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The Mysteries Of New-york

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[COMHU.MCATED.] Wars, national resources, political contests, religious conventions, arausements, the Central Park, its gwans, góndolas, &c ,have been (liscussed - this letter is of the ■' Mysteries of York." In the car, steamboat, saloon, parlor, at dinner, in the Street, everywhere do I hear some story with relation, to or an inquiry as to the msaning of those mythical words, posted, printed and advertised whereever I go : S. T.- 18G0.- X. accompanied with a crescent and a shepherd's hook. A. secession sympathizer said it was : "Satan Triumphed in 1800 in granting the Xpeclation of abolitionists ; " while a Republican said it was : " Stump-Tail Deraocrats of 1800, gone to Texis;" another, " To the State-Taxes of 1800 add ten (X) dollars ; " another, that they were the watchworda of some secret society, like, " Sons of Tecumchia are 1860 Strong," or " Sjward Tricksters of 1863 üsed Up," &c, &c. Well, your correspondent was ill - had been ill for a long time - In fact. lus late suppers had given him a horrid dyspepsia. He read the advertisements, and of course bouaht a boltle of Plantation Bitters ; the Bitters cured him, and on the bottle appeared those same cabalistic letters . g. T. 1850. - X. 1 traveleil straight for 202 Broadway, iutroduced myselfto the celebrated Dr. Drake, and was shown the elephant - tusks, 3. T and all - and a great institution it is. A six story building in Dey-Street, f rom C3llar to garret, is occupied as a laboratory for producing this single medicine. Soiueforty persons are employed ; several vats, holding six thousaud gallons each are filled with roots, herbs and material, and then soaked in water, and the expression preserved in pure St. Croix Rum. I here saw the bags, boxes and bales of Calisaya Bark, Wintergreen, and other materia! - and the original St. Croix Rum puncheons bearing tho Custom house brand. It seems that medicine could here be turned out to supply a world of invalids - ■ yet these gentlemen are unable to flll their orders for Plantation bitters alone I was shown many ceuificatesof extraordinary cures effected by these Bitters. The statistics of the medicine business as presented to the last Congress in the report of Mr. D. S. Barnes are enormous and startling, amounting to some six million dollars annually Tlie proprietors of these Bitters will pay Uncle Sam near flfty thousand dollars for stamps this year ! With such individual resources governvnent loans ought to stand at par, and Jefferson Davis might as well pack up and start for Jerusalein. " J. H. We are happy to reproduce the above letter, and add that any ordinary case of Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Nervous Aöection Sour Stomaafc, Loss of Appetite, Nervous Headache, Diarrhaea, Sinking Weakness, Mental Despondency, &c. can be cured by the Plantation Bitters. That all persons may judge of its efficacy, we publish a list of some of the articles used in its preparation : Calisaya Bark - Celebrated for over two hundred years in the treatmcnt of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia. Weakness, &c. It was introduced into Europe by the Countess, wife of the Viceroy of Peru, in 1C40, and was afterwards sold by the Jesuits for the enormous price of ís oten weight iu silver, under the name of Jisuit's Powders, and finally made public by Louis XVI, Kin? of France. Humboldt makes especial reference to its febrifuge qualities during his South American travels. Cascarilia Bark - For diarrhaja, colic, and diseases of the stomach and bowels . Daxdelion - For inflammation of the loins and dropsical afïections. Uamomile ílowebs - i or enteebleu digestión. Lavender Flowers - Aromatic, stimulant and tonic - highly invigorating in nervous debility. Wixterqbeex - For scrofula, rheumatism, &c. Anise - An aromatic carminative, creating flesh, m úsele and milk ; much used by mothers aursing. Also, clove buds, orange, carraway, coriander, snakeroot, &c, all preseived in perfectly pure ST. CKOIXRUM. The piwerful, invigorating and tonic properties of St. Croix Rum have been long aeknowledged by the physicians of the world. For consumption it is the only stimulant that should be used. S. T.- 18G0- X. Another wonderful ingrediënt, of Spanish origin, imparting beauty to the complexion and brUliancy to the mind, is yet unknown to the commerce of the world, and we withhold its na ik' for the present. Dr. W. A. ChiJds, surgeon of the Tenth Vermont Regiment, writes ; " I wish every soldier had a bottle of Plantatiou Bitters. They are the most effsetive, perfect, and harmless tonic I ever used." The follciwing is f rom the famous hotel proprietors, at Washington : Washington, D. C, Nov. 4, 1862. Messrs. P. H. Düake & Co. - Please send ns twelve dozen Plantation Bitters. They are much liked by the guests of our house. Respectfully ymirs. SYKÈS, CHADWICK & CO. Proprietors Willard's Hotel. ' KooHESiEE, Dec. 28, 18G1 Messrs P. II. Drake & Co. - Gentlemen; I have been a great suiferer from dys[ie[)sia for three or f'our years. I have tried many if not all the remedies recommended for its cure. Instead of relief I became worse, had to abandon my profession, and suft'ered greatly from everything I ate. My mind was mucj) affected, depressed and gloomy. About three months ago I tried the Plantation Bitters, and to my great joy I am nearly a well man. I have recommended tliem in several cases, and as lar as I know. always with signal benefit. I am, very respectfully yours RKV. J. S. CATIIORN. Such is the language reaching us daily. Ko article ever had an equal sale. Under no circumstanccswill the pure Standard of the malerials used be departed from. These Bitters are sold by all principal druggists, grocers, hotels and restaurants. Be ■ sure each bottle bears the fac simile of the ' proprietor's signature, on a steel píate label. V. H. DRAKE & CO. 202 BboaewaT; Neiv-1'ork.


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