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The Towns

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Wo havo bot boLMi funiished lul! returns from the Beveral Towns of tho Co.inty, but from suuh as we havügive the following: Ann Aiiuok Town - Electa whole Rt'publiean ticket. Johu Gedden, Supervisor. Augusta - Aaron Childs, Democrat, beats J. Webster ühilds, líepubíioan candidato for Supervisor, 3 Other offioera Republican. Tio on State ticket. Bribgewatek- Oí' courae rulls. up a largo niujority for all tlie De.nocratic candidaies. Ddníel LeBaron, Super visor. Have uo list of the othor offi cera elect. P. S. - A letter just receiyed, eays, 'some voiing done, elefited every man." Jo:.nson, 05; Nv);ris( 67; Kegents, 67. Supervisor - Dunidl LeBaron. Clerk - Einmett N. Palmer. Treasurer - Win. Haynes. Justicos - David W. Palmer, Newcomb Brown, vacanoy. Gomrnissioners of Highways - Jonathan Mitphell, Jacob liiurn, vaeancv. Suhool Inspectora - Georgo Oalhoun, Isaac Magoon, racaney. Constables - WiHiain Quitik, John Henry, James Httoton, Georgo Shutes. Dexter - 71 raajority Democratie íor JU'1a;es and Regents. No Repablican Town tíetotfn the fwld. The officers elect are : Supervisor - Lorenzo H. Jones. Clerk - James Reid, Treasurer - Joseph Murphy. Justices- FrederickK. Snydor, Wm. II. Arnold, vacaney. School Inspector - Henry B. Jones. Highway CommissioDors- John 51cGuinnesH, Michael Murphy, vacaney. Constables - Joel Negus, Tfichrnond Perry, James MuCoddcII, Michael Murphy. Fbbjsdom - Rolle up 183 Democratie majority for Judges and Regenta. No Kepublican Town ticket in the field. The cfficers el.ect are : Supervisor - Elias Haire. Clerk- William Busa. Treasurer - Williain Seckina'er. Justices - Jacob Bnening, Wiiliara Hanko, vacaney. Highway Com --Pbilip Schenk. School, Inspectors- Chester Church, Michael Howard, vácaney. Constables- Miehael VVeimer, John Haah, John W. Buss, ííarüo Ceusch Lobi - Gives Johnson and Regents 71 majority, Norria 73, and e!oc:s the following Democratie officers by mu jorities named : Supervisor - Newton Sheldon, 92. CL-tJv- WiWiarn Huraphrey, 75. Treasurer- Gco. W. Q:nul!ey, 78. Justice - Gottlob Laubengayer, 69 Highway Commissioner- Peter C Voorheis, 69. School Inspector - Caleb Green, 67. Constables - Fred. Laubengayer, Jr., 68, Geo Lutz, 68, John D Duboie 70, Thos. Hiukraan, 71. Lima- Kepublioan still. Doa'tknow by wliat majorities, Morris Thompson, Supervisor. Lyndon - Majority for Johnson 55, 'or Norria 1-í, f.r Democratie Regents froni 74 to 111. The officers eleot, tftd their majorities, are: Supervisor - Orman Clark, 53. Clerk- P. W. Watte; 139. Treasurer- Felix O'Neil, 4. Juslice - James Stefiy, 4. Highwny Commiseioner- Stephen D. Hadly, 140. School Inspector - lïenry M Twamly, 140: Benjamin O. Bover, vaoancy, 140. Constables- Henry M. Twatnly, Timothy Fallen, Andrew Kedar, VVilüum Stanfield. Manchester - Is reported as giving 20 majority for Norria, and as having elected P. Ooon, Demourat, Supervisor. Have no advices as to balance .of ticket. Nortiifield - Givos Norria 95 majority, and electa the following Democratie officers by good round rmijorities : Supervisor - Patrick McKernan. Clerk - John Seary. Treasuror - Win. Lennon. Justice - George Sultoo. High .vay Commissioner - Putrick Preston. School Inspector - Ezra T. Brokaw. Constables - James Glenan, Absalom Pidd, Joseph Bender, Louis Newman. Pittsïield - Everything llepublican, as usual. Reported 84 for Lawrenca. Allen Crittunden, Supervisor. No list of offic-ers lurnished us. Saline - Still chained to her idola. Lawrence 100 majonty, Martin Gray, Supervisor. Saif.m - Ditto to above. Majority for Luwrenco, 89. Ilufu.-i Babbitt, Supervisor. Soio - Vote largo and close. Norria 8 majority. Johnson and Regenta about same. Democratie Tovrn ticket all elected except Justice and one Constable : Supervisor - Luther Palmer, 9. Clerk - John Croarkin, 10. Treasurer - Jacob J. Jedele, 34. Justiue - Norman G. Goodale, 3. Ilighway Commissioner - Geo. Howell, 11. , School Inspectors - John P.icey, 6; John C. Taoaiy, vaoancy, 22i Constables - Nulson Green, Timothy B. Oullinan, Aluxunder ]i. Craoe, Wílliam Willils. Siiauon - Everutt, Republican, Supervisor, and, wo presume the vvholu llepublictiD ticket elected. We havo neither ñames nor majorities. Superior- Norria beata Lawrunce 38, and elects Coló, Domoorat, visor. Sylvan - Pierce, Republican, Supervisor. Webster- Frorn 20 to 00 Republi can - MüColl, Supervisor. York - Gives Lawrenoe 15 majority, and Gray, Republioan íbr Supervisor, 16. Ypsilasti TWn - Republican ma jority a round 190. Lay, Supervisor. Yvsilanti Cuy - Electa Tr. Duvis, Domoerat, Mayor, a Draocralic Clerk. one Supervisor, four Aldermon, and two Constables. The Republicana eleot Treusurer, ono Supervisor, and two Aldormen. - We would have been glad to give thfl ñames of the ofScors elect in all the ïownahips, but eannót until they are furnished ua.


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