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."" PllNTING OF ALL KIJÍD9 Neatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. We are prepared to fill all orders in the li2íe of PRINT ING AT TUE MOST REASONABLE EATES. We hare recentiy purohaaed s.xjo-ca-x.ES ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have added the Intst styles of Card Type, which enables us to print INVITAT1ON CARDS, WEDDING CARDS V1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the naatest styles, and as cheap as any other house in the State. We ara also prepared to print POSTERS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS,-. U1LL I1EADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS &i, tieï-e _A.:R,Grcrs BOOK BINDERY i in charge of FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERSj RECORDS JOURNALS, l HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufacturcd in best sttle at New York Prioes, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound. AU Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, Propr. Office anti Bindery, cor. Main t Hurón StB. J-. "W. KCItsTIGKEIT., Agent for tlie Phcenix Insurance Company - OF HARTFORD CT., AND THE CONWAY INS, COMPANY, OF BOSTON' MASS. Loskph Honorably adjusted and promptly paid at thig Agcncy. Office Comer Main and Hnroji Street, over the Store of Bacs & PiERsoN,Ann Arbor. Ann Artor, .Sent. 10, 1802. FOR SALE ! TWO of the mostdesirablc building Iota in the City of Ann Arbor, containiug each one aero and a quarter of frrouncl. They are Hituated on State Street, near the South west corner of the Unireraity Sqtiare. For fc-nn, k.,iniu!rt the ARGUS OFFICE, tför. 14 ISCi. iKK.MjW.nuui,. ,!,.,, 1-..U.1 1T1!1.I11ERS ' ANJ), a, New aud Cora píete stock of LAW & MEDICAL 1IÜUKIS, School Books, Miíctllancous Books, Blank Books, dan STTIOKTER-ST! Wtill and Wiodow P;iper, Drawing and Vathematicnllnstruments. Muhic, Juveuilü Librarles, Euveluped, InUs and Cards. GOLD And all other Icinds of Pens and Penáis Window Cornice, alindes añil Fixturp, POCKET CUTLERY! Andeverything pertaininjr to tho trade, and more to whichfchey wonM invite theattentlon of tlie country. Ineonductinpfour business, we sltatl d" all that can be done, so thai no reasonable m;ui, womas or child sha II Önd any fault. We possess facilities arhich wül enable us to supply ourstomers at the Lowest Poesible Figures. We propose tosellfor READY PAY, ata smalladvance. W expecta proflt on our goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. The "EmiBookRtokh,"íf minneíj by ayood 'crew,' nd thoy will alwaya be iouml on llie "quarter deck," ready and willing to attendto-all withpleasure,wlio will favor them with a ca]l. Remernber tho "Empiro Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co Ann Arbor, May, 1860. T4( Great Reduction in the Price of SINGKLl & CO.'S Standard Machines . Well known to be ihe Best for Manufacturing Pitrposcs. No. 1, Standard Simule Machine, formerly so!d at $90, reduccd to $70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for merly sold at $100, reduced to $75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE [a tbe best M;icbíne in the world for Family Sewing and itight Manufacturiog Parposes : (witk ÍJemmer,) and beautifully orn.inientcd L50. The Nos. 1 and 2 Machines are of great capacity and apppction for man ufacturing; pitrposes. Uur No. 'ó Machines are especially adapted to all kinds of light and heavy Leather Vork, in Carriage Triiaming, Bont and tihoe Making, H-'rncss Makmg,etC., etc. They areof extra size, and with in arm long euough to cake under it and stitch the largeat size da.shes. 'ilicre is scarcely any part oftfTriïnmera' Stitching tbatcannot be better done with them than by band ; so, too, the saving of time and labor is vey grreat. Thetablcf these machines is 24 inches long, and the shuttle will liold Bix tiraesthe usual quantityiuf thrcad. Thelarge machí ae worlts as fastas smal! poes. W vrould ash for our lAfer A Machines, the special attuntion of Test Makcr.s,.nd Dreaa Makers, and all ;hose who want Macliinef for light manu. faeturingpwrposea. They embody tbc pridcipies of the standard machines, raalnni? likethem theinterlocksd sitch, and are destined to be ascelebrated for Family Skwixq itd ligkt manufacturing purposes as our standard machines are for manufacturing purpose in generalWe have alwayson bantï, bemminO oaüobs , bile twist UNEN ANH COTTOXTIIRJJAD, Ort Kl'OÜLtí, BBSI MACHINE OIL Ín bottlea, etc, etc. We manufacture our ovio Xeerlles,aiid would wam all jersons usiilg our madilneti not to bny ;iny others3. We ciiow that there are needles solcl of the most inferior quality at highr piioea than we charas for tbe best. The needies sold by us are ïnanufacture-l 'specially or our ma hiñes, A bad needie may tender tkt bet machine almost u$eless. Our customers mny rest aesured thatal. fur Kranch Jfiices are furnished with the l' genuine actij! " In case of small parchases, the.inme may be sent in ostap:e stamps, or bank notes. Correspondents will please write their name?; distincty. It ia all inportant that we should, ineacücase, tnow tho Post Ofíice, County, ind State. &$=■ All persons requiring information about Sewing Machines their síze, prices, working capacities, aiul th"e est methods of pttrohasing, can obtaïn it by wending to is, or any of our Brancb.Öin'cesfor acopy of I. m. Singer & Co.'s Gazetto, Whieli is a beautiful Pletorlal Paper eñtirely devotedto ,be subject- It icül besentgratis. -u- SÍS" We have made the above REDUCTION IN PKICKS vith the two-fold view of benelïting the public nnd our selves. The public have been sffindledbj spurious machines made in imitatiou of ours. Töe metal intliero, rom the iron casting to the smallest peice, isol poor quality. Their m.ikern have not the means to do thair vork weil. ïliey arcliid nway in secret places, wlière it would be impossible to have at thoir command thepropt mechanifal appUances. It is only by doing a great )usiness,;inil havingestensive manufactanng establishraeutij, that crood machines can be made al möaeratjrices. The best deaigned machines, BAfH.Y MADH, are ïlways hable to get out of order, and aresury to cost soceiderable trouble and money to keeu tliem in repnire The quiilities to be looked for in a Machine are : cerainty of correct action at all ra tes of speed, simplicity uf construction, great durabiMty, andrapidity of opeation,.witlithe least labor. Machines to combine these Rsential qualities, iaustbe made of the best me;al and finishtd to perftction. We have the way and means, on i grand scaly , to do this. The purchaserw of nifichines, whosclaity bread itmay poncern, will find that tliosp havfng the aboveqnaHtiea Qot only work rell at rapid as well as bIow rutes cf peed, [but last longer in thp finest possible working order. Our machines, as made by us, will earn more money with less labor thanany others whether in imitution oí ours or not. In fact, they are cheaper Hum any other machines as a gift. I. M. SÏNGER k CO., 458 Broadway New York. 6SF" Oetroit Ofnce, 5S AVoodward Avenue, (Merrill Block.) 811 tf M. H. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. NEW FALL GOODS ! BACH PIERSON Have just opened a Clioico Stock of WOOL, COTTON & S1LK GO E X S for Ladies' and Gentlemens Wear, also a stock of Best Family G-roceries, which wilt bo Held CITEAP FOR CASH. Gold, received at 16 per cent. prem. Silver, ' " 14 " " " Canada, " " 14 " " " Oíd demand Treasury notes, at 10 per cent. prem. BACH & PIERSON. Anii Arbor,Sft,22,iníí. 110 RACE WATERS, AGENT iï 3 .'S R i' o a il w a y , New Y o r k PtifoH&Iicr ofMuelc nrt'.i ïusic Books AND MC.UICK IS Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Organs Organ Accordeons, Martin's cclebratod and other Guitars, Violins, Tnor Viols, VioJtnaellus, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Files, Triangies, Clarnnettp, Timing Foiks, Pipes andllammere, Violin Bows, best Italian StringB, JSass Instrumenta for Bands, Piano Stuols, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. S he o t JVE -UL S i o, ("rom uil the puMisherts in the U. 8., Bertmi's Han tin 's, ind Modem ScIhmiI, and all kinds of [nitrnction Booka fb tlie auove instrumenta; Churoh Muwic llooks; Bfttüio elegantly bounu; Alusic ptiper, and all kijids of Mufik Merelianiliae, A t t hcLowest Prices. New Planos, At $175, $200, $225, $250, and up to $800. Secoud Hand Piano fiom $25 up to S100; New MeWeons, $45 ' fi0, 75,$lOO,and up to $200; Second Hand Meíedeons froin $30 to $80; Alexandre Orgaos, witb five Btopa, $1CO, nJnestop, H85 and 226;thTrteen stops, $2S0, $275 and $800; flfteen stops, Í680 aad $375; A liberal discount to Clergymen, ChurcheM, Sfibbatb Schools. Sciuiiüaiis and Tc;ichcrs. The l'rade aupplied at the 'usual traite fliSCOUDTP Tcstliiionlals of tli e Ilorace Waters Planos m ► tí Melodcons (, John Hewétt, of Carthae, New York, who has had one of the lloracc Waters l'ani)R, wriUas follows: - "A friend of mine wishes me to purchase a piano ior her. öhe likes tbe one you sold me in December, 185o, IJy piano isbeooxning popular in hls pKoe, and I thiuk I can introduce one or two more; they wil) be mure popular than an.v other" "We have two of Wtera' Pianos ia use iu ourSemïnary, one of which has been severely tested Por three years. and we can tettify to their good quality and iurability."- Wood h Gwgory, Mount Carroït, HL "H, Watera, V.%%. - &KAK .ir: Having used oneof your Piano Fortes for two years past. I havp fonvd H a verv superior Instrument. Alo.vzo (eay, Principal Rraokign Btigkt Seminary. "The Piano I recerved l'rnm yon continúes to gve satïfifaction. I regard it as one of the best instruments in the place." James I-, ClaRkb, Charleston, Va. uThe Melodoun has safely arrivcd. I fee! Öbliged tn you fiiry ooi Bber&l discount." Rev. J. M. McCoKMick, YarquesvitUS. C. "The piano wis dnly roceived. ItÖamn ín eTcellent condition, and is very much admirod by my Dumerouc fanftly. Accept niv tlmnk.s for youf promptoeSA," - RoBKKT COOPKB, IVArrmhavi, Braeijoed Co. Pa. ""oi_ir ]ii;uii pleaR68 U8 v,(íll. Tí i the bot one n our county,"- TatOMaS A. Latham, CámpbeUzon, öa. "We are very much obïigje.d to you for haring sent si-ich a fine instrument for $260." - Bk ank, Held h Co., P.ffalo Democrat. "The Horace Waters Pianos are known as araong the very best We are enabled to speab of fhese insirnments witb oonfldeiace, fmni personal knowledge of tlieir excellent tone and durable qualiíy.'' - N. Y. EvovgnliM. "We c;,n s]ie;ik if the rneril? of the Ho race Watera pianos f rom personal knowladgOj -is b-vng tbe vory fintjst quality." - Ckriatian InttUige.ncer. "The iïorace Waters planos aré-ouilt of the best and most tlioroughly neasoned material. We haTe no doubt thatbuyerscan do a8wcll,perhap8 better, at tlii.sthan a1 any other house in the Union."- Advocate atd Journal. Waters' piano anti melodeons challenge oomparison witli ihi! iinest maile anywhere in the country."- fíame Journal "Horace Waters' Pinno Fortes are nf full, rich and eren tone, aud powerfu! - N. Y. Musical Reoew. '■Our frieada will d at Mr. Waters' store the very best ctesortment of MubÍo and of ï'ianoi to be found in the United States, and we ure our aoatbern and western frtendfl to give liim a cali whenever they go to New York."- Grakanïs Magazine. Warchouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sab ba t h S ch ooi Bell, 100,000 issred In ten Months. The u n precedent e d sale of this book has induced the publisher to and some 80 new tunesaudhymns toits present size, without extra charge, üïxcept on the cheap e!ition Among themany beauiiful tunes and hymns added may be found: - "I oujrht to love my mother;" "OI'll be a good cliiWl, indeed Í will." The tnd eight others from the ïïeli, were sung at the Punnay School Anniversary of the M. E. Church at the Acadeiuy of Music, wiíh great applause The Bell ooi: tains oearly 200 taños aii'l hymn, and is one of the best collecti ons ever lastwd, Price lLJc ; $10 jipi1 h nml red, po stage 4c Elegant ly botrad, embossed gilt, '2ñc, $"20 per 100 It haa been introducen! into rar.ny of the Public Sc.' ols. The e is paoltekedin arcaH numbers entitled Anniversary and Sundaj" School Mnsic Boolis, Noa. 1,2, 3, 4, in order to accom moríate the mülion; piice f2 k $3 per hundrert No. 6 witl Kocube issued- commencement of another book. Also, Revival Mus ie Books, No, 1 it 2, pricfi $1 & $2 per 100, postage lc. More tha.i 300,000 copips of the above books have been issued the past eighteen months, and tbe demand israpidly increasing Published bv HORACK WATERS, Agent, 333 Broadway, N. V. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocal "Kind Words can ncverdie;'' "TV.e Angel told rae so;" "Wflds of the Wrst;" "Thoughts of God;" 'Gira me back my Hountain Home;" "Iay Dreiims;" "Dandy Cock lïobin;" "I'm with tliee still;"Pet names;" "There's no darilng like mine;" "éaiali J.ine Iee;""Ever of thee:' "I'm in Sorrnw;" "Bird of Rr'uity ;" "Hnmc of nur birth;" "firave (f Rosabel' and [':ikö, lady, wakft,,' piïce 25c each. 1 Instri'MRXT-U.. - ' 'Païace Garden, or inging Bird Polka," 40c; "S-vinging Schottinche;' ".Mirabel Pchottisch ;M 'Thomas Baker's Schottischf :' ' ' 'Piccolomini Polka, 35 cents each. The abovepieceshavebenntiful Vignettee "Weimer Polka;" "Ariibian Wai cryMarch," the very lat; "Vassovianna Donielts Mazurka; "Real: ing Polka;" "Crinoline Waltz,'.' and "La neer s' Qua drille," 25c tach. "The Empire of Reich's Quadrflle;" H new dance, and Tbe Hibernian Quadrille," Sñceach. Mauy of these pteces are playoil by Baker 's ualebrated Ofcheíít ra with gxttat Mailed free. A largelot of Foreign Miisic at, half price. planos, lUelodeus and Orgaus. The Horace Wstera Planos and Bfolodeona, tor depth, purity of tone and durability, are unsurpaaaed. Prices very low econd Hand Pianos and Melouenns from $'ñ to $150. Music and Musical ïnstructhms of all kinds, atthe Iowest prices. HORACK WATERS, Atjent, No. 3;ï3 11roadway,X. Y. Testimoniáis; - "The Horace Watew PianoR are known aa among the very best. ' - Fvangeltst. "We can speak of their me vit s from personal knowledge." - Christian Intelugcncer. "Nothingat the Fair Jiaplayed.greater excel)nce -" - Churchmftn . Waters' Pianos and Mplo.inons challengecomparison with tho finest made auywhereio the country."- Home Jrmrnal. UOtf SCHÖFF&MÏLL ER RESTILLONIIAND at tboirold Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Elock, with themost complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PERFÜMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, 8HAÜES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNTCES, CTTRTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Market ! and they woulii suggest tothose in pursuit cf anythiugin SANTA OLA US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchasing from this Rinck, as each purchaser gotg anadditional present of Jewelry, &c, Kanging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. Thpytrust that theirlong expenenoo nsplectlng goods foi-this cnarket, and strict attuntion to the wants of Cuftomers.may cntitle tbem to a liberalshare o' Patronage. AnnArbor.Dec. 5.1800 V77tf Demand Treasury Notes For which we pay &, S.AM1,-!! ipmassaswsa. M. GTTITERMAN & Co., Jlnn Artor Octolirr 3, 18(12, GREAÏ.GïtEATER GREATEST BAKGA.1KS EVER OFFERED 1859. JQJ859 I u thÏ3 City, are now being offered at th CHEAICLOCKtWATCH, & fTl IJ E Subscribo r wouldsny to th(lcitiz#ïio( Atin A i particular, and the Fe al oí Wftühièna Countv n eenpral, that hchasjust IMPORTED 01RECTLY from KUROPK.a Tremendous Stock of Watcïion! Ah ofwhichhe binde bimselfto sel] CHKAíES than can be boiigbt west of Now York City. Open Face Cylïnder Wntches trom &fi to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to 2] Hunting CaBe do do do 14 to 3fi do do Cylinder do do 9 to 2íGold Watehnsfrorn 20 to 150 I have (liso the CEEBRATEI) AMER'CAN W AT CHES, whloh I wlll BOÏï ttr #35. Every Vvatch warranted t perform we II, QrJthf money reiunded. Clocke, Jewelry, Pinted Ware, Fanry Goorts Gold Pen, Musical rnBtmmentB and rftringH, Cutlery, &c, and In f'nct a variety of íivpry'hinií uualiy krpt 'oy .lowelors can be bnuefhtfor íhe noxt ninety days at vur O W N PRICES! Persons buying aiiythine at this wHI bnown fietnbliahme it ran rely upon rrettinp aood4 exact y bíi rt-jirpsput'd, or themorpy reiunded. r;aïïearly nd hpcure 'the be3t harenins ever ofF(;rpï iri ''ity One word in repnrd to Ropairing1 : We are prrporfid íomkeany reunir onfine or comtnon VVatches, fvpn to m-ikini-'c er the enttte wntrn if npresBary. Repairing of f'locks nnd Jewelry as ubusI. AJso the m!uiuractnnnLr f RINGS, BROOPHP or auythiip desired, from CHlifiniinOold onshortno tice. Enerayire in Hits branches e'xeentod wlthneat. nesë and dispatch. J C WATTS. Anu Arbor, ,Tñn. 2PthiP5I. 7Hw Important National Works, Published by P. APPLF.TOX ft 00., 346 AND 348 BROADW&YNEW YORK Tho following works are sentto Subscribe in any par of tfa-i country, (upon receipt oi' rctail price,) by maj or expresfi, prepaid; THE IV KW ARIFRIA1V CYCI,OPLSmA: A Popular DictíouaPj of General KnowWülge, Edtted b Gmo, Kiri-KV and Chaki.i:s a., ai'ïed by a rromeTotr select corps of writere io all branches of Hcicncea, Ar and Literatuce. This work is being publishgdin&b'mi 15 lare oc1 a vo volumes, each eontaining 750 two-columi pages Vola. I., ir., III.. IV. V., VI.. vil.. Vin., & ÍX are now ready, c.ich cootaioing near 2.50ÜQFiginal trt clcs. An aüditiQnal volume will bc publtshed once in nbout three months. Price, in Cloth, $'; Sbeep, $3.50; Half Iíuspia, S4 ñU f.-tr-b. The New American Cyclopsedia is popular without be np superiieial, tearáed withííut belng pedantic, compre lu nivf ljiit sificiently letailerl, f ree trom pt'rsunal (lique and party piejiulice, fiesh atfd yet accurate. It is a complete statement oí" all tliat is known upon every im portant topic within the scope of human íntelligence. - Every important article in it bas boMi si?cially wntien for its pages by men who are autliorïties upon the topic on which they speak. They are required to brint the Ruij.iect up tn the present moment; to state just it stands now. A the statistical information is frora the lotest reports; tliegeographiciil accounts keep iace with the latest explorations; liistorical matters include the fresliet just views; the biographieal notices ods nk not ouly of the dead butilso of the living. It is a librarv of tself AiïRlDGEMET OF THE DEBATES OF CONGRESS Being a Polïtical Hisiory of the United States, frons the organization of the first Federal Conffre8)l4a 1T81' to 1856. Ertitftdatid compüed by Hoc Tno Haïït BK-T(N,from the Official Records of Congress. The work wil! be competed in 15 royal octavo volumes of 760 pages tiiich, 11 of which "are now ready. A.n additional voHime wil) be poJUflbed once in threemonths Cloth, $3; Law Kheep, Half Mor., $4; Half Calf. $4.S0 each. A AVAY OF PROCÜBTKG THE CYCLOPiEDlA OK DKBATK? Forra a club oí four, and remit the price of fourbooks, and ttve copies will be .sent at the remittf-r's explane for carriage; or for ten subsGribers, eleven copies will b' sent at our expense for carriago. To Agn, ts. No other work will so liberully reward the exertions of ygents. As Agext WAVTBD IS tuis pQUKTV Terms u;:'b' knoWD on ajipÜcation to the l'ubliahers. Aon Arbor,March. ÍS59. 6902arat ís Bev Thos. Wbiuut, agent at Kinne ie Siniths Book Store, Ypsilanti, 1862. NEW 1862 WlñlTER COODS! o MACK & SCHMID are now receivmg a Large & Attractive Stock of -'tapie aiÜH Fancy Dry Goods, LaDIES'DKESS GOUDS, FUR8, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, &o. in great varietj of the most desirable styles and quaiities. A good assortment of RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &o Also a choice stouk of goods for IMens' We ar, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. 3ET"iOí3!I-i G-roceries, CROCKERY, Lc, cfo., which wil] all bo sold at the Lovest Oash. Prices. MAGK & SCHMID. Ann Arbor, Nov. 7, 1862. 878tf Rifle Factory! Beutlcr & Traver, [Succeasors to A. J Sutherlan'KJ Manufacturers of and Dealers ín Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Fasks, Poiihes Game Bags, and Evcryother article in thatLine. AU kinds c.f REPAIRIKTG done at the shortest notice, and ínlhebust niauner, a full assortment always kopt on hand and made order. XK&. Shop on Huron street. Ann Arbor, Oct. 8, 1362. 873tf Oval Picture Frames ALLSIZES, STYLES and PRICES just received and forsale cheapat CHOFF & MILLER'S. 1MO.I?.25, WW TLIE OLD CORNER EENEWED! with NEW GOODS, &C. FARMERS' IW CMII STORE (At the oíd stand of Thompson & Milieu.) I am uow opening a carefully SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS CONSISTINQ OP DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, BROWN & BLKACHED SHEETINGS, CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, &c. and everj thing that is kopt in a Domestio JEH01X&Í&, also a fitie assortment of BOOTS SHOES! AND YANKEE LOTIONS, - A full stook of ilEOCEEIES constantly on hand. FARMER'S PíiODUCE! Bouglit and Sold. Tfaankful'to old fricnds and eustomers bi p;ist favors, I hope to merit a share of tlieir patronage, by dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with C. H. Milltn & Co. Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 18G2. 872tf 'Provide for Yo r Family.'" ülSriCI5:JE!Ii,I3OCICEK, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Vestern office', Kingsbury BlOck, Randolph St., Chicago. Assets Jan. lst, 1862, $276,223.44. Poiicies are IstfmW upon the lives of rtebtors, and for 11 business purposes, either tor Ufe or for a term of eaïtf, on as Favorable terina as by any oth r Company. Married h-vlies maj itasnre Ühe lives of their husbands, ccording to b !aw of the State secui ing the amouu of ie Insurance to thcmselves er thpir clnldren, freo from ie claims of thpir husbands' cirfÜtoys j alfiO, marrifi dies cao insure thcir own lives for the bencíit of their tnldreo or trustees. Policies on Uves are issued for any sum noi exeeodiag 10.00. By the Ifrms of the charter, fhts ninpany ís prohibieii payiog rade than 7 per ent. ;innuall_v in dividwntU n its capital tó Èitookholderf ; iml it receivef that smu i iotereat for the use of it capital, tlie surplus liein? vided amojig. the Mutual tnsurera ; henee it wil! apear that it conibinos tho a(lvnn'::i(-s of a Mutual with he security of a Stock Company. Whrn tlio premium amounts to S40 or over a note may be givcn Ut tour tentbs of the amount Rates as ow as any othergood enmpany. Now is the time of Rp?cure a cmpptency for youi milv s&ould death ün. your homestead encumbered nd in volved ERASTU8 LYMAN, President. Geo. F. SMFFKN,Secy B. F. Johnson, Vice President an-1 Manager of West ru Brauch ofGce, Chicago E. B. POND, Agent. WM. LEWITT, M. , Medical !:;imiDer CITY CODFER SHOP. Tholcsaleand Retai O C. 8PAFFORO Would rospectfutly announce to the eitizens ol Ann rbur and vicmty, that he i.s qow iranulacturing nd keeps constantly on h;;nd a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! uch as Pork and clclcr Barrels, Kegs, irkins, Cburns, Well Buckets, &c, Which will be sold cheap for cash. CTJSTOM WORK nde to order on short noiice. Ilepairing done with neatness and dispatch, 1 would cali particular attention to Mercbants in want of Bnt ter Firklifs lammanufacturing the wïoik Stnte FIrliln, which isa bettor Kirkin than has evtr before been of fered nthis market. 1 would invite all who want Firkins to Cali and exanine for thniselves before purchasing eUewhre, and I will convince you that yoü have called at the right place. 1 would also ca]t the attention of Brewers in want of BEER KEGS, I am now prepared to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls. in large or small lots, and of a Setter Quaiity tban can be had in Detroit or elsewbere. (5-grAll work warranted to give entire satis iiction. Thanklulfor p st favors and by a ctrict attention to business, I Iiope to meril a continué liberal supply of the public patrnnatri'. t(. Du nut íurget to cali at the City Cooper Shop. O. C. SPAFFORD. Detroit St. Ann Arbor, Mlch. 888yl Auctioneers Wotice. BYROX ORKEí, having applied for a license, now holds himseli in readineas to attend to all calis. - Having had expci ince, heis positive he can give good satisfaction. All calis promptly atteuded to. Chaiges leasonable. Apply at the Franklin House. BYROV GREEN". .nn Arr. Oct. 24, 1863. ?75tf. Commissioners Noticc. STATK OF MICHIGAN, Couniy of Washtenfwr, s: Tbe iradersigijed ha ving boen appointed by the Probate Court !'or said ('uimty Oomi]iiMtpnirs to niccivc, examine aml adjtigt all claims and Iemands oí ail persona &gafnflt tbe entate of Jwseph Ketaey Uiie o t lic Towpshig o) Yorfc, ir üiiid ('ounty, 'loccücl, lierpI b_y gv$ noticé that six moncha Imm (hito, are, bj ortïef of the sáid Prooale Couri, aílowecTfoi1 creditors to preI sent tht'irfilaims BgnfsM tatd ecoi.=e'l, :tini that the.y j wïll meet at tliü residen ce of tb unilerMgned, Calcb, Moore, in the T"Wnship of York, in sairt Conny, "n Triiliiy, the cightb May of May, and Ftii'ny. tbr Seyentli diiy , o!' August next, at ooO o'clock, 1'. Ál. , of tach day to rêcefva exatniüe and adjust unid claim-s. CALKli MOOK1 -. ' ) LK.ANDKH LkBAKON', CummisaionerS OTHNIPX GOOnUiG, J featert, Februarr, 9th, 1863. SIid Attíicínnent Nolic-e. NOTICE is hcrebv givcn tl.;it on tbc 241h lay of NovenibfT, A D., eightcen huntlrd jmd sixty two a writ oí' attaebment was issued out o the Circuit Cnurt t'nv the Counly of W'.-hi f-na w , in fnvor ut 'Jhum - as Morfa n, plainiift, against tbe g ds, cha t tala , lands. toiii-rncMt-1, ïniuii'ys aml cll'-cf. [ Vvu-v ,--oha.for nué WUtlan Hcbwitzpi led n-'-. rn-, tof the suni o) Ivo bun ■ ii ■ 'l .: i,.] -ity si dollars and liiiy iim ctrfs willet taid WTil --vas rotiiTBabU id Tuesduy ili' secojaa daj oi December, A, I). eighteen hun1ttd and mI tv., tmd tbat it ii])CHrs li.y ÜM MtWBM ni i],. j,n ,.]■ to sai'l urit niHt piopeity basbeetxattuclied iherton,thit neitber of said cnuld'b tWöfl. TriOMA M01;(iAXt riaiütiff. II.1 J. Bsakbr', Attnrru'v toi PlaiinifiDaMd, inn Arl.or,lU.cinjhci 24, 1&62. Mortgage Sale Üri'.VT'I.T baring sean m&de in the c nditïon of a cor tüin itulcntun of mertgage exea Eed by Jamtta Mcüarthy rid Marcar. T MöCarthy hin wifV of "the Cilv of Ann Artíor, Countj ot Wasboaw and sta: e of Miclii.tran, to NHsoti Cirie of the s:nne place, bearing late the ÖrM dai uf Hav, in the year ef uur Lord pne thopsand ight ouodréd and fifty-Jx, and recorded in the Office of the Register "f Deds in aml lor s:iid Co-w tv of Wa.tlití'níiw, on the liflh flay of May. A. D. 1tr55, in Libor No. 22 oí'-Jíortpiigcs on pfge &ÍÍÜ, whsJj paifl ïndcuttireot Mor'gac wus .hily is-ifriifd b tlip s&id N'clsi.n L'nle ty l-ilw;;rd Hin,ot' i'itt.-ficl:l. in'ain t-'o,unty, bv hiá as.sijïtimi-nt itndtr liis hand ni) sea!, beúrtng iiatc the s teentb Oav of 1 cccmber, A. l). !S6i, aml rt cörded in (lioifíicj of saiii Hegisttr of I ocris od fne twcntvsix'.li day of I eccmbcr, A. ]. 1862, ii ti'ue No SQ ol Mtfrtgages on pnge J53. by which dcfault the power oí sitie eontalñed in said mr)tí;iííe became operativo anl the fininunt ciainipil tr. bc on eajd indi-nture of Moitgage, at 1he dalo of tln's nolice, be:ng ük hundredand l'iiy eighi doltef an1 Ilurtj-citli cent and ii') suit ur -roceeding havin: bfcMl instiïuted at. law , r in fli ancery,to recover the debt díiw remaininin due u-I M-iMircil by said mort-ine or any jiart thf-reof - Notice is therelnre lieicby giren . ihat on aturdav. the fourilwlny of Airil, A. i). lí ten of the clot-k m the (crcnoon of thatday, ut the sonth door A the ('ourt [iMise, ín tlio City Dl Ann Arbor, in satil Cmntvof Washtenaw and St;iteof [iclian, (said Cuurt líouae bnn.í ttie place for holding tlie Circuit f'ourt fot said County) I sliall sell or cause to hc sold at public auction in toreclopure of said moripage to the hiRhest bid der, the premines doscriheri the.rein, or bo mncli thereof a shall be necessary to atisfy ilie amount rti.e nn said indenture of Mortgagc, with interest and all the reasonable cofrts,msbarementB and exjientes of all nroceedings rfUtiveto the foreclosure of the same ircludinL reaaonablè baYgèd J''r aítorneys' ser-rices, yro vided in said indenture of mortgage; tliat ia to iay,all' those certain tract parc.'ls of land situnied in the Ruirt city of Ann Arbor, known, bonn'U-d and dpi-cribed as followsjviz; Being lotP mimbored one {l),two (2), three, (3), and four (4) , in block number t o (Ll) . south, in range numbf r ten (10) east, in the said city of Ann Arbor, County ot Wnslttt'naw, and Stilte of Michigan. Dated Heeeinbei 311,1862. EDWARP RYAN, A. FEi.cir, Asnigneo of Mort'ige. Attorney for Assinc. 8S5td L am Bound for M. GUITERMAN CO'S Í ! Dispute the faot if ycra can, It takes the TAILOli after all to give appcarance to the onter rnann If .yon wish to appear well You must accordingiy Dres3 Well Go to SI. Gu'terman & Co's,, Tbere you will find things exactly SO. S0NDHEI2T aW'hys ready to take vour measure, GÚITERMAN will sell you Goods vvith great pleasure, At figures LOWER than you will find in : he State, rJ'ake heed - cali early, else vou are too LATE. The inducements are now greater than ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging and clever. We will show you eood CLOTHING-, ol our own üktting it, Füling our Stoie frotn Bottom to pop. STtJDENTS especinlly will find it to THKIR ADVANTAGE, For ii take? but LITTLE MONEY to rcplenish. 1500 0VERCCAT8 of Clolh, Beaver, !Hid Bcar, Warranted for ahnnst i-ver to ivoar. COATS of Clotli aod Ciissimere nf our,. OH n IMPORTÁTION. Forwurded through our New York relations. Prorn Enghtnd, Belgium, Germnny and France, Such as yoü can stand up Ín. or vvear, at the dance. Fants ! Pánta ! Pants ! ! ! y Faney O4SSIMERES and DOESKIN of everv grade, We M thern íroin ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGUT. VE?TS, &C, of everv description, You will find it so without fiction, Furnishinff appaiiels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS This is all we say now, Tñerefore vre make our bow. Yours truiy, evcr so, M GÜ1TERMAN. A Co., Fruit and Ornamental JT TuO-K7 PEICES. miIKSUBSCRIBERSaronow propnred to receive orX drs for all kinds of Fruit and Oraamentiil Trees. Shrubs, Plaste, Flowers and Vinos of evrry descrijtion and varitty. for the Fall of 18(2 ;md Sprtrvg of 1863.- Wc liavf a Icifge stock ihiw groíng, and intend to make Large izportations from time tn time as tlie wants of the country domend. We invite the people to mak themselvcR ncquainted with our faciliticsfor duingbuBinoss, bofore purchiisiDg olsewhere. AVo wnirantiill tb. rietldi tq be to n;imo, and to be viirorous nnd healthy HpAcimeha. AU Communications will hv prompt ly rcs]Miulod to. Owr oflice íh in Kogeis' Agricultural Store, Detroit Bt. , Ann Arbor, Mi cl) . DuBOTS, CARE & CO. Ann Arbor, June 24,1862. 858tf IÏ1VEI.L.ING FOR SAL.E ! IF YOU w!h to buy a good two-story brick dwelling, conveniont to tlio business part of tbe City, with groukflf anit yards wcïl stocked witli clioire Fruit of all kinds, Apples' l'ears, Piaebes l'lunis, Raspberrieft, OrDameDtal troes, yhrubberj, Sc. ,&c, inqiiire atthe Nov. 14, 1S6-J. ARÜUS OFFICE. Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Michigan Argus