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DR. SMITB'S ' I ixuny nml iu.iK'm" m. ■ T ,1 .uvei'io. i ■■■el' tholi-y - '! 1 TU'lwií'he.cIM-o.pJiris.w.hiM, onheil'" KTcsreioblo subsíróces fv-AÍéh 8 W tói ñ Til s'-oA; try.lMspüh 1 wii noi WV;W , ,„!lowi„. rlisftrisps: BÍIiun. i&Srfe, ,n, Rermuant i oven;; 1' e vr-r n - ;'- ; , , „ jic, Afidilv ■ 'ucir inonoy reluiukd. TESTIMONIÁLS ■ íñ i'.wou of DR. WM, M SMÏTH'S UNIVEKSÏTY P.11LS-. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LANPON. Mo.MtoK, Michirr:in. Jtüic m ÍS!' Dfl Smith- Danr vSir.-l tnfce much plqasnre ir. ffiv.. njy leMimony in favnr of yotir vnabirUNIVKRSITY PILLS. J most clieerïuüy recomwá tfiem to (he pubUc astn Í "ÏÏ dSd e. i catl,arf,c toi must of the dWW lo reg.o,, or coo.fy I ave mnde extensive use of tLom Tur four years m rny practice an.l I tuern to bo theBEST Anti-üiliou.Calhnrtic or Aperient. medicino 'er cc,,nbu,en nnd j-recl tor ge nCral USe TESIIMONIAL OF DR. TlLKR. M.vsu-n, Ohio, My Ut, 18'U. F)r vitii S'-r- T ícke mucli plfinsure in fesliuiíwy to the. eincacy oí' yoiir g?5 bHe f-om the slernach, detergió the I.vor. nnd Ín Rff 'g tmgrfrom thatsource. TEsT1MQNIAL 0F. F. L. WELLS.' . V,Tr.!;KOO, Mich., Morch 10, I] 14. To T)n Smith- Sir-For upareis' of Px nftftfW I was cn.clíy aíllicted wilh Pe ver nml Aaue inddu ri ihat 1 me coukl fino notbing thot ?ave me pennnn.nt rclinf: nt í% h bow. Aguo, nnaminn ir(mnmonled to me bv one ot me Best Physicions in tèe S;. o7n,v aS,,c, 2,0, i- mh„ rfjyft.. ni, i. bee,, 8S f TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL GOODNOW. Mo.míob, Mich., .Tone 1. lí: 14. I hcrel.v cerlifv that Dr. Wm. M. Smith hns hem my Family PhysicJan !or uur year 8StpaTthathe-has ,-sed his Univerdiy Pilis :n his ..n my fam.lj; ■ w.Ü. nnparul!L c..!.'.p ' and 1 thtnl tliem preíernble to nnv pil! for bilmns vñecUon in the wprl-.l. Ieletl succes, and 1 tfitn u.em gNg (í00DNÜW. Innkerprr, Mucomb-S. Uousc TESTIMONIAL OF D. S. PARSHALL. FfJT, Mich., June 5, ÍS 44. nR Rvmi-lM hnppy íoíríve you mv cordial npprovtü of your University .Pilis. I am able tóTeeprír FeveTInJ feñno Fevors to wluch all ofus are subj.c. ifi tin, West"couníj.hetm.elyuseof'voUniversitv Pils Send $Mggfëfi SfcSKSSftftíSSS of SeLÍS: noble an. t Wecertifv thatvve are and l)uve been personally acquainíed vvith Wm. Rf. Spn;t5, IVL I) .tnowtíiathe isa man oí eminente n h.S prolen-and .ha! for fo.r years he fílléd the rhairof Mnteria Medica nnd Pharmncy m .he .Uohby üniveis! y o, Lnke Frie with honor to himselfand satiffaetion lo i he Trustees .-„ni Farv.uty. os eil as to Uie Stude.s of the above Univörsity. As íbr Uis Pul., they are 'par ejgjgjy NOBLE Monroe, Mich., J-ne R[AL J CUASE This Icertify.thaíintbomonth of Kewtembcr la.t I wns attaoked w-ith hulious : Feyer (w eJr , home at Ouao to build a water wlieeJ'and, one do.e of Sinith -ü- n verltv S, I broke it up: and as many wJS were aL the tmr, I a.lmm.stered these pVlJto them and in all enees it b.oke up heir íbvers. I Jíjve u.ed theu! muny tunes s.nce, and with great .ucce.s. Thev are the ( p.ll, í ever - tót Shiawassee Town, Mích. June l?f. ISK wptpht TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAIL C. NVRIGHT. This rraycertify, that Ihree vears SW.1 teas attacked with Liver Complaint so sevcrel.v thaH Sd "caícely turn myelf inbed: I u.e.l „,:,ny spenüc. m.d Sch n, B androth's, Rosurrecti-n, Or'-eutal, nd othrr pills, biit with little, or no eílect. One year fCnyLnd r. SinÚli called on me on. his way to Bos.on, when he o-, ve mea box o S0IS P.lls, which perfectly resl,red me, and my haJf fr0RrtHkps?pTSN Y No 13, FronkJin Strret. 2.". 18 H. ROcLeStCT'NyI TriM()NIALOFJ)IiNW. MILLER . . . TPB Doctor- Jutice rem.ires me to stoto, I lave íoI.I your Inüvers-íy Pilis fornc anÏÏ hni?8 last pi ?n3 fEtt I can sell n? others while 1 hnve them on hand. Tne} „ave .perUd thesale of all others-their eSect, K? .SSSwcrTo,M WM. S. Se J. W. MAYNARD, Uppe, Town, Ann Arbor. n , il ilmi ilij ,_,„ 1_r__rlr-- -


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