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l II II I MI I II !■!! lipn 1 1 IIPMI JWI_11-I- J_0 Lost. ON Satunlajr. . Marcli 14th in tblo!ty,n Wallet, cr. raming a N'ote giren by Jaoob Hangrtf rfpi tf(o.Bush or bearer, sime time ia Jasuarj, 18 IJ, pajabl In one year. AUpersona are eftntinned againat purcbaoing the inme, as paymenl bu bwn xinjiped. A reasonable reward "-11 b i)a,d for the rftum of WaU let and Hote,ot tho N,,te. 6890. GEORÜET1USH. Notice. WHKREVS, fflywife, Mary Owrmítl has lcft mf bI ;ind boa id íind without any proToation Trom me, I forbid any nenon Irom hrboring ir trufltfng her on iijv account, as 1 will paj m 'lebís of lior cuiuraclingafúr tB! dts. CHRBTJ4N OVKRRMITH. Sharon, Feb.EC, M63. 4-fc94 $7000,00 WAiV-ÍEDl On Throo Yonrs "Timo 8 Y THE COUNTY OF WASUTENA W Kor wliich bond of SlOi eaoh wili be issued, tlraïfing7 cent. payable ammally. Sealed prop.! ar iDTtwd uittil Ihc lst of April, 18BS,at the üoanty Tressarer'a oiüko at Ann Arbor. HORACB CARPKNTER, 8w89S Tfeasurt-r ui Washtenaiv Counijr. Ice, Ice, Ice ! rSÍIALI, cointneucc deÜveiing Ice on o aimut ther first of May r.ext and wouM be gtkd lo íurninh atl pt rftona wishing Icti and pm'eivor to give satififactio to all who muy favor me vith theif order. fies furnidh d 20 Iba per. dy ap lo July Ist t $1,00 per roonth. After Jirij Ist, $1.60 jcr m.nth. Extra quanti!ie.sí?O cents per l(m ll.).s. Hotel, lïutchers íiml iNïloons sappliecTua bererofurt-. i';im 'ii requfred at the expiratton of eaeh month-. Personi nut pnyiog thair bilis wiüiin a reasonable time altor preseutation, tbe supplv of Ice wil) be stnnned (I.KMJ-MT K TÍ10M!:ON. Ann Arbor, March 19, 1863. ft8fJ6 Office of the Sheriff of Wasiitexaw Co.,, Aun Arbor, Alarch 3, 1863. To the Electora of Washtenaw County : You are hereby notified, tbat at the next General Electíon, to lie Iieid on the first Mon day of April next, in the State of Michigan, the following oílicers are to be elected, viz: - One Asocíate Justice of the Supreme Court;. Eight Regents of the State University; and a Circuit Judge for the Fourth Judicial Circuit, of this Stato, to which this County i attached. PlflLIP WIXEGAR. Sheriff of Wash Co, NOTIOE OF D1TCII SALE. " 'T'HEUNDKÜSIiiXKDwilloITerfor s.le tothelowe.t bidder, at Howell'a oíd ftand, fnur milPBHeat ol ll.e vnl.ugeof llextoi, nnïuesilaj, Harcli 2 4tli . A. I)., 18iS at 11 o'clck,A. M. , the makmg ol live miles mui 12 rodsof ditch - knowo bs I)eter (Titch Xu l.inaccorilaoee witli the stipulatiunx, survcvs, and laljp of rut . 8id ditch i to be one foot wide en the bottim hi.,1 of i depth h marked on each Rtationatake net in the iine o! snit) ilitch, and :he banku lo slcue oue foot for evrr foot iu depth. .T. I!. STARS. J(t. PRAT, .1 .1. PARSHALI,. Drainage Comralssionerj for fhe County of Winhte-' n;, w. lated, Feb. 9llh, 186.! ÖityI,ots. [TAVIXR determlued to sell noch lotsas are irantd to11 build on, l bat a maHadvanee on furmer priceBj, imtwitbjitanding the certainty of a rapid and tfreat rie, withmcrea-sedrlemiiil.bef.irenixt slimmer. I willbe al li„mo ,tay exrtpt Tuesdays and Thur.!ars, iinti! tbe Tirst ..f May ..ex!, when I êxpect to be abaint tora sea"sonjfter whieb I iutend to hold ivhat remain unsr.ld ut from lifty to one handrod per cent abo presout prira-s. I have a few dwelüng boustu of my ovyn and Sthers for Ie, ln a ftw farms; and I adri. all who eed !or t!ie!r o use to bny al once, lor wnetberllie nar scontinued or pcace ia proclaijntd, thspriee of real estáte in Ann Arbc.r and Ticinity ia sure to rise rapidlv. y horsesani carria.ï will be kppt in readinpHs o carr.v any Btrai.grs nianing to lócate in oor beautiful the toivn, an.i r fhall take pleasure in l"ving tlicra luowu uranr oihcr pronerfv held for W :!. MAYNAKD. Uarch 2d, 1303. 4wi-94 T0 TUE FRIENDS OF JMICHI1 SAN SOLDIE :- The unikTsiKticd hfreby notifle lbo frlends oí th following regiment, to wit; tbe Secón.'.. Kightli, Se■nu-cntli and Twcr.l ieth r"pmpnfs óf Michigan infantry now at Xowport iíew ; lb Firet, Fimrth, Filth Sixt"cnth anl Tirfnty-tourtb Michigan Infantry. on the P t mie; !nd Oie Kiflb, iixtli acil öeTfntli l avalrr t IVasUington, that iliy will lean Aun Arbor at noon on the li dj nf A] ril n-xt, üh domted nupjiliac for tlic-above regiments reitpectrTfly. In ■■ n,i or. of tdf many nansprs iowh;cbthey !],■■ bè l.ut!y expo,eJ, and vbicb th-y provirtfntially e r-ijü-.l. :inl thf graat expens incident toa nctualand perional dcliver.v, tliuv will charge J per bundrud 1 0;m ! for tran-portalu n. S-nl y.,ur packages, indelibly mniked to the nenon ai ñ rpgffiient. witli a crd, maiked to u,or to Mnvnard, StcbWrrs Wiis. n, Aim Arbir, Mieb., the charge in all ca-esprepaiil te 1 1 1 -:tï or tf us bv letter or othrwie. JUHX ie Wil. i 'HARA, Aan Arbor, iJich. Anri rlor, Mareh 17th, 18r3. N B. Thia will bé oor last trip tutte armj. .! ,in:' li'-Wil, No. T.i'frer-i'jn Avtnue. J ftroit, will reciïve Rupp7:s fov us frem JJetroit and ita vicnity. Chancery lotice. CTATE OF MICHIGAN- Fourth Ju.lbcüil Circuit, in '' Chanccry. Suit pending n the Circuit Court for the eOQntj of Was!i1&naw. in ('nancprv, in the citv of ÁDB 'ibr,onUe I4th .lav of Marsh, A.']).18fi3. In caso wberein .M irtha Siein is compiainan' ani Wiüi.-iiii Sti-in is ilefcmtnnt. It appexring by the ffl darit oFMartha ::n ihat the defendanti Willinin Stein, 1 nol a resdent ■ tbo state f Michigan, tmt wlicnlt hcaril from ira a resident of ;he State of Missouri : On ni'ition oí Twitcbell and Frazcr srr!?Eir fr? fny eonipiinBt, it is ordered that tbp said WiHism -ein cause hia appe.irance to oe enteredaad notice terof to ke semj on complainant's Flü!tcitora uitlnntwo moinh from the date of thisonler, anit in case of Hifl apeamnce that liecausf bis aonverto tbe coiQlainant's b;!l to bt' iiie'l an'l a copy tltereof to be sarved nn the cooapt natu' poflcilórs wühin twonrv r.üvs aftoi a service of a Cfij of said bill ; an.i in default thereöf the saii] bill of C"ip!;u'nt mi" hi! ta!;'n as confesed Igaiost liim Ani it is urtlier or eie.l t:iaT witliin twenty (larn from tha d:iie bereof tlip saideomplainant causa a copr of thls order to bc pabliihed in the Michigan Argu, ncwspnpcr priDted and paMished in Hip city of Ann Arbnp in tne countj of Waahtcoan nnd State nf MichignD, at least nnc. in eacti wak for sï succossivc weeks, or tHat the C' raph. innnt iau-c ji copy hereof to w personal y serred on the said defendant Williani itrin t leajst t.vinit tluys be'ore tbc tiuïf1 pre-cribed for his appesjbuco GEÖ. DAKFORTH, Tircuit Court Cnirrn s-i'.ner for Wash. Co,,llioh. T'v-neüKLL & FR.'zmr, golieitojrs for Coaiplainant. Dttö .March ltilh,]88S. A truec -cv : TKAOy W. EOOT,P,op!stcr. C-o-885" 1363. sprinü. 1863. We are now opening' A Lar ge and Bcautiful nssortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry G o o ds ! LAÜIES' DRESS GOODS in great vüiiely, SHA'TO'XiS , l HIBBOSTS, Also a large stock of C oods for Mens' Wear, C'assimeres, Gloihs. &c. nnrl n f uil assortmont of Ladies and Children's Mi ■ ■ ■ II ■ I Wj HATS. CAPS, QROCEEIES, CliOCKERY, All of wbich we will sell at tho LOWEST rOSSIBLE CAS XI I TEL I O J3 MACK & SCHMID, Aon Arbor, March 19, 'C3, 896bf


Old News
Michigan Argus