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f mum imim$ "countíTbible society. DCTCHITORY of Ribles and Testamenta at the So cíe" pnces at VV. C V'oorheis'. T. D. TOOKER. PREMIUM I'HOTOURAPHER. Exchange Block, Aan Arbur , Micliiizan. ' J C WATTS & BKO. DEALER" n (Hoeks, Watchos, J'welry and Silver Ware N 82, N -m Bloek, Aon Arbor. C. BLISS. DEALER n Clncks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware Nu. 22, New Blocli, Anu Arbjr C. H. MILLEN. DEALER in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, kc. &c. MinStroet. Arm Albor. BACH & PIERSON. DEALERS in Dry Gonds, Groceries Hardware, Boots & Sbftat, &C, Main at., Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER. MANUFACTÜRER and dealerin Boots ani Sooes, Dne door north of the Post O:Hc'. N. B. COLE. DEALER in Boots & Shoes, Rubbers, &c. Frankün Block, Maiu Street, Ann Arbor. RISDON & HENDERdON. DEALERS in Hardware, Stoves, house furnishing goods, Tin Ware, itc , (fcc , New Bloeit, Mam at. ÖTc. SPAFFORD. MANÜFACTURER of all kinds of Coooper Work, City Cooper Shop. Custom wurk done on short otice. Detroit Street, Ann Altor. A, J. SUTHERLAND, AGKNT for the New York Life Insurance Company, Oifice on Hurón Also has on hand a stock of the most approve 1 eving raachinea. SS5tf GEORGE FISCHER. MEAT MARKET- Huron Street- General dealer in Fresh and Sak Meats, Beef, Mutton, l'ork, Hams, Poultry, l.ard, ïallow, &c, Kc. ■ SUHOFF & MILLER. DEALERS n Miscellaneous, School and Blank Books. Sttionery, Paper HjDgiugs , itc. , Main st., Kranklin Block HIRAM J. BEAKE3 ATTOBNEY an.l Counsellor at ,.nd Solicitorin Chancery. Office in City Hall Block, over Webster' Book Store. WM. LEVVITT, M. D. PHYSICIAN auii Surgeon. Officö at liis residence, north aide of liaron street. and aecond house west Of División street. jM. GUITERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE and Retaü Jlealors and Manufacturera of Ready-Mads Clotliiug. Importers of CLotha, Casimeres, üoeskins, &c, No. 5, Phoenix Block, Main st. WM. WAGNER. TvEAT.ER n Ready M.ide Clothing, Cloths, Cassimercs, 1 and Vestings, Hats, Caps, Tiunks, Carpel Bags, &c, Phtenix Block, Main street. SLAWSON & GEER. "1ROCERS, Provisión and Commission Merchants, and J Dealen in W.iter Lime, Land Piaster, and P.'aster of Paria, one duur eat of CooVá Hotel. T. Bi FREEiMAN. BARBERand Fashionabie Hair Dresser, Main street, Ana Arbor, Mich. H-iir KronU and Curls kept e.ontantly on hand. J. M SCOTT. AMBROTYPi" and Phtngiaph Artisf , in the rooms over Caoiuion's Clothiiig store, Phoeuix Black. Perfeet satiáfactiongiven. W. WEEKS. SURVEYOR and Civil Engïneer, continúes to give immediate attention to all orders. Ofïice at his resi dence at thf corner of Catherine and Tluiyer sts. 6091 C B.PORTKR. SURGEON DENTIST. OmceCornpr of Main anl Hurón 8tieet.s, over B.ich át pieraun's títore. All calis prtjmtly attendfd to Aprl85i ' J R. WEBSTER & CO. DEALERS in Law aml Medical Books School Books, Lïlauk Books. MiscollarjeouH Books, pens, :nk, and eTery varicty of Stationerj, H imn st-, City ILill Block. C. B. TÏÏÖM PSÖN. 0 KALER in Dry f.nd Gricuries, Boots and Shoea. &c Profiuce bouj;!it and soW, ;it the old siand of Thompson & Miilen, Corner Main and Washington sts. MACK & SCHMID." DEALERS tn Fovaign ftïrf Donwtie Dry Good, Groceríes. Ilit.s and Cap-, Boots tind Öhocs, Crockery, kc.t Corner of Main k Libfrty sts. 0. A. KELLEY, PHOTOnRAl'IIEK- Cnrnti F-mrih k Huron streets, Ano Arbor. Qffiip framea nn-i Hfarïkögraph Albumn constantly on haud, and at lower lates than can be fountt eliitwlier'e. Iy691 ANDREW BELL. DKALflR in Groceries, Provisión, Flour, Produces, &c., &c, corner Main and Wi.sliinton S:ree 8, Ana Arbor. Tue highest marUet priceapaid lor country produce. 8(6 "T7 I. 0. 0. F. WA9IKENAW Lndge. No 9, of the Independent Order of O ld Fellows meet at their Lodge lioom, very Priday Kvening, at 7á o'clock. S. Sjmimkim. N. G. P. B. Rose, Sccy KINGSLEY & MORGAN. ATTORNEVS, Counsellors, Solicitor.s, and Notaries P iblic, have Booki and Pluis Bhowing titles of all lamls ia "he Oouatr, an i attend to conveyancin and cullect'ng demands, and to pftyinft taxes and sciiool interest in any part of the stace. O:lice east of the park. D. DjsFOREST. WHOLESALF. and rctail dealer in Lumber, Lath, Shinjles, Sash, Onors, Blinda, Water Lime, Grand River Piaster, Piaster Paris, and Naila ofallsizes A f uil and perfect assortment of the above, and all other kinds of building in itenals constantly on han1 at the lowest poisible rates, on Detroit st ., a few rods (rom the Railioad Depot. Also operatiug extensively in thL Patat Ceraeat Routing.


Old News
Michigan Argus