcomparison with the flnest made anywhere in the country." - Home Imirn&l. 719tf SCHOFF & MIL LEU KESTILLONIIAND nt tljeir oíd Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Elock, with themost complete assortir.ent of Books and Síationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SIIADES, KOLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNTCES, CÜRTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this M"arket ! and tl.ey would Huggest totbosein pursuit tfanythingin SANTA CLA US' LINE tliat tliey eau secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchaslng frnm this siock, as each purcliaser gets an additional present of Jewelry, &c., Kan ging in valué tro ín 50 cts. to $50. j írgf Theytruiít tliat theirlong exjiene-ice inselecting gooda for tiiis market an1 stHct atl eution to the wants (t( CiutnmerH, niay entitle tbera to a liberal sha rv o, Patrona b, Ann Arbor, Ücc. 5. 18C0 V77tf Demand Treasury Notes For which we pajr M. fiUITERMAN át Co., Ann Arl Octo'j' r 3, 1862, GREAT.GREATEït GREATEST BAIíGJls8 EFER OFFEREÜ 1859. .-.1859 In tliis City, ari1! now being oflerc.l ftt tlifi OHEAP,CLOCK,WATCII, & 3" o -pp j 1 3c;gr StoreMiK Bnbiortber wouldssy to thccitizrnf ol Aun Ar pnrticulnr, HnH tlie reft o( Wnshírnaw Cnuntv in eenprnl, thst tiehaajuat ÍMPOKI'KI) DIIÍKCTI.V froni líniiOPK.s Treuiendous Stock nf Watclics! Ah o I whiihhc bindshimsrlf'fr spll 'HIKITI! thnn can bf Itüuyht wrs' of New Yoik City. Open p'arc fyiiticr VVíití'tieB l rom Sti to $]0 dn do l.over d ) rio H to 21 [luutin ('hS,. ,Jn do Ho L4 to 35 rio do Oylinder do do í) to 26 6kM WatebenfrO'n 20 lo 150 1 Lave alu tne CEtEBÍtATEP AME1VCAN VV ATCIIES, whicli I wlll aeti Ur StfS. Kvflry Vvatcb warrant'-d to perfurm well, or tlit; inuney rotunded. Clocííe, Jewelry. l'i-'ited Wnr, Fnncy Gnotls Gold Pen, Musif!Hl instrumenta an'i .Strinps. Cutlery, &c, and in fnet n varicty of evpry liinu iiaiiaJIy krpt jy Jw elftrs can be bnuphtfor he next uinity dflys nt viur O W N PRIOES! PcrHOiie buying flT.ythintr at this woll known estab Itahiñe titean rHy upon ct'tting soiï'Ï" oxact'y as rey.reseiit d, orthcmnrpy rclunded. OaHearly and secure tbí best bnrpains ever uRi-rod in ihi' '"ity One word ín renard ro Ropairingr : We nrf prrpHrfd to malte any renairs onfinp or romtnon WnHfliea, 'V(n tn m -kinur, er thp f.ntirp watcb íí' nficefleary. RopKirina1 of Uocks nnd Jwp!ry a usual. Alao-the naajiyfflcturlne ol liINíiP, UROOril, nr Ruythintr des rnl, ('rom California Gold onehortno tice. Enexavire Ín Hits branebesexeented withneai. neae and diapnteb. J C WTTS. Anu Arbc, Jfln. SPtblPflP. 7í4w Important National Works, Pubtixhert hy I). AITLETON & CO., 346 AND 348 BROADWA.Y NEW YORK The IfclIowMg vorka :ire sentto Subscribers in any part o)' tb : country, (upoa rtceipt oí retail price,) by mail or expres, urepaid: THE lVfcWAMFUIAV CVCT,OPEmA; A I'!ction:iry oí' Jener.l KnOvJfidge. hlitt-"t Ijy Gso. üii'i.Hy and Charlas . l.w., aided ív i numeróos select wwps of writera in all Branches of Sciences, Art and Literal ure. This work i-; berng publishert in a bout 15 targe neta ve vulmnes.cach oontaining J&Ol WQ-coJumd pages Vola. L, U., III., IV. V., Vi .. VI!.. VIII., & IX. are now ready, each containlng near 2.5OOcrrigina] ;irti cíes. ;i ail'litionftl volume wïll be publislied once [n about three month. Prict),iu Clütii, $8; Sheep, $3.50; ilalf Ru.ssia, $4.50 each. Thft Xew American Cyclopaedk ís popular without beinp Buperfieial, learnd without beiug pedantic, comjire hensir bat eufficiently rletailed, freefrom personal pique and partj prejudiee, fresh and yet accurate. It isa coniiilfie Kthtfinent of all that s known upon everyímportiint tojiic within the scope of liuinan inlelligence. - Every important articíe in it has het-n speciallv wntten for i's páéfi by nrén wlm are autliorities npdtt the topic on wliich they etpeak. ïlipy are re quïretHo bring Ilie siin.iect up to the present rnomeut; to ■■state j'ist how it ntanda nnw. AU tjie staiisticfii iitnrmation U froin the latent remrts; the giOgraphical accounts keep pace with the latest exploratiniis; histoncal mattera nclmle the fresïiesl just views; the bio#rajhica1 imtices ads ak not only of thedead but alaoof the living. It is a librarv of tself AKRIBGKIÏIEXT OF TIfE DEBATES OF COJVGRESS Being a Political History éf the Um'ted S, .tes, rom the organizatioo of the íirst Federal Conurisin 178' to 1856. Eitedand oompiled by Hon. Tho. Ï-Iart Bkxton, froni the OfBcial Reoorris of Congress. The vvork will bs oorapïtted Ín 15 roy;il octavo votum etoí 750 pages each, 11 ofwhioh niv ready. Aq additionai volume wiÜ bt' publi.sbfl once in tSireemonths CToth, $3; Uw Sheep, Half Mor., $4; Hall CW. $4.öO each. A WA Y OF PROCUmNG TIIECYCLOP.EDIA Olí DEBATES Form .i elub oi' tour, and remit thepriceof foiirbooks, and the copies will be sent fit the remitter's expense for cavriage; or for ten Mibscribers, eleven copien wíll b seut ut uur expense for cairiage. To ALfuU. No ither work will st übenally reward the ezertioni of gents. A.v A(;kvt waxth i.v tihs Codstt 'farms mailfKnown on application to Ihe l'ublisliers. Aun Arbor, Marcli . 1859. l902a,nt =$& Bev Thos. Wkiuht, agent at Kinne & Sraiths Book Store, Ypsilanti. 1362. NEW 1802 WINTER GOODS! MACK & SCHMID are now reeeivirg a , Large & Attractive Stock of 'tap!e aiv' Fancy Dry Goods, LADIE8' DKESS GOUDS, , FüllS, i CLOAKS, SHAWLS, Sus. i i n great variuty of the most desirable tyles and qutiiities. ! A good aasortraeüt of u RIBBONS. ' TUI M. MI NOS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &o Also a choleo stock of goods for m IVÏens7 Wear, Ladies' and Chililren's Shoes. :ei.a.ts .a-ïstid c-A.x"s, 27"iosli Grooerles. 6 'ROCKER Y, ác, &!., which wil] all lio suld at t lie Lowest Casli Piices. MACK & SCÍIMID. Ann Arboi-, Nov. 7, 18G2. 878tf Rifle F actor y! Beuíler & Traver, [uccessors to A. J Suthecland,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition i FlasJis, Pouihet Game Bags, and Evorjother nrtiile ï ti that Line. áU kinds of RKPAIRIKTG done at Che slnnlt-st noticf, :m-l m Die bost manner a fuil assortrdési alwayskept onhantl and mude order. 1 $$;, Shopon Hurón street. Ann Arbor, Uct. 8, IS62. 873tf Oyii Pictnrc Frames ALLSrZíES, 3TYLK6 and PRICSS just reccived and : fornalo che&p&t i CHOFF & MÍLLER'S. " lS60.I)pf.25, 78O(f THE OLD OOÈNER !R E IN" E W E D ! ' with IN":E"W STOCK, NEW GOODS, &C. FAllMERS' IEW (111 STORE (At the old stand of Thompson & Willen.) 1 ain now opening a oarefullj SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOQOS CONS1STING OF DttESS GOODS, PRINTS, BKOW N & BLEACHED 3HEETINGS, CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, &o. and everything that is kopt in a Domestio House, also a fine assortment of BOOTS fc SHOES! AND YANKEE IVOT1ONS, A full stock of ilEOCEEIES constantly on hand. FAHMËR'S PHODUCE! IBongiit and Sold. Thankfnl to old friends and customers bi past favors, I liope to raerit a share if tlieir patronage, bv dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (forraeriy with 0. H. MilKn & Co. Arm Arbor, Oot. 1, 1802. 872if "Próvida for Yo r Family.' KNICKERBOCKER UFE INSURANCE CGMFANY, Western oÍBce.Kmgaburj BÍooÜ, Eandolpli SI., Chicago. Assets Jan. lst, $276,223.44. Policies are iwraed upon the Uves of debtors, and for all buelnèss purposes, either for lifeor for a term oí year-;. on as favorable fcerms as by anv otln-r Corapanr. M:trri'd tadiea may ittsur the Uves of their huftband accnrding tp a l&w ofthe State, secuiing the amona4; ni the ïnsu ranee to themselves or their chüdren, Cree from the claims of their husbamls' creltors; aUo, married ladies can Insure their orn live.s for the benefit of their children or trastees. Polietea on Uves are issuetl for acy hum aot exeeedin Slit.O 0. Hy tlio terms of the cliartpr, this romp.inv is prohibiicd paylng raoie iliatt 7 per cint. ftmtuaDj in dividends on its capita] to AtQckboIders ; in 1 it receives that sum in [ntereat for the use of lts oapltwl, the surplus being divided amnng the Mutual Inurer ; lionc1 it will ap. pear that ii corabioes the adrantages of a Mutual with the sccui'ity of a Stock ('oinpniiy. Whrn lliH jircmiiim amounts to $40 or over n no)e nmy be (CiTftn f'1'" four tsnthfl of the amjuut lía tes i8 low as noy oihergood e)iniany. Now is the timo of rucure a oompítenoy for yom faniilv sliovil'l lienih fim1 jour homesUiul enoumberdd and busiui's? involved ERA3TUSLYMAN, President. Geo. F . Pniffkn . S ■ y ïi. r. Johnson. Vire President and Manager of Western Branoh offloo, Chicago E. 13. POND, Agent. WM. Li-M'irT.M. Ti., M-iüo;il Exsminpr CITY COOFEB SHOP. .: f 'Vhoiesalü ani iietail, O C. 8PAFFORD Would respèctfully announca to the citizen.s of Ann ArWr anÍ vicm.ty, that he is uow iranui'uctnring aufl keop.-iconstiini y on bsnd a Large Assortment of' Cooper Work ! sucli as Porie and Cldor liarriel, Kcgs, Firkins, Churns, Well Buckcts, &c, Which wili bt! Rold clieap for cash. CXJSTO3SE -WORK Made to order on short notice. Kí'pLÍring; dono with aeatnofta tiuJ dispatch, 1 would cali particular attoiition to Merchante in want of Buttcr ririiias Iammanufacturing the wioik tnte Flrkin, whicli Ha bitter Kirkin tban liasevtr tíefore been of fprcil in Uii.s marki't. I would Invite all who want Firkins to Cali and oxanine for tliemselves oefore pufchaalog; e-lsewhre, and I wil! couvince you that you have called at thè right place. I would al-to calï tli ■■ atti-utiuu of Biewera iu waut of BK ER KEGS, I am dow prepared to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls. in I-irge or Bma.1l lots, and of a Better Quality than can be had in Detroit or ettewhete. J A11 woik wfUTAQtcd to give entire satis iictioii. Thankdil lor j st fa Vors andbynstiict attontion to businCBR, I hope to meril a oontinuecl liberal supply of the public patronnge. % Do not furget to'o&Hattae Citv Cooper Phop. O. O, SPAFFORD. Detroit St. Ann Arbor, jricli . 888yl iiuctioneers Motice. BYROX (JltKKN, havinjr &ppl!e3 for il licenso, now hold himself in readlnsas to ittoml to :ill t-alls - [tvhii;hiU's('ii?ncc, licis (insitive hf r;m give good tattïfuotlnn . AflaK promptly nttcodsd to. Chnigi-n :eajonable. Apply at the Ftftñklin House. I Irbor, Oet. "I. I86Ï. 8T6tf Cominissioners Notice. STATE OF MICU1GAX, County of Washtenaw, br: The und er signet! having been appointed by the Probate Court fo said County Commi8ionera to reeeive, exttmiiu im ;j 0 j os l aU claims and demanda of aH jHT-ions a..-uust Ihe estáte &t Jsefh Keisey. late-of the Townahij) ol Vork, in aauiCounty, deceaed, hereby give aótice that bïx nxoiHbs from dato. are., by order of the said Pru&uta Court, a-lloired for civditors to present Ui eir claim against said eceased, and tbat they WÍ11 meet i Mie restdenee of the undersigned, Calfb MtKü-c. in tin; l"Wn.-bip o! York, in said Oonntv, oit Frida, the eigh-th ilay of May, and Friday, th" Sctenth fia'y, of Aiigiiet next, at one o'clock. P' M.,ol tach duy to receive examine and adjuet said claims c.wA.v. moors, ' ) LKAMpKR I.kBAKOV, yCommiBsioners. OTH.VIXL GODDING, J Dated, Fcbruarv, 9'h, 3863. S&ltd Attachtnent Notice, NOTICE Is l.Brebv givén that on the 2"4 th day of ftovfinber, A L ., eigbtecn hundred and sixty-two, a wrtt of attachmont was is;-ued ont o the Circuit (.'om-t for the Cuunlj "f Woahtenaw, in favor oí' Thnmas Moriffin, plaftitlft', agninst the gt ds, chatteis , 1&úaIy tenrments, iponoys and rilecta ui Peter fchafer and Wüiiani Schwilzor defendant, for the sum of two hun. dred nul sixty iiS dollars ir.d filiy-two cfnts vhicb f aid writ ;is rel uin.iblu n Tnosday the econd dajr of m p, A, l). eigliiees iiiünirn! aad t-ixiy-iwo, ad thai it appeara bi tbc rtinrn of the proper officer tt 6aijwrj1 that pfoperty iiasbeen attucheil thereuii, that tit'itber of uaid deíüdant cmrld W tuuinl. THOMAS MOKÜAN, Plaintiff. Ii: J. Bbakk, Attorney loi PlaiotHTUstëd', Ann Arbor, I t-ci nibei 'J4, 1&62. Morfgíige Sale. DEFAL'LT having bctn made in the condition of a eert;iifi iri'U-ntiu-e ftf IBOrlgaue. preci tfd bv JaBWI McCarihy an 1 ilargarvt McCaatby his wiíe. oí' the City of Ann Aibr. Crtuüty ol WiiMii'.-tiiiw an.i Htat of Michigan, tu Nci.-i n (.] the same place, beariny date thi flrSttfey of Mt, iathe yéar of our Lord one thonfind eighi tuiuired utid fifty-six, and recorded in the Offléettf the Register itf i teda in ana för suid Connty ti' Washti-ii;iw, un the fitth l;y ol Muy. A. D. lL5Q, i Liber Ño. 22 ol Kortpaiges on page h'2, whlrh t-aid indeotureol Mor gnge v. ,-■ - dnly asMgned b the Uid NcUon Qole lo i dward Ryon.of iJittiie]ü, insain County , by bïfl aasigtiièent undi r bis hand and seal, beanng unie the s xici ni! i!;m of J ecember, A. ). 1862, and recorded in office of said Uejristtr of Teeds on the twemy-M :h dy of i eeember, A. i. 1S62, in Líber No. oO of Mortgage8 on page J5o. by which default the po-ver oí sale ('iini;i i:i-ii in .-iid mortgHge bt.-came operativo and the amount claimed to be duo on said indentureof M'Mtgüge, at the date of tliis notice, be:rg live huiKÏred nnil liiiv tifthi dollar and thirty eili'. crntn andri'i sjit or i meeeding having beep institjited at law, T in cli Hiicery, ti recover tbc debt now remainining due and teci red by said tuortgagp oi anr part thereof : No i ice is Uu br bj e-ni-n. that on ü-aturday. the fnunh dy of AnriL, A. D. ls0;j, at teo of the clrick in tbc fcreñoon oí the rfouth door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County of Wanfatttnaw and State 'of Michigan, (saíd Court Houne bemg the place for holding the Circuit Court for Raid County) I hall 811 or c&fue to Se BOld at public auction in torccloMiif of said nmrtgage to tlie highest bidder, tbe prcmies desenberi tiiei cin, or so mucb tin1 re of as -hall be nooOBWWy tn s:itisfy tlie amount due DB Raid inde nturc of Martgjïge, with interest and all the rensónfcblc -o-.ts, dfftbufpemeüt! and expenses of all proceed relatireto the foreclare of tlie same iucluding chargèö fnr attorney' srVIcef. at' pro Tidd ln:dindwitürof OMr(gttge; that is togay.nll tho'ije eertaih trac{ or pareéis of land tutuated in theRaid city of Al n A'rbor, knovvn, bounded and deciibed as follo-ws, vïz: Beiag lots numbered 'one (l).two (2 , ihree. (3},ad fur.4, rn; numbor two (2).souih, in range numbi r ten f,10) east, in the .said city of Ann Arbr, Con.ity oi' Wasbtenftw, an'd State of 'Michigan Uaied Keeembei 31st; 1663. ËDWARO RVAV, A. Fkich, Asaljfneof ilortgage. Attorney fnr AnedgnÉfL 8S5td L am Bound for M. GU1TERHAN L CffSI Dispute the fact if you can, It taks the ÏAILOK after all to give appeaiance to the on ter man. If jou wish to nppenr well You must accol diugly Dresi Well. Go to 8i. Guiterinaa & Co's., There you will fitid things exactly SQ. SONMHEIM alvaye ready to tuke Vur mensure, GUITERMAN wil] sell you Goods witli gre:it plens u re, At figures L0WER tfaan you will find in he Stilte, 'J'uke heed - call eaki.y, else vou are loo LATE. The iNDucEMENTS are now greater tban ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging and clever. Wo wil] show yoti good CLOTHING of Olll1 OWn GETTING UP, Filling our Stoio f'rom BottohtO rop. STUDENTS especially wil] find iï to THBltt ADVANTAflK, For it talies but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 OVERCiATSof Cloth, Beaver, and Beur, Warranted for al motst evor to wear. 3OATS if Clnlli and Cussimere of our o n nii'oiii-.AT'.ON, Porwiirded ihrouyh our New York relations. Froiii Engljind, Belgium, Germuny and France, ïuch ;is yon can stand up ín. or whae, at Ihe dance. Fallís ! Faut ! ! Paiits ! ! ! Funoy O4SSIMERES und DOESKIN of uvcrv gnidt!, We wsH tlioin fioinüNE DOLLAR up tO KIO1IT. rE?T3, &C, f everv ciescription, You wil! tíml it su without fiution, urniöhinfi; apparels Froin SHIRTS u UMBRELLAS. Thiö is all we say now, Therefore we make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M GÜIT1-.RMAN. fe Co.. Fruit and Ornamental TREES, J.T ."LOW PBICES. IiHBSÜBSCRTBÈRShrehow prepared to réceïVe or. dcrfrall kind dl Fruit and Or-aim-ntal Tree, Sarübs, i'!;i niv, Flowers anti V nes v,f exery description and vari. ty. fo theFall of 18 12 and Spring of 1863. - We have i lar stock now rowinjr, anl iiitend to Large impnrtations I' rem tinu1 time i the wanto of tlio country 'Umami. Wf invite the people to intake thcin -ch es a,cqu&fntvd with aar facilit i es fr doing bustnea, befare purchasfng eles here. We wacraot h]] va. riflties ti ïh Irue t tmtne, and to be vigoroun ard healtfe; Bpfciroottfi . All Communications will bf pnmptly respondí! tu. Onr officeí in líogeis' Agricultuial Store, Detroit st., Ann Ai bor. .Micli . DuBOIS, CARE & CO. ■nn Arbor, June aí.lSfi2. 858tf DWELLLVG FOR SAI.E ! IK YOU wifh to bny ;i good tivo-storj brïck dweUing, convenient f" the bUNÍnéSs pftlt f tlio City, with (rrou-ndï hkI yardfl wel] tcked with cboice Kruit of 11 kinds, j pplcs. Pcafs, Pe&cbea Pluttis, Kaspberri', Or[ain'-'iH 1 1 tro i, Sh rubber , c, &c., iiwuire at tluNov. 14, 1LG ARGÍT8 OFFICK, Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Michigan Argus