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The Yazoo Pass

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T'ie corrtsapmidüiit ui thu New York Jlcnthl gives thu fúllowíyg account of the famous Yazo Pass, tlmiugh which a Federal expeditio has cecjntly paseed : Those who have watched the coursc of a suuku as he trails his w.iy along the ground, winding this way and that, hiiher and yonder, going in uil d'rections at the sime time, mid yet maintaiuing some thiug of a regular cour.-c in the average, wilt, by exaggerating t he picture ia their own niinds, uuderstuud somethitig of tha tortuous eourse of the Yazoo Pass. I have p'assed through it f rom one end to otlior, aud I assert candidlj th;ifc there is not thfoughout ita enlire length a piece two huii'lred feet loug of perfeotly straight river. The orders ander whieh this exptrdi tioM moved requireil that boats tnbald keep three lmudred yards apart; bat there was no placo to be found in the ■whole ítreain where they could seo onc third of this aistanca ahead or behind tt;eiu. Once, iudetd, ve did cutch a glimpse of the Rader, flugship. She was just abre ast oi us; and about one liundrod yaids uway, going i an opposite direction to us. We faucied we wei'e elose ou to her, and, as it was naar nigbt, ccneluded to tic up, so as to let her get awny from us. The next morning we got nader way at daylight, and just as the suu was ut the meridtan we jiassed the spot where we had seen our file leader oigh'.een bours bufore. TUS 0B9TatTCTI0!fS. Much lias becn said and written of the cfforts put forth by tlic rebela to obstruct this pass. Tlieir labor was all tln-own away. Nature luid placed greater ob structions in the way than any enemy could place thore, no matter how powerl'ul ht; migbt llave been or how long he hrid been euiployol. Cypress and syeamore trees lhied the b&uks in great profusion, intorinixed with gigaqtic cottonwoods bearing tho wildust eatanglement of wild grape riñes. The stream itself is nover to expeed a hundred foet in breadth, and frequent' y not more than fifty or seventy-five. Over this the timbar forms a most perfeet areh, freqnently, as good fortune wou'd have ít, so higti as to admit the easy passage of the tall smokestacks beneath it, but sometiines grazing their tops, and again angrily toppiing over the intruders, but Providence evidently did not intend this pass for a military Ivghway. Provideuco opposed the move ment, not so mui;h by this high arch enclosiug the riverand shutting it out fi'om riew, as by tbe long, j'gged limbs it thrust out froin the trees direclly aeross the channel. and the numerous crooked and leauing treís that formed a most effective bloekade. THE TRIP. It may be pnssible, from what I have written, togetan ideu of the Yazoo Pass. A short account of trip through it will bo more profitable for this purpose. The totul-length of the pass from the Mississippi to tho Coldwater river is twenty miles From tho Mississippi to the east side of Moou lake, whero the pass prnpur coiiunences, is called eight miles, leaviag the distance from Moon lake to the Coldwater twelve miles. We left the lake on Wednesday morning, the 25th inst , and re;cled the Coldwater this afternoon just after diuner, making the trip iu oxactly three days and a half. ï.veUu miles by steamboat iu thice dfiys aad a huif ! Tho Erie canal is lüuru tliuii txlipaüd - it is obliterated. To be bure, we uid not trave nights, but we made usuaüy about twelve bours time each day. This gives us the rapid progföss of oue mile ui Lurte and a halt' houis. Dijes the progress made ex press anj thing of the ohfracter of the route ? If it ujes uoi, I hardly know what wül. IX THE Ul'PER END OF TUE PASS the stream is confiaed, and rushes along with graat rapidity through its narro w channel, tbo rale being not less than five or six miles per liour. Lower dowu there are strips of bottom land along the side. whioh aro uow overflowu, giviug greater width, :tnd eobsequentty less rapidity to the ourrent. But in no place were we abie even to drift with the eurrent. That vrould iuvitably have dashed us into tha timber and torn our boat to atoms. Froin the time we eritered the pass uuti we emerged froni it we could only kee our whecls backing, and eveu this wa not eooagli. A smiiil boat was requisito on eithe side, by vvirieh linos wcre consta:jt!y pass ed out and made fast to tlie trees t check our headway or ease us arnund th harp benils. The expedition has boe facetiously called "Uie stern-wlieel expeditior!," ÍVoiii the eircumstai'ce of thcre being none but stern-w lieol boats, (which are narrower tlian sida-wbeel steamers,) eögaged in it; but it might with equal pnipnety ba called "the back-water ex pedition,' or the "hold-baok espedition," because of our advancing only by holding back. DAÍIAGKD OOOASIOifAKBTi But with all our caro and labor it has lóeen impossible t save our boats froui iimoli dauiage. Fi-cjuciitlj it wasirnpossiblo to check the headffay of' a vcssel in time to save its siricífsstacfcí, and away would go tbose tall iron cylinders, crashing through thu liurrioane deek-, ;:nl nnking a completo wreek of the cabin and light u'ppei' vvork3 Again a lingo liiub wou'd come hing nnd smashiag along the side, tcaring away atanchions and bracea, and sometimés oven tlio liglit bulkheads around the upper works. The flagahip was thua visited, and Acting Oommander Smith's oabin turncd into a eomplete wreek Iu f.iot, all tlio vessels look as though tliey had been in a bard föuglit battle nd had been badly worsted, oiily tliat none of the ra are damaged in ïuacliinery or huil. ít has been a most exciting trip; but 1 btlieve or hcar all have surVfved it save ouu poor old nigger - a contrabatid - beloDgiug to the vussel. Ho was lying in hia hain-nock, io tlio sick bay, boiiig on tho siok list, whon a huge l'nub, broken off by tho porsistencc of our sinokestacks, cama dowii endwise upon the ileck, and p'ass'uig through, adminiatered the death biow to poor (Julfee. ÍS was a moro bitter emancipatiorj proclaniation to tliat poor darkcy ihan any Patíicr Abraham lias issued yot. jj2J Fiitli is a groat lady, and good workj ara har 'tr.dant.


Old News
Michigan Argus