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"CK)UNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. DEPOITORY of Rrbles ami Xostüments at tho So cicty pnces at V. C Voorhsil'. T. D. TOOKER. nREMIUM rHOTOCRATHKR. Excbango Block, Ann f Arb:r. Hiohign". J C WATTS & BK O. DEALER' in Clnr.ks, Witches, Jn-elry anl Silycr JTare N 22. N ■ Bliek, Ann Arbor. C. BLISS. DSiliBH in Clocks, V.Uclies, Jewelry and Silvcr ffiire N . '2, N ;w B'oüU, 4nu Arb ir Ö. FI. MIIJiEiV. DEXI.KU in Dry Gooils, Groceries, Crooliery, &c. &c. Street. nn Albur. ACH & FIEKSÜN. DEALERE in Drv Coml, flrocenes II. u-.lware, Boots ftShne. &c, M:i n t., AnnArlir. Ü. CO), LIER. MANUFACTl'RER an,1 rieulwln Boots and Shoes, one iaur nnrih of the P i( O üoe. N. 15. COLE. DEAI.KR in n.iots & Shoes, Rubbers, te. Frankiin Blück, Main astreet, Ann rbor. RISDON & HENDEItáON. DEAI.KltS in Hirdware. Stnvps, house furnishing gooiU, Tin W u-e, kc , &c , New Block, M.nn st. O. C. SPAFFOKD. MAXÜFACTrRKK of all kinds of Coooper Wort. Citv i'o'tper .-hop. Cttstona work done on short notice. l.:iroit Ptreet, Add Aitor. A, J. SUTHERLAND, ASSHTfof the &ew Vork Life Insurance Company. 0 fii:o on íliiron Also han un baad a stock of ttjtí m st iipprovtí sering michinos. ÍS5(f GEOKGH FISCHER. MEAT MARiíl.T- Hurón S' reet- General doaler in Fresh and .-U .Muats, I! ef, Mutton, 'ork, Huma, foultry, UrJ, Tullow, c, .c. SUHOFF & MlLLKli. TVEALKBS .n Miscelliineons, Sctj.ol and Iiljnk Books. J Slatioaer, Pupér Hingiug, ice, Main st , Iranklin Block 1II11A.M J. I3EAKES A TTORSEY anJ Counsellor atl-iw. .ná golicitor !n A. Chíinct-rv. Office u City II. til ííluck over Webster' Buiik S ore. WM. LEVVITT, M. D. pHYSIf.'IAN and Surgeon. Offlre ftt his residence, JL niirth side if Huren street, and eecond house west f slrfOt. M. GUITERMAN & CO. rtTHOLESALK and Retail Dealen and Manufacturera tí uf Rp:ulr-ilid. Clothiag lmpnrlcrs of Cloths, Cas íiin-T''. tJiTeiíkÍD", &c, N. 5. P.ioenix Block, M ín st. wmTvvaonek. TEAT.KR n Reí !y Í4 ', CJotiiing, Cloths. Casroercs, 1 anü Veítings, Hití, Caps, Tuinls, Carpa'. lag-,4;c.. flice.iix Block, Main Ireet. SLAWSOxV & GEEil HROCERS, Provisión and Commlífon Msrcliant, and M Dealers in Viter Lime, Laad Piaster, and P.'asttr ni Piria, one d.vr eat of Cook's Hotel. f. B. FKEEMAÑ! BARBEE and Kashionable Hiir Dressor, Main strect, Aun rbor, Micli. Iliir Kronts and Culis kept r.ontatly un lian'l . J M SGOTT. tMBROTVpü and Photograph Artisl, n the rooms (I over Osnjpion's Ctothing store, Pbcunix Ulock. J'or'Mtsitisla tiongiven. VV. WEEKS. OURVEYOR and L'ivil Kngineer, conti-ui-s to rive im■ m-lirttf attention to all ordt-rs. ;it bis resi nee it corner of Calhexine and Thajer t. 869; 1 u. iTI'ortërT" S'JítJEON DENTIST. OTic." Corner of Main anlllirnn ttreela, over ÍJtch & P.ersou's Store. AJÍ calla Fm,,t.y lUtonJfd to AprlSSJ J R, WEBSTER & CO. DSALKRSin-Law and Medical LSooks School Books, BlaoK Books, MincellaDeous Book, peni. 'nk. and "sr_r varit-ty of SUti mar, { , City H til Block. C. tí. THOMPSON. DEALER in Dry (Joods and (Jrocpries, Boots and hoes, fcc IV lucï bouht au-! sol 1, at tbe oíd stand of Tbompnm & Milieu, Curuur Mata and Washingtun sts. MACK & 8OHMI. D'IALKRS in Foreigo and Domestio Dry Good, Grocet'ms, IÍ vts aijd Cap-, Boots and tíhoes, Crockery, c.t i'orner oi Main tN: Libt'rty sta. 0. A. KELLEY, pHOTOniUPHKK-rornei Fourlh t Hurón strcets, I A ui Arbor. Ca-e frames an'l l'hotograph Albums C'Dtautly on hand, and at lüwcr rates tban can be Pmnd elKwhera. Ij891 ANDIIEW IJELL. FKALF.R in Groceriafl, Provisión, Flour, Prfifluces, ■-' &c, fcc., coroer M-tin and Wisljinton S:ree 8, Ann Arbor. The m;irket pricespaid lor country produce. 8t6 I. o. 0. F. HTASIJTEN nv Lodge, Nu 9, of the Independent Or'T .lernl ÓldFellüWR meet at their Loilge Koum 'v f-idaj leniog, at7á o'cluck. ï. Simiiikim. N. G. ]'. B. Rosb. Secy K!NGSLEY & MORGAN. TTOUNEVS. Counisenor, Soücitors, and Notaries ■X P .hl c havo i!oik-faai Plats .-ilionin; titles of all ii?1 h in the 'I.Miitv. .-in 1 attenl to conveyanftini; und ''U.'ct g demtnU.ani to paying taxes and Rchöol n''it 11 ,iUy juurt ol' the state. O.Hce east oí the park. D. DeFOREST. WHOUSALF and retail dealer in Luniber, Lath, 1! S'iiQules. Sash, Imon. Blioin, Water Liin, (Ji-an.l "r Piaster, P.laster i'aris. nnl Niil .fallsizes A f"anil pwfect assortro ■ n t of the above, and ai: other t nd oT buillin miteruU on huil at the ''est pouibUl rates.on Detroit st..a few rfdsfr.m the ""Irmd n-pot Uo upiiring extensively in the rtt Cerní nl Roolinc.


Old News
Michigan Argus