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DWKLLI.VG FOK SALE ! IF YOU wisli to buy a good two-story brick dweiling, conrenient to lic business part of the City, witb and yarda well Btocked wilh clínico Irnitofall Kincla, Appled. Peats, Pecbes l'hims, Kasjiberries Ornamental trans, Slirubbi-rj , Sc.,c.,,iire at the Nov. 14,1862. AJ1GLS OITICE. SPECIAL NOTICB. A8ses$mrnt. TVTOTICEis herebygiven that an asscasment of thirty 11 t reent, on tlie mpital stck-k (being the second in. stallment) hag thls day bwn Mered by the Board of rectors The same wilUwdoi aud pajable on the Ist naj o My ncxt, to Volney Chapín, l'res.,Aun Arbor. By Urdur of tke Board, C. H MIIXEN', See'y pn tam. Ann ArO.)r, March )9, 18i. FAEM FOR SALE ! I offer for sale my farm situated n the Town-hip of icio n Washtenaw Ounty, on the inaiu ruad from Aun Arbor to Jaeksun, abaut Five miles West of Aun Arbor, Mld three and a half miles from Dexter. The Farm conONE flüNDEBD & NINETY ACRES OF LAND oorapoBwJ generally of a gravelly loam. susceptible of wet or di y wiather, h well watered y j , V1?8 str'am' unrler ImlRenmFat wood Uiucl siifficiont for the Farm, buiMiiw.s and fences tolerable good. ,rchard of fine fruit. All of whioh will be oíd obeD, onehalf of the purchane money lay ou bond and moilgage for a tum of year. „ . J. H. M. ANDERSON Scio, March 30, 1863. Sm898 Keal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Counly of Washt.nnir, 8._ In the matter of the Rítate of I.aura Ida T.idd of the LitJ of New i'ork in the tate of .Veiv York, Minor Xotice is hereby given, That in pusuance of an order grantert to the under-igned, Thomas M. Cooley,Uuardian o. tlie tstate of said minor, by the Hon. Jud'ge of I'robate lor the t'ounty o! Washtenaw, on the tiiith day of April, A I) 1S63, there will be sold at public venlue U thö highest bidder, at the south dor of the ('ourt House in the Lity of Ann 4rbor ia the County of Washtenaw. in sak State of Michigan, on Saturdav the twen - ty tinrl layof ïfüy A. Ü. 1883, at one o'clñck iu the ain-rnoon of thut day, (subject to all encumbrances by mort gage or otlierwiae existing at the -ae of the sale) tb following descríbed Real Ktate wit: All those certain piecea or pnrcel.s of iand siiu.ile in thf City of Ann Ai br, in the County of YVashlenaw and Ëtatfl of Mxlngan known and designated as lots number fifteen au sixteen in bluck nimber uve kouíIi oí' Hurón átreet Range Eigbt Ea8t, accordiiig to the recorred plat thereof. THOMAS M. COOLEY, Guardian. Datedat Ann Arbor, April 6th,186U. Estáte of Catbarine Fitzgerald. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss,_ O At a sesion of the Probate Cnirt lor the Gounty of Waahtcnav, hulden atthi Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor on FrMay the third day of, in the year oue tliousand eight hundred and sixty-three. Present Thomas Ninde, Jude of Probate. In ihe matter oí the Estáte of Catharine Fitzgerald de cea sed. Janu's McMahoa, Admïnist'ator witli the will annexed ou the Estáte of raid dectmsed, comen into conrtand rtpn-sents that he is iow irejíaríd to reader his final account as such AdmintiitralfT. Tliereupon it ordered that Friday, the eighth day of May ni.trat tea o'clock in tJit t'orenoon, be assignod for tbe hearing ofsaid account, and that the devises leiialees and heirs at Jaw of said deceased, and all oth er persous interested in said etate,are required to appfar at a session of niú Court, then to be holdon at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor in said County t and show eause, ifany there be-, why the Baid account should not be allowed: And it is further ordered. that said AüminÍKtrator ..ive notice to tbe persons intevested in BBld estáte, of the pem'ency of said account, a-ud tho hearing ther'eof by cansinga copy of this Order to be published ih the Michigan ArguH, a newspaper printed and circulating in lald County of Washtenaw, three succesüive week.- previous to saiu day oí hearing. (A true Copy.) THOMAS NIXDE, Judge of Probate. Cbancerj Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN. The Circuit Coi;rt for the_. County oFWaslitenaw, ín Chancery. At Ohamhers bc 'ort' Ht.n. E. l.awri nee, Circuit Judge, at the Court House, in Ano Arbor, (.n the tweutv-tevenih dv f Mareta ltC3ALüXZO Cl-ARK, vs L Laiïan A. Sabgea.vt, andothers ) It appeaiin by affidavit to the satisfaction of ■ court subpcena aiid respomlendum has been issued in thlBCftae, directed to the defendí nts herein, and that the same could not be served upon the said LabanA. Sargeant, by reason of hts cnntinued absence frrnn the State of Michigan, or concealment therein, and tlie court b'istg satisfied thatsaid Izaban A, Sargeant is not now a resident of the State, and that his present residenceis unknown: On motion of E.B. Wond. Solicitor for complamant, it is ordf-rod ibat tlie MÍd IjibanA. SargBaot cause bia appearance to be entere in this cause, and notice thereof to be ser ved on complainart's solicitor, wHfaiB thice montlis froro the date hereofr and that iu case of his appearance that he cause hi answer to complainaut's bill to be Sled and a 30py thereof to be servedon complainnnt's solicita withia twtnty days after service of a copy of Raid blif and in default thereof aid b'll may be taken as coufessed by lirin. Tt ia further onlered, that withtn twen-ty days cmplrtinnnt cause this order to be piiUIisheii in the Michisran Argus, a public nevspaper fiuWislied at Annirbor, in said Conaty, and that such publication ba continued Ín said paper at leatt once n eacb week fnr etght successivo week, or that he cause a copy thereof to be per-=oually served on the said La ban A. ñargeant, at least twenty das beíore the expiration of the time ahuve prencribed for bis ap)earance. E. LAWREKCE, Circuit Judtre. E. B. Woon, Complainant's Solicitor. 8w898 AFFLE TREES! From Eicrbt to Teu feet high - four years Growth - at the Ann Arbor Nursery, í t eo. Wn AI len , Eroprietor, SUMÜEU APPLES. Hed Astraclian, Yellow Harvest, Red Mararet. Pwect Bough, Jersey Swceting, Sino íua Non, Farlv Si rawberry, Spïce SweetÍDg, Nonsuch, üirly Joe, FALL APPLKÍ. ínnfl(rous Pippin, F.ill Pippin, (ïi)lden Pippin, Twenty oz. Pippin FallHarvey, FH Runsetf, Douce Apple, Fílmense, or Snow f Oiojier , Ali'Kíin.lcr, Black Detroit, TLc (iaiden Apple, Forbe'sCrab, Canada Black, "WINTER APPLES. NTorthern Ppy, King A]]ile, Waguer Apple, Khode I. Greening, BftldWiD, Newtown Pip pin , Well's Sweeting, J,ih1U's' Sweeting' Wine Apple, Ksnpus Sjiitzrnberg, Flushinir Spitzenberg, ?t( ne Apple, Yellow Be lilower, Red Bellflower, Black Gillftower, Red CillHnwtr, Steeie's Red Wiuter, Seek-no-Furthcr, Rom a ni te, Swaar, lïoxhury lïnssett, Peaimain, (ïravenstein, Vandei vere-, Golden Rusaett, Lady Apple, Pear Trees , Currante, Quince Trees, Peacli Trees, Cherry Trees, Plma Trees, Gooseberrie EVERGREEN'i3. Norway Ppruce, Doublé Spruce, Balsa m Fir, Norwny Pine, Anstrian l'ine, Orsienn Piue, Yellow Pim-, WliitePine, ,mrr Arb'Tvitie, Ut mlocU, Upright Juniper, Siberian Arborvitre, ORNAMENTAL TREES. Frine Troes. AaronV Iíod, Houataio A uit, Siiuwballs, Plowei mg Ahnonds. AU of which will be Böld at low priceff. 2wS98 Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


Old News
Michigan Argus