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Dr. Tappan's Lecture

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Last sunday íitteriioon Vr. i appan gave a lectura in the Methodist Chureh, on tho rclation between the citizena of Ano Arbor and the Üniversity. He spoke for an hour and a lïalf, and reeeived tho elosest attenticxn froin a very largo audieneo. iïis disooursö was substautially as follows: The centre of the Grecian world was Delphi, Here was worshiped Apolle, here he uttered bia prophecies, aud ncar horo was established the great Pythian games to whieh all Greece turned its atteution. The anciont legend tells us that the god seleeted such priesísas vrould be faithful to their trust, promising them ; that, us long aa thoy were obcdiont, thcy would flourish and would estabüsh a poweríul city. Jerusalem also was the centre of the civilization and cultivation of the Jews. It was Mount Zion, and tho joy oí tha whole earth, aud its inïabitants were coinaiiiided to " mark well her bulwarks, and consider hur palaces." Indeed, the culture of nations bas ever depended on somo such ceDtre of educational influeneos. Tho English hcart is ouuoöntr ated ii Osford and Cambridge, the Scotch heurt in Edinburgh, tho Freuob hoart in Paris, tho Prussian in Berlia. From them go forth inflaences whieh civilizo tha whole nation. No one is so senseless as to thiuk that the University ■ of Munich belongs to Munich aloue. It belongs oqaally to all Germauy, and its influences bless alifce all Garmauy ; and yet the people of Munich have certain responsibilities devolving upou them whieh the other cities h;ive not. In iike manner, Ann Arbor is the centre of the educational influences of the State of Michigan. Aud although the University is as much tho property of any other town in the Siate, yet upon this place lies a duty whieh does not devolve upon auy other; iind if it per fonns that duty, upon it will flow a b!es3ng whieh flows upou no other place. - As tho University incroasos in strength, as its resources grow largor, as the senseless jealousies of csrtain psrso'is, that it should be established fiere, we ars off, the citizens here will fiud greater re sponsibilities entrusted to them. They are Iike the good priests of Delphi, aud Apollo's charge to the latter, is ble to tbe forracr. Tliey are Iike the maistrates of Jerusalem, wlio should makc its streets beautiful, and permit no corruption to dweil withiü its borders. The ciiizena of Ann Arbor, should take pains to adorn tbeir ciiy, and to form public ground--. They sbould nake it attrnctife, and beautiful. But, ibove all, they should endéavor to root out thu evil influencies which hero prevail, ltia not sufficient tliat Ann ArDor 'te no toorse than other towns in, Michigan, it ihould bejfar bctter. Let ;here go forth not on!y a superior eduoationtd', but also a superior moral ioluence. Billiurd .tablea and saloons are amongst thn worst eatioomaots, ir; the world, for yónng man. It prove.- to' many the gateway of II-ill. Tlia o i t i - zens ot Ann Ar'u ir should seo that these evils aro rem ved If tbings are done the city will ba higbly blesëed. It will bo bldisad oommercially, fbr thi wilJ aerease the prospority of ttw University, and tln pro.iperity of the city will be propotional to that of the Uafyeráity. It will nlso be bleased socially, for hithor will flock the learned and tho giioii. Maroóvor, tbe poople tbroughout the State, will be convinced that thi.s i.s the most auitable placa for the University. Thuy wül ook upon it as the Greaks did upon Delphi, or as the Lsraelites up n Jerusalero. This imperíüot synopsis will give but a poor idea of 'úr. Tappan's diaoourse, It is a serious subjoot, and should be oonsidered by every oi titan of Ann Arbor. F. i ■ i - i- - ►■ L3" Vicksburg, Port Hudson, and Charleston havo r.ot yot boon taken, and the iiowspapers are now firing at the rsur of tho bitter City. - The rebels are still on the Kappa hannock, and Bichmood not yot cvaouated. - Tho Yiizoo Pass expodition has accompüshed nothing as y-t. - Eaids are of daily ooeurretice in Koutueky - by tho reporters. - The rtbels report Banks repulsod at Port Iludson. - But thü news from all quarters, wLen iifted, really nmouuts to n,othing, iLs5' The Georgiana receirtiy dostroyed in the attempt to run into Charleston, is reponed oae of the best vessels afioat, and with her ea:go was valued at over 1,000,000. s-= The late Gen. Sutaner loft a family of six ohildrea ; two daughlers who are married aud live at Syraeuse ; two who live South and whose husbands are in the rebol sorvieo; and two sqiis, who are ii the federal array. JJX" '-T'10 w'l' of the lato Gom. Levy was deolared nuil and void bv tha oapreme Court of New York on Monday, This will boqueathed Monticello- the JeffersDa ho:uestead- to the Uajted States. L.:S" Rliode Island has gooe Eepu-b j lioan,


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