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"COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. DEPO'ITORYof Bibles and Testamcnts at the Society pnces at W. C. Voortaeis'. T. D. ÏOOKER. ■nREMirM riIOTOGRAPHER. Excbange Block.Ann r Arbor , Michigan. " J 0. WATTS & IÍ11O. DEALER5 in Clocks, W.itcliM, Jïwelry and Silver Nu. 22, New, Ano Arbor. C. BLISS. DF.AI.ER in Clorks, Wntches, .lowtlry and Silver Ware No. 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. O. H. MILLEN. DET-F,R in Dry Good, Groceries, Crookery, &c. &c. M-iin Street. Aun Albor. BACH & PIÉRSON. DEALERS in Dry r.onds,Grocerii--3 Hardware, Boots & Bhoos, ice, Main i., Ann Arbur. O. COLLIER. MANL'FACTCP.F.R and dealerio Boots and Shoes, one door north of the FostÖ.Hoe. N. J3. COLE. DEALF.R in Boots & Slioes, Rubbers. &c. Frankiin Block, Mail. Street, Arm Arker. HISÜOÑ& HENDERáON. DEALERS n Hirdivare. Stnves, buuse furuishing (uu .Is, Tin #are, 5;c , &o , New Block, Mam st. 0. 0. SPAFFORD. MANUFACTUIÍE1Í of all kinds oL Coooper Work , City Cooper Sbop. Cuetom work done on fcliort otice. Detroit Street, Ann Altor. A. J. SUTHERLAND, AGKNT for.the New Yurk Life Insurance Company, OSce on Hurón street Also has on hand a htock of the most approve i newing in icliint'S. &85tf GEORGE FISCHER. MEAT MARKET- Hurim ?reet- General dealer in Fresh and Sal Meats, I! et1, Muttun, l'ork, llams, Ponltry, l.ard, TUow, c, fee. SUHOFF & MILLER. " DEALERS mi Miso3]laneou5,Hcli"Ol and Blank B'inks. Stationery, Pper Hajjgiugs,&o-, .Maiust., FranUin Block HIRAM J. BEAKE3 ATTORNFA' Hn.l CounsdloratLaw. ,nd Solicitor in . Chancerv. Offlce in City II ill Biock oI Welwtet'a Bonk Siiiro." ■ WM. LEWITÏ, M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office at bis residence, north sirte of Huron Btfeet, and second house west of División street. W. GÜITERMAN & GO. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers and Manufacturera of Ready-Mada Clothlng Importera of Cloths, Cassim -r -s Doeskin, fccKo. 5, Phoenix Block, M ñu st. WM. WAGNEIl. TxEAI.ER ín Reafly M.ulo Cloihing, Clntlis, Cassimeres, i) an! V. tilias. Ijlt-, Cap.i, Tiunks, CarpeV Uags,4:c., lbqealx lïluclc, Main irett. SLAWSON & GEEllT" GBÓCERS, Provisión and Co oa mis ai on Merchants, and Dealere ín Water Lim1, Laad Piaster, and Piaster of P;iris, ooedoor eat of CouU's Hotel. T. B. FUE E MAN. BARBERaml Fíisliionnbie Iliir Dresser, ínín Rtreet, Ann Arbor, Micli. ÍI ar KimuU au') Curl kqjt '■uuatantly on hand. J. M SCOTT, A MBROTVFE and Photgrapli Artiat, in the rooms jV over Campion's Clutbiugsture, Phoenix Block. Perfect satisfaction givea. w. weeks!" SUUVEYOR and Uivil Engineer, contirmes to pive Immediiite attention to all order3. Office at his resi dence at tlie corner of Catherine and T ha ver sts. 8C9; 1 C. B. POIÍTER. SURGEON DKNTKT. Office Corner of Main anl Huron ei ree tij, over H.ich f nb's Store. All calía promptly attended to Af r 1859 " J. 11. WEBSTER & CO. BEAfeER8 iu Law an'l Medical Bookg School Sooks, iilauk Books. Misci'llanetiLTs Buoka, pens, ink, and erery v%viéty of Stalionery, Sutob st, City Hall Ulock. ; O. B, THOMPSON. "TF.AT.F.R in Dry (Joods and GroéeriA, Bbbtfl andiihoes, 1 &o Pro lace boaght and sold, at tbe oíd stand oí Tb.oiií)ion. & Milieu, Corner -Main and Washington sts. MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS in Foreisri and Domestic Drj' Good, (roce- L rit. Hits and CB3.i Boots and Shoes, Cruckorj'7] fee., Corner of Main & l.ilierty st. 0. A. KELLEY, PHOTOfiRAI'HEU- Cornet Fiiurlh k Hurón streets, Ann Arbor. Cases framea aivl Photograph Album eonstantly on hand, and at lowcr rate than can be found elwwhere. . Ij891 " ANDREW BELL. DKALF-R in Groceriea, Proviaiona, Flonr, Produces, fco.j &c, corner M;iin ;mï WaBbingtOB S'.rees, Ann Arbor. The highest marlet pricespaio lorcountry proJuce, 8f6 I. o. o. F. WASHTENAW Ln.lge, No. 9, of the Indoponden) Or. lor of Odd FeUowfl meet it their Lodgs Room, fivery Friday lünning, at ï % o'clock. S. So.VDHKk, N. ü. P. B. IÍOSB, Secy KINGSLEY& MORGAN. TTORVRVS, Counsellors, Silicitors, and Notarios IX. V iblic, hxve Books and Plats abowing titles of all I mis ia the 'Jointr, anlatleri'! to conveyandng and 3oliect ng demands, and to payinjl taxes and school interost in nny part of the state. OiliCi cast cf the park. D. DeFOREST. WÍI0LE3ALK and retail loaler in Lamber, T.atb, Shinles, Öaah, Doors, Blinda, Water Uje , Grand Rirer Piaster, piaster Paris, an 1 Naila uf all sizea A fuU and pcriVut assoit ii'Mit oC tliü ubove, aard aïl ftther kinds of building meteríais constantly on hand at the lovrest possiblo rates, on Detroit st., a few rodsfrom the R.iilroad Depot. Al.-iO operatiug extensively in the Pat-ent Cement Roofing.


Old News
Michigan Argus