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Ann Arbor Democratic Association

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A prelim iiiury meeting for t ib formation of a Democratie Association was held at the Cöutt Ilauso,. in this city, on Saturday evcnitif', Fob. 28, at wliieh a committea w:is nppoiuted to draft a con stitution for such an ssaociation. The meeting adjourned to Tliursday eVeöirrg, March 6, at whieli time tlie cominittce reported the following draft of a constítution, wh:ch wasadopted : Wc t.ho ündereigried, eitizons and voterg üf the city and township of Aun Arbor, believing tliat the prodouiiiiance of the National Democratío Party', iu the State and Nation, are cssential to tlie prosperity and integrity of the Grovernment, both local and Federal; at'd that it is the only organization capable of rescuing the country froui sectional strife, and perpettiating the unión of the States; und wjsiung a nore tboiough organization for na vi ce, conference, and action, do adopt tho following CONSTITUTION'. I. This assoeiation shull be known as the " Anti Arbor Democratie Association." 2. Tlie officer of thía assooiation shiill oonsist of a President, niuu Vico Pres'dents, (one from oach Ward in the City, two from the Township, and two at large), ReOording Secretiry, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer. 3. The officers shall be i'lucted by ballot, unlesa otherwise or(]ered, at the regular meeting in" March in eaob vear, which shall be the annual meeting, aud shall liold their oifices for oye year. 4. The President shall perforen the duties of presiduig officer, at all meetings of the assoeiation, when present.: order 'lie Reoordiog Seoretary to cali special meetings at such times as he may deern best for the interesta of the assoeiation, or, when requ-.vsted in writing by n majority of the Vice Presidents. In the absence of the President the Vico Presidents at large ball preside, taking precedotico in the order ia which they were eleeted. 5. The ward and township Vica Presidei)-s shull exert triemseires in tlicir several lo alities to secure members for the atisociation, and invite all to co-operate with tho association iu its efl'orts and objeots. 6. Tne Uecording Seeretary shall keep a record of proceediugs of tlie association, and reta i o possession of the books aud papers for reference, and shali keep a iist ot all the merubers of the association. Hq shall issue calis for special meetings, aud noticea of legular meetings, when ordered by the President, and altend to all duties pertainiig to his office. 7. The Corresponding Secretary shall atteud to all niatters of correspondence with othcr demuer.itiu organiz itions, aud report the samo ateach meeting of the associatiou 8. Tlie Treasurer fu:ill reeeivo and liave charge of all f uu dj paid in for the variuus purposes of the asaoeia tion, and fliall reuder a truo account of thu sainu nliuii róquired bv thu assjci.ition, and sbull pay out tho same by di rectiou of a iMJorily of the Executive Cummittee on the order of tlie Piesident. 9. Tlie officers, enumerated in scotion 2, hall be an Ejecutiva Coinuiittec, and it shall ba their duty to atteLd to the obtainiiig and d Btributiig of pol i tica 1 papers 'nd documenta, prouuring of speakers for puhlis meetiugs, and altend to all othcr matter for thu welfire ot' the assoeiatipn. They shall also fill all vacancies ocourring ia tlioir own nuiuber botwen íhe animal meetings. A nvijority of tlieir miniber shall eonstitute a quorum for the Iransaction of business. 10. Tliu pegiilnr meetings of tliu association shall be held on the firgt Tliurs diy evening of eadi month. 11. The signing of thia const'tution pn.ill constitute a membejship ai.d entiile the sutiscriber to all the rights of a member of lho association, and uijuins the duty to aid and assiat in carrying out its objeels and efforts. Ttiis coiistitution mav be amended or altcred at any regular meeting by a vote of twothirda ot' the niembers present. The Association then proceeded to tlio cleotion of officers with the followiuc re-ult : President- Alihieus Felch. Vice Presidenta - At largo, R. IIoop(r,W. S. Maynard; First Ward. L. C. Risdon ; Second Ward, A. Widenmiinn ; Third Ward, N. ]'. Parsons; Fourth Ward, Jolin Tuomy ; Fiftl. Ward, Peter Shulterg ; Townsliip, II. M. Mowrv, J. J. Parshall Record mg Secrclary - S. B. McCracken. Correspondías Srcre'ary - E 13. Pond Trrnnurer - U.B. Wilson. Nearly tvvo hundred natues were then gigned to the constitution. L-5ÉT A flock of Hve bundred finu sbeep weigbinj; ihout 130 ponndson an averiijti, was recor.tly sold bv II. öoodyenr, of Ibis oounty, to N. WefiVer, 1 Clinton, for Ihe siitn of $2,020 or $0.73 per head, - Jncknen Engte. - A pretty good sale, Mr. Eas[ïe hut then Mr. Goodybak don't huppen to live i:i Jacksnn O )unty, hut resides in Freedorn, Washteonw County. L3T Hon. W. T. Howhlc, of NWnyafo, formely Domocrat of the Calhcun school, now the ruiliu:il leudor ol the House, hasgót bis rewar'd, having been appointed Associate un tice of the United States Cnurt for the Torritory of Arizonn. Well, Michigan can spare him. JCC 'lnfMAS VV. Olcott, of Albany, Now York, bas been appointed ! troller of Curroney undr tho National Bnnking lnw. ÊT By a fmilish di visimi of the New Hampshiro Demócrata an eleetion of Governor by the people was preWjHlled. Eaufa ol the Democratie eandidates received a largor vote t ha n the Rupublican uundidule: The Letri.slaturo is Repablicam J-JE" Gen. Cuims has been removed from command of tlie departraent of the West, and Gen. Sümnku appointed his sucoessor. L-S The Repiblican Judicial Convention was lio!d at Jackson on Monday, and Judgo Lawkkncx nominated for re. electton. &3T" The liepublicans are móking graat eflorts to get up a divUion in the democratie party, and prate oontinually abmit " War Difinocrats " and " Peane Deinocrats " They tried the gaine in Nuw llatnpshiro with soina suooess, and wil! try it in all the othtr ■StaUs wheru iny eleetionfl aro to take place. Tlie diitinulion tliev make is without a diilorencü. The Demoorats are all " War D'imocratrt " and all " Peace Democrat' T(u;y aru for vvw until the Fefeols and (he rebel States aro willino to return to tbeir allegianco to thu CoiWtitUtiurt and the Umon, and nn hnger; aixi for peaoe wben the Union is retoTed in tact, the inaj.istv of the Conslitution and the laws vindioated, and not before. And t'.iai's uil there i-i f t. Thev eek no C'improinise that compromisos tftu Union, and are ftfr no ettlenient on a disnnion bais. Can the radical leaders of the Republican party say as innch ? S&" The Suuate resolntion providing for an adjoiirnmBCrt of the Legislatura on the 19' h has heen .mernled by the Home, Axinf it tor tita 23 i and the Senate concurrHiLj an adj iiinmient inay be looked tor at the latter date. f3F Tho Ooinn.iitee on Elections of the House lias [riada i trong report atiainst the bill providing for taking the vote oí sol diera in service out of the State. They say it would viólate the ! constitmio'i, and raíerriug to th opinión oí the Attorney General, effuctuallv exposé hirf Coptiistry. &2E" The recent city a;i! tosvn elee tions in the State of Njw York luire resulted in great doniooratio gains and victirioá Roehester, Troy, Auburn.Geneva, and othcr eitiea have gune larely democratie, 5on;e of thom for the first time in tliirty years ; and in ftlmogt every section there is a gaiu over the vote for ' Seymodr last November. J"2E" The Hoiisi' has passed a bill atipropriuting $'.0,000 ii year for tlie n -xt two years to the Agricultural College. The Senate has dafeoted a bili oppropriating $[) 000 ywir to the same nstituüon. ö Too Rttjjublioah jouraalt of t' e Suite expsnd a vaut deal ofholy horror over tlie late riot n Detroit, and leuve n tone unUirned to fis the respon, ibility for it up'in tha domournliu party nnil niüku Ri?pub!ican capital. But tliu (leiniicratH nuve notliing to do with it, oitlior ts inciter.-, a bat tors, purtk:ip:mt-, or apologista, und tlin Rpubli oiins are welcune to all thov c;ti) make outorit. We sUppósB, howeVer, tbat i f 1 1 r Ropabüunn cotamporariea have raaliy 'jecome law and orde:' men thov will CHiisü thüir re! jioi n-f ovur the snp. pression bv mobs of donjocratio nuwspupers, und their ttireata of violenre to demo xatio spo:ikbi':. Or are they only half oonvertud ?


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