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Federal Reverse In Tennessee

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Special Dispatch to the Detroit Free Press. Fbanklin, Turró , March 8. Specials have siven 7011 no genera] idea of the fiilit and disaster ut Thompson Station. Thora is no evidnoo tl. at our torces wee t iken by surprise. Van Dorn was known to be in f ree ahead, and our brigade wan s lidlv ndvunoinw, oonstantly Hkinnishitig1, when tho rebels appeured in nverwhelming numbers. They adtnit huring a foree of frorn fif'een to twtnty thoiianod, belonging to Van Dorn'ti divi.-ion. Tliuy say'ttiey had in actnul furee of twelve thoürand engaed. The Ninteunth Michigan lost 454 privatc.i and ciuirnissioned offioer Colonel Gühort, M ] ir Shaffer, Oaptain, Smith, Lincoln, Maker, Thompson, Bigelow" D.iflV, Fjientenanlg Sh.ffur,' Wintr. Hubbard, Euaoli, Clark, 8taff ord, Tompkini, Orson, Brown, and C iltiier. Look out for etirring -dispnthes if tho rehuís stand thuir ground in u few I days. A división of eavulry, under Brigadier General Mintv, aüacked Russett's cavalry at Unionville, some ten miles southeust, yesteidiiy. They oaptured twenty-ooe wugonn, twenty-five tent, twetity-five mulos, fifty liorses, all the camp equipaje, a Ciptain three Lioutenantfl, and fifty-three private. Two Federáis were [-hylitly wonnded. The rebels lost fifty killed and 180 wonnded j all by sabre strokes. Tho Seventh Pe.msylvania and Fourth Michigan did ihe work. Dispatch to tho Associated Press, Nashvül.-, March 8. The latest from Fraiiklin states that our troops fonght val'iroiisly until their arnmunition was exhausted. Our loa in killed and woundod wan I about 300. ar.d about one thousand ; taken prisoners. No officars were ed. The report rtbout nosrro rebel reijiinents provea false. The rebel loss, acoording lo tbeir stateinent, sras doublé ours.


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Michigan Argus