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fpcwl grito. MÏCÏIIGA? CENTRAL RAILROAD. Passenger traius leave Detroit and the severa Stations in thisUuunty.ns followj : G 0 I N U W K 3 T . leave. Hall. K.V. te. .[. Ac. XiglitEx Detroit. 7.20 a.m. 10 A. M. fi,15 P. M 9.30 r M. Vputlanti, !00 " -H.2S ■■ 6.20 ■■ l . W aiii Arbor, 9 20 " 11.45 " 7 0J 11 M " DMter, 9.60 '; 12.11 P M 7 35 ' 11 ■ Chelaoa, 1)10 ' U.M " 8.00 " UjM " Ar.Chiesgo, 10.30 " 1-S A. m Tbc train gnes only tu Micliigin City. e o i n e kast. I.o.ivo. KiïlitEx. Jack. Ac. N. Y. V.x. Ma!l. CheUÍf, 6-S- ■ S-"1' fDrater, ' r' ■' " 5:'? ! AnaArbor, 5.05a m. 7 25 " t5í. K. .15 Ypllnti, 5.ÍS " T-M " M " C..40 ■' Ar. Detroit, 6.48 " 9.2U " 5 15 " S.09 " The mail train starts trom SBchieas City. fraiai ao oot stop at stations wbire figureK are oinitted n the table. S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTEKS. Thcy iHivify, ntren?thiD and invigorate. Thvv eri-ate a healthy appetiU. Tbey are an ottdote to change of wr.tor aml diet. Tbey owrcomo etleuts of dissiation aud late hours. They fitreugthcü the system ml enliven tlie Blind. TliL'y prevent raiiismatic and ntermittent fevers. They purify the bioath ana acidity ol the stomach. They cure dispepsia and Constipatlon. Tbey cuve Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbu.. Tbey cure Iiver Coniplaint and XervbusHeadaehe. They are the best bitters in the rorlc . They makt the vcak man stl'ong, and are exkaasted nature's great restore . ïlicy are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the erk'Urated Calisaya Bark.rools and herbs, andaré taken with the pleaaureof a beverage, without recard to age or t me of day. i'articularly recomracnded to delicate persons requirinK a gentle stlmulant. Sold by allUrocers, Draggta, Hotels and Saloons. P. II. Drakefc Co. 802 Broadway Hew York 6iRf9l LYON'S KATHAIEON. Kath&ironls (rom the brevk word, Kathro," or j. 1 Kathairu, " higniifiag to cleans?, rejuvinate anti re1 stare. Thwarticlo is wliat t.i n.meMgiiilies. Kor pro- üf rving, restoring and be-aitifylug tbe human hair itis f, llie must n mal .alilc jiiejiaratiun iu the world. Itis ï agaln ownéd an". put óp by the original proprietor, and f is now uladewith the same care, ski 11 and atrèntion , wliicli g.ivc it a saleof over oae railiiun liottlesper an1U11U f 11 i a most áslig'.itfcil Ilair Di-cssiüg. It eraticates sciuf and danilruli'. H keepfl the bead C';;l mi clean. t It makea tbc b'air ricii, oft and gloskj n pT6 venta thThlr frnm fallinolTnml turninggray Ii -i'),"r.s hair api U b :1 i headsi Any lady or gentleman who values a beautilul lioail ■ .f hair shcfald use's Katharion. It is known anil 'uBedthroughout the civilized world. Sold hy all respeciable dealers. Cm3M DEÏIAS S. SARXÉS k CO.,.rrop'rs, N. Y. IÍEIMSTREET S Inimitable Hair ïïe-toraiive. IT IS NOT A DYE, Hut rc.-tnrp.-s gray liair tu its original culor, by íupplftoe tlsc capillary tubs with natural pustenance, imsaired by age or disease All instanlaveons dycs are cnmposed of hinttr caniiic, dsstroying the vitality nnl beauty of the hair, and aHörd of them-telves no dressing. Heimrtrnet-'sïnimitableColorlng notonly restores ■ huir tu its natural color by an easy procero, bat glve the hair aIjUTurlaiíí Bcpnly, promotes il s growth. prevenía ita failiug ofT, eradicates Jindruff, nnl imparta heolth anS plrasantrresa to the nead. It hns stnod the ft of timo, boing the original Hair Coloring, and is eonstantly increasing in éitar. I boih gentleman ana ladles. It i-i sold by all r espectable denlera, or ean be proc.ured by them of the commercial ágenU, t).í3. Barios & Co. iOl Broa.livay, Xew-York. Two sizes, 60 cents and $1. Cn,89i O" ÏWENTY-ONE YEARS AGOU I Mr. O. C. BalaffOL a (listinguUhAd Cliemist and Pruggist of the ci.y of lïufmlo, NT, Y., invente! tndmjumfeótyrpd a c-mpoun 1 bnown as BRIPTOIS TíALVAM ( OF IIOAKJíOL'NO, w'bícb is a. perfect PPisÖFlC fot cocaos, coma, or any bsonciíUl or unto ftimccunea ] i V'.iin damp, culd, or udden change of the . ■ ■ ' i '; r . I erson wlio hasever biken BIÍISTOL'S BALSA M OF ÜOARHOÜNBj proa o unces t the btt arlicle ever iavented aod so justly celebrated has it bocoine, that thc m.irkct Ís alreíuly full OÍ nn'Utions , couníerfeits, j an] most d:nerous cnmpoanls, undw tlip name of Iï'i!s)im of Hoarhound, ïbereforftj alwayt be careful to cali for Bristoi'.s Ealsnm, and sce that lu.s WHITTKX signal 11 r i - on the outside labo! oí ihe bottle. jjahk. - This nvaliia ble Medicfne has b66D now sorae t 'enty-oue yeara befnre tlie public, and wilhout any :i khe part of the pro rietor, Ita sak has breóme very exttnsive, nnt is rta'ly incrensing. ïhe low price at which Lhe Medicine is sold' (25 CENTS) enables ALL to p&rtake of bealfng qualitics. C. CKOSHY, BUFFALO, N.Y. Sole minufacturer, to vrhom all orders shouldbe addressd. Tor sale bya.ll reppoctable drugguts. lyeow8S8 "T"good tkee is knovn is y jfV tTSFRÖn?. tío is a gpod Phys]c!an by lus uccesstul Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THKBREATANÜ CELKBHATED I'HYSICIAN' OF TUK ÏÜKOAÏ, l.LWGS AND CHEST, Known all over the jiuiitr; :is tbE Cnlettrated 1NDUN II E R B DOCTOR! From South America, wili bo at hls rooms, RÜöÖELt HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthel8tli and ÏÖtb inst. .on the saine dale of and every subtiequent month during 1862 and 1863, A XK VT PAMFRLET Of thc ljfe,studj nnd etensive travels of Dr. Lyona eau b provrd by allvho derire one, free of eh&rs. Dr. L will vi.iit Aun Arbúf, Jackson, and Adrían, Mtch-jnsfollowfi : .Aun Arbnr. M initor Ifonso '.0 h. JaekBOa, llibíi ird IIimm-. 21st A'Í!-i;iii , Brackett !!■ e, Üi and C3d. ModsofExajiTxatiom. - Th Duotor dfocènu diseafi9R i by th'e eyes. lie, tkererorp.nBks no quetionff por re ■ q re patiënt to explain jmptomH. Afitioted, come nn- y n,i f vnipt mus a ui the ion of yoilt 1 ■ -.jilaincd free of charge. Moucy to Leiid. r TAN FURXI-Jl MdN'KY on roasonable lorm lat l long time un oud K;i,ria secuvity . E. W. MORCAN. Aun ArWr, .fnly i?3. IM?. gjt)tf


Old News
Michigan Argus