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$ftM potito m(Á CIMT8AL BAILROAD. Passenger traius now leuve Detroit and tlie severa ■■lüLkiIis 111 CulllltV . S Vl!l'V.' I (iüISÜ W E 3 T . Leavo. Muil. N. Y. Ex. Jnok.Ao. Night Kx Detroit. 7.20 a. M. 10 A.K, 5,15 P.M 9.30 P. M. Ypsilanli, !'00 " ll.Sf " 6:0 " 1 I..'.O I Aim Arbor, 9 20 " 11.4 ': 7 0") " 1110 " Dexter, 9.ñ0 '; 12.10 P 51. 7 35 " 11 .3F. ' Cheltea, 1)10 " 12.S0 " 8.00 " 11.05 " Ar. Chicago, 10.30 " lu.US A. x [ The mail truingoos only to Hlehlfi City. G O I N O EA8I. Leave. Nlght E.t. Jack. Ac. N. Y. Sr, Mail. Cbicago, C4ÓI'. "I. 6.S0. L Cheluca, Í.5SA. tjlp.i. Dexter,' OSO " 5.45 ' Add Arbor, 6 .05 a . . V 5 " Sm,.1S ' Ypsltanti, S.M " 7sri0 " 4,05 " " Ar. l'etruit, G.Í5 " 9.20 " 5 15 " 8.09 " The mail train starts from Michiap City. Trairtf do not stop at stations irbere figures are omitted in tiiü tablc. S-T-1880-X. DRAEE'S PLAJÍTATI0N BITTERS, Tíiey put-ify, strenjtlicn and invigorate. They civíi a heHby appfttite. TUey are ;m autídote to charlee of ív.itor and diet. TIjl' ovYOOIB4 otiuet.s of dissipation anl late liours. Tbe strengtlif;ji t lio system an 1 onliv-cn the mini. They prérñst rainsniatic aml iutermittent f'everií. Tliey purify tlie lrt-ath ani acidity oí the stomüch. Thcy cure úyspejjsia and Constipación. They cure Diarrhea, Clio'eï-;i and Cholera Morbtis. Thoj cure Liver Gumplu-iat and N'ervoua Headache. They aro tlie be--t bitters ia ttio worlt. They m;ikt the wffck maa strfeag, aml aro xhauted nature" rt-at rt-slnre Thcy ure :aide oí' pure St. Croix Kum, the oetetrtd (Íali.'-Hya liark, routs and hcrlís, snd ure taken witli the pleahdrouf i beveraL?, without regar 1 to ae or tiui oí day. 1'artictilaríy recommeu.Ied to delicate jfiráon ryquirine a petitie itlmolaat. old by all Gio ere, rriiíTiíiU, Hotetu and Sdloon. P. II. DraLoíc Co. 20J BnmJHy New York GimíH LYON'S KATHAI&ON. Kathairon is frmn the (jrtuk v.,rd, "Kathro," or Kathairo," BÏgnifyiog to clennge, rejuvinate and regtore. Tliiw ürticle j.h what it n nu igni(ies. t. r pre(itrvinnr. restoring and be.-.utifying the humau liair il is he most n marlialile prepararon in the world. It i1again owiii'il and put up by tlie eriginal propriéttTr, and n nv ni;id with the same care, kill üu.1 aitentioo vlüth gave it úsale of over one lailliun bottlesper aunum It is a moet deïightfal Ilair Dressing. Ii ercíea4ea seutf ani daudrufl'. It kepfl litad cool nd clean. It makei the liair rich, üoft auti gfosy It prcventK the hair fiom fa Dm L ufFand turnia gray It leito.en hair upn imhl heada. Any lady or ppntlenian who valucá a be-autiful hoad f hair sliouM use Lyuu's Kalharioa. It ia Umvn acd aedthrotighout ttm civilizad worid. Suld by ull re pectabie dmiiui-8. 6mS9 U1C1IA? S. BARNES & CO,, rrop'ra, N. Y. HBIMSTREET8 Itílmítable Huir Hehtoratíve. IT IS SOT A DYE, ut re-tures jrray liHÍr to its adt%í&al color, bv auppJy)g the canilUry tuba uith natura! BuíteofcnCe, iraaired by age or disipase AIl instauiaiitaus dye$ arp imposi'd of lunmr caustic, deati'Oyiog tbe vilality an . eauty oTthe báir, and afford of themelTM no dcéwnff. lleimátrsefs Inim.tableColorini Qot only restores air to ti natural color by an easy piocei, but givea he hair a JLuxurf tint Bcautf, romotes Ita growtt, preventa its falüng oíT", oradicates íitidrulT, au I iinjctrrs hfaltli and pleasaatnesa to the d. K haíituo.Uiio test of time, beiog the origina! aJrColorínff, and ín constantTy infeatíng in faTcrr. .-ed b' both Kcnik-nan ana ladies. It is Bold by all spectnble dealer,, or can be procnred by them of the mimn-iuluff'-uU.lJ.S. Rarnes & Cu. iüi Broaday, ew-York. Two 0x9, 50 cent jtnd $1. rni89l D-TWENTY-ONE YEAHS AGO-XJ Me. O.O. BalSTOL a diatingui-lied Cbemist and Druggist of je ci y of Buff&Io, N. Y, invented and manufactured a cnrnpound known ::.- BHISTOL'S BALHAM Ot' HOARBOÜND. wliich is a perfect SPEUUIC for ColGira, C0U)3, or any or l.u.Vü dikkjcixiizs arism frum dan))), cold, or sudd'.n chauge of the weatlier. Kviry Brs'iïi ivlio hasiVfir.t;ik( n BRISTOL'S BALS A.M OF HOARHODND, pronouncea it the b(t article ever iiiTented ; and so justly celcbrated has it becomo. tbftt the market is alroady full of imitations, counterfeits, and most danerous compounis, unler the nuniü of üalsam of Hoarhound. ThoFdfore, alway be caruful to cali for Bristol'a Balaám, and sce that his WRITTEX Ignature is on the outside label of the bittlc. Makk. - 'lhis invaluiible Müdicfne hns been now some tn-enty-oue year before the public, iinl without any eifort on the part of the proprk-tor, U sale has b. come vory exttniive.iind is daily inercasing. The low price at which ll.e .Medicino is iold (25 CIJiTS) enabk-s ALL to pfirUkc of ïts Lealing quaütitri. C. CKOSBY, nülT.U.O, N.T. Sole manufacturer, to whom all orders should bE addraseed. For sale by all reppeetable druggists. lyoow8S8 ET TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades of FINK CHEWING TOBACCO at frnui 50 cenis to One Dollar. SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign - Red Indian. South side Hurón itreet, a few doors froni Cook's HoteJ. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Doe. 11, 18G2. 883tf GOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY So ia a good l'hyician by hia Suceesstul Werk PROFESSOR R. J, LYOKS, THEGREATANI) CKI.KBH.iTKI) ['HVSICUNOF TUF TIIKOAT.I.U.NGS AND C11E.ST, ' Known all over tlie countr' au (be Olebratcd INDIAN 11 E R B DOCTOR! From South Amertca , wil! be at his rooms, RUbSELL HOUSE, I.'F.TKOIT, OutheHlh audlOlb inst..on the unu ,]ale of and every subsequent month iluring 802 and 1863, A NE.1T PAMI'HLCT )f the life, and exten.ive travtln êt rr Lyonn an bf procurcd byall -hodeire ,r,w, (red of clK.r' Ann Arbor, M.iuitor ííousp -Oh. JackHOn.IIibbard licusi. Sl.-,t, Urackott B use. 3,1 anrl C3J Modb of exAiaaioa-iú Doctor discorns timw b,tlecj(.8. .tkerefon.,!,. no quwtlonB nor re q ini patiënte t plain symptonu. Afflicted, come and have yoar mptmns an1 the lucation of yonr disease explained free of charge. Ayer's Cheny Pect-oral IMPORTANTto FEMALES THE HEALTH AND LtFEOF WOMAK Iscontiuually mperil If she, in marl enougb to t or mnltrcat tluwo sexual Erregulafltlee to which tffOthirJs of her sex are more of leaa subject. DR. CHEEflEMAN'öPILLS, prepre.l from iba santé formula which the inventor. í'ORNtXIUS L. CHEESEMN,f. I,,of fork, bat for twenty yoarn useO succijssfuüy inftnexton(l('lpi'ivat(iir8ctice- immediatcJy relieve without pain, all dlétarbanoen of th periódica] üficharffe, wliethcr tenñlng from iplaxation or aupjiression. They act Ukfl a charm in rem o ving the pama thnt acccmpany rtifiicuh nriinmoilevate tnc; 'struation, mui are tbe ortly saleand reliable retöedyfor íldfthea, Sick Ileailache, Paitis in the Loins. Rack an-1 Sfdes, Palpitation of the'Hpart Nprvous Tremors, Hystorics, Rpaamt, Broken Blep aöa otnor unpleasaitt mul dangeroas effect Af an unnatural conHitifni of tfce Bfxual functiofis In the wornt easps of Fluor Albits or Whites, they nffeci a speeily cure To WIVES and MATItON?. :.n;;:,:-liMA.v l'II.I.Sarei nevólas the only safe muaus of reDewinginterruptsd raenstruatiun, but. LA1JJES ÍIUST BKAR IN MMD 7"Acre )' nu t.tndiinm „f the female tyttem hi nhlch til Pilh cnntaibetakaii wi'hont producwq n PECULIAR RESULT. Thtcnnditijmreftrrcita U PIIEQHANC7- tke, MISCA RHIAQE. Suc.h ii the irrttittibk tendcnr.y of the. mtdic'utv tn rvKborê the serna fmictUmt to a normal coiulition , that even the reprodttctive power of nature canïiot rrsHl it. Erplicildirecti'ons staling vtfien, andwhen they should not be. uxtd, witli eacta Box, - the Prir.e Oue Dollar ear.h Box, ndntaiuiu,? 50 Pilis. A rahwMe I'a uphlet. to be had free of the Agents. Pllls sent bij mail promptly, by enclosing pnce to any Ageut. tíold by Drugisis ticii'Mi1! f. R. B. H0TCH1NGS, t'roprietnr. '20 CedarSl., Kew York. For Sale by MAYXARI) STËBUINc t WII.KON and ÏRENVIIXK & 1UI.LKB. A CAED TO THB L ADÍES. DR. T)üPOJW3 GOLDEN PÍLLSFOU FEMAIiES. Inlaüible iu correctlng, regulating and reinovíng all ob structious, from whatever cause, and alwaa S't.cct ..-!'ul ;ih a preventivo The combination of mgradients in Dr. Dupooco's Golden Pilis fur Feuialea are perfeetly hannlc ps. Thoy have been used intlio private practice of Dr. Duponoo over 30 years, and Ihousunds of Unlies can tcstify lo their great and nover faüing succesn in almost every case n corred iug irregular i tiiii, relievTBg pftlnfui and dlstrwdng menstruution, partícula ly at thr cbange of Ufe, From ñvf to ton pijls t] cure that coimnon yvX dreadful ctiinphtini , the Wliifss Nearly every female in the land suffers fr m tilla com)laipt. Tha abuve Pili lia1) pfnnanontly curod tíiouaiids, and they wüi pure 3 ou tf jou them. Thcy can not harm yon: onthe cutrary. tboy remove AÏt oTvstructíons, re store natui-v) toitB proper cbanr.el, and c vigórate the whole era. I.adics ITliOM lieaUh will uot perrait an increae of fumily, nill íiod these pills a succcssful preventive. Ladies ptK-uliarly situaled, or thosé suppoing tbt tnoeive no, shoulcl not u.e tbese Pilis daritig the firt three montha, as they are certaiu to produce niiscarríat, "afler which admonítion" tVie p-roprietor avsmaoe no repponsibílity, althougb their milduens will prevent an injury ti healtu. The ingrediente composing the abovo Pilis are inade known to every Agent, and they wiH t?H you thoy are safe and will perform all clnimed lor tlium. Piit-e $1 per box oíd in ANN' AKBOIÏ, by STEBBIN-íí: WIUfK. Brnígista V. A. HL'NT, DruKrst. Larlies livinpr at a dslnnce by sending them $1,00 througli t!ie Ann Arbir Pont office, cjin liuve t lie Pilis seat (cunii'lemiaily) by mail, to any part of the country free of postage. N. B. - Beware of a haxe counterfeit of tkese Pilis. You can buy the counterftit article at any pricefrom 25 to 76 cents a box (dt-ar at thai). Ladikh your Iíts and healtn are of too much ralue t' bp trified with, boeidefl beiny niposcd ujwb with a worthless art ele. Tnerefore, any one offeriogyoa thme Pilis for less than SI -i box. avoid tl(íin as yon rould pofioo. Tíjcv Ar&bogUR. None are germine unlets thf nmne of S. I. Ííí-VE is on every box wïiicü has reeently bet u adtïed.nn account of the PiÏÏa belni; éouterfeited . Sold atao, bv K NNE& -MÍTH, Ypsilanti. BJJS3 &BEEBEJackson, andby one tlruprsist ín everv village aud city ín the L'nited SUtes, audby KAfUiÁNDliEKlEY k CO. .General State Agenta, Detroit. S. D HOWE, SolePropretnr, WJ7jrs3 Kmt York. ' The Qrest Living Iiistorj.' THE REBELLÏOM RECORD ! A DI.1UV OF AMERICATJ Í.YEXTS Edited by FRANK MOORS. I'ubHtfh np in pai-t.s, at, ï,0 cents, e;ichpuvt illufltxatet with twu Portralü èngraved uu steel. FOÜR VOLlfifES are now ready at annexed prices, uutil April 1 , 1863: Cloth, j,:75 a vuiulm Slieep, 40) " Huif Cnir, ur half Moruic.i, i, 00 " THE ItËDCLUCK [i! CORO IS IXDIál'EXSAÜLE TO I.VKJÍV 1-UUi.IC ANU 1'lUVATt. UBBAEY. The four vtilumed coutain : i A FÜI.L AXD CONCHE DIARY OF BVENTS, from the Meeting of the &outh C&rohna Cjnveation in i lL' 1360, to tile capmre uf New OrlfiaDS, tuolufiive. H. OverOXK THÜÜ8AND OFÏICIAL KEPORTS tod N'ARKATIVKji of all tbo Hatttesaud Sklrmishe thst liave occuned during tlie war. in. Over FIVE HODfiED SO.NU3 AND BALLaDS. both loal nud ruboi jv. KORTY-ÍEVEN PORTRAIW, eBgrd m t!, oftha most oeïbrated men of the Lime, aud Twenty-aix üajis and Plana oí ButtlM. v. Over THREE TflOÜSAÏf D Inci'.onís and Anecióles oí persuuiii (iaring ami bravery, 'Aí a Tork foi cunrftaut refereiiee Itis eminently to be relied uu " G. P. PÜTNAM, PubUsher, bj2 Broadirar. CHAS. T. BVANS, Gn Agt. I 8 Bfoadway. SPECIAI, ÑOTIOBOn andalttjr April ikt, the pnoe of "The Rebellina Record" will be aüva.yckd FfFlY f TS A VOLUME - From that dat, the &aie of Parta, frum Nos. l to 24, will be iliscontitmed. Back 8RW f Uit "IUjbe]ii..n lïecord" H-ili be h IJ only in volumes Parchasors and subucribt" who have oot compkteil Uk foor vnis, must at nace do o. Tho wbrk ii) oi)t nue to bp pub ' lisbed aparta, at 50 ctínU-each (;irt Ulustrated vitk twu portraits uu &teel, Volunitj V. wiU pompri e b - en paitB. Bïackwood's Magazine AND TUE British Reviews. 1'RICESHHEAl' AS EVER, TO THOS'-: WHO PAY PBOjIPTLY IN AllVAVE. Natwithstandlng tlip oost of Reprintinp: (lic?e I'eriorlicaU ïja. mure than doubled fi CftDsequence of llie entirmous rjt in t lie price of Faperaodof %g oeraJ advancd in all othdP expenses mu BtwlthAtandng otlier pu1lihra ;irp relucing the .siz; or incroafling the price of thfir publiüatioDR, we ijhall oontiuue, for the year 18fi:i, to furaishüuracoveïe, a.s heretöfore, at the old rates, iz. : - 1 THE I.OXDU.V QUARTERLV (ConssrTative), a THE BBINBüBöII EEVltW (Whig) 3 THE NORTH BBIT1SH RKV 1EW (Fice Church). TIIE WESTMIX3TER REVIEW (Liberal) BLAOKWOOD'SEDINBUBSH .MAGAZINE (Torj). TE II M 8. For any nnf nf tlie fnur Rerlftwi ... j.'; q For iwytwo of ihe four HevicwB, - {nQ Forany three of the cmr Review . . . 7 ()0 For all four of the Reviews, $ o ForBlackwoocl's M igazine, . . . . 3 q , Fot BUbckweod ao4j ona Review, - " 50 For Black wood and two Reviews. - - - 7 00 Fr B1ajkwoolRiuJ fehree JPerfcnri, . . 9 o) For Blackwood and the fouiui-viewH, - . 70 00 Tiloso wlll lic; onr prieeo to all who pny prior to the lst Of April. ïo tVm who rtufer puying lili after that timo, the pric wül be Increafèd to cuct, exicnt au the ülCKMed oost oL ItefTint muy demand- therof:re, FEND 1U YJIR ORDEES AKD SAVE YOUK 1I0NEY. LEOS i:;!)-ri !■ ro., Pubn Ws, Xo. 38 Walker Street, Nmv York. FOR SALE. O" N W. .,- „f Sec 2) Towa 5 N RBgo S w CHn ton(,ouniy ii.m.p„l BWghborhood , aboul four


Old News
Michigan Argus