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A Nice Candidate For Regent

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We invite the attention of our readers to a Report in anothcr column,, mede to the House hy (Ion Jambs A. SwEBZey, chainnan of the commilteo ori hanks and incorporations. Tliis report recomineuds the passago of " hill ra&ktng appropriations in aid of the State Agricultural College, and the Michigan School of Ilomoopathy and Surgtry." Now, Mr. Sweezey has nn undoubted right to be a Homeopatliist, a friend of the Agricultural Cullege, or any thing else he pleases, but we submit t'iat the disposïtion he shows to advanca the interes s of bis "'pets" at tha expenso of the University of Michigan, is evidence suüicient that, by reas ui of bis rejudices, to say uotbing of hu ignoraiiee ho displays, he is an unüt mm to bo eleoted Regent of the University. To advocate tho establisliing of a " School of [Inueopathy j and Surgery " in tha Airrioultural (kollege is an idea so Quixotic as to excite only a sinile, if Mr. S. was not a candidate for a position tlut demanda bettor sense and judgment. It ia to be boj ed that tho friends of ths Uuiversity in all portions of the State, and t'ie ftiendi of tho Ui:iversity ar i the real frienés of our State educatlonal atetestu, will hositate long bcfore they vo'e to conQde tlnu stitution to the to ider meruies of Mr. Swerzey. Ilis unfitness is too palpable to excuso any man for vöting for him. - We umierstand that the Report signed by Mr. Svvekzuy was written by a Dr. LIn,L, of ühii, a non resident member of thé Legislaturo of two years ago, who occupied a larga portioo of bis time in ïnakiug "John Brown faids " upon tli e University, and who would re joice in its spoed do.vnfill, siinply becauae t'ie Regenta have not been willing to try tho expsrimaot of taixing big md little pills togetliur at tho Medical de partmont. Hilt, is the principal and Sweezky the tooi in tlns atterapt to divert the fuuds of the University nto another uhanuel.


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