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THE OLD CORNER EENEWED! witb isTUW STOOK:, NEW GOODS, &C. FARMERS' IW CASH STORE (At the old stand of Thompson & Milieu.) I am uow opening a carefully SELECTED STOCK OF ■ STéPtEWYfiöMS CONS1STINO OP DRESS 'GOODS, PRINTS, BROWN t BLEACHED 3HEETINGS, OASSIMERES FLANNELS, &c. c t and every thing tbat is kept in a j r t Domestio IEUcs-U-sO:, ', also n fine assortment of BOOTS SHOES! AND YANKEE JVOÏ1ONS, A full stock of TxEOCEEIES constantly on Land. FARMER'S PRODUCE! IBouglit and Sold. Thankful to old friends and customers for pust favors, I hopo to raerit a sliaro of their patronage, by dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with C. H. Millen & Co. Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 1862. 872tf CITIT COOPSH SHOP. 'Vholeule and Retail, O C. SPAFFORD Would respsotfttliy annnuncs lo the citizcna ol Ann Arbor and vii-m ty, that he s uoiv niiuufactaviiig am! ke y on h;;nd a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! such as Porie and Clcler Iiarrels, Kcgs, Fiikius, Churus, Well Buckets, &c, Wbich will be sol.l che.-.p for cash. CTJSTOM "WOBK Made to order on short notice. Repairiog done with neatne-ïs and dlBpatoh, I wouW cali particular attontion to Mercliants in want of Buttcr Firiilns ImmtwHicinrhigUe NitvYoiIi Sinte Flrkln, whicli sa li.'lli-r l'irkiu llian luisfvcr btfore been 0] ! i in 'liis market. I would invito all who want Firkins to Cali and cxanine for tliemselves befere puroliasing ekewlire, and I wiU coovince you I tbat you havo ca.leJ at the right pfttoe. 1 ivouldalso cali the alteution of Brewers ia want BEER KEGS, ] am now prepared to mnnufncture Rights,-Quaitersand half Bbls. in liirge or Bïn&ll Iota, and of a Better Quality .han can be hatd In Detroit or clsewhere. tWAÏÏ work warrantcd to give 3ntire'satish;iction. [ïmnklul fer pistfavors mul ly a stvict attention to insïhees, 1 li"]10 to meril a contmued liberal sujiply of tlie public patronage, Do not lorget to cali al the City Cooporbhop. O. C. SPAFFORD. Detroit St. Ann Artor, Mioh , 68jl Auctioneers Notice. BYRON GRF.EN7, haïiur üppliefl fnr a license, now holds himself in reaiinasn tq altend to all calis. - Havinghailexli'ii-iH-c. hcis piiMtivc he can give good mMafafitioa. Atl 6aJllvi0HttJ atteu.leil to. Chaigcs .oasonabk". Ipplï at the Frauklin Hou Ann Arbor, Oct. 21, 1S02. BTWt 1862. 1Ö62. NEW FALL GOODS! Now opening, a spiendid stock of New Goods [for the KallTnuleat C. H. MÏLLBN'S Ann Arbor September 15,1802 STOtf All Losses promptly adjnsted MERCHANTS'IÑSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital, $200,000. ïotn Acts.Jan. lst, 1802, 'fHíS Liabilitios, - MARI.nowAKDiri.d84t'W E. Tuos. LODDF.I.I ., Pecy. The undersigned bas been appciuted Agent for the aoove reliable Cnmpaiy, and 11 eflect insurance agaiast losse by liru at reasonablerates; „Jl Ann Arbc r.Jnnci, 186B. Wi ShérifiPa Sale. BY vírtuo of añ executirá ssued out of anti umi er ■. pal of the Circuí Court for thé Couüty f Wasbt i aw and f táte oí Michigan, bcuiit.g dm tl 27 th dy of Septebep, lfL9, and to me durend and ci'l.nriii againsi flie godHnd chaitels,and lux want . . ti ... urn Is dl' .IiiiiK'S Arnnld, deleud ant therein mnn!,l SjA i u tbe üTÜi da.y of September, lt-59. levy ui oñ and .-f .■ all llie ïight , title apd intet,ast of the id Jantes Árnold, in and to tl. e lollowing k'scnbed laml acd ] ivn.iss louü: Situated io ttio ["owuahip of Ypefanti, Cou1y of WashtinaT, and, State of Michigan, tomroeocing at a .stak e on the wewl bank of tbo Huron Xiv'er, at the south-east corner of ata ötxbidrd and eijbty, and tbenco ruttQing westcrly aloñgÜM soutti üneol aid claixa to th centreof the highw commoalj calied tlie ilonro Ut..!.1,. ti;i n - nm-thvr'y ateng the ceatr of said road to a poiot twelve feet Bouth and llirtc loti.s veat oi % ertaifl white oafe tree abouttwelvi inchee t)r4)ugh,and ear a aand hole; tbenoetterly pafillei with the south. se oí satd claim to a Btak on the west bank oí' saiii ivcr ; il:en-f ,-onllif rly &)ong the west bank of said Ter to place ■! begioaiag, ooot' inig ent hundi-td nd eight acres rnone r lesa, and b.ounded on the south y laada o GeorgeM orjpane,on the weMby taid road, ii : he porth bj lan 1-. of lohn VV, Vanclav, aud n tih i8t by tóia rivcr. fn tl,ii counfy oi Washtengw and tate-of Mít;]ii-iii,;iIUi'viicl; prfinisea I hall expos ir sato at public ancticm, as llie law directe, at th ront door of the Ci at l !: rsp, ín tbe Citj of A en Arbor iat being the place furh.ídíg tbe Circuit Coutt fon lie Cnunty oi Waiditeiuy, on Laturcay tbe Kth day f April ttext, at eléveu o och in the forenoon of laid ay. THOMAS F. LEONA RD, Late lenff. Dated, March 4, 1663. 894td Chancíity Notice. QTATK OF MICHIGAN Buit pending in tbe Circuit i Court Lor the County of Wahtè.vw, in chancry. Befüio Hun. K. Lawr;iice. Circuit Judge, at chanibcriu C'i-inA .]. Owex, Conip !ai nant , "1 jr,N i:t,b A. Owkv, Oefeodant.J; t satiefactorily appeariog tg the andersignei by affida Tittbati' ís cause residen out of thi. itate, on motion of L. D. Nonis, solicitor for the comilain;i::1 : It i.s ordeTed thai tbftbaid defi ndant t-ause iis appearatace ín thla cauee to b-; entered witbin thre nontha froin Éhe date of tbife order. And it is further ordered that, witbiu twtntv days, tbe compiaintt cause this order to be publipjaed in th Michigan Arcus, i ni.-w apapi r pútoühed iu afd county, auJ that such publicatiun Uu contipupd, at Wast once ïn each, for tix week in succession, er ihat slic caosea copy of thia or-. der to be per.s.onaUy serred on said defeodant, at least twtnty days bef'ore the tiim Brecribed for liis appearanee. K. I.AW liKNCE, Circuit Judge. L. D. Norbi4, Solicitor for Oomj lainant. Dated, Feb. 23, 1863. 893w5 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT baving bien made in the condition of a certalo iii'lciiturt' tjf luorigage. executed by Jume McCarthy &nd Margare t McOutby hia wife, of the City of Ann Arbor, Coftbty of Wnshtenaw an1 State of Michigan, to Nelson Cle ef tbe moe place-, bearing dat thefirstdayof Mav,inthe yearof uur Lord one thou Rand eight taundreü and Gfty-six, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deed 8 in and for said County of "Washteriaw, on the. fifth day ff May.Á. D.1íí56,in Líber No. 22 of Mortgages on page öo2, wbich taU mdentsre oi b duly assigned by the said Nelsou Cole to BSwari Ryan.of Pittsfield, in saï Coud tv, by bja aasigument undir bis hand and BeaL beanng date the .sxUuk!i day of J ecemfcer, A. D. 1862, aud recorded in the office of said Regi&ttx of Eeeds the twfiitvsi'.!i da-y "l1 I ec tal i r, A. D. 1862, in Liber No. '0 of ftïortgages on page 153, by whicb öcfault th power of kale .contained n said mortgage beeasne "prative and theamouni claimed te be due on paid indentureuf Mftrtgage, at tbedateof tila noticc, fiv liumlred and icrty ciglM öollart and thirty eiplit cent and no Bait or proceeding having bi-cri institated at law, er in chancery,to recover tlie debt now remainining dtie and srcpr i by said mortgagc or any part tlicreof ; N o tice is therclort hen by gÍTLB. that en caturday. tbe iouribday of April, A. D. 1863, at ten of the clock in the fcrunoon of that day, at the soiith door of the Cour! House, in tbe City of Ann Arbor, in said County of Waiihtenaw and Stateof Michigan, (said Court House being the place for hoerig the Circuit Court fnr said County) I sliall sell or cause to ')e sold at public auction in fnrecloíure of saM mortgage to the higbest bidder, tb-B premises desfibed thereiu, or so much tbereof as phall be necessary to patisfy the amount on said indentuic of Mortgftgc. with interest and all the reasonable costy, disbuiM-nient-i anl expen&es of all pruceedings roliitiveti) the foreclosure of the same including reasnnabïê charges lor ftttornejrs' services, as pro viiied in said fcdenture of nrirtgage; that ia to say. atï those certain Iracts or pareéis of land situaiod in the said city of Axm Arbor, kn.iwn, lxnir.'!rd and dociibed is foUowa,Tiz: Being lot? numbered one (l),two (2), ihrce, (3),aini four (4), in block niniibir two (9).'lftvt in range numbfr ten (1(J) east, in tlie said city of Aun Arbo, Couoty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan. ated üeeembei 31st,1862. EDWARD RYAN, A. Fklcii, Aigneeof Mortgage. Attorney Tor Aasignee. S85td Estáte of Laura Ida Todd, Minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wathtenaw, s - At a sessinn of the Probate Court for the County of Washtonau-, hi,l.U-u i', tho I'rubate Office, in the City üf Aun Arbor, on Frlday, tbe sixth day of M:nch in the year ondhoueand eight humlred and sixty-three. Preaent, Thomas Xinde, Judge of l'robate. Intheinatier of tlie Kstalu of l.mra Ida Todd, minor. On readíng ana flling the petltion. duly verüicd, of Thnmas J[ Coolcy, Guardian ol said Minor, prayiog that he may be licensed to Bell cei-tain real estáte of sai'l minor tor tbe SBPpoít of Bald minor. pon it i; Ordered, That Monday, the siitï luy of April aëxt, iit ten o'clock in the forenoon. ],■■',;■■: .1.. .'. f rthe h aring ofsaid ie;itmn, andthít tbe next of tin of siiil mió, an.l all other persons intere ted Inaaid estaíe are required to appear at a sesgíonofsaicl Court, then to be holden ,:it the I'robate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in Raiil Cuunty. and cause, ff anj theve be, why the prayer of the petitioner ahould not iri-auitd . Andit isfurther Ordered, that said pftitioner giT notiee to tbe peísona irteresrted in ,-:tid estáte, vt th i ,i 1 D.CJ oí said petition, aod tbe henring thereof, by a copy of thïs order lo be published n tlie Michigan A'gus, a new&paper printed and circulátJVC in aaid Coiinty of Washtenaw, three successive ween previous to said day of lieariog. (A truc copy.) THOMAS NTXDE, JlHlge of Probate. liifle F actor y! Beutier Si Traver, [Succesíors to .V. J Sutherlaïi'l.] IlKiiufaeturcrs of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pomhcs Game Bags, and Evcrjother article in fhat Line. ÁllkiDdíbf RBPAIRING done altlie shortest noticc, and mtliebest manaer. a full ftssoyl ment alwaya kept on band and made ortier. Sliopon Hurun sircet. Anti Aibor,Oct. 8, l?6-. 8T3tf 1862. NEW 1863. WINTER COODS! -o MACK & SCHMID are now receiving a Larg8 & Attractive Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, LADIES'DUESS GOUDS, runs, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, &c. in graat variety of the most desirable styles and quuiities. A good assortment of RIBBONS, T-MMMINGS, &LOVES, HOSIERY, &o. Also a dioico stouk of goods for Mens' We ar, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. li'x-essli. Grooeries. CROCKBRY, &c.,&o., wliich wiil all be sold at the Lowest Cash. Irices. MACK & SCIIMID. Ann Arbor, Nov. 7, 1862. 878tf


Old News
Michigan Argus