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The Michigan Argus

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Pabllahed every Fríday ihf thirl storv of the brick block, coruer.of Mam and lluron m.. 'ARBOR, Nfich. Entranceoñ Hurnn Street, opporite th Frankliu. ELI HU B. POKTD, Editor and Pubiisher. Terras, $1,.jO a Vcnr in Advance Atlvertlslnjr- One qunre (V2 linos or les?), one wpek, 50 cent; ;T"' -5 cents for every nsertiou Uiereafter, less than three mi.nths. Üue square 3 mota $.0.00 Quarter col. 1 year è-0 One square 6 mos 5. 00 Half column fi mos 18 One gauarp ï-year 80' ffalf column 1 year ;í5 Tvo sil1 raí f fnos 8 (0 One column fi mos. 36 Two sq'res 1 year 12,00 Oae column 1 ye;ir (iO p Advertiatments upaccompanied )y writton o veri), il ilirectinn fwill be publislieti unti! órdereA out Legal advertí seiaents, first insertíon, 50 cents pe folio, 25 cents per folio for eacli sub: equcni irsettíon ■ Wi.en ;i postp' nt'inent is addfed to an .iilvertisement the whole will be chaTW Un'iaiiu' as for íirst iusertioo. Job Prlntlrar- PnjphHta, lïanti Bills, Circulara Cardfl, Rali Tickets, Labels, Blanks, tíill üeada, n other varii'tie oí I'lnm and Pancy Joh Ertntiag, eiecu teil wítli [iromp! ness, a tul in I Ík be t style Cni'd- - We haven Úncelas Tío'arv Cnnl 1'roB , .ín' a large varifty -'f tlr Ititétt Btyles of Car3 type whiol ?nal)les u.s lo print Cards of :ill kui'K in thp neatP1' , posaíblestyie aod chOTíper fehn ;in other house in the öity. Busfaem for nv n of al! avocations and pro fessions, Ball, Wnhl.n? aad Visiting Cards, printed on short uutice. Cali and see mples. BOOK IUNDIVG- toniifictertwith the Office is a Book líin'lery in charge nf t'o competent workmen - - County Records, LeJe-a, Jou mal, aad II Bíonl-: Bookñ made toorder, and of Xho beflt ntock. TiimihU-ts and nrlodïcala bound in a neal and durable manner', atTIv■ troit pricea. F.utrance to Bicilery i brougli ihv Argits Qfiïcp.


Old News
Michigan Argus