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f; mu fotou MÍC1ÍIGW CENTBAL RAfLKOAD. Passenger traint leave Ikitruit an3 the "ievera Stations m tljÍB Cuunty ,as follows : GOING WEST. Leave. Mail. N. Y. Ex. Jack. Ac. NightEx lletroit. 7.20 A.M. 10 A.M. 5,15 P.H 9.30 P.M. TpilUnti, !00 " 11.25 " 6. -JU " III. ,10 " Ann Arbor, 0 20 " 11.45 " 7 05 1110 " Dexter, 9.S0 " 12.10 P.M. 7.35 " 11. 3S ' Chelsea, 10.10 " 12.30 " 8.00 " J1.55 " Ar. Chicago, 10.30 " 10.05 a. il The mail traía goes only tö Michigan City. GOING EAST. Lcave. Night Ex. Jack. Ac. N. Y. Ei. Mail. Cbicago, 6 45 P.M. 6.30 A.M Chelsea. 0.C5A m. 5.20P. M. Dexter,' 6.50 " 5.45 " Ano Arbor, 5.05 A. H. 7.25 " 3 45 P. M. 6.15 '■ Ypsilanti, 5.25 " 7-50 " 4,05 " 640 " Ar. Detroit, 6.45 " 9.20 " 5.15 " 8.09 " The mail train starts froui MichicaD City. Trains do not stop at stations where figures are omittediuthc table. S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATIOBT BITTERS. Tbey purify, strenthen and invigorate. They crcate a healthy appetite. They arean antidote to cbange of water and diet. Tbey owrcorae eüects of dissipatïon and late bours. ïhey filreogtben the system an-1 euliveu the mind. Tbi;y prevent mia.smatic and intermittcnt fevers. They p-jrify the breath anu acidity of the stomach. Tbiiy cure dyspepsia aud Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure liver Complaint aud NervouH Ileadache. They are the best bitters in tlie vrorlc. They makt the weak man strong, aud are exhau.std nature's groat restore. . They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the cekbrated Calisa-a Bark, roots and herba, andaré taken with the pleasureof a beverage, without renard to age or tune of day. Particularly recomraended to delicate penbiu requiring a gentle .stimulant. Sold by all (ïrocerá, l)l',ts, Hotels and Saloons. 1'. H. Drake & Co. 202 Iïroadtt-ay New York. 6ih?94 LYON'S KATfíAIRON. Kathairon ia from the Greek wurd, ''Kathro," or ''Kathairo,' nignifying to cleanse, rejuvinate and restore. This article is what its n imeftignilies. Forpreserving, restoring and beautifying the human hair it is the most rum ark a ble prcparation in the world. It is again owaed and put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill and atteotion which gave it a sale of over one million bottles jier anDum It is a most deligbtful Ilair Dressing. It eracicates scurf and dandruff. It keepsthe head cool and cloan. It makes the hair rich, soft aad glos&y It prevents theh.air from falling olTand turning gray It restoi-eshair upon baM heads. Any laiïy or gentlemau who values a beautiful head uf hair sliould use Lyon's Katharion. It is known and usad throughout the civilized world, Sold by all re3pectable dealers. 6m894 DEMÁS S. 3ARXES k CO., Prop'rs, N. Y. HEIMSTREETS Inimitable Ha ir Retorative. IT IS NOT A OYE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplyng the capillary tubs with natural suRtenance, impaired by age or diseawe All instanianeoue dijes are soraposed of luvar caustic, destvoyini the vitality an.i beauty of the hair, and a!Tord of themselves no dressing. Heimstreet's Inimitable Coloring nut only restores iiair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives tbc hair a litixnrlaiit Benufy, promotes ttfl growth, prevenís ts falling off, eradicates Jandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness to the nead . It has stood the test of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is eonstantly increasing ia favor. üsrd bv both gentleman ana ladies. ït is sold by all reapectable dolerá, orean be procured by tbem of the commfrciiii ngnts, U. S. Barnes & Co, 202 Broadway, New-York. Twu siae; 50 cents and tl. 6m894 W TWENTF-ONK YEARS AG0-.O M. O. C. BaiSTOL a distiaguished Cüemist and Druggist öf the ci-y of Bufialo N, Y,, invented and manufactured a ompound known aa BRLSTOL'S BALHAM OF HOARIIOÜND, wbieh is a perfect sprcímc (at OOUGHS, cdi.ds, or any bronchial or ï.usg DiFFinririEs arlsiBg frouj daeip, cold, or Eiiddeo ejiang-ö of the weather. Every perflon ah üaseter taken BRISTOL'S BALSA M OF HOARHOUNP, pronounces it the best article eter invented ; and so justly celebrated has it become, that the market is already full of imitations, eounterfeits, and most düngerous compnands, under the name of Balsam of Huarhound. Tberefore, alwayi be careui to cail for Bristoi8 Balsam , and see that his WRITTEX signatura is on the outside label of 1he bottle. Makk. - Thiri invaluable Medicfne bas been now some iventy-one years before the public, and without any ffort on the part of the proprietor, its sale has bfeome vary estensive,and is daily increasing. The low price at which the Medicine is sold (25 CENTS) eHübles ALTo p&rtake of ita healing; qualities. C. CROdBY, BUFFALO, N.Y. Sole manufactarer, to whom all orders should be ddressed. For sale byall respectable druggists. lyeowSSS The Great French Remedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CELEBRATED SILVER-COATED FEMALIÏ PILLS. The only certain and Safe Remedy for all Uterine Obtruetions, Montlily Dlffleulties, lrregulorities, and all he other diseases to irhfch the Woman, Wife and othr is peculiarly liable, Theac Pilla contain no deleterious ingredients, but are afe and certain in their actiun. They wiü be found to Mrt the happieat effect in all cases of Prolapsus Uterl, n Leucorrhea, or the Whites ; they will be found the asiestand most certain Cure that can be iound. It is n account of this certrlnty they should not be taken y Pregnant Pernales (during the jirel threr, montks, as miücarrivgc is certain,) to be brought on, but at other eriods their use is perfect ly safe. N. B.- One Dollar enclosed to any autr.orized Agf nt, 11 ensure pacliage of Pilla by return of mail. C. CROBY, General Agent, Fort Erie, C, W., Búllalo, N. Y. Caitiox,- Beware of Counterfeits, the p-enuine have H sinature (.f C CROSBY, on the outside wrapper. 'For sale by all rospectable Druggists, Iyeow887 1 GOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY L_ IT8 FRUIT. Öo is a gootl Physioian by his Kuccessful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, IIE GREAT ANO CKLEBRATED PHTSKTAN OF THE THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Knmvn all over the countr; as the Olebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! From South America, will be at his moras, RUsSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, OnthclSth andl9th i,ist.,on the same dale of and every subscquent month during 1862 and 1863, A NEiT PAMPHI.F.T Of the Ufe, sturty and exten.sive travels of Dr I.yons can bu procurad by all who desireone, frec of chi.rJi'. Dr. L will visit Aun Arbor; JacK8on,and Adrián Mtelï. , as foliows : ' .Aun Arbor, Monitor House, 2OLh. Jacksoo, Jiibbard House, 21st Adrián, iirackett 1I use, 2ïd and 23d Mode okKjamjxation.- The Doctor discerns diseascs bytkeeyes. lc, ttiirifore, asss no questions nor re q lire patiënt tu explain symptoms. Alllicted, come ïndhave yonr symptoms and the lucajion of your dis. easecxplaincU freo üf charge. A GARD Tö THE LADÏES. DR. TiUPOÑCO'S GOLDEN PILLSFOtt FEMALES. Iniailible in eorrectlng, rvguliiliiig and vemoviog all ob structions, from whatever cause, and alwaya suecessful as a fMWfentlT. The combination of ingredients in Dr. Duponco'n Golden Pilis for Females are perfectly harmkss. They have been usetl in the prívate practico of Dr. Dupouco over 30 years, and thousands of ladies can testify totheir great and never failing success in ahnost every cane ncorrocüng irreularities, raiievmg painful anc di&treEUÜng menstruation, particularly at the ettange of Uft. Fróm five to ten pills will cure that comnion yet rlreadful complaint, the Whites Nearly every female in the land suffers frt in ttüa complaint. The above Pillhas permanently curod thousands, anc they will cure 3 ou if you use thera. They can not harm you; on the contr.iry. tliey remove all obstructions, re store nature to its proper channel, and invigorate the whoU syatt-in. Ladles whose health will not permit an Inervase of family, will find these pills a successüi preventive. I-adies peculiarly situated, or those sup posüig themselves fo, thould not u?e these Hila duriiig ihe first three monlhs, as they are certain to pro duco nl'scarriagt, "aftur which admonition" the pro prictor assuPies no responsibility, althoujrh their mild nesg Wtll prevent n njury to health. The Dgrcdients compnging the ftbove i'ills are .nade known to every Agent, and they will teJl you the are safe and will per form all claimed (or them. I'rice ïl r" hox Suld in ANNARBOK, by RTKliHINiT PruggUis, W. A. HU.VT , DruKft. Ladies living at a distaaoe by sending tliem SI, 00 through the Ann Arbor l'oMtolïice, can have tUíí Pilis sent (confidentüilly) by mail, to any part of the country free of postage. N. B. - Beware of a base counurfeit of these Pilla. - Vdu can buy the cotinierfeit article at any pricefrom 25 to 7G cents a box (daar at tliat). X.AnjBs your livyg and health are of too imieli value to be trüUd with, beside being iroposed upou with a worthloss article. Therefore, any one offcriogyou these Pilis for less than $1 a box, avoid th cm as you would poiron. They are bogus. None aregenuine unless the naine of S. D. UOWE id on every box which has reeently been added.on accouat of the Pills being couterfeitiid. Sold alflo, by KINNE & MTTH, Ypsilanti. HUW t BEEBE Jaekson, andby one ilruggist in every village and city in the United States, andby FARRAN1),SHLK1.EY Ie CO.. General State Ageuts, Detroit. S. D HOWE, Solerroprietor, 867yrs2 New York. O" TOBACCO- You can buy the be3t grades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO al frnm 50 cenis to One Dollar öMOKING froni fourteen to twerjty cents at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAK STORE Sign - Red Indian. South side Huron gtreet, a few doors from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dec. 11, 1862. 883tf Doublé Premium Offer ! Selectie Monthly. Nctu Iníiacímcnt! ARTISTIC ATTRACTIOU. rpHE two matcli Parlor Prints will be sent, pestage 1 paid, after thisdate, to each new subscriber to Tuk Eci.ectic Magzixe vhu st-nds liis name and $5 ia uávance. 1. Retnrued from Warlcct, ia a beautiful cncraving, by John Sartain. The market-carl bns ro turned trom the town, benring a rich freight of puichases to the delighted young pc!(ple, v. ho ure receivïng them willi eagerneas. The wliole faiaity are assembled on or in front .1 the IMazza. vlucli, with the Mansion appaars atinost fxactly like the Mount Ver uin homo of Washington, witli the o ld gentleman seated, and adjusting hifi to read the pa-er, who luoks like Waslpngtou himseif. The whole .scène in the large engraviug is attractive and beautiful, and worth a place on the parlor walla. 2. The m;ttch pi int is FHlal Aflfiectlon, or Sunday Híoiitiiifí, alo engraved by John tíartain, at a cost of twelve hundred dollars for both of them. Sarv lins price was Í3 ior the t.vo niitoli prints. Ttescene in this print is at thefamiiy liomi.1, and the view thro' the open gate presents the village church ia the distance, with its spire pointiug heavenward, and a beau tifulgiI of soine twentyummers wrrits, Eible in L,iind, by the ga te, holding it open for tht egress cí the family. The mother, stiil handsoine, attends the aged grand'ather, witb thechildren, the house dog, and the donkey, make up the family group, just departing for worship in the village sanctuary. Buth are beautiful match prints, easily obtaïned inthifl manner. 3. A large and fine portfait of the Hon. EDWARD EVERETT will be sent in place of either print, as a premium, postage paid a.s may be preferred 4. The January nnmber of the Kclkltic ijembelhsh ed with dnuble hlsturic plate.s, with ttea.sures of literature. 5. The February number píate has five portraits of eminent inen. 6. The Maren number plate is a print of Napoleon I. at thebattic of Austerlitz. 7. Threesupenor plates are in the hands of the artist for future numln-rs. Now is a goodtinae to subscribe. Address, W H. BTUWELL, No.5 Beekman St , N. Y. ' The Great Living ilistory.' THE REBELLÏÖN RECORO ! A DIAET OF AMERICAN EVEN'TS Edited by FRANK MOORB. Publishing ín parts, at EO cents, eachpart illustrated with two Portraita engraved on stoel. FOUB VOLUMES aro now ready at annexed pi-iceR, utü April 1, 1863: Cloth, $3 73 a volume Slieep, 4 00 " Half Calf, or half lliimcco, 5 00 " THE HE3ELLIUIH RECORD IS INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY PUBLIC AND l'EIVATE I.IBKAEY. The fuur volumes coixtaia : I A FÜLI. At:V COftCliE DIARY OF EVEKTS, from the Meeting of the South Carolina Convention in J)ec , 18(iO, to the capture of Ntiiv Gil(;;:n.s, inclusivo. 0T8rNE THOÜSAN'n OFFICIAL REPOUT3 ana NARRATIVES of all the Hattles auj Skirmishes that have occurred tlurinjj the war. III. Over FIVE HrXDRED SON'JS AKD EALLaDS, botb loyaland rebel. IV. ['ORTYSEVEN PORTRAIIS, enftraved on teel, oftlie most celebrated men of the time, aad Twentysix Maps and i'hins of Battles. V. Over THREETTOÜ3AND Incidonts and Aoecdotes of personal daring and bravei-v. "Aa a work forcunelant reference itis etnla&tty to be relied on " G. P. PDTNAliï Publïsher, 5-JÜ Br'rti'iway. CHAS. EVANS, Gen Agt. ' 448 Broadway. SPECIAL NOTIOEOn ana after April lit, the pnce of "The RebeÚíbn Record" wíll be ABVAHCE9 FIFTY CT3, A VOLUME.- From tbat date, the sale of Parts, f rom Nos. I tu 24, will be discontinué. Back Sets of the"Rebelliun Record" will be Bold only in volumes Purchaners and subscribe who have not completed the four Tola, must at ornee Jo no. The work wiil continue to be pubhshed in parta, a.t 50 cents- each part illustrated with two portrattts on steel. Volume 'T. wi'l comprise seven parta. Trueses ! RUPTURE CAN BE CÜRED BY A TRU88 of the riffht kind, if pruperly fnted and duly uttendeil to. Tiiis haé been ibumhintly dtnionstr;dnl in inniinvra ble instances by the une of the -Multliicdnl Tiiws of Dr, Rigs, rlurniK the last few yeara. This Truss being covcied with Hard Rubber, in pcrfeclly waterproof, may be used in bathmg, and is always cleanly as well ;is indestructible by onlinary usage. If not Ratisfactory after a fair trial of sixty daya, it may be rtturned. It challenge s compurisun with any truss known. Dr. RIGGS' uffice, No. 2 IÏARCLAY Street, NewYork. tJSötf -Attention Companyl fpHK firm of Moore & I.oomis, are nnw cloging out X heit business in t 'Is city. and all indtbted to the firm, either by note or book account, are repeetfully invited to cali and settlü the saine iinmediately and save cost. After the lOth, inat.. the booka and accounts of said firm will bc lefl wifh Mr. N. B. Cole, ouo door north o) .Messrs. Ifehoff & iMiller'H Bookstore, Franklin Btockt who is duly autlu.rized to settle the samo. 1IÜOIÏE & LOOMlS. Inn Arbor, Jan. 7íh, 18G3. fcéStf Lost. ON Saturday, March 14tb in tbla city, a Wallet, containing aNntegiven by Jacob B&ogftterfer to Geo. Bush orbearer, h me time in January, 18' 3, payáble in nne year. All persona are cautionod agalnnt purcliasing tbe same, aa páymebt has been Btonped A waaonable reward will be paid for the return of Wallct and Note, or the Note. 6w896. GEORCE EUSH. Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Michigan Argus