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RISDON&HElNDERSOA Et TT O TSL JEJ S? E3 CRAIW DRSLL, Grass Seed Sower, Mannfiictured al Springfiald, Obio. rpnE VEIÍY LATEST IMPROVEMFNT, and better than JL all others; atfaptetf to uwing Vliot, liye, Oat, Barley aotiUrfiss eed. 1. lt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Nevcr ounches the Qrain Mh. liever hreaks the Grain. oth. Sows Grass Seed Iroadcast Iehindthe Drill. Gt,h. Has high wheels and long JToes. 7t7i. lias long and wide steel jpoints. Sth. lt has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. lOtK lt has a elf adjustiug shut off elide. lt is neatly and substantiallj made, There is bardlj a Drill offered iu the miirkvt bul ean joayt of more or lexs FIRST PREMIUMS?' Thcy are about as indiscrlminatelv beutowed ai the title of "Professor,'1 which is nometimes applied to tlie 'jiddler'' or " bootblack." They ceaso tu convey the dea of merit. The liuckeyeDrill has been on Eshibïtion at quite a number of iitate and County Fairs, aud without seeking avor at the hatids of any Committee, haa receivüd iU 'uil Ure of l'rtuiiuins. TESTIMONIALS : We glve tho fulícnring ñames of ñ few Farmers In th' vicinity ffju have bougUt unü used the Buekeye lírill i Godfrey Miller, Sclo, Jacob I'oüiemus " Jacob Trera per, " Thomas White, Northfleld, John Brokaw, " Christian Kapp, ' Edward Boyden, Webster. James Trcatlwell, Anu Arbor. Daniel O'Hara, " ' JohnG. Oook, Lodí. O. A. Marshall, " L. tdmons, Saline, George Cropgey, Green Oak, Lir. Co. VTü aroalao Agents for tli Ohio Heaper & M&wer, acknowledged tobe the very beat in use, "We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Clieap. AIsd alargfassortmcnt o G-rass Scythes. And the largest and best selected stock of BEISTT STUFF FOR CARRI AG ES cTer before oFTerea ia tUis marke . We also keep a large and f uil MAILS, GLASS, PÜTTY, PAINT, and LïNSEED OIL. A complete assortiaeat of STOVES, TINWARE, AND EAVE TROUGIIS.always on hand and put ap t th shorteüt tnjlice. RISDON i: HENDERPON. Ann Arbor, June S9th,18fi2. 8i9tf ttWBiöwsmrairamuwww!m.TCwnimBBTO O. BLISS Would tal;e this tuethod of informing hifl oM friends and patrons and all uthers who mayJavor hiin with their patronage, tliat he ha gri'atly en.arged hi iStock and Assortineut ! aud haring adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTFI IN BÜYING & PELLIXG ia prcpare.l to Bel) Oooíí at Hoasona" blo JPrioes, U stock ooasktsiB prt ot the folluwing: _j AMERICAN AMD OTHt'E fe Watches ! SMBPl SETH THOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CIIAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CÜTLERY ! FaKOra, 8hpnr). Pciasoriand Rrushes, KOÜERS PLATED WABB, the best in markêt, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, rAPER and KKTKIOPES, Musical Instruments, Stringt tf Books for Instruments, spsct .oxjisiiat, of Gold, Silcer, Sleet, and Platcd, PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article, Tpi-Bons hnving rtifficult watolios tv (lt wllh glaise can be aooomodatedí as my stook .1 larsonml oum píete, - P S. Particular atteution to the REPAiniisr estofan kimls of fine Watches, uch as Makiiig and Setting new Jewels Fiuioti8, Siajfs, and CylinJcrs. Aho CLOCKS, Sc TE-WELTVST neatly repnired and 'war-anted, at his oíd standeas .siilc oí Main Street C BLISS. Ano 4iuor,Nov. 25, 1SC8 $2M j- FAIRBANKS' iTi Standard Lm. SCALES! SjiÍMP9 0F KINDS. ES jg!í5 -iís, Warekouse Tnetks, Lttter k rressa, rc. Faiibaulís, íireenleaf & Co., 17; I. akc Street, Chicago. Reídlo Detroit hy FAURAND SíSHEIEY. iw'üt cníé:-dl to buy only thó ■■Li'iaé;"í& S85}"1 PAIN CURED! R&DWAY'S READY RELIEF Is th(i most important medicinal curativ- for tJU i ■ media'e relief oí the BUfferer- ot' all rariclied of IAÏS, MOHBS and INTIUM1T1KS, umi tho prompt c re f tlitf Blok whero PAI.V,etÜier interna! or externe!, b a con cuuü;aiit of the di.-ease, tliat hos var boen dkcuvsrad IX A FEW MIXUTB9 Aftor Iho application uf tho READY KI I.IHF cxtPT' nal!y,or ItsodmfnlStrailou int ■rn.iuy, patiënt- scized with tho mort eicruclHtlog PaINs, ach es. i mts, iHEÜMATISM, NEURALGIA, GOI:T,1.UMBA(;O,FKVER AND AGUE, SPASH, M)RE 1IIRÜAT, INFLUENZA, HPHIERIA, CONGESTIÓN or IS'rLAUJlATION, vlll uuoy easo and comfort. RABWAlf'S RE AD Y HFIIEF ofcsS ?afer to adiniiii-tcr, and w V. stop pain quicktr, !C thuii all prü(t;iraii.'US üf 0,'iura, Mor pi)] v Wra$) tr.u, Hyosolaama, Árnica, Viuonun, (hín-of-nn J&a or Kilicr, uuUer whatever uamo di-tt!iigui.ti.'l : eiúior Animen?. 7 Pain Kiflers r Xf" hiny L 'i ns w ■ ;i aOrely m$pcnd& the faiing al' yjüti iy o. muit mig Ltw erceptive Picalties aud ktUig ■-".' nerva. The 8 i u"ii i irninMei-j ClúirofWrm, opium, A:c .toreiidcr im n i'.u iienerves of pörcepüon- RADWA Y'S RKAI'Y KKUICK t.]i-i the müst,!ii(i aiti,u id secure V." t u hu ful]"ii oí bis Kotucd. Tui U the n y ruine y i general use: will stop paln, ?o q-iicl;. lh t h f ■ ■■ 'rum Opium, Morphue, or Hmj oiber . ladivd Jnig, turtrul t i the goDöral hualih. SS WI3S I-ÏÏ EÏ3S3. Guaní aj; sicknc;. 9ü h Hr-L i .■!; ■ ni n f ai i or uucii'incsa, il' u tln STüil v ÍI l 13 Wi I-% alce a teaspooníül (r tho KEADY i:f.LIEF iii a w ;u glada of w.aer. 11" in tUo IJiin-:, JoinTs, HKaD, 1IÍP.OAT, t ÍIlíT, HA' K, or oft-r jiit o íj íki, t;ip!y tlio IU-I.1EI-' kxt;.knali.v- i i a fe lo min'xtfx ait nin and discomfort ioiU cea TltU simplí) ;ii):icati"ii nay brc;ik up a lurin:dabl' dis a--o. It 'n muc j CAiur to prevent dbeuo tban tí cuiü 11 VVEALTH FOR THE POOR. s-iïiö SALTII U tlio worklng m-i;i's c:i)t.ii TUc poof Mmau can illallori-1 ti) be;ir ilns burdolH "■[! k' nosao.-payduotT'bi:l. O KTVKI'Y riVi-I CENrBOrTUSOrBAHWAY'3RKAny ItKI.IKK h lilfifblokoiirfl l!Ímfiiiick,iinlGrihl(jhtntü resumo Uiá .iburivjühoutlMSof lime- aml, if "soa wlioi pninlt "mí exptrienced, will stop it iinme ltt.'!'. Kc-;) ilus Ii-;:ni! y ilwaya iu tlio 1ioi.-o,;miI it wtion yuu ïoc putti ; yi-u wi.l aot loso oi.o Uay In ji 3our by stcknejd. IMPORTANT TO FAKMERS And nthcr8,rosidiDg iu apajraoly .-etlled .li-t. icis. li it í-í difflcul1. to secure tlio services cl' a pIiv-icmh KAUWAY'á I'.EvDY KKI.IKF u l.iv.llu:i!le. It c.uib: used with positivo aí.surauci! of duiui giiud In all i-.i-et whero painor disco nf'u'lii üxporkinctd, or ifteized ioU.% INFLUENZA, UFrHEBlA, SOttH T.liíb.vT, HA. COUGHS.HDVR-EXK-S.WI.IOC.-Í CHOI.IC. 1N'P1. MAn s ov Til ; mwu.-i, stumacti. i.t'MOá, i.ívkü, KIUSEV3, or witli Í-MM.L I'OX, SCAKI.ET I-W'K.i, ME.15LES,TYPOIDIWVER, HIllOUS fl.VKü, Y:' R ANU AGÜE, or with NEÜRALOIA, IIKAI) A HK, TIC DOLOREUX, TOOTHACHB, EA.R-ACHE.or wlth I.U11 BAO, l'AIN' IS TUK BACK nr RHF.ÜMATtSM, or willl DIARRHCEA, CHOI.ÍllA MORRU-i or HY-KV1T.KY. nr with HUHXS. SCAU18 or BilUIíES, wilh TiAIN';. CRAMP.3 or SI'AíMrf Tho ppllcallon of RMrtVAVS KEADY REI.I! F vill cure Jim oí tUu worst of tiloso Coi lilaiaU Iu a lVw lisura. i ÍL-1EU MA.T I S M. f Id pniuCul tliáooso has b:iíBed tho im-i sküful ]iii s i i .iis an I popirinr remodles. It t!ie mo I difficult of diaea es tu te.a - yet 11 .ÍAViV1.- RKAPY IiKIJKFliadDever failcl in;ur-rd diíTuiiH-uk.t1 rotiofto tliO-suíli-rer ; and i.i al ci.-=en "f Aunto, [nü ,iiiinato:-y or Nervcnu Ii!iG.:inuit-m, n ííTjt:tu por raaitoiitcum. (In Cbronle Hh ■umaii-m and i'-o n, lí (- VVAY'ri CLKAN.iXC! gYÍÍUP, CiíloJ Ut-nnvating Jieso vef, sliü.üd be takcD a a:i adjuuui witli lUo ltiLALY UIXIO'.) ACUTE CHHONIC SHEUMATISM. Thij íoilovviug i.s w iiten ly tli wl-11 kituwu c ■rri'.sMtnileitt of tliuNiif Yti.k Ileral i, l.o:id'i) TiiiH'-i (Kn.iand), New Or.cus ricy.ii.e, Delti, Cjar.ü.sluu Í.Tcury, ico. } WM. SIDN'EY MYEES, FiQ , 1IAVANW, ( L'UA. llAVjk.v.i, Cuba, Jiu. ■-', l'-.SS. Ma tr. JlmlM 1 1L O) : i;knii.kmi:.- 1 h lvc been öFufil-rer fi'o:ii Acute Chivólo Rhoumattem f r tho lnát iweuty ye u'a o: iny lir ; ; my salfcnügs ilaring that pcríud, iniihcr t.)pg:;o nor n c.:i expresa. I havo spcut u int ü f.iruuo ou I) c ors' biLs, wi li iutilo.iTinganyflt.b Uutlui Uenolit. Rccdidy Iliai onu of mí f.cqiicut pertodksU at ack-s. I wai voy 11 for a WLH'k, alul liul not Ekípt un hour at By o:io Uiu-V A Spaniah tV;unil , to wliolu 1 re. ate 1 n:y H: irriii};-, iM mo ho liad u remoily wliuli wnui I tf: o me olu-f, icitl ho kiO'llT praseuteil ni til h b :i .a i f ■ RADU'A 'i KKAI.Y iílLIl'.F." AlUlonph fUoplual nf darirtug anjr advautago trota IU llsi-, I lint Ule l upidiwl It t et;! o goiiió' t bod, and, lo iny great am :Z 'in UI, lelt re. ll0Td,1Md?Í01 tsouii'lly. 'i'iu i:t-.:t nil.t I ngaut a;iy:iei U'! i:e.dy KtiiKK, ud iwiiko in úio momlug Leu fruiu pain, h iviiig ouly u-cd ubout ha ftíie bou; . IJoaiiüy do friiiiü you iny liumb.o ackao-wled. mcnt.i fur your Invaluublo medie no, wtiich ni iy well b called " o bloxHlag ti mn." ■ TUanklDgyou.froJD my suul, for your wunJortul ramady, 1 buvo t:io haac to milisonflo my3 r, Yours, ní.slwcllii -, V. SWSEY NEUR VT.GIA. (i-:xQ.ui;ri'i2 país,) TIG DOLOEF.UX, 'L'OOTIl-jítHE, FACEAOHE, SHABP SÜDÜEÍÍ 1'AIN'S. Persons sufici :u with Nt-uralsi i L'XeiÍL-n:o üie anin pf KXcruciatíng piln. Tlio p-irnicynn ir- sh-arp,rfUkí i, plungilig, hUtubiug, liul CoU iU.taiAy - ,iko au y-ct. 10 shock. 'V) AD'.VAV'á READY RELIEF Li V.m ouly remeny IX bíthertoknown, tliat ufllúlf-i d i:n líate refi -í CTTV "' ú "'"' !il;"i;' ■'" """ wwtiirtug Ciiin W 4 plaiiit. (In casos of chro.iic Nour.tlttia. tiio uk-a sl.ig syrop.i alled REXOV ATINO RE -UI.VE.V1'. will expcdilG tiio enre ) Iu recent attttckd, tíiu Ui.A,'Y i:( applta) xiernaüy to t!m [mrtá wheru the i in tirites, an.l a tSOSpOonflll OÍ Kt.LlKt'' t.) a wiuo (J.ass of water, wlCB tbj p.iroiJiOU appear, n IU cuecl a car. SOIV 570 CÏJS.H A 3AD CDIiD Btn'VVUE.N BüD-TlilE ANU rfLMU.SK. Kfeiz ■ 1 with SCmKTBBOAT, H , "u I Consto, lüilculi Ri-mihlug, ílottcijiclio, W-to.y Htói.hirgoa froio tho Ko'C un 1 Evo-, l'aiu in tht H:ii:k an 1 .íonit, Ao., nailu! lili) ihroat, i-í. lloa-.l uuj J.,11; w.La Ü14 liEAPY RWJKF, and ;l HOT READY RELIEF SLINCr, Py atUH'lg to hall' a tuinblcr it lint wiler, swü.U'nod w:th f-tguí, a dassot-spou tul uf RADWaY'S UEADY ili U!', and lrin'; UliH on goklg lo be-I. M a f.-T miauli'.s ymi will p'rspiro f oely, f-L-ep üouudly, uud wake iu iho Enoruiug uurou ofyour co'd. (Froin Ihe Chrüíian Advoca e.) 11 Wo bog to present to lbo roador oí Uto A Iv catt tlio fullowmg Idlor aild. e--ed t l'r. RacUvay. I.-n tho-it ■lfflicU'1 with WEAK LüN(,s AXllTilUKAIKXr.l) Wlllt CUNSU.Ml'TIOX, ro id Tfio writer, Mr. JAMKS bAÖK, w woll kaowu iu Miouiaurao a popular üotol-Uecpor." Mrairms, Macmb r,i.,, Scpt. 4. 1S(. Tr Radw.iv - Dear .Str: Ab ut loar Vuarn íi ce, 1 wti vory uintU nlTüCloil wit'.i lil.SK.VSEU I.UNU-. .My fricM'li bhougbt íha i thr Oansumpt'ím. 1 w H cniirely i:uiit ('■■■ bu-iur-s, L-alsod blo d, unU iu i l-vc y sympL tti of t!i abovo fatal disoa-e. Ononighl. on ouij; lo lu'd.I ÜlniyiUt I woiiKl mko a tiweat, aal t ok your Riunir Kkukv (In hot vítor) as a stiiaulut ti v' at nio. H di 1 mi. Tho porüpirft i' u was of a .li'íiy pull t moe, and nflèiinivt smell. 1 lollowod ta injí iho Jíkat.y Iíkli v ovory oüu-r ntght for four witoká.aii'l ai lln i'l)U.of til 't w i i-ntiroly well. ThU a trio slalom, 'iil ol f.icL!, wliiCli I il tiutil'y to uuder oaih. Vuj.u. tu , JAM S.iUD, Sajni'a Hotel, iloiuphi-, Mlch, FEVER AND AGÜE. A tab.o.spoonf.ii of RADWAV'd ÜEAliV KI-.l.iKP', in a tombllT of walnr, t.ikou i'very limnilng bolftré broaicf.Lst, will prevtídt atttok-í 01 IV-ver aud Agüe, f.tfZ"jLft to itá malaria. If ftelaod wilh tliis cnmplaiiit, lako ilm samo doae, and liatho iho Bnd, Noik, ilanu an I Spiuc on ï hour before Iba aro cyi.-ciüi ; tliiá wtü broak up aud cure the wor t foruiá of AguQ. aa-n. RATÏWAY rívps yon, for C5 , n mo iiii lo 'W M l'1:lt Wl" lrovö lls tUioacy ni a w-w honre, and FtL3 O'iro yiu f oíd (lineases thai, imder the &&& troatmeut of phyioians, vvotild lay yon ui for days, weoks aud muntlis, eo th it evoi y botr le is completo whi'ii you pnrehilSOj aud purchaso no HKAIiY KEI.II-.l' unloss Uieuc simile nicaaluro of ÜAilWAY Ss O), ison tile ostsido label, and ih tumo of uadWaY & ro. blown on tho tliss of oirh iwitlo. IT t SOI. I) I1Y l)Rl'0(IST3 íN'ii ToRK. KEEPERS ÍS FVERY VII,l.AlE ANUTOWXIN Tilt U.N1IK1) MALES AUD GANAUAi. EADWAY & CO., 87 Moldan I -mo, N'. Y. For Salo by STEBBINS& WILSON yey's Cherry Pectoral


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