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Is Sorghum A Profitable Crop

Is Sorghum A Profitable Crop image
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- A farmer givcs liis own oxpericnce as an answer to this question, in the Dodgevillo Advocate, as follows : Lot the facta speak for tlicrasolvcs. I have sold sonie of tho molasses I had to spare at GO cents per gallon, and there are somc that prefer tho sorghum molasses to molasses from the storo at 7öa85 cents per gallon. Now suppose that you havo to aive oue third of the erop for working it up into syrup, besidos fïuding wood for boiling out 120 gallons, the growor bas 80 gallons for himself per aore, whieh, reekoncd at GO cents per gallon, niakes $47; decluct $1 for one oord of wood, and it leaves $46, which I shall cali olear profit, because I consider t!i3 leaves 'and soed will more than pay all the expenses of planting, cleaning and stripping the oane ready for mili, in foed for eithcr eattlo or horses. I have fed both leaves and seed to my horses for two seasons, and I believe that a bushei of seed is equal to a bushel of corn. I shall not boast of my molasses, thougli I inight say we are well satisfied with it, and use it for all the purposes, for which we formerly used sugar. In fact, Southeru made sugar arouud these parta has got to be a tíiing we havo read about, or very nearly so. And the time is not far distant wben we ehall bo able to make good Bugar as well as molasses. L;5L" Tlio man wlio road a newspaper to the entire satisfaction of another who was waiting for it, talks of going on the gtagc, ___ JJ3L Why aro co'üntry girl's elieoks like "Froneh oaüco ? Beeause they are warrantcd to wash and rotain tl.c'.r color.


Old News
Michigan Argus