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From New Orleans

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New YorK, Api il 7 The ateamer Eastern Quuen has fir rivcil froni Naw Oiloaus 29th and Key West Ist. C'iptuln Colfina reportó that whilu iit Port S'. Ptiülip, Stnith West Pass, liö was boaided by the Uriiced ytutt'H boardiug offiuer, wlicí reported lia ving; rooeivöd :i telegram from Nuw Orluuiis BiuÚJjg ilu; h;id beguti i evacúate Port Huitsöh. Col. Dudl.-v't brigada liad irr.nlo an exeditioo tu ' n point un the trestside of llie Mis i-i.-sipp, half way betwj-en Port Hiid sH iind Puint Toupèe, and bnrncd the robt-l steanior Hopti, with CÜÜ barred of mo]as8e8,,tmd at Herniitngu Landing destr.'vcd 1 0ü') bárrela of (üolaase, a ruin 1 machine hIkiji ihh! granary con tuiímig 15,000 btistkla of coi-n, besideü suveral buildings, iiicuding tiiu poatuf fice. Tlie expeditiun to Ponchatoulu and Pa.8 Maiic.liuooe WB3 cotnplotely suc cts-In!. Tho troíips oo lisia ted of tho S:xih M'c, a battaiion of the Ono IlundruJ und Sixty ütth New York, sind parís of 'ha Ónu Hundraii and Seventoenth New York Dod the Twen ty-founh Muine, with Uj piuoeB of ar tíüery. Thü gunbiats Bav.7'rie and Ourypheiis acoorrijianied thern. - on chatoula vvu.-i occopiud, nfter pomo skirniishing-, with rebol cavali'y, eome 300 strongf, and the ruilroad bridge, tvvo miles beyund, detftroyed, aí.er tho reber bad boen di ven from it by a I taohiiier.t of the Sixlh Michigan. The bi idge was 500 feet long. A largo ainount of tobáceo and ftour and stores fi;!l into our bands, Ojr forces ' piod PonuhutMüla, Springficld and Pass Maiichacee, nnd the rebijl cavulry are enid to be o hedred in th;t escapo is dilfi.uilt. Three Cötton-laden schooners vvere capfcnred near Ponchatoula. Collector Bullitt has suspended al! transporta tiun permite above New Orleane unítss military necessity othervviso orders. It has bao.i deemed nocessary to prevent attempted frauda. Téxa advices through rebel soürces say Magruder had ssued un order granting all persona permission to trunapoit coi ton lo the Mexiuaa frontier. lio says it 8 mpossibla to sustain the arniy without purchasing with cotton wupplies brought (rom foreign couütries.


Old News
Michigan Argus