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BOOT SHOE KT. B. CQLE, (Successor to Jloore & Loomls.) has opened a storo in " FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Main street, Ann Arbor, and lias on hand a large asB0OÏ3, SIIOES & RUBBERS, manufacture froffl the bnst material and wavranted to gïve satiafaction, coosistfng of MUTS KIP, CALF AND THICK BOOTS, DdCBLE SOLED HEN'S BUI' FALO OVJERSHOES, of :iil desofiptloni. LADIES' GAITERS, Morocco Bordees, BalmoraU, Feit Overshoa, and Rubbers. Also, Boy's Kip, Calf & Tliick Jïoots, togethei with a varïety of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. I nm also Mnnufacturlng WARRANÏED BOOTS & BnOES. Men's Fine Fienrh CallT Boois Peggfü and SeAved. Givemeacall before purchasing elsewhcre. I wül solí my uoods cheap lor ca;;hREPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTICE. N. B.COLE. Ann Arbor, Jan. l.itli, I8(i3. 8S7tf WONDERFUL SUCCEBS. ö T'.ie attentinn and research of the most d'ütlnguished Chenaists and lMiysicians for years lmve been dt'voUH4, tn the pn.duriinn of a remedy for th %se naoflt distr.ssmg uiíiladiew Nei'kalgia and Riikl'matsm. Alter long Study and ruany experimenta, a sper.ific preparation lias been discovered. WATSON' Neuralgia Internal Bentcdy , is curing thousauds of cases whcreafl otlier fmedtes liavf utterly failed. We are assured tbat it is no mere ■' ANODYNK," reheving for the moment wliile tli: cau-e ramaHM, bnt is a perfect si'M IKICand CUBE for those painful disoases. The vast number of I.iniincnts, Kmbrocaiions ;ind Externa] .Medicines, which act as stiinuhints of the surface onty, are merel y temporal v in their efFeetH and f doubt f ui virtue The NEURALGIA KIN'G reachea the souroe of all troubl1, and elfectually bauishes the disease froni thesj'stem. Trice - t,ne Dollar per Bottle. Prepared by C. R. WALKER. Iy887 Buffalo, N Y., ana Fort Erie, C. W. I &m bound for xho O I3C 1H TL S5 SB -V SHOESNC SHOP! J. C. SOUTHER & R. A. JOHNSON, Blacksmiths. Will do Ilorse Shneingand all Uinls of Jobbing m their line at the nh-ortest passible notice. Also Carriage and Wagon Wart done to order, and satisfaction given or no pay. CHEI.SEA, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Feb. 2. '63, 3mS90 Tcbacco! Tobacco! I AM SEUUNO GOOD FINE CÜT CHEWING TOBACCO At f rom Fifly cents to $1 per pound. SMOKING TO13ACCO, Front 1 1 cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Mich., De .17, 1S62. 883tf Biackwood's Magazine AND THE British Reviews. PRÏOES OHEAP AS EVER, TO THOS1? WHO I'AY I'RO jfPTLY IN" ADVANCE. Notwlthstandicg tlie cost of Iieprinting these I'enodcals lias more thau doubled in oonsequence of the e.normaus rise n the price of Paper and of a general advance in all other and notwithstand'n" other publish'iH re reducing the siV.e or increasing the price of tbeir publications, we shall continue, f'or the year 18G3, to turni-sh ours complete, as heretofore, at tlie old rates, viz. : - 1 l Til E I.OXDON QÜARTERLY (Conssrvative), 2 THE KDINBUKGH REVIEW (Whigl 3 THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Fiee Church). 4 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) BLAOKWOOD'S EDINBDRGH MAGAZINE (Tory). TEKMS. Per ann, Foranyoneof the foiir Reviews, - - - $3 00 Kor aiiy two of the four lïcviews, - - - 5 00 Kor any three of the ,our lïeviewa, - - - 7 00 Forall fnur of the Reviews, - ... - 8 00 ForBlaokwood'a Mngaxine, - . - 3 00 Kor Black vood and une Review, - - - 5 00 For Black wooa and two Rertews. ... 700 For Btaqk woodand tlirceHeviows, - - - 9 00 Kor Hliickwoodanrl the fourRovicws, - - 10 00 These wlll be our nrices to all who pay prior to the lst of April. To those who defer payíng till after that time, tlie prices wlll he increased to such extent as the Dcreaaed cost of Reprint m:iy demand- therefcre, SE6ÏD KV TOUR ORDKRS AND HAVE TOUR MONEY. LEOXARD SCOTT & CO., Publi;.hers, No. 38 Walker Street, New York. FARM FOK SAÍB! I offer for s:tle my farm situated in the Townahip of Scio, n Washtenaw C"unly, on the raain road from Ann Arbor to JackaOD, about Five iwiles West of Ann Arbor, and three and a half mile.-i from Dexter. The Farm consit Of ONE HUNDRED & NINETY ACRES OF LAND eoinposid merally of a gravelly loam, susceptible of biing woikedin wetordi; ealher, is well watered by a livir : stnani. it is m tly unfler tmprbvemcat wood land Bufficieut for tlie Farm, buildinfts und lencea tolerably good, o ebardof fina fruit. All of which ■ril] be old shcKD, one f of the purohase mouey lay on bond and mortgage for a terra of yeart. J. H. M. ANDERSON Sc'.o, Maroh 30, 1863. 3m89a Ice, Ice, Ice ! ' TSH ALL cota menee deliverini? Ice on or abnnt tlie fir-it of May text and would beglad to lurnish all p rsona wiahing Ion and endenvor to give satisfaction to all who míiy favor me with their orders. Families furnlsbed 2U Ibs per. dav up to Jnly lst at $1,00 per month. Aller ,lnlj lst, $1.50 [er m.nth. Kxlra qiüintilies 20 cents per 1011 Ibs. Hotel, liutcher and Saloons supDliedftfl Pajrmen' requiied at the expintion of each month. Persons nol paying their bilis wiihin a reaaonablstima a'ter preseniation, the snpplv of Iet uill be Btopped CLEMENT K THOMPtON. Ann Arbor, Karsh 10, 1863. C8J0 SPECIAL NOTICB. AsseasnK-ïit. TWOTCCEIfiherebytrlven that an assessment of thirty il Pcent.on the capital stoot (beiag the seooni instRllment) ha thiï day been ordered bv the Roard of IHreetora. The.same wlll bedae and pa-aüle on the lst dav ol May r„.x, to Folney Chapin.Prea. Ann Arbor By Order of the B.iard, C, II MII.LE.V, gec'y pro urn. Ann Arbor, Mnrcli IB, I86S. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis. THE HEBELLÏON ON HIGH PRICES FOR CLOTHING, HAS COMMENCED AT THE OLO & EELIABLE CLOTHING EMPORITTM ! No. 3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. IAM now opening a large and varied asporlment of Spring andSunnnojGoodK, and in view of the rebullion on high priees gentrally, will o flor them toinyfricndn andcustonu-rs at the very lowest lignres for Cash. - Thoae o want of a superior article oí Cloths, Cassiinercs. or Ready-Made Glothing, -will cali on WM. WACNER, who haa just retumed frnm the East, with a large assortment of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS which have bien purchfiaed at the lale LOW raiOES! and canoflbr tliem at a lower figure than evtr bofore. Amorigray A-ssortmeut jjjay be found BROADGLOTHS, UASSIiVJIiRES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of all Sescrlptloni, tngethpr with a superior assortment oí Ucady-Mudc clollilng, lilUÜj, ■S'V8 TÜXKS , CAKI'ET BAGS, JBSl 'tl UMRREU.AP, and Sïm3(jeiitlemeii's Furflishiflg C3rOC3X3? with numoions othcr articlcs usually found in similar establishment. As an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, Ihe subscriber fiattcrshiraself, that bis long experience and gentralsuccess, will enable hini to give the greatest satisfaction toali whomay trust him iuthe way oí EF Maoufacturing Garments to order. WM. WAGïïER. Aun Arbor,. Apiil Dtli 1S62. 848tf THE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES WILL be for the Ilealh.g of the Natious. BibU. Prof. H. O". LTOWS, THE GREAT AND CBXEBRATED 1'HYSICIAN of the TÜROAT.I.UNGS, HKART, LIVIiR AND THE BLOOD, Known all over the country as the CBLKBRATED INEIAN HERB DOOTOK1 I Of 283 .Superior Street, Cleveland, ühio. Will vi.-iit the folluwiDg places, víz AITOIvniENTSFOU 1SC2, 18C3and 1864. Prof R. J. hyoOM can he consulted at the f"Jlowing places every inunth, viz: Detroit, Hussel lluse, eachmonth, ISthand 19th. Aon Aibur, Monitor House, eacta mnntli, 20ib. Jacksun, Jiibbard House, t-achinunth, 21, Adrián, BracKet EJouse, each month lfdand23d. Toledo, Oliio, Colhns house, each month, 34 th, 25th, ■ andS5th. HUlsdald, Mich., Hlllsdalo House, each month, 27th. Coldwater, Mtch.. öoutucru Micüigau iiuuse, each month, 23th. Klkhart, KIkhart House, eacb ninnth, 29th. South lïend, Iod., St. Jo. Hotel, each month, 30. L&porte, Ind., Tee (iardtü House, each munth 3ÍBÍ. Wooster, Ohio, Crandell Kschange, eaob ïnuutk, 7tb andSih. Sfansflelu. Oïiio. Wiler Iluuse, each mnih. Öth nnd 10 th. Mt. Vernon, Kenyon House, each month, llth and ISth. Xewark, Ühio, fiulton House, each menth 13th and 1 ,1 . V. ' Mili, Painesville, Ohio, Cowies House, each month 4th UI.tVU.ANi), OHIO. RESÚDENSE .AN! OFFICE, 282 SUPÊUJOR STREET. Kast of tlie public square, oposite the l'o.stoffice. Office days each month, lst; od, 4th,5th, 6th, lutii.- Office liours trom 9 A. H. to 12 M, aud From 3 1'. M.'to 4 I'. M. OnSunday from 9 to 10 A. il.,aod 1 to 2 P. 49f Maxima strlctly adhored to - I give snob balinas have no strife, With nature or the la,s of life, Witlj blood vay -Jiand.s I never stain, Nor poisun men to ease their pain. He is a physician indeed, wko Cures. The Indian Her Doctor, R. J. LY0N3, cures the fol lowing compiaints iu the most obstínate stages uf their existince, iz: lti-seawes of the TJiroat, Lungs, Heart, I.iver, Stomach , Drupsy ín the Chest, Rbeumatïm, Nuralgia, Fits or,andall other nerveus lierangemenis. Also alliiisoasesof the blood, sucli ah Scrulula, Krysipelas. Canoera, Fever riore.s, Leprosy, aud all other complicatec] chronïc complaints. Aliforme of female dilliculties attended to witli the h&ppiest results. It is hoped that no one will despair of a cure untr they have ven tho Indian Hrb Doctor's Medicines a fairandfaithfnl trial. fl3Muring the Doctor' travels in Europe, West Indi ís, South America, and the United States, he has been the insvrument in God'a hand, to restore to health and vigor thousands who weregivenup and pronounced incurable by ihe most eminent old ichool phyaictans; nay, more, thounandi who were on the Vera of the grave, are now living moLument to the Indian Herb's Doctor's skill and successful treat ment, and are daily exclamiing: "Biessed betht-day when Bret we saw and partuok of the [ndüiii llcrb Doctor's medicine." r-atisíactory rcfurences of cures will be gladly and cheorfully given henever required. ThO Doctor pïedges hls word and honor, that he will n no wise.directly or indirectly, induce or cause any nvalid tu take hits medicine without Lhestroagest probabilitv of a cure. Mode of examination, which is entirelv different from the faculty. Dr. Lyrtn pVofcssea to disccrn diseases by tho eye. Ho thereforo asks noquestions, nor doe.she requirfc natlentstn ex p la in -ymptoms. ('alione and all, ind have thesyraptoms and locatiou of your disease explained free of charge. JL-The poor shall be libera lly consideretl. 4ÉPustoll]cc addrestt, box 2Cï3. K. J. LYONS, M. I. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1862. ly88O 1863. SPaiNö. 18Oa We are now opeiiing A Large and Beautiful assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry G o o ds ! LADIES' DRESS GOODS in great variety, HIBBOKTS. X2roaiia Trimmiugs, cteo. Also a large stock of Croods for Mens' Wear, C'assimeres, Glolhs, &c. and a full assortnient of Ladies and Childreo's HATS. CAPS, GKOCER1ES, C11OCKERY, All of wbich we will sell at tho LOWEST TOSSIBLE CJ -A. S XX 3PRICE! MA6K & SCHMID. Ann Arbor, March 19, '63. 896tf


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Michigan Argus