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L868. 1868. SPRING COODS! AT Reduced Prices I Just recemng at C. H. MILLE SI'S MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR. April 17, 18G3, 4w900, GODPREY DITCH SALE. THE under signad will offer for ?a!e to the lowest bi-ïder at the house of Samuel R, Poty, Ann Aibor, n Tnesiiiiy. May 1'2, 1863, at 2 P M., the mk:np of 130 Roila of Dit ch, ia accor dance witli the stipulatitns, surveys, aud table of cuta. Said ditch is to oe on foot wide on the bottom, and of a depth as markd on ?ach station stake pet in the line of said ditch, and the bftnks to filope one foot for every font in depth. J. B. STARK, JOSEPH PRAT J. J. PARSHALL, I'rainage Coinmissioners for the County of Wahtenaw. 9U0w4 TH2 American Collectïng Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims of all kinds aaïnst the General Government, tate (Wern uent, the City, or private parties, prosecuted ant colleeted at my expense and risk Againgf private parties I posess superior facílitífts or collecfing eliiims everywhere in tht United Stales and Cauiiilas, reiieving mercbants, aHsïgnpts, bunker, anl oLhers, oí tlie caí e and all resjmnsibilily . Special attention given to old debts, hard cases, dit vors, wilts, estiites, etc. Being familiar wiih all the details of tlie " Int-rnal Jeornut Law,'' I will attend proinptly to the eolleot-ion of drawbacks, and taxea overpaid through ignorauce of the law. Soldien' pensiona , p;iy, and bounty seciired forthem r their heírs. For that purpose, and for prosecutüog taims agafnst the OoTeisraent, I hare a branch oflice t Washington. No churge mude unless claims are colectod. All Boldiera dischargetl by reasnn of ivounds - howver shorl tlip time they have serveil- aie mtitled to )ne Hundred Dollars Bounty. All soWiers Luving sireil two years,ar entitled to the same, tl The highest markel price will be paid for soliers' claims, and other demands ayainst the General overnment. Information aod opinions given, and inretigAtion kade WÜkoHt charge, upon claims proponed to be placed n my hands. For piirticiilar.s, nddrrss H. HUNTINGTON LEB, 903tf No, 340 Bruadway, N. Y MAÏVIIOOD; EO WLOST, I1OW RESTORED fyet PuAUshed, n a Sealcd Envclope. Price Six Cents. A Leoture on the Nature, Treatment nn-J Radical Cure of 8permatorrutga or Seminal Weaksess, Sexual Ietility , NiTvousness, and luvoluntarv Emissions, inducídk Impoteacy, Conáumption and Meutuland l'liysicftl DtibilUy. BY BOBT J. CCLVERWELL, M. D. Thp niporta-ut fact that tho awful conequences of Self-Abuse may be effcctually removed wil hou, iuternal piedioinoB or the daogerou :i)plicatin of caustics inf irmneuts. medical öd boagtes, aud nlher empírica) ik'vices, is here ctearly deipoQstrated, and the entirely ni-vv and hlghly saóoessfal t.eatment n aJojrfed by the celebiHted author, fuliy explaine'l, by nieaus of which fcvcry one iü cij.ibled to cure him elf perfect1 v and at the least poasible cotf thercliy avolaina ali tho advertiwrd nstrunis of the day. The k-cture will prota a boon to tinui-i.-uuls and thountsdsj ieul luider senl, ia a plain envelnpe, to nr.v afldreAs, post paid on recoipt of two pustao tamps, l-y addresdiiig the publihhor.s. PHAS.J. 0; KLINK k CO , 9-0tf 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office üox}4ü86.


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