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RlSDON&HEiNDERSOiN Havo tlio BUOKEYB CRAIN DRILL ■ad Grass Seed Souer, Manufacturad at Springfiold, ÜLio. J1HE VEKY LATE8T IMPROVEMENT, and lietter tha X all utliers; adapted to uwiug VftiMX, Bv, (Jt iïüik'y aadUxassSeed. ld. lt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. Zd. Rever lunches the Grain Alh. JVever Ireaks the Gmin. 5th. Sows Grass Seed Iroadcast Ie hindthe Drill. Gth. Has high wheeh and long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel joints. 8th. lt has a land measure or Surveyor. 9th, It has doublé and singla rank drills. lOth. lt has a self adjusiing thut off iïide. It is neatly and substantiully made. TlicreisIiardlyaDrillolTarodla tli márlwt feut ean boaat of more or Icds "FJRST PREMIUMS? ïhey nro abotit au indiscriminatcly beatowcd a.j the title ,ii',,-('"'t'"''" whioh '" ■"'no'iniei pplic.l to the idu'merU 'iiooMack:' ïliey wast, ".o coavcy the Hm BuokeyeDrlIIhasbeenon BiSibttion at quüea numbui -i.l state and Coauty Fiürs, .uid witho,.t iekine lavor at the hands of „njr Comujitlee, hal rociiyed itt tullslmre of Premium.i, ÏESTIMO.MALS : We slve the followin? Dimcj of a few Farms rs in th'vicinity wjo huye buuïht and used the JJucktje Drill : Guilfriy Miller, Scio. .ïeobPlheraa " I.icobTifmper, ' Thomas White, Northfleld. J'ihn Brokaw, " Chiistian Kapp, E.iward Bojilen, . Webster. James Trcadwell, AnuAruur KiinielOTJara, " JobnG. ('ook, Lodi. ü. A. Marehall, " L. lidmun 8, Paüiie. üeorge Crupae, UrawOikk, Lir.Cu. Wü arisco Age:t for the Oïiio Reaper & Mcwer, acknowlcdged tr be tho vory best in uae. AVe are jast in receipt of 100 Grain Cradles V ïiitïx we will sell Clieap. Also c large assortment o .G-rass Scythes. And the largest and best selcoted stook of I3IÍINT STUFF FOR CABMAGE9 over before offered in tbis market . We aiso keep a huge ami fuü VAILJ, OLASS, PUTTV, IA1NT, ani UNSEED OIL. A complete assortment of ■ STOVES, TIXWAuíí, AND i:aVE TROCGHSalwaj s on hand and put ap at the hortest notiee. KISDON & HE.NDEHSO.N AnnArbor, June 20th. 1862. P."9'f O. BIiIüSB Would take thia metlind of informing liis oíd friencla and patronsandallother who raaj faïur hita mtil thir patronage, tbt he has greatlj tnlargi-d Lis ístuck and Assortnieut ! aii.1 ha ving adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTO IN BOYING &P1LLINS ül tlie fuJluwing: - AMERICAN AND OTIIER fet 1Tatches! y SETHTHOMAS ULOCKIS! Fine Jt'welry Selts GOLD CriAIXS, TABLE AND rOCKET CÜTLË11Y ! PaïorSjShears, Pcisior and Rrushea IlOUEIW I'LATÜD WARE, th. best In m&rket, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PArER nd E.WELOI'ES, Musical Instruments, Strivg Sf Bnnki fnr Instruments, S3PECT a. j.i BJ Í3 of Qold, Silvcr, Sucl.and riaUd KÍth ' PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior artlele rei-Bon Imiffi; difficM Watsbn to flt witli ïlasses p"te.8 aCCOmodateil' a3 " 'tock largü m ccm P. S. Purücular attcntlon to tlie REPAIHIITGofall kinds uf Qnu Watchea, suoh as Makiiijr and Setting new Jewels, Finían,, Stajfs, anri C:,!iJrr. Alm CLOCÜS, Sc JEWELR-2C BLISS. Aon tibor, Xov. 25, 1SP2 e.-.8tl föjr FAIRBANKS' J S CALE S ! 1'rt'Sf; èr FaïibauTfs, Ore enlcHf & Co., i;: JUleStwct, Chicago; BoH !u Detroit by PAR1Ï ! D i rïEX,-ÏY, &-m tréfiil-toriiy snij '■■- a Í9&1 DR. KADWaY'S PILLS. i['ïVLV DiSCGVERED PRiNCIPLES IN PURGATION ir. r.,i vr.'Y'ii pir.T.s ars the brst pi'rgattví lud i tho Win-]!, Mjd the o ,iy v.-etablo ulwihui ' ;i omol or Sier ury vu discuverert. 'oinpoRt-d of Vegetable xuac-ts cfQunu, HrlMf Kuut. and MoWes. Thcy ''Tgi - t:it-j.n e - i'ui fy- He-al - j .(Ui- Gdm- ■ ugtfxen- Ilivigy ale - tnd iieulate tiio .--3; u. iJT SVDiiEjr rfl'TvlCKS OF .N'i'"LA5IMA'M0X OF THE BOWELS BIC1OUS CiiüUC. BILIOUS PEVEB. ERÏHIPELAS, COXGESTIVü FEVEU, Ü.MALL FOX, MI5ASLES, SCAIlLET FEVEB, 32E TO 2IÖHT PIALA WU1 purgc t'.it: e Crom tho sydtem lu SIX HOURS. If soiisl wit'i otttaer f Ibna ove-iia ned dlsa"M, lt lx or eik'ht if Dr. R.ulw;iy'j P1UJ bo Ukeu ,t oua. 'A s HngU dosfí wli carry tlio p tieut uut of danser, lll :lr cuii.iuc l u.s j, ín maller dojej, will woric & o-jr. COATED WITII GUM, l'bty ure p'ewt to t;ike. Tlicy oporalo ploas;itly, uaurilly, iiiiü Ihortniyhbj Every (iose ihut i-t tikea '- )aiis stren!ih to the cufo !i)lcd i-ystern. Being itrftct mrgativa they du uut .oavo tho bowel cottivt, or tb pK'iit wcaA:. ONE OR TWO OP D3. EADWAY'3 PUI 1V1II óuouiü a gLKjti appe'itü und üealtby digestión. TO TIIOSE WHO TAKE PlLLS, ;R. EADWAY'S PII.I wifl ba fouudaa improv-omeDl il jiurgitive v cathaitic pill-i in use. U e or twu pillj vil bo fünml suíüeient i keep tbe bnwels reffulir: anA ti c;i(3.s where a brisdc opnratlon i-i deirod, ü:X to JuG&T viU m six hü:ir thuruucjhly purgt. ONE TO SIX B0XE3 WILL CURE COíTIVENESS, DYSPBPSIA, CONSTIPATION, MKASLE3. CONGESTIÓN, MELANCHOLT, [IEART DISEASES, IIYSTERIC, DISEASES OP KIDNEY AME,'ORRI!(LA, AND BLADDER, FAINTINO, DISEASES OF LIVEtt, DIZZ1NES3, BH.I0U3NEM, RUSH OF BLOOO TOP TYPHOS FEVEH, THE HEAD, HIP FÜVER, OBSTE.UCTIONS, IALIONANT FEVEE, EETENTIOJÍOF URUÍ1 .OS3 CF APPETITE, DROPST, NDIGEST1ON, ACUTE ERYSIFSLAJ, NFLAM11ATION, HEADACHE, PALPITATIONS, BAD BREATH, CAKLET FEVEU, INFLAMMATION Of BILIOUS FEVEtt, THE I.NTESTINE8, AUNDICE, APOPLEXY, ONGESTIVE FEVER, ENLARGEMENT f LEEPLESaNES3, THE SPEEN, GENERAL DEBILITY, SCURVY, IMNEïS OF 81GHT, WII00PINO COOOH, IT8, W0RM3, owness of spirits, bad dreams, u;:;sey, ti.eurisy, A b1o qH Complaiiiia of IVomen, such M [yjlcrla, Jjeue.iirhcca nr VVlillej, AVcrtkenSi Dlwhaiea, C'hlnra Is, lrtiuInrltUa, uppregslon of lite IVIcusrs, Inflitmtnaüon t die Voib or Klnrltler, DliHcuit lUenatrUA tlontaod ail other Ulse&sed Co nplalnta pruduced b l'--slve or Buppre=sion ot the Meases Ladie.- wiio desiro to avoiil t'ie suffcriagd aud Inooa ▼eniunces of these Irregtilarities, or oranic i.bitructinna, Btin'ild not omit to re'ulato their system bf miau? of w ofRADWY'd P1I.LS, onceortwlo a vroek, anl thui ba froo from the'many and ereat Uéu'ivuac+ W wkich l.uiu are geucrailf aubJooL nu. ma UAinVAV ijvitod the atteuüo i of tbs inteltï gé L reader ioibofao boro pretwited, Hbnwriotf th upenority of hls P.L S. as purgativos, orcr all iVhr t'iJLt wr purgativo ïndJiwnta iü ujo. TIIEIR GFREAT COMBtXATIOXS. Thcy are Aperteat, To-iic, Lis tive. A t rativo, Stliailaut, couuter Irritant, sudouüc. AS KVACU .NTS, Thcyare morocertm au l tiorou h than fe Draiti Pilla of Atoo ,orCiOiou aol Hn-fem Oii,or l.laterium ; aul more soi thiug and heatlag tiuu Seuu-i, or KUubab. or Tamarindo, or Cas tur Oil. Aá ALTKIUTfVES, Tbey exerci=e mortí puwe ful ínfli-nco over the 1Itt an l lusecreUeod than calutuel, roercui'y, bluepill.beuc tbeir unpoi tanoe in casos of Uvur CbraptidHta aud típleea DifÜcu lie-, J.huiiIlco, Dyspepsf-L, Iïiiious Aiticks, Headache, &c. la tiie trüatment of teveiM, clh-r Biliou, Yellow, TyphoiiJ, ana otlier r-.liici g Fever-t, they ar supenur to quinino Ttieir hifluence extends ovar Éfa enti o syte u, Cüntrolli iü;. atrentlienintr, a:il braciu-i up the reiaxeil and wastiiitf ene kim, m l re-ilati g U tho secri-titiiH to tiie nat'irul ierfpr manee of thelrdutta. cleansing and pttiifyiiifi tiie fclood.and purgfqg frooi tb syütcni all dUouáed depodits uül uamvo hatxur, THE CAUSE OP PILES. A Targo doü of t'io Drastio PiiU will, hy irritatlnff th mucuus mempajie, pro luce t, vinient expulsión of the oontuiitd in tlio b 'weU, but m s doiDg otber tiocretiont are sii-iwniled. In suc'i cases, thd stooU wiil be found tobellght-ouloreduDd w-itery,anJiittenIcd withcramps, griping paius, nau-'-a, ickness. Hy t is Inoreased udnatural aoii h o( thii b wels. tbo feorettood of tlio kidney.s and paooread aredtminished,follovt:el by flbi-tlóni of the ki.ineysjblidd t, urethra, piles, teuesmuá, göütral proatratioii, cuáüvunoó.s, and iüdigtisiiOB. Why Radway's Pilis Cure Small Pox. lu m;ill pi'X, Si: riet PeVW, hiysipela-, eilow,Tjrphoi l aud otber ralucintj toers, fuküatkw is AiAiy Men ial. lïut to adinunster t duse it Orastic Piim tho IrriTatlOD they woalü p oduee aud tbo leitxation and depleüon tbat wculd fullow, wmüd bu ükely t prov fattil If pbysclADs,la thee cades t would g vo itAüWaY'S PILLá, tht-y w 'iild alW i:are thfllr j-niienti. In these dUenaM a viild, wttking, benling and gr-utly tltnnlatlng laxlilye u rcnu.rod, w.iiuU U fcecared bj iUWAV'ó l'ILLS. Why liuperfect filis Gripe. Tho canse of g lying, nausea, Kicknrs - t uesmus an I deb lity, thut i.s t .daxed bv a dtuw if dnuulc piüs, w owlotï ti tbcir i tipori'-ct opcrailun ir w tti ilieacect. thé diseastd hwnors, leftclreutating in tliy syste n, wero expeüe. by tiicso piiU, thore woitld be bM litile pain or grfymg. It i the atseuce of ihu bil aud othw luimen wdidi tho imperfect puls f;ui t - urge ou of tho svtem th a docisions the paiu. Hy ex ibmui ;g ihy stjlsracuuted after aovere gripiug tney will bo fouud tbiu aud wuWry. THE TRUB PILL3 TO TAKE The on. y &afo pills to t.ike aro Ir. H.ulway's, bccaus they re the ohly pil.s L"it secare purattua witbnut dpletiüD, and ixpi 1 uieaáud liuinura trom tüo y.steia. CASE OF DTSPIPHA CIHED. For tnnuy ynara I bare bee i atfiicted with our nalliinal cumplaint, cilie ( Dyapopái .- ni.' suffun igs liav ben a bousuot BueceSistort tH barrí s. J htve .jfiit tliou-uuds of doll ub t -e boya M reaüzing a liulo canl'trtiUK.1 tr nquiT.ity All me licatlm f.uldl to rol Ut ■ie, uutil ï CDmiii'iuco I i act up ti the ju iicion-i a.tvice you g;ivo ma üu ihc t;iii of April, 185 And nvr uf-r Bl&ft yóur rtlla, I fl like a ncw man. í.nd b du you, and maythis Ioitor i tdnee oiher miiI'ci i ig victiiO' to tbU accursoJ maíady, lu try the saixiu m .m.-i. Youra fei vi tly, ÁV rARPliXTER. Carpkmkrviij.r, N'. J , April 16th, 1859. Mestrs. nadway L Co.y N. ï". ity. Letter from Dr. Salmón Skinner. Nifiw Vuxk, J uiuury, 1800. Dr. Ridtvay & Co : I hLVu.duriiig i.iu u-l foor yeurs, nsi"d yoar rpmodleg, i Invo reco meoilsd Hum l olher i' r l;i i .r 3uxplktb, Iadiuhti n , Disrn' u. te. ) öttwWo; tha Reii'iy Relief anti üeüutating I'liH nnrqtiaied t'iie ::t. iliitim; l'iliu are m.U ui Ihoir uucratiuud m.J ih .,.., rbli effeptive. ■ Tho ürst dno phoul I bd largue onn '■■'! t !v::', hv ''Hif ofr tivi', tthl ucii ftuoceiwive nuolie Iruiiij ■ 'i 1, mili l-eiluueil io OilO, HUI t umi lMiaUS I iv ., ■ -■ 'r a wee; ur ten d:ivs. A periïuucul cu u w.] 'ollow. Vüurs, &&., na .-; s : !' IfartT;jN Rib nr poM by :■ ,i .- [its anti nr-í cpiTü lu icneia,. l.a , Uoxcontaliis 'M Plils. I'rico 'J3 , ti. jw : , ,. For Salo by STEBBINS & WILSON IVfoney to Lfiicl. r CAN FÜRVTn MONEY on rpasonable term and I long time on iood Kurra security . K. W. MORCAN. Ann Arbor, July ?C'. 1S62. fi-fitf Ayar'a EatbarMo P111&


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