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THE OLD CORNER RENEWED! with IEW GOODS, &C. FARMERS' IEW CAMI STORE (At the old stand of Thompson & Milieu.) I aui uow opening a curofully SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOOOS coNsisriNa or DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, BROWN & BLEACIIED 3HEETINGS, CASSLMEKES, FLAXNELS, &c. and everjthiag thatiskeptina Domestic lODoTisao, also a fine assortment of BOOTS & SHOES! AND YANKEE JSOT1ONS, A full stock of OEOCERIES congtantly on hand. FAKMIJR'S PRODUCE Boiiglit and Sold. Thankful to old fi iends and oustomers 'or pust favors, I hope to merit a t-harc of their patronage, by duaiing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with (3. H. Milltn & Co. Ann Arber, Oct, 1, 1862. 872tf 01 TY COOPHH SHOF. 'Vhulesalfi.n.i IU 1 O E. S FJORD Would respeclfuüy annoimce to tlio oitiieos of Ann Arbur and vicintj, thai Le is uo.v ïrünuiactuniiand kei)s oonstantly on hyn 1 a Large Asaortuaent of Cooper Work ! Kuch as Purk ïtutl irïer - ttrtvt, Ke;;ï, Firkins, Cüurns, Well iím-kets, &c, . Wbicb wili ijt sold cli?;ip for cash, c xj s t o Ar -vsr o s. u: ; Itade to order oa short aottoe. Repaifiug doue wuh uvalntüs and diapatcli, i I would cali particular attfiitiun to Merchiwtd iu want of mm-r rirunis c f urn nirtniifacturing tlie r u U Fliklit, whtch isa better Kirkin than hasevtr bt fora bees of f 'ered fnthiu market 1 would inviu all who want dm to i' ('all and exanine for tliemselves a fcra Mtrcha8infi"olaewhre, aod r will ooorinoe jou ;bt yin) iKivc called at the right place. ' t 1 vvo ui 1 al-io cal', the atteution of Brewers in want a íf BEER KEJGS, am now preparad tu manufacture íights, Quaiteisand half líbls. - d l.ugc or smal I Iota, and of a Bettex Quality han can be had in iíetroit or ols'vliere. I íTAll wdik warranted to givtiiitire satis 'action. 'hankliil for p at favora and by a strict attention t iiíih'ss, I liope to mcril a CuntinueC liber:il tiui'ply c he jnililic pal nm;i pe. ttá J)u uot íitTgot t 'oailal tké City Onoper -hop. O. O. 8PAFFORD. D.troitSt. Ann Aihol', Mich. 888rl á.. ucticmcers Hctice. BYRDN l.l'.fcK.V, havinj aiplert Inr a license, nnw tiülils hiniselt in rt'iiilim'ss to attend to all calis [Íavngh&duxpeii?nce, heis poaltive be can give good ■ ;il is!;K'tiii. All cal:a promptly ntteaded to. Chaiges ü;isouable. Apply at tlie Fraukhn Hmic BYHON' GREEN. Aun Albor, Oet. 84, 1862. 875tf 1862. 1862. NÍW FALL SÜ33SF Tow opening, a spiendid stock of Goods "for tho Fall Trade at O. H. MILLIiN'S Ana Arbi.r Pep'ember IS, 18C2 8701 Ml Losses prompt iy stcljnstcd MERCHANTS'TÑSUHANGE CC, 0F HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, $200,000. ToMl AKsetüjJsn. ls(, 18C2, $23",3R7 05 Llabllitiea, - - - 1 . 834.1.9 MARK II0WARD, I'i'Psiilfnt. E. Thos. Lobdell, Secy. Tlie undersifínfíl lias been appcinted Apont for tlu .oove reliable Compauj, and will eflcct insurance gaiast lossen by fíru at reatoaablerates. .N W. KNIGHT Aun Arhr,Timri', T'fW!. WW Sheriff's Sale. BY virtiie of au execution saued out of and under tb. teal of the Circuit Court fojr the County of Wa-h lenaw aroi Male ni Mjcbigaa beüing tL# -7t.. day nfSeptembei-, 1869, and t" me il.rected and de] vered, agaiunt thegoodaand cbaUeln,and lor want tbereof ia oda a ml teni ment of Jam tu Arnoid, dei end - aut in named,] did il tbc .7lli ilav c.f Le]j1eiberv 11-59. levj upon o nd ie ze all tlie right ,' tltlc nd inttiest of the aid James Arnoid, n and to tlie CoUowitg dt'ücribeii and and prumllHM to wil: S.tnatcd is tli Townnhip ol Tpsilanii, County ot Washtoi.a, ;in,i State of Mie rigan, commenciug at a stake on the ireat bank of the Huron River, at the Bouth-tasl corner of Ffeoch c!a:m six hundred ar,.i eigbty, and thence running ireaterly along tlie Bouti Una 01 .-aid ch.:m lo tlie centre of the Mghway cnnimonly calied the 11 nrt.e Road, thenee nortber'y along the oenter oi said roarl toa puint twelTc feet south and toree rod wtst ut a : cerra n white oafc tree abont tweWf Inchee througb and neam salli hole;l ea si er! parall! wnh 11. e njuth. lineo: uidclaün o b lak? on the wet bank .i Baid ; tbence soulh.rly along the west bank ol wid liver to ihe ui beginning, eout ining . n, hundied and eight more 'ir les, and boundtd en ihe ,, „tb. by liinds n (,e. lpi. j , oiinans,, i il, ,.,( 1 v -a ,1 i, ad on Dorth bj l.aiN ui John W. Vanclave, and n the eatbyaid mvm. in the countj ,,: WaiObtmaw and State of JlichiKau.allef whioli pr.mie 1 .al ( for sale at public auctUn, a the lav r:„,vU at th '[""Y1'"""!' "';'"'ri ' "'ttiUlj ofAcnirbor, that beiog the place fcr hoUing ili Ciicuit ( m ri tur tlio C"i:n'y o. Wa-htHiaw.on !-stur. the 18th '-iy r April next,at eli ven o'clock in the fon neon ,,t nú '■VTHOMAB h. 1.1 UNAKI , ] ,,. M ,., lt 1 ited, March 4. IpftJ. ts4ti ' Cbflocery Noti e. OTATE OF JUOIHiAN Snit ,,enlinK in the Circnit '"".V l'";"; C .Kof Wa„ht w.i„ clmncerj. BeforeBun K. Uwrence. Circuit Judge, at cliamberi Cija .1. (iwe.v, Cömplainant,"! n. L Haktkib A. Owkv, Defendanl .j It atisfaetnrilj appearing to the anderfigne-i byafüdavil t: al the defendant in thia canse rwidea out ol inia Btate, on motion of L I). Vorri, olicitor fur the com. jdainaut: It is oidered that thewiid dcfindani aai-e hl oppearance ;n thia cauae to ent,.., ,1 wlthin toree Ir, m ihe date of thi, orde. An t la ordered that, irithin tentj da.vs, the complainant causethi order to bepobühhedln th Ukbicu nel-i, a newspaperpublUbeil in sai. I county, und that such pHbicatioBb..oontmued,a1 lekal oncí n each, for l!x ireek (irtlmt copi ol tiiis order tobe personal lygMTed on paid cefemiant at 1. .sf tweBty days before the time prescribed tor apneara"Ice „ '■ l.."i:iMl-.( ircuit Judge ].. I). C,.,,,] lail:aiU ! ated.Teb. 23.1863. 8oS„s Mor'gMgc tale j ri'.Ui.T having been made in the c, nditi.n of ccrl t.'.n Indenture „I niortgage exected bj Jmé McCarthy and oCaithhwi wife of the fit ol Anu Ai hor. Cuuntj ol Washtenaw and ctate , ! Michigan, to Nel.-, n Cole ui the sane placv, hearing date the Brstdayof .Mm , in the yeai of ourLird one thou i Imiidie.laiiii [ift.v-six. an.i recordïd in the Officeof theBegiter of Ueedsifiand for Bajd Ci.ui ty ol ffaahtenaw, on theflfth day ol May.A. 1). 1: ;,- . ii I;')rl' S(l 22 of ifortKages on psge 63í, whicli laUJ inrtenture of Morgage wat dnly uaignui bj the eaid NeUon Cole to l-,iard Kian.ol lilt-li,!.;. n ham County, by bi aasigument undtr hia hand and m:,i. beanng datctheii xtet-Bih dayof leecmber, A )■ 1862 and recorded in the office oi aid RegiHtrr ol Leedfc ,n thtwentysin!) y of 1 ecembtr.A 0.186,1 l.i.n ■ N.. : 0 ol Mi.itia.:., in page 1S3, by which defaull tlie powei '.i ale eontained in -aid murtgag beenne nperalive and the atuount ciainied lo be ilu. on Paid ind) ii tureof Iiloitgnge, at thedateol thia Ie r. Bre hundredand mn t ,.},, llai an. il ,ri-, , i, 1 ,.(i.t or i roceedtog having .m institutrd ai laiv, ,r ui eliai.eer.v, torecover the debt n, rtroainfnilig and Becnred b_ aii! mortgageoi anv 11 ei e. t : Notice S therelole uht n. Il, at OB aturda} thlhmr hday ol April. A I . 1S63, at t.-n of the cl, .1 k ui the loreaoon ol the outh áoor ,.l ihe l unrt House, in the rity ol Ann Arhor. ld aaid Cmnly of w.i-iiti-iuw and stateof Miehi-an. (aaid Cnurt House beingthe plaee jar huMiDa tlie Circuit Couri fi.r -aid County) I. -hall sell or cau-e to ) sold at public ne; tion in tnrecWi.-iue of said mortgage to the il 'hest bid der, the premi-es describe,' tl.ereiii, or so mach tin r, of as ühall he neceMtr) to satiHfj the an ount ei , nu -aid indentuce of Mortgage, wj{h trest and all the rea sonable eofits.diFburfiements and eipenea ol ail ino ceedinga rel&tive to the forecJosurt b 11, e m ircludiliti reasonalde charges for attorneya' w i T Cl B Bf ]ro vided in said indenlure of mortgajre'; tbat to tay . all those certain traeta or parcela ,i land fdtuaied in the said cily of Am Arbor, knowo, bounded anrl deciibed aa 1 Uow8,Yiz; Bein lots numbered oi.e (l).tuo (2', three, (3), and foui (4). in block number t... (L) son'h. in rftnge numbFr ten (lm east, in the said citv ol Ai n Arbor, Couaty of Wasb tena w, and State of Michigan üaled Deeembei 31st,l()62. EDWARD SYAN. Feijíi, As.-igneeof MortgaxB, Attoi ney Tor AsSlgne. 885td Estáte oí Laura Ida ïodd, Minor. OTAfKOK MICHIGAN, Tounty of Mashtenaw, -s - k) At a session of tbe Probate Court for the County of Wa,shtenaw, holden at the l'robate Ufflje, E tbe C:tv of Ann Arbor, on Fnday, the bixth day o'f March in the year one tnousan 1 eight bundred and sixty-three. r're-ent, ïh,.ma Ninde, Judpc of l'roha ie. In the matter of tbe hstate of Laura lda.Ti.dd, minor. On rsading and aiing the petition. duly verilied, of Tnomaa U Cooley, Guardian ol said .Minor, jnaying that lie ma v be Jicensed to sell certain real estáte ol' said minor tor the support oí aaid uniior. Thercupon it is Ordered, That Mon.lav, the Kix'h day of April next, at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon. he assigned fthe hearing otaaid pe.ition, au that ihe next of kin of said minor, and all other persons intere-tcd in said estáte are requir, d to appeai at a eesíionofsaid Ooort, tb.en to bt holden at the l'robate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. in Rai County. and Hhow cause, if anj there be. why the prater of the petuiouer should not be (irauted . Andit is further Ordered, that said petitioner give notice tu tbe BB interesled iu snid estáte, t th endency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by ïauaing a eopy of this order io be pi.bhsl.ed m the Michigan A'-gtis, a newpjaper printed and eirculatiug n said'County of Wa&htenaw, three sucecssive wt-tks .revious to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) NINDE. Judge of Probate. C han eer j Notice. TATE OF MICHIGAN- Fourth Judicial Circuit. ín " i hancery. Stilt pendi&g in the Circuit Court for the coumy of Washfe.iaw, in (Vuancery, in the citj of Arjii rb r,OD the Hth rlay of March, . ]). 188. In the case where n M rtha Siein is coinlainan nd wiitiam Stein i delendant. ït appearing by thé affl 'I Til ,( Murtha Stem ihat the defenlant, W Iliatm Sitm, is nol ji res ctont of tliR Mate. of Michigan, bui vrhen ia-t lu-arfi frojEQ un a resident of ;he State of Mnsouti ; On moiimi iii Trt -fhcll an Frázei Bolicitor&for ëompiainant,itisordered that the said William teio caueehfs ■ il'pe r;i' cc (o bc enteredand notice tlierenl to be served o.i eomplaiaaDt'n tottcitors fritbmtwo nioiuh.-s tiom the 'iate ol iliiií tirdcr, aml in case nt bis p'ea anca he cause his anitwer to tLe oonplaJoam 's bil] to ba h!M and a cop throf to be svrved on the om pi inant s tlicitors wit hi a tvrenty q&js a eivice of a copv of sail bilí l and in defanlt thereof the iftid bill of oomplatnt naa he taki-n is cn-ifes-;fl -;:♦ itist him An1 it in (urther ot eiei t'-at within twatj days from thu 'In e herent' the said oomplainant eau .-e a copy of thia order to bc publirthe'i in the Michigan Arjíut-, a new-;pHp.-r printed a ad published n tlie city of Ann ArImr in the cou nty f Woihtenaw and Stt i'f Mtehigaü , at least oncR ;n .ich wei'k fop si Buccesitive weeks, or 'li at t hf c"'tnp u'imint cau-e fl POpy hereof to he penreobal y aerved ou the Baid delendani wUHam Stin t le;it twenty days beiore the time ire ciidt'd for hit appcarance OEO. DANFORTH, f"íroulí Ootirt Co mm sinor Wah. Co ,Mich. Twitchkli & Fui i, Solioitorsfor Ciniplaiuaut. Dat 1 March L( th. Ï8 ■ . A ti c i'V : TKACT W EOOT,ReKiFter. f896 Uiile Ftiiiorj! Beutïer & Traver, [Succeaaors to A . J SutherlAorif] M.-inufact urers of nnd Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammuriition Fasis, Pouiket Game bags, and Everjother artirle iii Line. All klDds of REPAIHIKTG lono at the Bhortvst notie, and m the bt?at raanner ■pL.JE2"STOHPi x full asortment always kept on hand and made order, $, iáhnpoa Uuron slret-t. Anu Aibor, "et 8, lrG2. 8731f OVal Picture Frames ALL SESE8, STYLEfi and 1'KICKS jit received and forsale cheai at CHOFF & MILLER'8. 186O.Dee.ï5. T"tt Fruit and Orna ment ai TRE E S , A.T X.O"W" PEICES. ilHESUBSCRIBERR are nnw prpjmnd to rewWf fr drr-tnrall kindfl of Fruil and (r:i:inifi]l:tl Trrcs, 3hruba, Planta, Floer and V tip tf ev?rj dwriptioa md varicty. f-i theFalinf 18 2 i ti-l Bprïng ..f M;!.„ We have a large stock now trrowinfr.-and intend to siRke large rm porta tiorm fr in tiriie t' Unip as tl. e wfenfea il' the aountry demnnd. Weinvitethe peoplto tnako ilu'in-i'K is :.(■() nniiilfd with our facilitiei 'or flntnp busi :. -.■ . before n. relia si tp efcewtaere We warrant U ra. riettps 1" b inie tn nme, and tn be vigor oufl and healthy npcimen. All commnnications wllïbi prtmpty responded to. Onr offlci'ÏH n Etogeis' Agricultura 1 Store, Detroit st. . Ann Arbor.Micli Di BOTS, CAER Sr CO. Ann Arbor .Tune 24 1S(T2. P58tf FOR SALE Q, ACRES nf exneUmt tlmlwred (ho . ', of ö' ' N W. 'i 'iftfVc. 2,Tiwn S N lï.njïeS W.Cün tonOounty, Itisiaatcood Deigbborbood, Rbetit fmir mi i-sfri.m DpWitt and ton from Lansin. Foi termü lujuiro at or addresi. AKGUS OFFICE.


Old News
Michigan Argus