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Junior Exhibition

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The exhibitiou of tlio Junior Clas of the Uuivereity took plaee on Wednesday cveniug The largo Presbyterian church was filled to its utmost oapaoity. After opouiug prayer and music, the followiug youQg gtsutlemeu, having been appoiuted by tho Faculty, raado tlmir debut iu public, with the following subjecta : 1. Life- 3. V. White, Marshall.- Tho anoiouts struggled to discover soraathing that would mako tueir mortal bodies inimortal. But the foundation of true life is Chriatianity. Voic good, gostures somewhat stiff. 2. Tue Real and Ideal - W. A. Kwvu, PxUr. Wh liras ia w worlils, tlio Ideal and Fanciful. Oreat authors live ia the Ideal. Delivy good, action gracifül. 3. Vkstioia Nusla Retrorsdm- W. A. Brewsteï, Freeport. 111. Tliw was , IItnpdon"i Motto : " No steps ( ward." It ia the guiding star to I sress. " l'eraistenco in the lever which 1 ! i IC07C8 Mie world." Dclivery good, but gejtures, espcoially the posttion of his ; ' thumb, somewhat stiff. 4. The Con'fliot op Opinioxs - S. Grant, Roekvillo, Ct. In science, literaturc, and art, is conflict. Ideas of right are nrrayed against ideas of wrong. But justice has ever triumphed. üeliverv a littlc too moiiotonous, and gestures most too vehement. 5. Tuk 1'owbr oe Vürss to Perpetcate - II. D. Smith, Johnstown, O IV etry is n beautiful dress for history und philosopliy. 6 ClItOUJISTANCES AVC ClIAUACTER (J. L. Fraser, Grand Rnpids-, C'iange Man's plaee of birtli, and you chango hira. Men doggodly fjllow ia the fuot steps of their ancestors. 7. MiSDIRECTKD E-NTIICSIASM J. C. Hart, Adrián. Enthusiasin is a power whioh, when awakened whether in tho right or wrung, aceomplishes groat results. IIow niucli botter for the world if it had neper been ruiadirectcd ! Delivery good, gesiurea appropri:ite. 8. The Ideal - A F. Drury, Olivct. Tho iuiagination can suminon to itself a storohouse of pleaaure. Tlie genius of a man without iuiagination lies dormant. 9. F&ANOfl and the Reüullion - 7i. P. King. Ths coursa of England towards America has been moro honorable thaa that of Franoe. England haj acted the open enetny, but Frauce the secret assassin. Delivery foroible. 10. The Man in tuk Moon (Poem) - S. C Stacy, Tecumseh. Thero is more moon in men than men in the moon. He showed how ridieu'ous were those who have " moon on the brain." This pioce was smart and witty, and highly applaudod. 11. Tiie Work lives, Tnoüou the Workman dies - E. D. Kinnie, Syracuse, N. Y. The world of matter will perish, the world of mind never. Mr. Kinnie was the most foroible and graceful speaker of tho eleven. The pieces wero all good, and the exbibition reflecta credit on tho clasa of '64. F. JJJ3ST The Democratie candidates for Circuit Judge W tbe several circuits of the State, are : lst Circuit - Consider A. Staey. 2d " S. C. Goffinberry. 3d " B. F. H. Witberoll. 4th " Lypian D. Norria. Gth " Sauford M. Green. 7th " Henry H. Harmon. Sfcli " John W. Champlin. 9th " Flavius J. Littlejohn, lOth " Jabea G. Sutherlaud. The 5th Circuit bas not yet nominated. Three of the above candidates, Messra Witiieuell, GREBV,and Littlejohn, are now houorably holding tho positiou for which they are in nomiuatioo. Judge Witherell will be re-elected" without doubt. No candidatehasyet been found to run against Judge Gkeisn ; - Mr. Chas. Dbaper, of Pontiac, bas been nominated ud declined ; - but a victira will probably be trotted out. A desperate fight will be made against Judgo Littlejohx. We are uot sure that the fiepublicaus would not sacrifice Judge Campbell, or "any otlier man," in order to beat LtTtlejoiin. In fact, the radical Republicans bave no love for Campbell, and bave not forgiven the opinión be gave two vears go tbat the " personal liberty Jaws" of tbis State were uuconstitutional aud ought to be repealed. We bope to see these tiiree Democratie Judgesre-elected, and two or three otbers to keep tbem company for tbe next six ycars.


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