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PÍUNTING OF ALL KINDS Heatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPaRED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PRINTING AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. We hftve recently purelittsed a ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have added tlie latst styles of Cnrd Type, which enables us to print INVITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, V1SITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. !n the neateat styW, nnd as cheap as any otber house in the State. We aro alao prepared to print POSTERS, IIANDBILLt?, BLANKS, LJLL I1EADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS &e, THE VPtG-XJS BOOK BINDERY Isír ehtr{ f FIRST CLASS WORKMEN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOU RN ALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLAUK BOOKS OF ALL KIND&ï RULED TO ANY PATTERN A.nd Manufacturad in best stitlk at New York Priees, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee"Bound. All Work warranted to givo cntlrc satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop'r. Office and Bindery, oor. Main fe Huron Sis. J. -VN?". lÉlSriG-HT, Agent for the Phcenix Insurance Company OF HARTFORD CT., AND TUE CONWAY INS. COMPANY, OF BOSTON MAS8. Lose HonOHibly aiijiiJlied and promptly pnid at this Agency. Office Corner Main nnd Iluron Street, over tho Store of Bach & Pieeron, Ann Arbor. Ann Aj-bor, Sept. 19, la2, FOR SAI, E ! mWO of t'je motnKirable buildinglot in the City of X Ann Arbor, containinp; each one acre aad anuarter ofp;roiind. Thcyae sitnated on State Street, noar tho South weat cornor of the Univcrsitv Square For terras, fccimiuire at tU 4iWLr OFFICE. A KKNÜWÜPKNING, UIKKCT FROM PUB] .1 AND Ifánufacturerri, a New and Complete stock of LAW & MEDICAL JiOÜKS, School Books, Miscellancous Bcoks, Blank Books, dan STA.TIO3XTEÏÏ.T-! Wall and Wlndow Fun, Dráwtng ánd MathomAjíiifelnála'utnents, Music, JuvcniloLibravie, Huyclopes, ínks and t'anls. [bfeEteg5F:;:v;,x::.iirT!_a,,:;-:b; --a- GOLD And all otlier Jcinds of Pens and Pencis Wíndo'.v Cornice, SliaiTes nii'l Fixíur", POCKET CUTLE11Y! ndererythingpertalning to the, and more to whichthey would invite the attentioa o! th'6 country. In conductingour business, we hall do all that can hedone,so that nu ruasonable man, wonmQ or cl.ilu shall find any faalt. We po$sesfi facilities which will enable us to Bupply ourstomers at the Lowcst Possiblo Figures. VTo propone lo scllfor REA I)Y PAY, ata mail advunee. W expecta pro fit uu üur Lood.s, but Cash Sales wiil Aflmit of Iow! FIGURES. The "EmpireBook Store," is manned by agood 'crew,' nd they will always be found on the "quarter deck," ready and willing to attend to all with pleasure., wlao wil! favor them with a caH. lïemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBftTBB & Co. Ann Arbor, May.TSCO. 14g Great Scducüon in the Price oí SINGKR & COS Standard Machines . H 'cll known to be ihe Best for ül.iuufact'i:-inij Parpóse. No. 1, .Standard Shuttle Machino, formerly sold at $90, reduced to gio. No. 2, of same kind of Mnchine, for merly sold at $100, reduced to 75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Is tbe best llacliine in the workl for Family Sewïug and I.ight Jfanufacturing Purposes: (toith Ilcmmcr,) aod bcautifully ornamentad $50. The Nos. 1 and 2 Machines are of gveat capac'ty and a])p[i(.-:'tion for manafacturing purposes. Uur No. a Machines ave especially sdapted to all kiiK} of lïght and hciiv.v Leathoi Vork, in Cnrria ■ ming, Boot and Shofi Mákiog Harnesa Makin, etc., etc. They are of extra. si?.p, and w ith an arm long enough to cake undfr it and switch the largest "ëize da8b,ea. Ther is scarcely any part fa Trimroesa' Stitcting tïiat caunot be better done witli thc-m than by hain! ; so, too, the saving oí time and iábor ie vcvy grrat. ïhetablGof these macli.nes ík 2 Lachea lóñ and the shuttle will hold bíx times the usual uantitylot' thread. Tlielarge m:ichiiift wnrks i fustas st'.in'i blies. We would ask for ova Letter A Machines, the spcci:i.l aít.Miíim! of Vent Makers íird Dress Makers, and all tftose whn want Macbinee for ligltf mandfaetUTingpUrposes. They embody the pridciples of Üq staötlard machines, makxng litethera, theintvlocked aitch4 and are deatined to be as ceïefcrated for Faiï-y Sbtsi atd ligia mauufacturin(í purOKps 3rtjo.ii1 standard xpAchinea are for manufacturing purpose iu general. We have alwayflon hand, hbmmikg halüks ii.ktwist LCÍEH AND OOTTON THKKA1), OM Sl'OOl, BUÜT ÜCIUNK üILÍll bottles', etc, etc. We manu facture onr own Needl, a ad would tram all perwous using our machines not tó buy any otheirc. "ff e know that there &rv nëedlSa Sold f thl most, inferior qualüy at higher prices than we cha'rgö for. the best. The needles sold by h are matrufactured nspecially for our ma binei A bad necdlcxiay rendcr tht bttt machine almost uirtes. Otir customers may rest aesured that aj. our Eranch Oftieeri are furnished with the " genuine act i jí " In case of mal! purchases, thr monej may be seat En postale stamps, or bank notes. Cor respondent a will p lease write their nam e diatinetly. It is ;iil inp'TtMit that we shpïiïd, meacticase, know the Post Olïïce, Cminty, ai;d .-■!;:((■, fíff" Ail ptnfBons retjuiring information about Sewin Machinen, their size, pricen. working capaeitíetf, and ttíe betít inethodn of purchaRing, canobtain it by sending to us, er aoy of our Branch Offices for a copy of I. m. Siuger & Co.'s Gasette, Which ii a beautiful Pietqrial Paper efitirely devoUd to tbe eubject- It will b tent gralisk We have made the above REDUCTION IN TRICE? with the two-fold view cl' benofiiing tho public andoiirselves. The public have beeft swindledbj spurioua machines made in iraitation of ours. Tue meta! itithcm, from the iron casting to te smaïlestpeice.ïsol pooi qurflity. Their makers have aot thf raeaná tó do their worK weil. They :uehii away n secret places, where it would be impnssibk to have attheïr commnml the propermecbanical appliances. Itisonlyby doing a greai business , and haVingextensïi ei ■ uring estaJjlishments, that aro od oiaöhïnea can bu made atmoderatprices, The best de.sïgned machines, BADLY -MADE, are ilways Hable to get out of ordei-, and aresure to cost considerable tronble and money o krcntheiii in repaire The qualities to be looked for m a Machinéare : Cörtainty of correct action at all ratea oí speed, siuiplicity of construction j great öurability, nÖrapidity of operatiim, with the least labor. Machines tp emnbine these essential qualïtïes, must be toadeof the best metal L.nd finished to per ft et ion. We have theway and meansDn a grand scale, to do this. [The purchaseTB of macliines, wliosedaily bread itmay concern, will ftnd. that .thosfi havh ; lalities nut nniy wörk well at rapid as well as sluw cates i i speed ,btit last longer intbn linest possible ff orking order. Our macliines, rh made by us, wjli earn more ruonej with lesa labor tfcana,oy others whether m imitation of ours or not. In fact, they are cheaner thnn any othcr macliincsas agift. I. M.-SÍNGER & CO., 458 Iïroad'.vay New Vork. SST Detroit Office, 58 WoodVard Avenue, (Merrill Block.) . glltf M. IT. GOODRtCIT, Agent, Ann Arbor. NEW FALL GOODS ! BACH PIERSOftJ Have just oponed a Clioico Stock of WOOZ, C0TT0N& SILK O-O E X v fülLadies' andGentlemens Wear, a stock of Best Family Garoceries, which will bo scld CITE AP FOR CASH. Gold, received at IC per cent. prom. Silvor, " " 1-Í " " " Cjanada, " " 14 " " " Old clomand Treasury notee, at 10 per cent. prein. BACH & HERSOÏï. Aan Arbor, Sept, 22, lf G2. Il O RACE "'WATERS, AGENT ;{ 3 3 15 r o a d w a y , N O w Y o r k I'iiljllïïicr ofMmlc am'lMusIt BookB ANU DSAUBB IS Pinnoa, Melodeons, Alexandre Organs Organ Accordeons, Martin's celcbratud anduther Guitars, Violins, Tnor Viols, ViolinoeiloB, Accordeons, Flntinas, Flutes, Fifes", TrianglesClnri jnette, Tuning Forks, Pipes andïlararrvers, Violin Eows, bestltalian Strings, Basa Instruments for Hands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. S h e o t DsSC xx S i o, from all the publiHhers Ín the CT. S., Bertini'g Huntin's, and MoaeftiSchoul, ond'all Icinda of Instrnotion Books for the aboTÖ in.striiim-iils; Cliuri:h Music Books; Music elegantb bonnd; Mutsic papor, and all kinds of .Music MerchándisQ, A t t heLowest Prices. New 1 I a n o s , At $175, $200, $225, $250, and up to $800. Secoud Hand Pianos From $25 up to $160; New Melodeona, $45' 60, $75, $100, and up to $200; Beeond Hand Melodeona froca $Ü0 tO$8O; Mexirodre0rga&8, witb fiv Stops, Sitio, nfïie stops, $185 and $225; ttiirteen stops, $230, $276 nnd 300; Bfteenfitop8,$3S0ttd $375; A liberal discount Co ■ -i - ni'u, ïmrclics, Sabbatk Schools.feminaries and IV'Hkts. The Traiic BtippHed ut the usual trade fliscouüfa Testimoniáis of the Iloracc Watcra Planos Rtrci Milodtotis. Jqlïn Hewett, of parthage,New York, who has had one of tho HoraccWatera Pianos, write&as folio ws: - "A friend of inine wishes me topu reliase a piano for her. She lïkes the one yon gold me n December, 1856. My pianu is becohling popular in this place, and I thiuk I can introduce one or two more, they will be more popular than any olher make.5' "We have two cf Waters' Pianos in use in ourPemifkKty. one of which bas betn severely tested for three yeatsi nul we can tealify to their gnod quality and durability." - Wood St Gregoryj Moma GaèroM, ILl. "i(, Watera, Esq.- Dbab ?ír: fiarifig u.sed oneof your Piano Fortes for top yeara paat, I have Cpnnd Itayeïy superior Instrument. AiONZO Gbïat Principal Rroolttyn Heights Seminan;. "The Piano I réceivéd from yon continúes fee gire éti. isHiction. 1 regard t as one of the best Instruments ín the placo.'! TamívsL, CLARKH, Charleston Va. "The Melodeoi has Bafely amved, I fee! obligroii to ytu fory our liberal discount." Rev. J. I. ifcOOEUlcfc i Yarque-êvillcS, C. i "The piano was duly rocch-pfl. Itpam in oxcellent con.ïilmii, and i very much admired by my nnmerouL faniily. Accpt mv thanks for your proinptness." - ROBBHT Coopi;r, IVarrenham, Bradjced Co. Pa. "Your piano picases us wetl. It is llie bet one in our connty."-TnoMaa A. Latham, CarnpbelltoTt, Ga. "We ave very much obliged to you fo baring sent stich a line instrument for $250." - Buanií,Iíeu & Go., Bujfalo Drmocrat. "The Ilorace Waters Pianos are Unown asamon? the very best We are onabled to s-peak of these instrameatfl witb coufidence, Prona penonal knoviedp;e of their excellent tone aml durable qnality." - N. Y. Evangelist. "We can apeak of the merite of th& Horaoe gaitera piar.osfroin personal ltnowledge, as boiug the very finest quality " - Chi istian IntetHgencer. "The ilorace Waters pianos axe oniltof the beat and most thorougfely seaioned nuterial. We liae no doubt that buyers cao do as wcll,perbjipa better, it thá than at any otherhoufie in the Union." - Advócale avd Journal. Waters' pianos and raelodoona challenge comparlson wilh th( fmest made anywhere in the country." - Home Journal 'iüoxaca Vv'atera' Piano Fortes nre of fulT, rich and even tone, and po werf ui - N. Y. Musical RtvJew. iiOur frieads-wül ftndatMr. Waters' store the very best asëftrttftént of Mnfcic and of Planns to be found. in the Daited States,and we ure our sontaeru and western frïcnds to ?ive bhn a cali whenever they go to New Vuik." - Graham's Magazine, Varehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sabba th ScTi ooi Bell, 10i000 issueil iii te Moiiths. The unprecedented cale of thisbook bas induced the pubiisherto add sorae 30 new tunesanrUiymns toits present size, without extra cliarge, except on tie clieap edition- Among the many beautiful tunes and hymna p.dded may be found: - "I ougïïf to lové my mother;" "O I'U be a good ciiildj uaïeed I vnU." These and eight othei frotó the Bell, were sung at the Punday School AnmverBkry of the M. E. Church at the Acaderny of Music, wüh neat app lause. The Bell cnrtains neariy 200 tnnes and ']ivmns,and is one of the best collections ever issm i], Priee lac; f 10 per hundred, postage 4c Klegantly bound, embossed gilt, 2tto, $20 per 100 It has been introduced into m?.ny of the Public SeS. ols. The iè. is mbUshodin pmall numbers entitled Anniraary and Suuday School Muaie Books, No. 1,2, 3, k 4, ia order to accommodate the million; priee $2 k S'ï pèf luindrod No. 5 will soon be ws-uod- commen?pment of apothsr book. Also, Reyiral Mu3ic Bojüks, Ne, 1 Ssj&j pYic $1 & 32 per 100, postage le. Moro tha.i 300, 000 copif of the above b)ok lmve been issued the paal ejghteen monlhs, and the dtmand israpidly iacreasiu Published by HORACE WATERS, Agent, 333 Broadway, N. Y". Publïsed by Horace Waters No. 333 Rroadway New York. Vocal, "Kind Words can neverdíe;'' "The An?pla told rao bo;'j "Wilds of the West;" "Thonghts of God;" 'Giva me back rny Mountain Home;" "Öay IWeams;" ((Dandj CockRobin;" 'Tm with thee stiIl;"Petnames;" "There's no darilng like mine;7' "Saiah Jane Iee;"" Ever of tliee;" "l'm leaving thee in Sorrow;" "Birdof lïeauty;" "Home of our birth;" "rave cf Rosabel,'1 and 'Wake, lady, wake, ' priee 25c each. 1 lxtiTi:vMiiNTi..- ' Talace Garöea, or Pinging Bird Polka,' 40c; "Svringing Schottische;" "Mirabel SchottÍHch;" 'ïhomaa tía-ker's Schottinche;" "Piccolomini l'olka, 35 cents each. The abovepieceshave Vignettee. "Weliöep Polka;" "Arabian Wai ery Mareh," the verylawt; "VassoA'iarna DonielIs'Mazurka; "Real: in Polka;" "Crinoline Waltz," and "Lancéis' Qua ■ drille," 25c each. "The Empire of Reioh's (Jnadrille;" a new dance, and "The Hibernian Quadrille," 35ceach. Many of these piecea are played by Haker's celebra ted epehest ra with great Mailed free. A large lot of Forelgn llusic at half priee. Iianop, Alelodeons rad Organs The Horaco Waters Pianos and Melodeons, f qt depth, purity of tone and dura'oüity, are unsurpassed. Prices vfcry low ieoond Hand Pianos nd Mêlodeonifrom $'25 to $150. Musicand Musical ínsti-uctions of all kinds, .-itthe lowest prices. HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 333 lïroadway, N. Y. TBSnatOXLAIS; - "The Horace Waters Pianos are known a among thevery best.' - Evangelist. "Weoan speak of their merita from personal knowleige." - Christian InteAiig oneer. "Xothingat the Fair displayed greater èxceDence -" - Churcliman. Waters' Pianos and Mfcloüeons challenge comparison with the 'iu' made anywherein the country." - Home Jouruúl. 719tf SCHOFF & MIL LEK RESTILLONIIANDat tbeirold Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Elock, with themost complete assortraent of üooks and Stationery, PERFUM.ERIES, FANCY GÜODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT COENIOES, CURTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in tliis Market ! and tllüy wouldfiuggest tüthQfie in pursuit cfanytliingin SANTA OLA US' LINE that they cao secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchiiHing from this stock, as each purchaser %eU au additional present ol'Jewelry, &c. , Ranging invaluo iroin 50 ets. to $50. fíCT" They trust that thelrlong exjierience in selecting gOoda for this market, and strict atlention to the yvaptfl of Gufitomerfl, iaay entitïe them to a liberal sha re oj Patronage. AnnArbor,Dec. 5. 1860 7"tf Demand Treaeury Noíes í"or which we pay M. GUiTEKMAN fe Co., Aun Arbor CMolor S, 186Ï, GSEAT. GREATERGREATEST BARGA1KS EVEIi OFFERED In tli3 City, are uow being offered at the CHEAP,CLOCK,WATCH, & 3T ouv o3Lx3T StoreTUF. Stibscrihor wnulrtsny to tlmcitizensof Ann Ar bor, in particulflr, and the rest of Wnsliiennw Cnnntv in irennrfti, th n t hehasjnst 1MP0KTED 01 IifiCTLY from EUROPK.a Tremendous Stock of WatcheB! AU ofwhichhe Linde himsolfto enl] CTTKAPKR than can be boulit west ot' New York City. Open Face Cylinder Wütehes trom '86 to $] do do Lever do do 8 to 2 Iïunting Case do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinfler do do 9 to 2! Gold Wfiteliee trom 20 to 150 I have also the CELE BR AT E D AMERICAN W AÏCHES, whieh I wlll sen tir $35. Kvftry VVatch warranted to pert'orm wc 11, or tlie mon,iy retundcd. Cloclie, Jewelry, Pinted Ware, Fancy Goods. Gold Pens, Musical Instruments and títringa Cutlery, &c., and in fnct a variety of every '■hiner uanalïy kppt Sy Jew elers can be boughtforrhe next ninety days at yuur O W N PEIOES! Persons buyinfrfiïiythinf? nt this well known estab lishme ut can rely upon etting goods exact'y as rep rcsetitd, orthnmoney rrfunóVd. Oallearly and ee cure the'beat bargaine ever ofïered in thie City. One word in regard to Repairing : We nro prrpared to mnke any repairs onfine or com irion Watches, vvr.n to m.ikinac er the entire wntch If neceesary. Repairins; of Clocke and Jewelry m usual. Alao the manufècturlne of KINGS, BROOCHS or auythim: desired, from California Gold on short no tice. Enírravire in allita brsnehesexeented withneat neaa ar.ddiapatch. J C. WATTS Anu Arbor, Jsd. 28thtP59. 7L4w Important National Works, Published by D. APPLETON k CO., 346 AND 348 BR0ADWA.Y NEW YORK Tho following works are sentto Subscribers ín any pfir of tlvi country, (ujion receipt of pfice,) by ma.i or express. prepaïQ: THE NEVVAMrCRIAN CVCLOPiEDIA; A Popular Díctionary o I' Guer%l KnovKlfi,e. Kdited b Geo. Iïipi.kv and Charles a. Dana, aïdèfl by a nümeroui select corps of writers iu all branches of Si-ionrcs, .Art i rul Li! ei';; ture. This work is being publislied in ftboul ] 5 largo octavo volumes, pach containing 750 l u-o -column pages Vols. I., IL, III. , IV. V., VI., Vil., VUL, & IX are no.w rcady, each contüiuin}; neiir 2.500ortiunl art cifs. Au a-lditintiHi vuluiue viil be published once in about tHree moatiie . PricOjin Cloth, :$3; Fhcep, S3.50; Ifalf Russia,$4.50 eicb. . , Tlie New Amnrican Cyclopajilia Is popular without be.infl siijiétfieial, feamed wïlho'üt bèiug pedant ie, comprebensivf butsufflciently detailed, froefrom personal pique and party prejuiiict-, fresh and vet accurate. It isa statemextt of all that ift knnwn upon every important topic within the scope of human intelligence. - Every important article init bas bet-u specially written for its pagesby men whoareauthoritic'a upon thptopk ou wKico they speak, They are re quired to bring the snbject up to the" present momSnt; to state just how 1 st,;ui.l.-i nmo. AU the statistical inforraation is from the latcst ri'portR; the geogTaphloal keep peë with the liltest ox])lo!-ations; bistorical muiters include tlie freshestjust views; the biographical notices ed ak not onlv of the dead but also of the living. It is a librarv of 'tself AÏ5H1ï3GEI:MET OP THE DEBATES O2? CO.VGRESS Being a Politie al History of the United States, from the organizatioa of tho flrst Federal Congresa in 178 to 1856. Editedaod oompUed by Hou. Tho. Makt BENTON,from ihe O(ïïoi:il Recordé oí Congreea. The work wilï be coiaplated in 15 roval octavo volumes of 750 pages etich, 11 oi' which are now ready. Au additional volume will be pubÜKbed once in threemimths. Cloth," $3; Law Sheep, Half Hor., $4: Half Caif. $4.50 each, A WÁY OF rUOCUiïTXG THE CYCLOP-í:DIA OR DKBATfö Form a club of fout, and remit tho price of fmirbooks, and (ve copies wöl be sent at the remitter's expensefor carriage; or for ten subscribers, eleven copies will he sent at our expense for carriage. To Agri.-ts. No other work will so HbemUy reward the exertions of gots. A Acikxt waxtbd ín' Tins Cot'MY ïerms made Lnt)vn on application to the l'ublishors. Ann Arbor, Uaröb, 1859. 6902amt &$, Bbt. Tnos. 'Whiüut. agent at Kinne ft Smiths Büok Store, Ypsilanti. L am Bonnd or M. GUÏTERMAN & CO'S ! Disputo the fact if yon cíin, It takos the T AILOlt after all to give appearance to the onter man. If yon wish to appear cll You must acconliugly Dres? Well. Go to 81. Guiterman & Co's,, Thero you will find thinga exactly SO. SONDHEllf always ready to tuke your mensuro, GiJITEKMAN will sell you Goods with great plaasure, At figures L0WER than you will find in the State, Take heed - call eakly, else vou are too LATE. The inducements are now greater than ever, Our Cleres you will find obliging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own gisttino op, Filling our Store from Bottom to top. STUDENTS especially will find it to TH KIR ADVANTAGE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to ruplonish. ! 1500 OVERCOATS of Cloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for alinost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPORTAT1ON, Porwarded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Gennany and France, Suoh as you can stand up in, or weau, at the daoce. Pants ! Paiits ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy OASSIMERES and DOESKIN of every grade, We sell them iroïn ONE DOLLAR up tO EIÜUI. VESTS, &C.j of overy description, You will önd it so without fiution, Furnitihing apparels From SHIRTS to TJMBRELLAS. This ia all we say uovy, yherefore wb rnakij pyxi bow. í Tours tnily, ever so, : M. GÜITEKMAN. t Co., THE OLD CORNER EENEWED! with STOCK!,, NEW GOODS, &C. FARMERS' IW CMB STORE (At the old stand of Thompson & Millen.) I am now opening a carefully SELECTED STOCK OF SUPLE GBY'aOODS OONSISTIXG OP DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, & BLEACHED 3HEETINGS, CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, &c. and everything that is kept in a Domestio BCouse, also a fine assortment of BOOTS te SHOE3! AND YAIVKEE LOTIONS, A ful] stock of Í1EOCEEIES constantly on hand. FARMER'S PliODUCE ! Bcmglit and Sold. TLankfnl to old friends and customers foi past favors, I hope to mc-rit a share of their patronage, by dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (fonnerly with 0. II. Millen & Co. Ann Arbor, Oet. 1, 1862. 872tf G1TY , OO "Ltt SHOP. Wholesale and Retail, 6 C. SPAFFOÍ1D Woulil rospectfully annonns to the citizens ol Ann Arbur fmd vicnnty, tl wit lip is uoiv ir a nu Tac Lu ring and keepa constantly on h;; nil a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! such as Pork a ml Cárter Iïarrels, Kegs, Firkins, Churas, "VVell Buckets, &c, Which wilï besold cheap for cash. CTJSTOM WOIRIK: to order on short nutice. Repalrüg donu yiUi ïfütnesa aud dispatcht 1 would cali particular attention tü Mcrchants in vant of Bui ter Firliins rammanufacturing (lie IVewYaiU ltnte Flikln, vhicli isa lwtter l'irkin tban has ever befare bien oferctl inthi-s markit. I Wüuld invite all who want Ftruoa to Cali and exanine for tliemselves efoiepurchasingclsowhre, and I will couvinco you hat you have called at the right place. I wuuld also cali the attention of Brewera in want of BK ER KEGS, am now prepared to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls. in large or small Iota, and of a Better Quality han can be had in Detroit or elsewhere. J'-gPAll work warranted to give entire satis faction. Thankful for pist favors and by a strict nttontion to business, I hope to merii a continue.', liberal supplj of the public patronage. lo uot íurget to cali at tbe City Cfipper Shop; o. c. SPAFFORD. Detroit St: Ann Arbor, Mich. 8S8yl Auctioneers Hotice. BTRÓN GREEN, hartre appiied for rv license, now holds liimseli in rsadioesf) to attond to al] calis. llavinghadexpeiience, hoia posltive he can give good iati.sfaction. AU calis promptly attended to. Charges [easonable. Apply at thu Fraiikhu House. BYRON GREEN Ann Arbor, Oct. 24, 1S62. 8T5:f 1862. 1862. i NEWFALL GOODS! Now opening, a spiendid stock of New Goods ffor the Fall Trade at ! C, H. MILLBN'S Ann Arbor September 15, 1S62 870tf All Losses prompt Iy adjuslort MERCHANTS'TÑSURANCE C03 OF HARTFORD, GÖWM. Dgh Capital $200,000. ! Total AKsets, Jan. lat, 1802, $237,3S7.05 Liabilitie, .... 1;. 834. 09 MARK HOWARP.Piesidsnt. E. Tos. Loeueli., Secy. ■ a i The undersigned has been appcinted Agent for the toove reliable Company, and ivill effect insurance tgaijst losbetí by üru at reasonablerateR. i. J. W. KMGIIT. Aan ArbM-,Ju!,l6. ' SS3tt Shèriff's Salo. BY virtue of au fxt cuimn ií-Ma rl out (f and ucder the beal if the C;rcuit Co uil lor the County of Wahtcnaw a ml Male t)Mn4clripi] 1 ■ ' i i fr dsit tl. e , lïki iiii (.1c]iU n.iici -, )i-;9, inl t me lirected and delivered, againRi the goodand chattel. and for wast tlii'rciif iinds ;i ni! tentinenta oi Janus AiM'l'i, (WIcikiant therein minieil,i did on the 27th da y of September. lf-59, levy apon ana se.ié all tbe rigbt,fftïe and iniei est of the Bajd James AïdoW, ifl :u..i t the lollowicg deseribed rana Sxd premtoeö ío wit: fit ná led .s the Townsliip ui Ypisihui'i, ( nuil y i,! Wa.-ht, and State of iMici.igan, coininencii:;: at a stake on the wcat bank of the Huron Rivex. at the south -faal corner of French claim six hundied and eïghty, and running wisi(rly along thf sototh Ime o: lafd claim l the centre ut' the liiihway commonly ca lied the AJonroe Road, thence nottbeily aiomr tlu e ntcr of .aid road toa ]i"i:it t welve reef soüth and three rods west ot a certain white oak tree nbout twt-lvp inches throuj;h,niid oea ra Band hole;thenceeaslecly parallel yitb the houth Une oí said claílh o a stake on the Went bank of said nver ; tbcnee soutliorly along the vrst bank of wiil rives l'i the gi&ce of begicnixig, ining oot hundred and t-iffht aOTÍraore ot lesa, and booBded on the south by lauda ■ George Mj om u s,ou Ihe esfby taid road, ou the north by lande of .li hn W. Vancleve, and in the ■ i : -í-íiM rivér. ín tho ftou-ttty ui Wacluenaw and stal e of Miphisan, aU 1 whic!: pwmjses I shU for saféat puBlic auctücn, as íne taw directa, at the" front lnor of the Cnurt tln-Citv of Ar.n Arbor, tbat bing the plüce XjMivbolding the Circuit Court lor tiie Coimty 01 Waliton,.-v, on aluróay tlie lêlh day of April next, at oioven o'clock in the forenoon o f "said day. THÖSTAS F. LKONAKD, Lateihenff Dated, March 4. 3tG:i. 894td Chancery ííotice. STATE OF MICHIGAN- WBíth Judicial Circuit, in Chancery. p&mling in the Circuit Court for the county of Wajshf'enaw, in Cuancery, in tliecity of Ann Arbor, on hv íit lay Of March, A. D. 1863. In the case where n Mnrtha Riein is complainap. and William Stf in is dflfendaot. It Kppflaribg by atii daVit of Martha Stem that the defendant, Williaw Stein. ia not a rcsilcnt Of tbesiaic of Jlit-hian, (uit wh&o last heaxd f rom was a resiXent of :he State of Missouri On motion of Twitchell and Frazer soHcitors for coraphtfs ant. il is orde red that the aid Willuim tein cauf hiq appearañce to be enteredand no tice t herent to be Frre5 on complainant's spïitors withmtvp pojiihri froni the li.-iTc of this oriler, nnd in case of his appfatance that be cause bis anawerto the complainant-a billto filed andacopy tbereoftö be served on the compl inant'saclicitors witliin tweöty :ays aTtet a service of a bttpj oi said bilí ; ánd in defaulï (ner#of that the said biH vf complaint map be taken as confessed agalnt him. And it a farther or ered that withib tweutj i&ja from the date befödf the shí-1 omplainant cause a copv oftnis order to be publíshed in the Michigan Argiu.a nerspaper pïined :iu puhUahod in tbc ciiy of Ann Arbor in tlit' county of Washtenavand State of Michigan, at ieast onc :n eayh weck for six successive wedksj or that the complaiuant c&use B co;y hert-of to be prrson;il.y s(-rvt-iloi) the said .U-iendant Willijn Btein ;it lfwl twent dáys beiore the time prescribid for hifc appearance. GEO. DAKFORTH, Circuit Court CommÍ3ioner for W'ii-li. Co ,Mich. TwiTcurn. - Fr.-? r, BoHoiforg foï C mplaiirant. Dated .March lülh, lè-ïó. A true copy : T,;ACY W, ROOTjT.egister. 6tv896 ('ijiuieci-y Notice. QTATE OF MTi-ÏI IC X . '11. ■ drtm Cox r (tor tbe IO County oTWashJtenaw, Ín Chancery, At Cbatnbera before tion, F. L&rvn nca, GlrcnU -hul.!; o, at the (.'ourt House, in Anti Arbor, on the twentP-seventh dav o March 1803. J ALü.NZ ï CL4HB.J " VS ' L IjAban A, Sabqbajït, andotfcers ) It appearfn Wy affidavit to the satisfaction of the court il-U subponn eud rspondendum bas bun :.-su,..l in tnifrcaüie, direbrèd to (e deféö'dents hereïn. a ml tbat the same could not be served apon the said Laban A . Sarg'-ant, by reason of lus eontinued absence frnm tfiè Btate of Micbfgflcn, or concealment therein, and the court bcïnL sal i6ed that said Lu ban A, Bargeaïit s not now a resident of the State, and that his present iesidence is unknown: i)n motinn of' E. B. Wood. Sulicitor fox complftinant, ït b ordered hat tlie said Laban A. Sareant cause ln appf-arance to be entere1 in tbis et use, and notice tnereof to be served on c mpiainar t's solicitor, witbin tlnee nionths from the date hereof , and that ín case of bis appearance tliat he cause his answer to complainant's bill to br filed and'a S&p thereof to be strved on complainant'a (licitor wfthip twtnty dajn after ñervice oi a copy of aid h!i] ano in thereof said bill niav be taken as poijfessed bv him. U is firtl-er nrdered, that within twenty day's coroplainant cause this order to W publi!u-d intïIL M'chiean Argua, a public nevspaper pub!i.-}i-d ;t Anu Arbor,! in said Couniy, nv that sucli pHblieitipn_be contittttédinttrid paper at téast oricé ín eacfi week tor eighi Bccesive weefes, pr that be canse a eopj thereF to be porsonally Berved on the saM Laban . Anrgeant, at leasi twenty davc before the expirntion of the time ahuve prescribid oí hinappearance. K. LAWBKNCE, Cïrcnït Jïidffe. E.B. lVnon, f,,m ,.'., inavt" ?o3icïWt. Bv96 Estáte of Cntharine Fitzgfiald. OTVIKUF MlPHrUAN, County of Washtenaw. ss _ kJ At aseesionof the Probate Ooart lor the Connty of as hu naw, holden at tb 3 Probate Üfllcefiti tbe City of Ann Arbor on Fridaj thethird day ofAjü, in tlieyear onc tthowaod eight Êündred and s,ixty-three. l'resênt ThTimaa Niode,Judge of 1' róbate. In the matter of the Eitate of Cttharine Fitz-erald deceaséd. ' JfcBiPe McMahdn, ftdrriföfet-ÏTor with the wil! annexed on the-JCstate of .-aid decia.-fd. comus into court end represédtl rhat he is ifow [nAied to rei] der hl b final account as such A.lmini.-trai' r. TlicM-eup'in it is ordfi-LxMhiit Friday, the eighth dav of iay next, at ten o'clock in the forenaoo, bf eigDed foYtbe hearing öfsiia account, and tbat the deviüees leñatees and beira at law of .-a;d deeased-, uni aU uth er pernoiiá interested in said eutat , are required to ap. pear at a seafaï&n of raid Court. rben to be holden atth Probate Office, in the City of Ano Arbor re said County aod slioweauo, if any tliL-rt-bo, wby the Haid account shouid not be aUAwed : And it is fuituer (rdcred . that stfid A ministra tor (,ive notice to the persons intejrested in sai ' estáte, of the pendency ot aaid account, and fho hearing thereof, bj cattsina copy of, tlüsOnter o be published in the M ichfgan Argva , á iiewapaper printed aaá circulatiní insaidCountyof Washtonaw, tiuee ucctssiw weeks, prêvióoa (o Ba"ia day ot hearing. (A true Copy.) THOMAS NIXDE, Jutlge of Probate. líeal Estáte for bale. STATE Oí MICHIGAN, Couniy of ss.- In_the matter uf the Estáte of Laura 1U Todd , of the Cjtyj,ofNew Vork in thu Matu ol'Xew Yurk, Minor Notice 13 hereby given , That in pusuancc of morder grnt'-! to the undur-iigned,Thma,s Cooley, Guardian Jf tftEdtate of aaid minor, by the, Hon, -lurge (,f Probate t-r the County o! AVabtt-naw, on the Mxth day of April, A I) 1863, thüre wtirba soló" at public vemlue, to th ■ hih'ïst bidler, at the south docrof ibe i'ourt House in the ( ity Of Ann rbor in tjie County of Washt aw, in sak Ööite of .Michiiran, on Saturday the twnty thixddajöt May A. D. 1863, at onc o'clock in ihe tterneon of tliatday. (.-utiji-ct to al! encumbrances by Lortgage or othcrwise existing al the time of the sale tefollowing described Real Estáte o wit: All thoié certaia nieces or parci-ls u!' ian.l sitúate in thu City o f Ann At bor, in the County of Washtenav and Lt?te of Michigan tnown and designated as löta bvrnber fifteen au 1 si 5 teen in block nambn live south of Hu ron ötreet, Bange Eight East, accordiug to the recorüed plat thereoí. THOMAS M. COOLEY, Guardian. Dated at Ann Arbor, April 6th,lS6. [ . liiíle F actor y! Beutier & Traver, [Succes.sors to A. J Suthprln'i.] Manufacturer8 of and Dealers in 6uns,Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pomhes Game Bags, and Everjother artlcle in that Line. All kindc of f n33rj4.iniKrc3Llone .it tho sBOrtèbt DOtice, nul milio bost inanuer a full assortment always kept on hand and made order. U3=. tfbopon Uuron street. Ann Arbor, Oct. 8, 18G2. 873tf Oval Picture Frames A LLSIZES, STYLES and l'KICES just roceivtd aiid ix forsale oheapat siOHOFF & MILLEE'S. 1860.Dee.25, 780tf Fruit and Ornamental TREES, rr low PEicES. mHE SÜBSCRIBERS,lr9 now prejiarcd to rrceive nr. X i&n for all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Tr,ees, Shrubs. Plaats, Flowers and Arines of every descrijition and varkty. foi theFall of 18'i2 and Spring of 1S63. - Wc have a Iarge stock now crowinp, and ínteúd to make largi' minlt;itonrf frola time totimg as tlie wants of thé fuuntrv ilt'mand. W't' invite the peojile to limke themselves acquainted withobr doingbusiness, before purchasiti el.-ew liere. We wairant uil va. rieties to be true to name, and to be vitforous aüö h ca i tli v specimens. All coinmr.nical íom vv : 1 1 bc prrmp.t-i ly responded to. Our tiilïce is in Hogjis 'Arioli!tu'ii Store, Detroit st., Ann Arbor. llich. I DuBOTS, CAKE & CO. AnnAr'.or.Junc 24,18fc. 658tf FOR SALE. O"k ACCEP of ivc-.lUnt timbered land- the S. K of O'' N W. ■ .pf.Seo. 2. Town 5 N, B,ngi 3 w., Clinton ('onnty. l( i i;i a pmid neiirhborlioud, about imix' mi es froni DeWitt and ten from Liinsing. For terms iuquirt at or addreas. AUGUS OFFICE. Jan 20th,1863. 8&8tf _ Dissolutio Notice. THE CO-PAKTKËRSHÏP heji ■■'! under jne flrm of I.oomi ie Tripp is this day dissolved by mutual consent, . -. Wá. I. I.OOMIS, CHiS.TBIPP. Ana Arbor, ?eb. I, 1S8S. Hn


Old News
Michigan Argus