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PRINT ING OF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed; AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDSR3 lïï THE UNE OF P li I N T I N G AT THK MOST EEASONABLE RATES. W hare reenUy purclmsd a ROTARY CARD PRESS, and hT dd(i tht ltit ttyle of Ord Type, whioU wnbU ui to print INYITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, YIS1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. n the nett tylei, nd heap ne ftny other house in the Stt. fit r 1 p"pared to print POSTERS, ÏÏANDBILLS, BLANKS, YALL I1EADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS &c, THE A.HC3-"CrS BOOK BINDERY UU ehirg of FIRST CLASS WORKMEN LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO AWT PATTERN And Mnufotured in bkst sttle at New York Prlces, Feriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old 33ooks Re-33ound. All Work -warranted to give entire satisfactiou. E. B. POND, Prop'r. Office and Bindery, cor. Main á Hüron Sts. x. "w icisrica-x-iT, Ajjont for tlie PhcBnix Insurance Company OF HAKTFOED CT., AND TnE CONWAY INS. COMPANY, OF BOSTON" MASS. Lossen Honorably adjusted and promptly paid at tliiy Agency. Office Corner Main umi Huron Street, over the Store of Bach & Piürhon, Aun Arbor., 1862. FOR SALE I rnWO of the mopt ilesirable buildinglots in the City of L Ann Arbor. oontaininp each one acre and a quarfer of fpround. Theyaw aifeiubtftd on State Street, near the South wost corner of the Univernity Square. For tering Jfcc, nquireat tht AKÜÜê OYFiQY! nvt. u mk ■■■ ; i f- ti :.;■' i WEBSTER OÏ ,1 RE NOW Ol'hNlM}, ulltLCT FKOM HUBIJSHERS V AND Uamiacturej,a S'sw and Complete stock of j LAW & MEDICAL 1ÍÜOKS, School Bookt, Muullaneous Honkt, Blank Bonk, ia STATIOPJERY! Wtllaud Window Paper, Draw uk and MatlietoaUcfiTnatrumenti Munic, Juvtmil Librari, Ëuvaepes, luk and Carda. fi_ nfTlnll.'r.-iiT-ili:- . ' ' ■' ■ i ■ n.i.„ J"" GOLD ylntZ a oíer kinds of Pens anti Pencis Winrtow Cornice, Slmd? undFiiturr, POCKET CUTLEKY! Andeverythin pirtaiuinji to the tratle, inrt mure to wliicktuey wnul-i i ri vite ll.w attuliun of th country. In conducting nur buftiOftM, We hall do aH.-f hut can that no reasooable umu, womeü or chüd ■hall om! any fault . WeposseeftfaoiUUea wV.ïi will eriwbi u to aupjilj ourstumsrs at ihe Lowest Possiblo Figures. We propose to nel] for RFADY PAY, ut: small Adranee. . . . ecí a protit ou our goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGUSES. The "EwPimBoOK Stori,"1í naanntfd hy n cennd 'crew,' nd they ül alwnvs be fouutl oo th uq.uaxtet deck," ready and willing t ifcttend to all with p!eaire, wko will fftTor theia with a cali. liemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & CV Ann Arbor, Ma.v,1660. 14( Great Eeduction iu the Price oí SLXGKIl & COS Standard Machines . iVell knavn ia be t'nt Heit for M39tifacturirtg Purpote. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly sold at $90, redneed to 870. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for mcrly sold at $100, roduced to 75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Ts the best Machine in the world fr Famtly Sering id4 Light Mnufcturing I'tirpuao : (Uk Ifomntr,) anil beautifully oriampnt-cl S50. The Ni. Tand 3 Maoïilnes are oF great capucitj and appiicutiou for manoiactvirmg purp(.e. Uur No. 8 Machines re eupeciaHy adapted to al! ltfuds of ligM añd bcarj Ljther -Vork, ín Carriage frisaming, Boot anil t?io Making, Harnesn Itíaking, etc., etn. Tlu'v are of ex Ir sitO, nd n ilh ;-.n rm !ni eaoagh to tuké under it snd stítch tfae íargest 'jím dasaas. Inert is scarcely any pajft '-■( m Trimmers1 StchJAg tfaat cnnnnt be better done witli tbem than bj hand nu, too, th saving of tiiue umi lauor ia Te1- gréát. Thetableof these machiu'ís is 34 inclit) long, and theahuttl will hold aix timestnc uspáí quantitJtöf ihrttad. TheUrg macliioe works ü iaatas piualJ ones. We wbuld ask For our ï. titer A MacMnêa, theapecíai ateiition oï Vest Makers anil Draa Ma kei k , aml all tiiue who wailt Uaefaines for lt# ht manu faeturin purpo$t. They ftmbody pridjalplBi of th itandard niarhiuR, makíiitf lite the , tbeiatrlockd itch, and are detiued tobé anceíebrtttwil for FAMH.T 8WiK-cd lig kt manufacturinK purpütied aajour Uuilar.i mxcbines are for inanufacturia(( pwrpoMS in general. We hare alwayson hand, ukuminu qacgsslk tvimt LiNüv AMD corros ïuüjcau, vu sroui.s, híüíí' kachrib uil Ld bottleti, etc., etc. We manufacture our own N"eedlen,arïd would wam all persons ii:ing ourmachiseij nottobuv anjOtaers. We ko{)W thflt there are needlM BOld ƒ (A mott ii'ferinr quality at highfr pricex thun reobarga fQr the btêt. The nee"dleL sold bj ui manufactured wpeciallyfor our itia l.ineri. A bad needie ruay rendar tht betimachivt almost i'ïtleii. Our eastomers raar rent a?sured that al. r üranch ftflict-s ir furnisbd with tbe 4 euuine cm .-■ " In oase 'f small pureh&ws, the mone may ht neui u postap stampa, or bank aotei. Correspondentf) will pleaee write tbeir ditinetj. It j all inportaut tbat we sbould, in eacii case, know tbe Post (Sc, Countr , ml Stat. jJ A il perBona requiring information abont Sewmg Machines their BÍ2e, pricet, vorking epacitteA, and tfcrt best methods of l'urcliasinjr, canobtain it by umhng to lis, o" any of our B ranch Ofliees for a onpy of I. BI. Singer & Co.'s Razetta, Whicli ia a besutiful Piotorial I'apereflitirslr dYoUdto tbe nnb}tci It wiit hé tent grata. KIT We have made the abore REDÜCTIOK TN rnTCF' with the two-fnlfl view of beaeflting the public niourselves. The public have been swindlfdM Bparioui machines made in imitaticn oí ours. The metal in them, from the ron cssiin to tbft snttllest peice, isoi poor quality. Their mnlTH have not the mearía to do their voxjs ireil. Thfy art'liid away in lectet places, where it wouldbe wapoasibl to have al their oommand the proper mechanica! ajipliancen. It in on!y hr doing a great biisiBess,and b.aTing7exiensJre mamt&ctaring esfcabliehmpntö, Ihat KOod mpcbjaei can be made at mo-leratpríe#s, Tbe besí daigned macbiaeq, BADLY MADE, are alwityi Imble t get out of or'U-r, and areaure to oost cciirtiderable trouble and noaey to keep theno in repaire The qualities to ie looked for in a chineare : e ■■(■- taíuty of correct action at all ratftfl oí speed , simplicity of coiiHtructiou, gtfttt durabiïity, aodrapidity of opeF&tion, witntbe leatt labor. Machines to combine these öHBential quaïitiöB, must be madeof the best metal fcad finish d to perfectlon. We have the way and means', on ;i griid hcalc, to do this. rhepurchasersof machones, whoBedaily bread itnaaj concern, wil] Bndthattfcope hayingthe abovequalities ñot nly wuik wel] at rápidas well au s'ow rates cf speed ,b ti t last longer in the üuuHtpoasible worUing order. Our machinen, as made by uu, will earn mfiro cioney with less lab(tr than any otberg whetber m iuiitdtiim of oursornit. In Tact, tiicy ;iry c.'n'anor than any othsr niachinesas a gift. I. KI. VINGER & CO., 458 Droadway New York. A3T Detroit Office, 58 Woodward Avenue, (Merrill Block.) 811tf M. IL GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. JNEW FALL GOODS ! BAGH $c PIERSON Have just opened a Clioico Stock of WOOZ, C0TT0N& SILK AF1 ia jfT TfTk if ""!! for Ladies' andGentlemens Wear, also a stock of Best Family Groceries, which will bü cid CHEAP FOR CASH. Gold, received at 16 per cont. pretn. Silver, " " 14 " " " Canada, " " 14 " Old dernnnd Treasury notes, at 10 per cent. prera. BAGH fe PIERSON. Ana Arbor, Sept, 3, Ufifc. KA Cl WATERS, AGENT 3 ,ï 3 SI r o a d w a y , Ne w York FuklSsJier ofiííiinic a ut] Muslc ptooltf AND DKAI.Kl: IX Pianos, MelodeonSj Aiexa&dre Orana Organ Accordeons, Martinne celebrated andothor Guitars, Violins, Ttíéór Viwls, Violincellus, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Fifes, Triangles, ClamnettH, Timing Foiks, Pipes i.iiniiiers, "Yiulin Lowa, be&tltalian Striiii, Bass Instruments for Bands, Piano Stool?, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. Si ïx o o t BC -u. S 1 o ■ Ithepubhshera in the Ü. 3.,-Öertini'B Huntin's, ■ ii.i Modern Öohoüt, antlaU kinds of [ostriictiön Hooks for the above mMrumeuta; Cínm-h Mr,ic Booka ,■ bound; M-usic paper, and all kinds of Mugic MercUandise, A t t lieLowest Prices. New Pianos, At $175, 3200, 1226, 92&0, and np to 1800. Secoud Hand Pianos froin $Z up to Í160; Nw Melodeons, $46 $fiO, Kfi,100,mnl up to $2(K); Beéfend Hand Melodeona ftrora fcbO to $80; Llexan In Organs, wirh five stopt .- - .., ninestopq, H85 and 225; thitteen stopg, $250, Ü-J75 and $800: ftftetntjops,390and ü75; A libera) diacount 1o Cïergymen, Ch.urcb.0a, Sabb&tri ohoola, Seminaries hu. i Teachn. The Trade wuppLil al the usual trade dificounta Testimonial of tJte TJornco "Waters P3uiio .ijd Meiodeonë John lïewett, of Carthage,, New Y-ork, who ïiar had ono of the HoraectFaters }'inn, writras folló ws: "A friend of mine wiftheB me to pujebaM piano for lier. Sfae lihn the one yon gold m? in Peeembfr, 18M. V piano ia tMeomiag popitlaic in :his piee, khií 1 thiuk j cn introduce ooe or two nior; tbey wiii be more popular thun nny othtr in,V.-." "We linvf two '-f Waters' Pianns in une in n!irFminary, otic of which Ymh bopn sTerlj tet(i for three feajpfl. nl we can tettfy to tlieir nood q tiaJity and durabülty."- Wood A GroVv, Carroll, fii. "il, WfittT., Eq. - JiüAk ï"ir: ïluving used oneof jour Piann Fort for two years past. I have fonnd 11 a Yt-rj ipryr Inêtrumevt. Axoao GRaT, Principal Brook?pn Kriekt rn wary. "Tlie Pino I received from yon continúen to sriire satliTaotion, 1 regard i t a ooe of tnè bfsí instrumenta in the place." ÍAMB8L, OLABSt, Char!tMiy X'm. M'llie Helodeon lian lafely aftiveJ. I feel obl-pdto you fory our libvral diseoüüti'1 Riv. J. M. BicCo&Mick YariUtscUUS, C. "Tlie pmno whs döly reeefrfld. Ttcmfl in excellent condition, and twj mud) adnlred bv my numeroui fmnily. Accept mr vtaiÚtfl fnr Tour promptuess." Rchkkt CíKípjcji, H'árrriham, BraJjntd fè. "Vour piano pleases n well. ít u thf best ,ne in our county."- Thoms A. Latka. Camphtiltoa, G. "We are Tery mueh oblieá to yon f,r lisrinff snt aHCh a fine instrument for $-&0."i - Bftunc,0Kli) i (i4, Bujfato Vemocrat. "The Horaf WwtèH Pianoarpïinown asamonr the rery beet We are Qcbled to vfenk at thtfg inMrumentg wilb confidenrf. from prona! knowledfffl f thlï exoelteut tow n'l i1ïirble qnality." - jV. Y. Ëwuuftlitt. "We eau wi't'ik of tbe nïiiritH of tb.8 Sor&ce Waters pianos- from pf-rsonal kiiosrlftdgfl, bing the yry fint quahty." - Chrütiau Itiltf-isrrncer. "The Horaee Watera pianos are omlt of ihr btt and ,.);„,, thorouglily waioaBd material, e Itaye nn doubi tiiitf Rayera can Ho as woll(perliapa bet ter, t thi; thun jt t itv otherbouae m thf L'uiou." - Adrocatt ttéJonmcl. Watrs' pianos umi melodaous oliailenife bompaiisoii i-h the niii'tt ma-Ie anywher in the country."- home Jnnrnsl lflomce WdtPT-R' Ptaao Fórte sro of Fult,rich and ven t.nMn.l powerful - If. l'. Mmical Rffi'tw. "Our frind wil! fiad a Mr. Wat#ri' etrre iie vry best asaortment of Muño r.J of Hanoi to b? foand in the United States, ana we urge ouv soutnern and wetrtern rrienda ti give bim a cali whenerr thoy go io -Tew York." - Qraham'ê Majatinê. Warchouse 333 Broadway, IJ. Y. SabbathSchool Bell, 100000 Inreed In ten Month. Thf unprf?cfdntM te of thiffbook bft inducedthe pubüsher to uid ome 80 new feuneitid hrmnw tolt pres nt Bixe, without extra Öhafge, excet or the ehftáp editioó" Amone theraany beaütiful túnel küA iiymns ad4ed mar b fottnd: - "I oniibt feu Iot my mother;" "tril bei good i-hiM, indeed f will." These and eight otheri froto íheBH,wer iBttf t tn Saadai Si-hool Axuuver ary of the M. K. i'hurrh t the Armirair of Mumc, with jrrnt The Bll cortain nwwïy 260 tuu and hyran, and is one of the best collectjona ever issued. Pricè 13c; ít" ]"-r hurnired, postage 4ï Elegant ly bound, emhossed flt '2c, $20. per LOO It has been introdused into mny of the Ptobtie M M. Ttie ■ ií pablfhiNÍ in Kitutll nnittben entïtled AnniTr?ary and Sunday Hchool Muaie Booka, Koa. 1, '2, 3, k 4, in order to keeoinmodate The rail 1 ion; t'l fc $■ pr liundred No. 5 will woon b isnued- comuifucemcnt of another book. Alao, Ktíth1 Music Books, No: I k 2, pric $1 k. $2 per 100, portage lo. More tha.i SÓO,tK)0 copina of the above book hxy been ifiinl tht past eihteen monthf, and the deinand Ukrapidly increasing FubliHhed hv HORACE WATERS, Agent, 8SS Briailway,N. V. Fublised by Eorace Waters yo. 333 nrondway, 5ew York. Vooal "Kind WordsCRn nevordip;" "Tt.e AnU told me ao;n "Wilda of the ffcatj" "Thonghta of God;'' "Git rae baok my Mountaib Home)" "Oy nreams;" "Duulj Cock K.-bin;" 'Tm wth thee ti!l; -'Petnames;" 'Thereit no darflnglike nüne;' "i'arah ,)ne;""Fer of fcüeê;M "l'm learing in Snrrow;" "Bir!of Beauty;" "Home of our birth;" "Grare (.f Roaabel,'' and 'Wake, lady, wake,,' price 26c each. ' [ftantüasanUL, - ' 'Palace Ganlen, or Sinc;inír BÍÍ?] ■Polka.' 40c; "Swiaging 8chOttigche;" "Mirabel Schottich ;' ' ThOBïM Schot tiscl: e ;" ' 'Piccolomini Tolk, 55 eenti eaoh. The abWepiceib.arb6antiful ViXnt'ttee "Weimer Polka;" "Arabian Wai cry Maroh," 'li Tylat; ' ' Vtwovianii Doaiells Maaurka; "Kt'H : in? Poika," Crinoliue Wulti," and "Laucern' Qua drillw," "_'5c each. "The Empire of Rfich's Quadrille;" n ne# danc) and "The Hiberni&n Quadrille," SRceach. Many of these pieces are played by Baker's elehrard wuht-nT ra wiüi grat applruse.43 Mailed f ivo. A lurijelot of Foreijfn Music at half price. The Hornee Watera Píanos and Melodeons, for depth, purity of tone and dnrabtlfty, are unsurpaesed, Prices vefy low eond Eland Pianoi ; t : i ■ i Meló&eons f rom $'25 to $150. MuiicandMuKicbl Insti-uctiom of all kinds, atthe lowent prices. H0RAQ( WATERS, Aent. N,i. 388 Broadway.N. Y. Tkstihoxiaia; - "TJie Ilorat'r Watftrd Pianos are knuwn ai araong tftevery best.' - Frahárelist. t(We oan spw-k of tbfir merita froai personal knowl■dge." - Chriti0n fntêtttfcnctr. 1 'Nöthingat the Fair displayed greater excellence -"- Churchtran. Watera' Pianos and Mftloüeons challenge CJnpax}on wiih thf ilneat made aiiywhereio the country. '" - Home Jnurtul. 719tf SCHOFF & MIL L ER A RESTII.LONHAND at tlieir old Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Elcck, with tliemost oiup]etc asgortment of Books and Btationery, PERFÜMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS. TABSELS, GILT CORNTCES, CÜRTAINS, : IIOOKS AND PINS, STEBEOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. , Ever offcred in this Market ! and they would suggont tothose in pursuit cf anythingin SANTA GLA US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by pmchasfng from this stock, as each purcliaBer gete au aflfcwtionat present of Jewelry, &x., Ranging invalue irom 50 ets. to $50. ■ JtSf Thryti-ast that theirlong oxperience inselectinp; goodsforthis marlipt, and strict attention to the wants Qf Cu6tomTB,may ontitle tb cm to a liberal share o i Patronage. AnnArbor.Dec. 5. 18G0 777tf Demand Treasury Notes For which wc pay ís. amji ipmÉMiswBi. M. OIJITSRMAÍT & Ocx, in UHat O)xw ft, tmt, G RÈAï. GRËATEK GREATEST BARGA1KS EVER OFFERhl) '859. & 1859 In tlu3 City, are uow beingoffererl at tbo OIIEAP.CLOCK, WATCH, & 3 o "stc teX:zy BtororriTIESribscrHirr wooldsny to tlwcitizcnfnl AnnAr l bor.i'i pnrticular, and the reet öi Wnslnmaiv in simpi-nl. Hint l;c has juat UiPOKl'KD 01 Iii:ci:,Y from KIJHOPK.s Tretnendoua Stock of Watchos! Ah of wbic'n hB hinde himsnlftn sfil] CHEAPEB tlian eau Ite houghl west of Nt;w York City. Open Face Cylindi'r VVntfïhes trom gfi to ?10 dn do" Lever do do H to 2 IluntingCawp do do do 14 to 3; do do Cylitider do do Í to 21 Gold Watehea frotn 20 to 15i I lave alao tile CELE BR AT KI) AM ER? CAN WAT CHES, whirhTwlli sen ttr L35. Every Watch warrantbd ti peri'orm well, or the muny retundod. Clocka, Jewelry, Piated Wort1, Faney Gotuls Oold Pens, Muslcalfnatruments and Strips Ontlery, 4c, and In f&r-t avsripry of everyhipir mnially kepf y Jew nlrtTB cao be bnughtfor + he next ninety days nt vur OWN P RICES! PprsoDn buyinif atiytfcintr ut f-hïi wrll known estab listimp nt rsn rly upo erguirle good? exact'y aa rep resent d, orthrmonfy reftinded. Tailparly and Be cure thp beat bsrijains ever offered in thif City One word in regard to Repairin : We re preparad (o malte any renairs onfine or com mon Watchp, (Tpn to m:ikintrc er tbe eiifirn watcfc ïf neruBsary. RupMirirjr of Clocka and .lewelry ns iisuai. AIbo tSd mHniifHiiturlnE" ol RIN(5S. BROOPÏÏP or auyfhiry tairefl, from California Gold on short no Hce. f]ncrTÍra: ia allitsbrancheaesoented withneat nes and disputcb. J C WATTP Aon Arbor, Jbd. 2Pth!P50. 7L4w Important National Works, Publishel by V. APPLKTON & 00., 346 AND 348 BROADWAYNEW YORK The following works are sent to Pubscribers m any par f tho country, (upoa receipt of retail price,) by raöS oi ejti '■" ■ i rfpüicl; THKNKWAHF.BIAFf CYCLOPJÖDlA; Á Popular DictioBary of General Kuowledg. Edïted hy Oeo. Rifi.kt ar.. i Ch-AJ?U8 a. Dana, aideü by a umeroai f elpct corps of writera m all èrancttes of ScieöcesJ Ar and Litraturr. Thi work is bing piiblishn! in abou 15 lare octavo voluEies.esch containine 760two-colnjBOi pag Vol. I., IL, III., IV. V., VI., Vil., VUT., X are now rea-ly. pacb containieg near 2,Ö0öowgiJia] art clp. An Éddtttoaal volume will ha publinhed odc in about three monthft. Price.iQ l'-lotb, $3; Slieep, $C.5O; Half lïusaïa, $1.50 each. The New Amprícnn Cycfp,ir]f;i is popular without be ','.r süperfiiial, l-arné-l without beiug pedènfic, compre hf:i.-iví but Mtifficiently detttiled, freeí'rom personal pique and pftrty prejudic, frpah and yet It a complpte itftiement of aU.toa.tie known iLpon everyimportant topic withiit the scope of humnn rntelligenoO. - Every important article in it has been stpecially wntten for ita pages by men who aie autb,oriliea opon tlie topic on wliich they speak. They are required to brmi; tho suhject up to the present moment; to state just how il Rtanda ntm. A the staiistical infonnation ifl from the latéê't rtporta; th geographical accounts keep pnce with t!i Utest explni-ations; liit itricnl mattere inclade the freshestjust views; the biographica! noticefi 9tls ak nol jnly of thedead uut al.o of the living. It is a hbrary „f iseU A KftlIH3KMKNT Oï1 THE DEBATES OF COiVGRKSS Being % PoÜtical History Of th United States, frotn the organiaatioo of tb ftñt Federal Conitressin 178 to 1856. Editedsnd compiled by Hou. Tno, Hart BBNTOK.from the Official Raoords of Congress. Tbjftwork will be con-.pisted iu 15 royal octavo volumes of T50 paes PHch, 11 of ivhicli "are now ready. A;: niditional roluiu will be píibli-shed once in threemonths Cloth, $3; l,ar Sheep, Half Mor., $4; Haü Clf. Í4.50 wich. A V A Y OF RBÖOUBING TíIK CYCLOPJEDIA OH DEBATï Form a club of four, and remït thcprii-o of fimrbooks, and rtvt copies will be sent at theremitter's expebfeefor eatriag; or for ten Bubacribera, eleven copien will bp sent at our expenso for carriage. To Agrirta, No otlier work will so Uberlly reward the exrtioni of yeots. A.v AfíKT waniïD t_v -mix CorNTT TerniB known on appUmiton to the Publiihers. Ann Arbor, Murch, 18B. fi902ant M Bev Thoh. WmiQST, agent at Kinne & Sïnitha Boot Store, Ypsilanti. L am Bound icr IGUÏÏERMMS! Dispute tlie fact if yon can. It takes the TAILOK aftei all to give appcaiance to the onteï man. lf you wisli to ajpear Tell Vou must accordingly Dresi Wcll. Go to M. Guíterni5n & Co's., Th ere you will find things exaotly SO. SOND HE IM alw-iiys ready to take your meaaure; GÜITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasnre, At figures L0WER ihan you will find in he Stato, rJ'ake heed - call early, else you are too LATE. The iNDüCEMENTS are now greater tban ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging and clever. Wo will show you erood CL0THING of our own oettisq' ur, Filling our Store from Bottom to rop. STÜDENTS especially will find t to THEIB ADVASTAGE, For it takes but L1TTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 0VERC3AT8of Oloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for almost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimerc of our OWn IJIPORTAT1ON, Forwarded through our New York relations. Frotn England, Belgium, Germany and Franco, Suc.h as you can stand up ïn, or wear, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Paiits ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We sell them from ONE DOLLAR up tO E1QIIT. VEf TS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fiction, Furnirihing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This Js all we say now, Therefore we inake our bovr. Yours truly, ever so, M. GÜITERMAX. & Co., TUE OLD CORÍStEli EEKEWED! witli ISTE-W STOOZ, NEW GOODS, &C. FARMERS' IEW CASH 11 (At the old stand of Thompson & Milieu.) I am now opening a earefully SELECTED STOCK OF STIPLE DRY GOODS C0NS1STINQ OP DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, BROWN & BLEACHED 3HEETINGS, GASSIMERES, FLANNELS, &e. and ever) tbing tbat is kept in a Domeatic Houso, also a fine assortment of BOOTS SKOE3! AND YANKEE JTOriON A full stook of EOCERIES constan j on hand. FARMËR'S PRODUCE! Bcmght and Sold. Thankful to old friends and oustomers foi past favors, I hope to roerit a aliare of their patronage, by dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with C. H. Millen & Co. Ann Arbor, Oet. 1, 1862. 872tf Gï Ï'Y COOJfEH SHOP. Tholusale iml Retail, . O C. SPAFFORD VTouId respect f ully announös to the citizens of Ann and vicin.ty, th;ií lie is now cc anufacturing and keep3Ci'i)-tautly on hftad a Large Assortraent of Cooper Work ! such at Pork and Caler HmwwéimH Kcgs, Firkins, Churus, Well Buckets, &c. Which wili liesold cheap for cash. CTJSTOM WORK Marie to order nu BÜort notice. Repaíring done with Deatnesa and dispat&h, 1 woukl cali particular attention to Mercbaats In want of Butter Firkins 'ammanufftcturiog the New ï'ok State Flrktn, which is:i better Firkin than has ever before been of red inthis marktt. J wuuld invite all who want Firkins to Cali and cxanine for tlicmselvcs ïeforepurchasing ejsewhre, aad I will convince jou tbat yuu have ciilled at the right place. 1 would also cali the attention of Brewers in want el BK ER KEGS, am now prepare to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls. n lirge or small lots, and of a Better Quality han can be had in Detroit or eleewhere. I'"A11 work warranted to give entire satis fection. Thankful for p.stfavors and by a Kfrict attention to bmioesB, 1 hope to morii a continued liberal Buppij ol the public patronage. t=-Do not íorget to cali at the City Cooper Shop. o. o. spa'fford. Detroit St. Ann Ai bor, Mich . 8!-8i 1 ikuctioneers Notice. BYRON" (IIEDN", havins appHtc! for n licen-io, now hnlds himself in readioeas in attenil to al] calis BftviDgbadxp6ii9Dce, beiA positiva he can give good satisfaction. All calis prpmptlj atteaded to. Chaiges leasonable. Apply ut tho Fi-aukhn House. BYROX OREEN Ann Arbor, Oct. 24, 1S62. 875tf 1862. 1862. NEW FALL G03HSÍ Now opening, a apiendid stock of N"ew Goods [for the Fall Trade at C. H. MILLi;L-í'S Ann Arbor.Scptember 15, 1Ö62 $TOtf All Losses promptly ncljusted MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital, $200,000. Total Assets, Jan. lat, 18C2, 2R7,8P7 05 Liabilities, .... i;. 834.09 MAíKE H0WARD, Picsident. E. Tnos. LOPDBLt, Pecj-. The nntlersigned has becli aiipcinte"! Agent for 1 1 if loovo reliable Cotnpany, aad will ellect insuranc' igaiast qshcu bj üre jit i-easonablerates. ,T. W. VIGHT. Ahb Artwr,.(e 3, V9fff. í&Bit Slieriff's Süle. BY tirtue of an execution isEned1 oüi of &sd ctdcr the pal of the Circuit Coort fi.r the Ccsnt) ut VVashtenaw ouiPii gkn bturiüg h -Tt.i day of Lepte(r.bfei-, 2gL9, aul t rre ihrccttd and i. (■! ivf red, il L-;iil.M 11.. ■ r i. : i..1 . ],:,tt. . ai.ii tir wct thereol lamia and tcncments M JanJis Aihjiid, ileltudaiit fherefn niTrirèfT, 1 ciid ( u iYiè -7.1i ];i v '.1 SrUmber, lrall. W y i;]"'ii zi alltiu riLlil.'titli' nis. i ol the -.-.i.l ,ln .1.1, iri and t(. tLo following !i-sc.ri!nl ian.l ai (i ri-iniM-f. towil; Nltatetl in tho 1'OKUsJjl], u) Ip.'.iïli. Cm dij „i V;,-J tt eau , ana State o) Mic.igaii, oi mniendng ,.i a iuie on the weit lmnk of HurOM Rivcr, at the ftbulh-tabl comor o ■ia.iu i. iiun'lred imj t-iglity, ai:d thenct' running westfcrly along M.iali line k aii} claim to Eiticentreof the bighway cnnnnbnlj calll che llunroe Roaü, tlcnce northiTi; along the óf taid roail tt. a jjuint twolvc fcct sfmtlt 1 1 r i i ! s nest ot a cfMa.nwliiif aal traipu1 tuHw inclithwogt and nearasiindTioIejfliencceasterlj parallel wllh (hoèóuih hne oí aftid chiim to a stakcron the watt tank of haid livor ; tlifntc southerly alrnig the wc.-t ba Qfasaid nver to-the pliieê ol beglnning, cent' ning i,n hundred and t:Rlit acn- mora or le-a, auil bounderi en ilp Juth bjiomlso Geoig, Mooi mans, en tl,, eMbj h .! aoad ontkenért l.i Lul, of J(liin v. Vniclevc,"nnd en the' Stare ol ÍIch!gan,állrif irbicli pr. mises 1 sliall exposé ;,t ,i.l, 1 , ,r.t; n. is the dii.ct.. at tho '""f '■" i ''-' '■■■ II.-i.K. , in Cilvül AmArW tbat bem? fhe place fir holding the Circuit Couri lor theCoontyoi V, a-hlcn., , ,„, Sgftirday the lêth dr orAlinl ni.t,at eleven a'cLock üitha f-r-nnrn nf ijVI dy. TIKiMAS F. LEONAEJ , l,.t, M,tnl). " Dated, March 4. HG3. 694H Chancery Noti e. V-TATE OF MKHIGAX Suit (i in the Circl,;t ; ■ tuur. Countyol ,l,t,n w. in chancr. L,t„,,lin„ B.IwOoé. Circuit Judge, at chambc Luz-i ,1. iiwis, Comjjlainant 1 vs. L MjnvkleA. On en-, Pefpmiunt f It utUúto% ápjke.ringr to the un.lersigne-I br affiia7itthat tbeaefendantin thta cause resides out ot ibis state, on mofion uf L. II. N,.rris, ollcitor tut the com ilaina-iit: It is ordered tliat the said defmdant cani-e his appearance in thi cause to hd entered witbin three RionfB ' Che date of thia order And it ii further orderei thal, w,il,ii, twenty day, the complaiuant cause „rdcr to !.■ ; ■ubli.-l.e.: in thr MlCHlGil! AKtl-s anefapaperpnblisheil n sail eounty and tliattuch coiitinnert, ut lel,t nuce in cacli fot bix w.-uk nisuccc-ii!i,orthat uhe causea copy ol thi order to be peraonally served on aid cefendant, at Icaat twety days before the time nscribed for lii appraraD,cer% „ r.AWKK.(K. Circuit Judge. L li. Nor.Ris, Srdicitnr for Cumilainaut Pated. i'eb. 23. 18ti3. 89S# Mortgnge Sale j F.FAl I.T having been made in the c. nditinn of a crJ tam nidenture ol un.rtgage. execi te.l by .h.r.iti McQwthj and .Margar, t .HcCai thv bis wife of the Citj ol Aun Aih.-r.Cmuiii of Wasfetenau ajMUJtkieofkidki.iiu. to Nelaon CÖJe of the same .lace. bei,ri!.g date theBrstdayoi Ma-,ntlie yearol mii-Lm i,,,e tllüuind tifiv-Mi. and morded n the Offioeof the Register ofBeedain and rr suid Cojint ol Waihtenaw; en the lifiii ijaj of May, A. I). 18S6, in Líber No. 22 ol Mertgages on page 6i. hiih iaid ndentureof Morgue we duly as.-igned b) the id (;1kihi U!le tu l'duard Kvan.ut PittKÜeld in nalu Co-unty, by his asri.inn i nd.r Ils hanrt and seal, beannir ■ h jte. nth daj . f i tcember, A. II ]S62 asd re" ■ii the office oT sait! RegistVr ofl.eeij .n the tu-i ntysij!h .!a.v of i ecemhi r, A ll. 1862. . l.ii er No 30 ol H.'i;-'i.-' on page 15o, by uhich default the Jiower of sale eontaineil iti said mirtgage becaine i,-,arative and the auioum claimed to be due on said indentureof Moitsage, at the date ot this ndtice, tèicc Br hui Hre.l and B rtj ei};] t Sillaf. km tlnrt-, eighí otntá and no suit or proceeding having beer, ÍBsfituted at luw, üt ■■:, .-hMiici-iy,!!. recoier the dolit n. r( maiiiining due an.l ceur.-d bj sai.! iñOTtgáge 01 anv art tl.i reoH Nutice ís therelore hereby given. Ihat n fátqrrfáj. the lourlhdayof April, A.I-. ten of the clock in the fori-noon ..I tlatdav. at the south door of the Court Hom; in the rity ol M:n Arbor, in said Cuuntl pl unair ano Stteof Michigan., (said V,,ur lít.v.-.beingthe place for holding the Circuit Court for sanl Ooarrty) 1 hall sfll ot tau-e to he boM at pnhlic auction in ioreo.loMire ol suid taortg&ge to the highest bid der. the premises ilf .,(:)■;!. e. tberein, or si much th reof asshall beneressi.ry to trt:.-l) tl.e amoúnt dl e on hairt indenture of Mortgnge, with itereot and all .he ría tonable cesta, diabursements ajid ex.en!-es of all prtceertinga relative to the foreclosure of tlie same ircluding reasnnable charges fnr a.torneys' serVicea as íru Vided ítj Baid indenture of mortgage; Ihat is to say, all certain traiélsor pareéis i,í lumt f-ilnaled iñ the sairl city of Ai. n Arbor, known, boundt'd and di as follown, viz: lieina lt.ts numbered oue (l),tuo ( tliree. (3), and fnur (4), in blncknumber Hm, (B) sou'li, in rarie nnnihir ten (10) east, in the said citv óf Al n' Arbor, ' Coun tj of WashtmaWjand State of -jíichJEan Dated Deeembei 31st, 1862. EIiWARI) SVAV, A. Feictí, Assignee of Mortgage. Att'.rney Tor AssignpR. 8S5td Estáte oí Laura Ida Todd, Minor. STATKOF MICHIGAN, County ol W6htelunr,8S - At a neesiun i the Probóte Court for the County of wastttenaw, holden at the l'robate Uffip, in the Citj of Aun Arbor. ' on Fnday, tho Mih day of Maich in the 3--ar one thOQBod eighl 'lunorPíi rnid iixty-ttiree. Present, Thomas jfindë, Jadge oLProbat, In the matter of the Est&te of Iaun. Irla T'dd. minor. Otte gading and flling the pétítion, Ouy veri&td, oí Tnomaa M Cooley, Guardian of saíd Miuor, prayíng thathemai belioensedto sell certain reul esL&te of sa-d minor tor the iffjiporf of sríiI minor. TRereupon it is Ordered, Th-t Monda j, the yth day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, beasaifned fnr tbc hvariog of said pévttmïi, anuthat tho ueit of kin of saul mipor, ni all otlier porson intere-ted in said estáte air 'rehuir, d to apppai at a EesBionofsaid Court, theD to be holden at the Frobatp Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in sai dounty. and hïiow c.'iuse, if anj tliere be, whj the prajtr oí tb ft" I ■ shouí'l iiot be grauied . Anrtit is furthêr Ordéreff, that said pctitirner give notice to the persons MiteretUed in aid State, tt the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by eauaing a copy of thia or-W-r lo bv pufclrfid the Michigan Ar gus. newKpáper printed and circuiaticg Insftid Goantj of W&6htetukwf three succentive -weeks previOQs to siiid day of hearing. (A truecopy.) THOMAS NIXPF. juilge of Probate. Chancery Notice. , 'TATE OV MICÜÏiiAiN- F-mrili J.ühci.11 Circurt. i'b ■ Chancory. .--uit penln in the Circuit i'curt for the county of Washtenaw , in (tiiuicoi v, in the city of Ann rbjr,on the I4thday of March, A. Ir. 1688. In tfm c;isp whove n M.rtt-m Kiein is complainan and William Sti-in is dfnéaiK. It apëarfuv by the afli d.ivit of Martha Stem ihat the defendaot, fd}rmAteiff. is oot a resident oí the State of Michigan, bilí írhen last heard fropj was a resident of :he State of Mipsrmri : On motinn of Twitchell and Frnzor sotïcitorS for cemplainantf it is ordered that tbe aAfd Willunn -teiaeauée-hU appearance ín te (nu n il aüd hofïte tkeVeof to be perrea on compl;iin;int's íofk'itors tvithintwu inonïliw ir-m the date of this'ortter, and in c;ise of liis appêaiance tha he cause bis nnswer to the c'mjlaiuant"s MI to le tiled and a copy thereof to be served on tlo cuipl inanfa í'.iicitors wiíhÍB tweniy flayp n t to t r i-prvice ftf a oopy of Báid Uil) , and In defanlt thereof that the said bill uf complaJnt noay be taken as confewed ncainat liïm. And it ia furtjaer or erert tbat within twenty daya frons tlio date bereof thfl sa il cinnplaitia nt cause a copy of thia order to bc publisbed in the Michigan Argu, aewspa per printed and pnbli-liei in the cii y rf Ann Arbor in the county of Washtenaw and State í Michigan, it least once, n each week for mx succesWe wcek, or that t fie w inruit e au -e a popy bereof to be personal y serred on the said delendiint Wilüam Stein at least twenty diiys before the time píe criben" for his appoarnnce tiEO. DANFORTH, Circuit Convt Comm'flioner forW'nh. Co,,Mich, Twitchkll it Fr.z:'.h, SolicUor.8 for Cumplaiiiaat. Dated Uarch ltih.18', A truecny : ,a Tl ,CWW. KOOT, Register. GwPÖfï' Rille Factory! Beutier & Traver, [Successors to A. J Sutherlan.l,] Jlanufnoturers of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammnnition Ftasks, Poüikes Game Bags, ana Everjother article in that Line. All kinds of REPA IRIKT Gr one at the abortest notioe, an.l mthebt'st maoner. fut! assortment alway.s kept on hand and made order tjE_ tiliopon Uu run street. Ann Abor,Oct. 8, 1?62. 873tf Oval Picture Frames A LLSIZKS, áTYLEL and PIÏICES ju:,t received and - forsale cheajmt CHOFF & MILLEK'S. 1860.Dec.i5, "80tf Pruit and Ornamental TEEES, A.rT 3L.OV PEICES. nJHfc SUBSÖIÏÏBERS are now prepared to roccive or. L aersforall kinda of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Ürubg,, Planta, Flowers and V nes of every deperiptiop ad v:ii-iity. FortheFall of 18'2 and Spittlg ol l-o.- Vp have a laij."' stock now growing, aml intend to iake larjge imöortations frem time toiimeaa the wnrt f ttie counti.v iUniaiiil. W'o invite the people to majfii hemsetvt's acDalntd with au r facilitief 'or doiDobuwesa j before ptfrchftsing btewhere. We waimtit dll va. te be frusto name. and t be vicorous and ialihy sjifcimens . AllcomnSunication will b pïomplv responded to. üurofiiceis in Rogéis' Agricultura 1 tore, Detroit et.. Ann Arbor, Mi eb. DoBOTS, OARR Ir L, Ann Arbor, June 24;1S62. 858tf FOR SALE. q, ACRES óf exoelU'Bt timbered the. ?..' of ö' N W. ij of Sec.2.Town6N Rhq#0S V..('lin onOcmilty, It is in a good neigh borhci.d, ftbo.ut fmir ii es frgjn lH'Wilt and ten frum Laútpsg. Kor termft nquire at or atddreBi ABGCS OFFICE.


Old News
Michigan Argus