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ATTENTIOíV OIiOTUIBHS ! Jttíl' received ai the General Depot, for tíie sale of Clo'.hicrs Stock. .Vhidimcty. 1' - fiiuff-, &e. &c, No. i:W. ffferson Avfime Detroit, tlie f'ollowuig largo, wéli astod. and tarefully selecied Stock', vti; iOU-bbls. St. Domingo Logwood. Cút, 5 Toas '; - 0 StiriK) 150 b'iLs. Cuba Fustie, Cur, fr Tb i i( iiStick, rJ bbís. N-io. Woöfli Chippcd, &O1 " Liin: SVoód, 3(V " Red Wo.)tl, l 12í " Grourid CamwQod, lll " (iuerciiron Bark, 500 tbs. Nutgalis, LO Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 lbs. Lp.c Dyc. 2 Ceroous Spanïsh [hdigo, 300 Iba. Suinac Sicily, S Casks Miiddcr. 3 Oasks Blue Vuriol, 5 CjsUs Aturo, 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Barrels Crcain Tartar, 3 Carboya Aqúá Fonis, n Oil Viiriol, 5 ' Muriaiie Acid, 500 lbs. Virdigris. 5:) '; Block Tin, Teasels. Twine, Copper Kettlcs, all sizcs, Parson'a SUeariag Muc.hinef, Curtís' '; Screws and Press Platos, Crunks, Press Paper. Steel Reeds Worated Harneas, Teater Hooks, Emery, a'lL'Nb's., Olive Oi), Cloüwers' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, Clotlüers' Bruslies, Simttles, l'ickers. Card Cleaners. &c. &c. TKe above, with a variety oí other nrücles$be,iné to the trade, have been pwrehased this unmerby the subscribers f rom Manulacturerad Firsi Hands ir. the New York, liiiladelplun. 'r,J Boston Markets, and every thing haviny res ceived his personal; cm svnli the lurrnstcinfulence offer themto purchasers as Uk. lest and most complr.te stoclihi the country; aml a3 it is his fixed dete.nnination (by the low ratcs ! whichhe wilí.selí) to oreven t the necessity ot our Clothiers and ManuíVurers ihe S'ato to mnke their purciiases. fr? oiud merely sav to the trade. O ALL, examine tl.o oods and aseertain prices bcfore you say you can buy ChKS;íe;acontractfbrCARDlNG MACHINES madeState.. Sign ottftë'Gritrdéri Mortar. 139, Jeflerson Avenue. [17-tf.]TÖTHE VÍCTOR BELONG THE SPOlLS" ALTHOUGH niany preparaüonin the fonn. of "POPULAR MEDICINES," Iteró been before tbe public., claiining to rebel and even cure the most invetérate d.seaees, ci none havo so well answered the purpose ns Dr. SfÏERMAN'S MED1CATED LÖZEQE Dr' Sher"'&UGH LOZENGES" cure tlve most obstinate crises oi Cougli in a few höurs. Thcy havocurcd a laríre iiuniberol per Bon who have been givea up by tlieir physicwns and friends, and many who have been ledueed to theverge of the grave by épilüng bld consumptie and Hectic Fevcr, by tht-ir us, have had the rose öfhèaüh restored hehg gardcheek. and now hve to _ speaU L"l!' tlfe praisesoftlnsinvaluable medici.-ie. Dr. &Uci"' -WORM LOZE1GES" have been provedin more than 40('.0()0 cases to L ïnfallible, in (act. the ouiy c-ertam Worm c stroying medicine ever d,Seovered. Childien will eatthem when they ennnot beiorced to take nny other medicine, andtne benefit denved [rúp the administraron of medicine (tí WW m tlut form is rcat bcyon.J conci-.nion. lliey hav5 nover been k lownto fniL Dr. Sherman s CAMPHOR LOZENGES." relieve Headachr. Nervous Sick-headuche. lal pitation of the Heart. and sickness ui a vei) tewniinuies. Dr. Shenran'? "FOOR MAN'S PLASTER" i acknowleJijed by all who have ever sed uto be ihe best sjtrëogtherting Piaster in the wondnnd a sovereign remcly for painsand weaknss in the back. o:n?. side, breast. neck; hmbs. jointe. rheumatism. lumbago, &c. De ca rel ui to procure the above and .all other mediemos oi McujnaaVs, and you wil! be snre there II be no misiake in quantity of charge. W. S. & .1. W. MA1NARD. Ann Arboïr, Februorvö. 1B44. 41 To CÏatiiiers, Ittanwitictorers and Mcrchants. THE sulisi;riber is now recciving at his stores. Í88 aud-190 Jeffcrson Avenue. Detroit., the following carVfully and well selected stock oí" Dïk Woods, Dyk Stuefs end Woule.v úi'actürek's Machi.nkr?. 55 tóns Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico and Carthagena. 10 tous Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, 6tonsiNicaragua. Bonair. Coror Hache and Lima, 3 lons Camwood, very choice, 1S() barrels Logwood. cut and groundj ï) " Fustic, ;i " 1U0 " Red Woods. " l0 :: Camwouu. '; fl 1-0 " Qnereciiron Bark, 45 " Allum. A " Coppems. 30 u Bfue Vuriol, 2d '; Ma.lder. O:nBre, and Dutch crop 3 Crearn Taner, 2 íl NutgaHs. 3 cases Indigo. Bengal, Manuia and Gua timalav 2 ' Lac-Dye, 20 if cxt. Logwood, '2 ' Graiu Tin, 300 pounds Verdigris. j5 CarboysOil Viiriol, Spirits Sea-Saltsand Niiric Acid, ALSO.Copper Reales and GVoiKwéd Screws. Tenter llooks. Jacks and Bnishes, l'ress. Papers, Card Cleaners, Weavers' Sliears, Nippers mui Burling Irons, Combates, Pi.ckers and Bohfcine, "VV re. Worst ed and Cottoa Ll'irness. Sieel snd Gane Reeds, Broad Power. Hand Looms aml Fly Steel and Coyper Maiis, En.eiy. &-C. Pasons' Sheiiring Machines, ï, G. and 9 Waëes. A Hen' s doublé and single Carding Machinen. Machine Cards, Leicestcr, The above goods have been recently purchnsed. directly &m ihe importërs and iiinnufacuuersi-EXcLüsiv-KUV roa cash. and will be sold at the New Yofk jobbers' priccs, adding trans]ortation only; and in tonsequence of the -decline '.on many oí Uve American manufacinred anides will, rn many ense, be soló af vij-tey-S ïkk cent i.ess TRi.s ï'unvF.u rincts. Thirtcen veai experience in the Dye Wood business ennWesthe 8ubscriber to say to hie enstomers iliat ha is prepated at all times lo wrp..nt his guodsoi superior „ualay. r Tva Wood and Dye SiufT Warehouse 163 and 1.90 Jeifefsoo Avenue. Deiroit. The Ann Arbor Journal, Ypsilanti Sentinel Pontiac Gazoue. Fünt Democrat. Adrián Expositor, Marshall Slatesman. Niles Courier and R-epublican, Gaitettr-. rlchi2an City (Ia.) and xhe Enquirer, Lom'.oiv. (Canada.) will each pub lish notice inside. to the amount ol iree dollars, nd seivd copy of notice with bilis to sabscriber for payrneni. 17-1 F. JE R ÓMË" Ú. TUE AD W EL L, ATTORNKY ANU COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Aitd General Land Agent, WILL atie;n' to the sale and exchnnge of Látiád, pavment of Taxes, nmireciemp tion'of TjandssVid' for T;?xes in ackson and adjolrïirj2 cotinticF. exarriinatfon of Tilles, Conveyancin.'ï. :inl nll buolncss pernining to Real Lstrifj. O!'.i:c ::i tli" Cour: House. Jaqjison, Michigan: ■ 17-rf.


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