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OCR Text Arbor, -Maren Zd, iöüj. Tha Soldiers' Aid Society of tliis city gratefuüy ackuowledge the reccipt of the following note aud the sum enolosed. Many thanks to the pntriotio ladies for their efforts ia behalf of the siek and woundtíd soldiers. A. A. ORMSBY, Bae'y S. A. Soc'y. Axs Arüuu, March 19, 18G3. Mrj. S Lawrkncb, President of the Soldiers' Aid Sochtij of Ann Arbor. Enclosed you will picase find seventyfive dollars tho net receipts of tho Soldiers' Aid party, held at the Agrieultural Hall, March 19, 186:5, wliich you will pleae accept for the benefit of the " Sol diera' Aid Society," of thia city. Yours truly, Mrs. D S. TWITCHELL. LIZZIE SPOOR. L3" The Republican City Convention, for tho nomination of a candidate for Mdjor and other city officers, is ealled to be held at the Court House on Wednesday evening, April ]st. The leveral Republican Ward Caucmci, to nomínate eundidates for Aldur mea and Constables, aud elect delegates ta the city convention, are to b held to morrow ovening the 28th inst. The Republicana are at work in earníít, determined to pleet their ticket, and it standa our Democratie friends ia fcand to be moving. Il M lll CW We invite at tention to the advrtis6ineot of the Edcctic Monthly, in ppropriate column. ïbo Eclicticia no ct;n penny concern, but is worth takg, reading, and preserving. The premium prints are real gemí, worthy a placo in any parlor. Wespeak wrmt we knjw. Subscribe for the Eclectic aod get them. f@ The January nuinber of the Edinburgh Iïeview has the followintr ptpers : India under Lord Dalhousiet Diaries of Frederio Von Gentz; Gold fields and Goldminers ; Contribntions to the Lifu of Rubens ; The Campitign of 1815; Modern Judaism ; Víctor Hugo'a Les Miserables ; Convict 8ytm ín Engliind and I'ulund; Public Affairs. For terms see prospectus in ■uother column. tThe February 'jumber of the North Brituh Review hag the following papers : Convicta and Transportation ; Keceut Attacks on the Pentateuch ; Prof. Wiljon ; Prof. Faivre's Scientific Bioraphy of Goethe ; Greece during the last Thirty Yeara ; Novéis and Novelista of the Dy ; Domestic Annalsof Scotland Dr. GuaaingliïUj's Historical Theology ; The Prospecta of Partiea. See advertiscment of L. Scott & Co. in another column. Ey Ttic April issue of tha Atlantic Monthly has a valuable list of papers, aoug them : On the Vicissitudes of Keata' Farue ; A Spasm of Sense ( Betrothed by Proxy : Hcsignalion, by the Country Parson ; The Flag, by Julia Ward Howe ; Wet-weather Work ; Tl:e Silurian liüaoh ; Coralie ; American Ilorticulturo; The East and the West; and STa Failure for the North. $3 a year. Address Tickxoii & Fields, Boston.


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