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jNFDK'W" BOOT fe SHOE Ö f tí N. B. COLE, (Successor to Monre & Loomis ) has open-d a store in " FRANKLIN 1W1LD1NGS, Mam street, Aun Arbor, and has on hand a largo asBortment of BOOTS, SHOE-5 & EUBBERS, manufacture J l'rom the best niaterinl nnl Tarranted to K'TO s;itisf"cti(n CftiiKtinp ot MLN'S KIP, OA.LF AND TIIICK BOOTS, Di BBHS .OI.Kn MENS BUI' FALO OVERSIIOES, of ;ill deftcriptionfl. LADIES' GAITERS, Moroccu Iioolces, Balmoralt, Feil Ccershoe', and Rubbers. Also, Böy's Kip, Catif &Thick Boots, togetfaer wiíh a jarlety of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S SIIOES. Z ntn u!so ."Hanufatiui Ing WARRANTED DOOTS & SIIOES. ilen's Fine Freucll CnliT IJoo's Peggfd and SewëcL Givemeftcnll beforp purcliaain clscwhere. 1 will si-11 my koods chenp lor catfh. REPAtKlUQ NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTICE. N. B.COI.E. Ami Arhnr.Inn. 13tb,Jflfi3. 8Stf a Leo r uk e TO Y'ÜNG MEN I Just Publislud, in a Stalfd Envelope. Prict Six Cents A indure oa tlie Nature, Treaiment ?.nd Radical Cure nf 9pfrrmforrhcea or - rainal WvaUnea, Tnvoluntarv. Fmis-" ns PcTcual I i bil.ty, and Imp'.'inK n's tn Mannjrf geni ru)!y, NrvbiniaB) naumption, i' pllep -y and Fis ; Mental and l'hvical Inespaeity, iesu!t'ng fpom t-?lf-Abuf, fec - y-y ■'. LL, M. !., Authi r "t the Green Rook. SfC. The worid rexmv n d autl or, inthis admira VltfLeoture cleft r',v pro ves ir m lii- own eupríenct ttaat the awfuj onsequencp o r-t-ll íbufe nia teeffectnallyTeiooved without mciüc'nc. añd wttbctjt dangerouo nurpica] jn'iaílonf , bpugieu, instrument-, rings or c rdialo, puini ng tiiíi a na ode o i ciif 6 at oncp eértaín nnd effectua!, b which evevy RBffPW, i o matter wbat bis eondi tion mi be, may evre hltowli chapíy, privatly, and radïcalïy. Tbi& Lkctcpe wilj pboi ka poom 'íotuoüsandm A.VD TUOt'AM)S. Senl uttderaeal, to nny addreasflo a plaiu f'nvelopo, m the recelptof kíx cents, or two postage stampa, bj ifidressing, CHA.-a J. C. KIJK1 CO., 127 Bdwery, New York, Post Office Box. 4686 THE PERFECriON OF MECHANISM ! THE IÁ6M TIME OBSERÍEB, HEINfí A HrsTlNQ AND f)PBS FACF, OR ' DT'a OR QfiNTLEMAS'tí H Ti 11 QoMBINKD WITH 1'ATtNT tSBLF VTIHDING IMIR 'VUMBNT. TaaN#w Vos? li, .i"-trat!.d NsWs, tlic leadinjf pictoriaí paper óf the Unrtèd States, in issue oí J-an. -Oh. '8 8, on page 1 7 , voíuntaríly sftya : ' We bavi beau qhown a mout .ieaniDg iwveltf , of which the HcBBAfcD BBttf , c1 thw cit, are the aolfc [mpört(i-H 11 r Qftlled ' MaGii Ïimk Oskïvkr,' uni s a hunt n_f and optB'face watch combined. 'ibis ih une oí thö prettwf1 . most co uTsaient, n I declded y the best atKl eheape1 timepifce orirpn&ralftnd reliabLe lue, pvpr ciVercd. Il hawithin itand connected with it maciiinery, its own ffinditig atiacbmeöt, reniler.n h key (Miiiiely unüecpasar.'e. 'l'he rus-.-, of thifl Wch a.i e composefl of' two metáis, tl. e outr odp bein fine 6 orai gold ït bai tbe mprovid rwby act on U-ver mmemont, :'nl i w;ivnni wi an ftccufate Hm -liece " 1'rieiB, 8uprbly PogrwTetl. pf cafe oi b iialf Qozcn, 5 01 í o Sample Watcbes, m iwut morocc boxes, for those j.rtpnsiiiif 1 1 l'ny it Wh?)lewale. 3V seut by ex: l-reht.wU;h billpayabfe on deliwrjr Solriiexs mu-t rcm i i!nnvn' in advanc? as we cann it c(iliijct n'rotïi those ñ khë Anny. AdJress, ÜLtTBBAKp UV.(). & ' O., ROTJi rotTMM, 68" "1,-th Coh Nassau & JoiivVts . Xi-v Yotk WONDKRFUL UCCEisS. jjry The attentiou and research of the most dstiaguisLed Chemitii and lhysiciana for vean hvf bcendevoted lothp priiduction o a reroedy fot4h"e mu,i dintresSN g ma la dies Nbckaigi ao.4 RÓkdmat km. Aller long atu y an 1 inmy exjiei imïitH, a apectfic pr e-par at on has been d ícorprefl , WaiH-N" Neuralgia Interna Remtdy is curios thousands of cases wnereall other remedi" have aUerlj failed. Weare aasared that it ír no mere " ÁOlíYNK," relieving fT tb mcmiii t wLiile tin. cau&e remain, is a perfeo FKCIflCatid CURE for tbo-e punful diíetiaes. The vaut ininilii r ui IJniments ' nibiciui ns ni Y x tem .1 Medie nts which actas atitn'itan of theHurfaceonty, are mörelj ti-nip r u v in ' r effect an 1 ■ f linubttul virtuo. The Ml'KAl.i.IA KIN"G leache. the sonree of all troublf, aml effectunlly lniahea the diSease frum tliesvï-tcm. l'rice- Cme Dollar per Bottle. Prepnre1 by C. K. WALKER, 1} 887 BuíTalo, N Y , ana Fort Krie, C. W. ï am bound for xhe shoeinc SHOP! J. 0. áOUTfIER & R. A. JOHNSON, Ulacksmitlis. Will dn Hirse Phneingnnl all Mnls ofjobblng in tlieir line at Ihe shortwt possible n";ice Alaci Cjirriape an'l Wagon Wtir done tu order, nuil satfsfactioEi given or no p;ty. CHEI.3EA, Waslitcnaw Co., Micli., Feb. 2. '63, 3m390 Tcbacco! Tobacco! i Am sEixma GOODFINE CUTCUEWING TOBACCO At f mm. I7pl cents ti $1 per pound SMOKING TOBACCO, Frnm 1 l cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Aun Arbur, Midi., De .17, 1883. 6831f Pensions, Bounty Money, Back Pay, &c, &c, Du e Soldirs, tbeli widowa, ohlWren, orother beirs can be obtHin d by apolying to FRANrKlJ ]. PARKER, autburized agent, or i TRACY W. flO iT. IU)ot & l'ARhEit atten'l Uso to oliectin;, conveiinc n% mv fsmifthiog ibHcts oï l;m,l tillen, baving earefully prepured booka and plata showig h' cosdition ( title of all l&adá in W&tthtenaw Cunty ; i'Syiqg tiixe.i, and in vestig ting tr and otbtr íciW tillen in any part of the t-tatö or Un'ted tt■f. Uav' also Farms and t prïQTsd üin Is tor sale or exohan1. Aai are &v enta ir the Atlantic Kire Insurance '■ 'ompaoy cff Now York City. Ufíice uppodite the Frunkllb House, Aun Arbo'. Dissoliitson IVotice. 'HE CCPAHTHERPHIP be-etofore Esïiflijg ndertb firm of Lumni & Tripp is h day dueolvd l-y mutual cun.NLiit WM. L LO1MT3, CHAS.TRiPP. Ann Arbor. Fib 2, 3 -'53. 801tu8 LAW SCHOOL orHarvard College, ISS3. TWO TKRfi of ni.ioíen wí-pk eacli, commonc'Dg M 'RCl! 2p anrl SEl'TEMHKK Tth Für Catalogue and ' iroitlftr airlit fk JÜEI PARKER, i'yir? Trnjutat. THE REBBJLLIO ON BIOS PRICES FOR CLOTflïNG, HASCOMMEXCËDATTIIE OLO & EELIABLÊ CLOTHING EMPORIUM ! No.ffPIICENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. rAM now ononin? a Iiirge and varied assortmsnt of P f nftgan-1 Slimmer Qoods, and in view of the rebelllon on &igh prfcs noner-iHy, will ofihr them to my ['rienda and cuwtomi r& at the Tery luwest. figures for Cnsh. - Thosuin want of a superioi article oí Clotha, Caasi iturea, or Bcady-Madc Clothirsg, -will cal! enWM. WA GN ER, who has just returncd from the East, with a Jarge assortment oí SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS wliich have bien purchnsed at the lato LOY PRICES! and can offer them at a lowrr figure than ever bfore. Aiuoug my Aasurtmeni va&y be fuuud BROADCLOTIIS, OÁ8SIMERES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of all áoioriptionfl, tneílKT w!íh a superior aasortment ül Kmdy-ÍIade Clolhlng, iirppsTVTTItüNKS, CARPET BACP, jËïW4s UMRRELLAS, and ïpitb namíTous other artfolei usually found in similar establishment., Aa an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, .lie aubscribrr fint'ers him-iplf, that liis loni expe""eneo din] gemral sacce&s, wíl [ imable liiin to give tht! greatext salist'aelion to ali who may trust him iu the way ol GF Mauufuctnring Garments io order. "U'M. VAGNTER. AnnArtor, Api 1 9tt 1862. 84Stf THE ROOTS AxND THE LEAVES -- WIl.L be for tho Healii-g of tho Xatiuus. Billa. Frof. Xí.. J". Xj-K-OTkTSÍ, THE GIIEAT AN'l) CK.EBRATBD l'HYSICI ÍN of th l'HKUAl', l.LTNGS. HfiABT, JUVÜ.R AND ÏUE BLOO1), Known allover tfaecoaotrj as the CKI RTtíiATFD I2XTIDIA.3Sr HEBB DOCTOR 1 OÍ LS2 .Su [jtíri'jr Street, Olevelanú, ííhiu. Wül visit the fullüwing placas, viz API'OIN íTMKNl FOü i8ti2, 1863 and 164. Prof R. J. Lvons can be consulted at the fnMowing alucen fvcry muntli. viz: Detroit, KuMel iloiif-e. each moith, 18th nnii 19th. Aun Arto r. Sloüitor Houfta, each munt h, 20. h. JachBun, lilbhani Houtt, HftOiJ month, 'i. Adrián, Llrncl.ft House, each nuiilli ilu aml23d. Tttdu, Ohio,Culhnd huudeeacU munth, 24th,3Jth) and mía. Billsdale, Jlich. , Hillsdale Home, each month, 27th Colihvatei% Mich-, öuuttiern Michigan liouse, each munih. 38 th. Elkbart, Kikhrt IIousp, e:ich month, 29fh. South Bend, ltni , dt. Jo. II irel, each munth, 30. Ltipnrtf1, inü., 'I fe (jardeo üoiim, e-ich mootfa 3 t. WauatBTj UöiO, Ccaii 1 'U xcinugt-, eucu muutfa, Tth MiinsöbM, Oliio, Wiler llouto, each mcuth, 0th and lOeh. Mt. Veinon, Kenyon House, each ínonth.llth nná l.'th. Ne.vai'c Ohio, Holton JJuut-e, each m' ntli 13th and f Uih. i'aiuesville, (Jhin, Cowlos Hnue, PHch month, 4th ( l.KVl-I.ANü. oHId. Jíi Sli i:t Mi , OFFICE, '2&2 HUPERfOH STREET, Eaat of t!ic mblic square , opposii the Postefflc. ()!lijf d;iíi each immUi. 1-t. Üá, 4h, 5;ii, (t'n, l'tih. - Ullice houra irom 9 A. A. lo' 1 M. and trom 2 I'. M. to 4 i'. M. UiiMm -:av í:m (J lo 1 ) A. A.t and-1 to 2 P, M. ,S"M.imi.-.sir't:íy aiihered n.- I trivf sueh i'iilni as have no strife, Wnh nature or the laWs of Me, With bieod i:iy hitada I nev r tain NorpoÍHtin raen to eae iheir [üiÍb. lie i a physieian indeed, who Cures. The In lias i octor, lí. J. LYOJfá, cures the Tol lowintf comj.aiuts in the mot ub.-itiiiHte siages ut' their exísb nct , viz: lJihê.tses f th1 Tbroat, Lungs, fïeart, I, ver, Stotnach , Ürupsy i u 'hu Ctleat, Bhöumatisaa, Nwurulgia, Kits. or FaUingdickn88B,isad illotiaír uefrtufïerftnBim'Uffl. Also ali dieeaseof 'he blood sucli aa Scrufula, Lrysipela", Ganaers, ívet S(rtí. Leprusy, and nll other complicatcii ct.ruuic cimplainls All forma of femule diíSculties attended to with the h'i]jpiet resulte. it [a hoped iliat no ono wíl] despair of a cure untíl tíicy liave iveti the Indi. i ti Herb Doctor's Medicines a fan Hu.l fitiilihil nial, ftü-l'imng the Doctni'f travcls in l uiup', West In-lic-', tfouth Ameiica. and the United Maics, he Ua-s bíiu ihe insvrument in tíaA'n hand, io restore to health aad vigor thousaBda who w&tn given up ni pronoanced incurable by he raust eminent M ischodl phy8icianj uay, tnorf, thouands wliu Vereca the veije of the grave, are now living moi.Km"iit ti the Indi) n Herb's OootOT's skill nÍ Boeoeesfal treatuient.and are ilaily exclaiming: ''B'ess,eii beth-day wlu-n ñnt ve saw and jjurtook of the ludían Ilerb Dootor'fl medicine. " atlsf'actoy referentes of ciireR will be gladlv and cheerfully giren w henevr required. The Doctor piedles his word .iml lionrr,that he will in no wise.dirt'ctly or indirectly, induce or cause any invali'l to take his medicine without Ihe strungest prybability of a cure. flr Mode of exam!nation,-which is entirely different from fhe faculty. Jir, l,yn profe886S to diífcern dideaat b by the eye. He therefore asks noquestions, nor doeahe requi-ra patintsto explain svmpií.n.s. Cal) one and all, md have tbesymptoma onl locatioh of your diaeawe explaioed free of rharge í."3 ''he poor s)ji II be tiber;illv considered. L2T Postoiïlce ;iddres-j, box 2663. R. J. LTONS. M D. C'.evelanfi, Uhío, Nov. 26. 1802. lySO Tnises ! TlUrTÜRE CAN BR CÜFÏF.D RY A TRÜSS of the 1 1 rigbt kind, if properly fiitod mi dul y attended to Thí bas h en abun.lantly d. m mdtrhtecí in innnmera ble Instances by thp ue of tiie Multlp'clnl Trusa ot' Dr. lllgrft, dunne the laatfew yoarrt. This Trusa being c 'veieJ with IIrd Rubber, íh porfectly wntprproof, muy he used in bathin? and ís always cleanly as wel] as m íeatructtble by ordinary usage. If nut Battsfactorv 'ifter a fair tria] of ity dayp, jt muy be rturned It challeiTg(B comparison with any truss known. Dr RKGS ufSce, No. 2 BARCLAY Strept. NewYork. e85!f Vttention Company ! íT'HE firni of Moore & I.oomis, ar liow e!oning out Ji their buiufsn in t is city . md all 1 hose inrtehted to the tinn, oither öy note or book account, are respect' i'uliy mvite.i to cali and aettle the aam immédfately andsave cost. A f tof tbe 10th, faict., the book's nd accounts of saH tinn will be left wifh Mr. N. B. Hoto, ont door nc rib 1 Mesara, i-choff & MÜ'ps'r Bmk.-t ure, I'Viinklin Bloc k, who is duljr nuthorized to fiettle tbe same. MOORE & LOOMT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 7tb, 1863. t-Mtt' Fruit and Ornamental THEES, „T XjO'VT PBICES. 11HK SüBSCRIBETliï re nov pepared 10 rfooivr or. . áer-iforall kin dn of frui1 ana Ornamental Tre Bhrabs, Planta, Floners aud V.hPfof every dPBcriptipU aml varit'ty. fr theFftH f 18k;?and 9prln of 1868.We have a Urge stock now (frowinp, aud intcnri 1o make large impnrtatioDft fn m lime totime ai the wartP of thé country dPnoand,' Weinvitpthe pcoplr to mko themscWef. HCqtiafnted with our facilitic'ur doingbuütne8, before purchasiu elfen hero. We watmit all va. nottPA to l'f truc to, and tn be vfgurona and htaltliy sp'ici0tns. All oommnnieationf wlll bt pre nopt]y responded to. Oar ■ fflet Is In liogeifi' Agricultural Store, Detroit gt.jAnn Arbor. Mi eb . DnBOIS, CARR fr CO. lnn Arbor Juno 94.I8Í2, 858tf Money to Lend. rr.AN FURNIPFl WON'EY on rnFonab!e lerms and long Urna oagood Farm gecaxttj . E. W, MOEQlf. Ann Arbor, Julj 22, 1?fi3. glfitf rnCMTTruüiKBOrFICi 1 Ass Akbik, Feb. 1 1988. ƒ Totho ritv snfl tnwnhip Cl.'rke of the rmm'yof Wa-ihtenuw, ynnate-Vierab; nntlSed that thetupnty pii'h umui l'.,Tort ot the Sülifrinflident of Fubf.c Infitnictien of the Stte of Michigan, has been relvd at thi .jffle, an.1 is rend.v for dFtributioniu paokïgej from di t-nneiw in numbrr. TRACTO POOT, Ciprk.


Old News
Michigan Argus