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pw JWmti5ntmtt& DWELLISG FOR SALK I IF VOL wish to biiy a goor] two-StOTy brick dwJUnf r convenient to tlie business part of the City, wittt. jToiradf and yards well itucked wiUi chufee Fruff ofU íinds, Appien, Pean, Peacbee I'Iums, Raspberries, Or1nanieBtal traes, irubbtirj, í:c.,itc., inqaln tth Nuv. 14, 1H62. ARGU8 OFFICE. Notïee. WIIEREAS, rey wlfe, Ifary Oreramlth han left ncy bed and board and absconded without anj pronatíos f rum me, 1 hen-by t'orbid any peptitt f rom barbonng -ir trnating her cm m_v account , as I will paj m dt'biB ui' her contraotingafter thir iWtte. CHRISTIA2Í OVERRMITH. Sbamn, Feb.26, 1863. , 4wfr94 $7000,00 WAATi;i) ! Oix Ttoo "STo o t :s Timo BY THE C0UNTY OF W AS K TEN A W For which bonfis of $'00 eacta wili bc ÏRsued, drawinj7 per. cent. [layjiule unnually. St'aluii p"-t'p,.s;il)i are nviteil until the lst of April,, lSöU.ut the Couuty Trt-asurer's Oñicejit Aun Arbor. HO1ÍACE CARPENTER, Svc05 Treasuri-r ui Washtenaw Cuunlj. SPECIAL NOTICB. Aseamriit. NOTICE hirelij ven that an assessment of thirtjpi r cent. im the capital sto.-k (bt?ing the Mecond installmetit) ha this day been ordered by the Ruard of ►rectors. The 8:ime will be due aul payable on tb lst day of May n-xt, to Voluey Chapín, Prea.jAnn Arbor. By Order of the Board, C.H MILLEX, Secr pr '- Jnn Aroor, March 19, 1863. Office of the Sheriff op Washtenaw Co., Ann Arbor, March3, 1863. To the Electors of Washteaaw County : You are hereby notifled,. that at the next General Klection, to be held oaithe first Mon.dav of April next, ia the State of Michigan,, the fullowing ofJicers are to be elected, tíz: - One Associale Justice of tbe Siiprerae Court; Eight Revenís of the State University; andl a Circuit .fiidge lor the Fourth Judicial Circuit, of this State, to which this County u attached. PHILIP WINEGAR. Sherifif of Wash Oo. NOTICE OF DITC il S A LK rHEUNDERSIGXED will offer for snle to the lewtrt bidder, at noweü' oW stand, four fcil#n wst OE th villageof OaztM, ouTuesday, Mareh 24th, A. I)., 1IÍ9; rtt il o'clofk, A. M. , tlie maltin ol live milen nd 11 rods of ditcii - known au Dester ditch No. lt in actor ■ lance wiïh tbe stipulation, survcTS, and lable of uti. Said ilitch is to be one foot widp ra the bottcm and of a depth a.' marked on each station sfkke et in tlie Iid o1 said diloli, and :hc banka )ü sU'pe one foot for tiMtj fuot in deptb, J. B. STARK, JOS. PKAY, J. J. I-ARSHALL. Drainage Commitjeioncrs for the Ccuntjr of Wahl n w. Datcd. Fob. 31111,1863. Gity Lots. HAVIXG determined to sell bucIi lots as are w.-inted 1 buiU on, at b-at a small udr.ince on fornier pric, notwithstanding the cortainty of o, rapid and great rie, with increasöiï demaud, beforo next summer. I will b at home ever .la except Tuesdars and ïhurndaji, until tbe first uf Mh uc.xt, when I éipect to be &bnt fura, cagón, aftpr which I intend to hold wbat remaina unsnlil t frora fifty to one hundrod per c?nt abor praeut prloea. I havo a few dweiling houat-s of my own and oiliors fur .-ile, al30 a few farms; and I dvi all who uet-d for their own use to buy at once, lor wbether the war is contiuued or peact in proclimd, tbe price of real fútate ia Ann Arbur aud ricinit ii sure to riso rapHly. Mj horses ao urriaffe will be kept in readinem to carry any strai,g-rs wishinjr to lócate in our beautiful city, annin-Mhe, aml I shall take pleaiuro ia sboTving thein dij oiva ur auy other propertjr hold for sale. W. R. MAYNAR1). lïarch 2d, 13C3. 4wfeW TO THE FRIENDS OF MICHIGAN' S0LWER8J- The undcr.siued hciebj notifies the friendj of th ftillowini: rf!r:inL'iit". t wit ; the Swcoud, EighthfiSTenttienth and Twentieth renmULts of Michigan infantrj now at Nevrport N'ewa ; the First, Fourth, Fiftb, Sixtf-enth an 1 Tvveuty-iourth Michigan Infaiitrj. on th P-it'inao ; snd tbe Fiftb, Sixtli and Seveuth C' Washington, iiuit th-y vil leaye Aun Arbor ut nooa on the lst day of April D6Xt, wi;h donated suppliec for tbetibove régimen t respect ively . In O"nidL'rnti"n of the many danirerB to which thy have bec-n 1-vtely expos&d, and which th-y providentialty epcapod.aiiii the great expenso incitit'iit tu an actual and persomil delivery, they will charge $S pr huudrtd poun-ls for tianportatun. Seud your puckugea, indeliblj marked to tlie perioa and regimeot, with a card, marked to us,or to MajfnsrJ, Btebbina .t WHscn, Ann Arbor, Mich., the charges in all awrtsprepaid to them or to us, by letter or othfl wise. JUIIX & WM. O'IIARA, Ann Arbor Mich. Ann Arhor, klapob ITth, 1S63. N B. Tiiiwill be our last trip tothearmj. J.ime-i O'Xcil, Xo. 7 .KÜerson Avenue, Detroit, will receive suppUoa for us f rem Detroit and its vicinitj. Doublé Premium Offer! Selectie Monthly. Nero Ünïiucrmint! AUTISTIC ATTRACTION. 'PHK two match Piirlor Prints will be sent, pc stag L paiil, ftfter this date, toftkCB Ow Mubscriber to Til! fcicifccrnc JIau.azje wbo sends his IHH nnd$5in adva net1. 1. liet urn cd frem Mnrïcet, Is a beautiful nqraving, by John Sartafa. The market-curl lian returned trom the towit, bearíng a rich freight of purubaMa to ibedaltghtad jQuagpeopl. who üre receiT ing them with eageruess. The wliole tumily are msembU-d on or ia front i 1 the Fiazzn. wíncíi, with the M.insion appara almost exactty hUe the iMouut Ver non home oí Washington, with the old gentleman 8eated,and adjurting hia gUsiwa to rwad ihu paper, who look liUe Wabnyton hiïnsetf. The wholu een in the' enra ving is ittrautivu uud bciimilul, and wottfi a place un the parlor whllfi. 2. Tlie match pi int is Filial Affection, or Sonday Blo.Dlng, aUo engraed by Jobu urtain, at a cost of twelve hu ad red dollars for both of thera. t"'ar Insprice was $5 lor the two mach prints. Tbescen in tbis print is at the faruüy home, and the view thro' the open gato presenta the villago chuj'ch in tbf dj tance, with ts Hpire polatlng heavenward, and a boautiful nil of BOBie tw#ntyuaamn waits, ïïible in i.and, by the jfa te, buiding t open for tli ífreaM í the famiij. The m)tJir, stiil handume, atlemls the aged gruifather, vrltb tbechildren, the house l'-g. and the doukej, nmko up theiumilv gro..p, just departing for worstnp in the village sanctuary. Both are bcautiful saatcb prints, easily ubtained in this niannei-, 8. A larf.e and tine portr&U 'if the H-n. EDWARÖ EVERETT will be seut in place of ither priot, as a pr. uiium. postago paiil as ma y bi1 prelerred 4. Tu.Iaaa;'ry anmber of th Kclbctic iiembellmhed wiïh doublé historie platea, with tieasurca of liter5.TheFiíbrury nunjber plat ha, flvo portraiU of eni.nent men. 6. The March number piale w a print of Napoleon L at thebattle of Aysterhtz. 7. Threesuperior piales are in the hands of the art! for future nurabrrs. Now 's a goodtinie to subscribe. j Arrest, W. H. BIUWELL, C b _ Ayer's Sarsapaiilla.


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Michigan Argus