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The Michigan Argus

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pufcllalied every Friday njcrniBg.ln (bethírd story oi I,,! brick block, corner oi Ma n ani Hurón .Mk.. a N ak1'-'. Uich. EutranceuD llurun itrtet,oppOMte tbe yianiili'i. ELIHU B. POND, Editor and Publisher. Ter nu, $l,5O a Ycar In Aövance Adrp'IItnjí-íinp square (T2 Lines or less), one ■ eek, $0 cents; and _5 cents for erery insertioa tkerejftcr, lw than three mi'iitiis. One aquare 3 moe $S.(-0 i Quaftr eol, 1 $ 0 Doe square 6 m B.OO HatfcolamD t; moa 18 square l year fi 0 ■ Malfcolirmo 1 vear i-5 jpirosq'rea (' ra '-1 H iO tn' column 8 huw. 8fi Two ci'res 1 year 12.ït) One clumn 1 year 60 ■■ (dpertisementa unaccntDiRnld l'V written or v erbi Jiriction will be publubed uuül orderad out, SüJ cliarged ificord-ngiy, L,.g:tl advertUements, first nsorlion, 50 cents per folio, 5 ot'fits per Mió for encli sub equem 1 ertioo ff iena potpi nenien i ísadded t ui advertí semeni the „Hale will be charyed the ame as i'or flrst Insertíaa. Job Printliig- Pnmpblets, Hand BHI, Circulara, Car.!-. Ball Ticket n, Laoebi Blanke, Biil Heudn, and otilar iridios of í hun and Fancy Jo l'rintinj, execu ted with promptnisB, and n th' be t style Cnrd-i- We hnvea Rugglen Rt'ar Oird PreBand BtUrgevanety of thelatest styleeof Card typ which BQAb ■ i;s in Tint Cftrde o) 11 kiadb in the netes1 possiblLty:p nul clipper tïmu i-n bfher hospe in the city, liu -:n -si r-ard fwr ra n o ■ ivocationf and pro i, Bal!, WV'td.njrand Visi ing Carda, prínted on short 00 tice, l'all an 1 nee sampleB. IIOOK BTVDÏVG- ■M!inpí"í'd with iheO.Tice isa Book Bin lerv in chargp of tw 1 competent workmen - Couaty Ree I , '-■■ lge-8, .1 turnftl . nd all Bïan ■ Booka Btdetn ord-r. md irf the b--st stock. PanU hlets ani Parfodlcals bound in a neal and dursbl maan n t Hetrftit u-icfs. Eutrauce to Bicdery hrough tbe I


Old News
Michigan Argus