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Chancery Notit e. OTATKOF MTCillGAN, the Fourth Judicial Circuit, ira o i. baneery. fcamh M. Eno, Complainant. "1 vs. L OrvtBa C. Eno, Defendant. J Sut pewÜngtb the iretrttCóurt, for tbe County of Wa.-.hir.iia,w,iii Cliaueory, at Anu Arbor, on tbe iMh day. of Airi , a.I) 18t-3 It satfcf&ctorlj appearïng to tbe undersígne Circuit Court i mmuwiotiw 'v-r t-aid eeunty by afiidavit that the above bamed defendattt i nut a reuldentof thi.i Hate, bul tl. at he is a resident of Ihe State of New Yd]l. On motionaf Julm N, Goit. tulicitor lor cotn[iliiinani, it i!i-ril Tl.;il tlic na ld 1' ■fi-mlant, Orville u, Kim ciinsc ]u eppediaDee ïd tbTa cft'Otefo be nteftdl wiUiin two inontliis iH'in tbe dal' of ibis order and in case of h Bppwura oce li' ei uae hts answer to m-m plaioantsbil' to be ITIed añd a copy theref tobesenred ■ ui c(iini)lnii:a.nt's soücitur withtD twcnly ay aftei the service of a copy of :ii! bil] and notice ol ibis ordeï, and in lefau!t tbereóf tliat the saifl bilí be takfn as con eí-seí1. by tbesaid ('efent.aiit Orville C. Koo ; and it is tur tli er ordered tb at w i tb in twt nty dajs aftei tbe makinjr of thie order, tlie ftíd coptftiBant canse a c]y of tilia order to bo publisheü in tbe Michtga% Argus,n DW8pper püblfobcd in eáld couniy.nud ihit -aiit nn be ccntinued In aaid paper, at last nce in etch week, for sis ireeka in Micci-ssiun, or tbat i se á copy of this order CO be personal y .-ti ved on the sard dffendant at ïeaint twenty d.-iys bef.ore the time above prescribed for bis .ippca ranea. A true copy. ÜjEQ. DAKFUU'IU, Cir. Ct. Com, John N . (ott, Wasb.Co. Complainant Policitor. 9Ott4. Adminietrator's 8ate. CJTATKOF MK'llKiAX, County of Jacksnn, 8. O in the mattar of tbe EataU ot Julm w. Flshereceafted : Notie is hrreby given, tbat by virtue ofa lici'iisc to me grauted b Josepb !■) Beebe, Jmige of tbe l'robate C'ourt lor tlie Coonty nf Jacksoa n toe tate of Mic:i;írin, I Bhaïl exposé tor aale ov Satui-.lay, tlic sixth (6) dáji ot'June uext at ten o'cluck in tbe fore coob, un the preinisejj in the Couatj of Warhtenv, tke toilowing de.scribed parcel of land to wit : Tbe Kast half iif uu' XoivU west qiüirttT of the Nurtb-vat ir;ic: ioiiiil quftrter ol sectioii four, Tcwn three South range threo, c ntuiuing twenty sevtn acres of laad more or lesa. Al.OXZi) FARCO, Administra tor. Dated, Grass Lake, April 18tb, 18üit. Sale. ÜEFAULT baring been m.niti in the condición of a certain uiortgae, execated by Nichofcu Ooody and Bridget Doodj, bis wite, ol Lexter, .Michigan, to John Rabbit, of thesamu place, riated tie thirtieth d;iy uf. June, A. Í.)., eighteóu huadrted and sixly, and r cordech tlie third day of Juiy, 160, "' the oilice of the ltegitr of Oeeds yl tüe County of Washtenaw, .-ríate of Michigan, in Líber '1 o;' Morigaes, on page i3, at two, o clocK in the atternooo, vnich said Mortgage was du ly Hs.sigtÍL'il Ijy nií JkJui Rabbit to Kiehurd Waish, br deed oí ci.s.siiiini-ii! , b áring date thc :M day of Jan ruary, A. I lt-O';j,and recoréeú in the said uflice of the Kfgiíter ul L)etds for said County of M'aslitenaw, on ihü til ti. day oí Marcb A.D 163, at two M&d a half o cl&ck in the illi-i ■ímnn, n Líber 27 oi MttitgagM, on page ya ; apon wfeiehmertgage thereis damnd tobo' due, at the date oi this nutice, the sum of oue hundred eighteen -dollars and sevuty ima cents ($H8.7-J)f bb4 u sait or proceediag ;it law havmy been msiituted-. to recover nny part tbercol Kotiee, is ilierefore, litreb ivfii, thitt .on -atuniiiy, ine lStíi day J'ily nvzt, at V o'elocfc, nwon, I sha.ll piíl at pobLc aiictií'ü, to t!n; higiif-t bi'lk-r, at tlie iront door oi tlieíort Il'nme.iii fie i'Áiy oí Ann Arbor, Couuty ot Wahhtenaw, the pre mises contalsecl in f.aid mortgae, oí so inucli thereof as hall be oeoefcsary to sati-iiy tbeumonnt áae en í ;iiil moi tage 'tli ten per. cont i u teres t and legal eosts, tqjfttber with all citarjEBs asan Atiornty fee ooen nte.i tu: therein, 'that n tosay, all thoae crtain trac s ur par cois rf land, 6ituíit( d in the viilage of Dexter, Cuuuty and átate atore-. Síiid, known, trouijílcii, uva de.sciibL'd as follows, to. wij: One parco) beginMbg at the west cerner ofí land 80ld M John WaWo, in block 1H f .-aíd villnge, by a contract Irom Samuel W liexier to the said Joba Wa Ido, and bearing date tb'e 28t.h day oi July, A. I). 1843 , thence south-eaetírly on Llic Aun Arbor road '-tí leet; thence south 39 dej,'rees west 8i leet t, an alkv 10 teet wíiie ; tleuce wetterlv n the north line of said alley to the ivj-t line af said Waldu's land ; thence Qortherlj on said ÍV ldo:s west Hoe te the place ut' be gíning ; ihc sami lói ct Qtractl by tbe saií bitiiiuei W. licxtcr taJohn Van Fie, hv ctntraet beat íog date the -Int d.y ríMay; A . íj. , 184. Alo that Oiiier'pjirc-l ul and, cnminencing at a stalxf n ihe 'Ana Ajrbür roa'!, 2S feet .-tmth eásterlj i'rora the northwe.-t coroer of the tract oí l&ud, on block 18, wbich tbe waid Uexter contra cled to Jul.n Waido.un thc 2&tAi l;iy of -f uly 18 '3, aud íuj.niug t henee outh 64 dfgrees, eattt lió feel and 7 iaefacs oa the soutU line oí said Ann. A rbor road ; tlu nc stmtJj 3U degreeu wst 1 tiei to au, aHey lfí feet wiáe ; ".henee aiong aliey nt.rih fi4 flegroea wet 25 feei and 7 oches ; t bou ce north 1.9 degre.-s eat 81 íetrt to theplaee uí (n-yinning. :; Datud, Aun Arbor, ■pril 2d 18i 3. BU HARD WALSfl, GEO. M. DAXFORTH, Asgn oi Mortgage?. Attorney. 901td 5fEwaooDsT FOR Spring Trade f I am umv receivin un cutiré Xuw Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS STRAWGOODS CHOICE GROC2RIES .. BUYERS WITH CASH IN HANO are partieularly invited to examine my Síock of PP.INTS, PHEETI.VGS, DEX1MS, PTRII'E SHIKTIXGS TH IKIXGS and all DOMESTIC GÜOUS AU bought for NET CASH since the Xïeoliïie In Gold. AND RUMOKED FALL OF CHAKLESTON". JOHN H. MAVXARü. Ana Arbor, April 22n 1863, C ARP ETS, OÍLCLOTIIS, CANTÓN MATTIXGS, Largest & Best STOOK in the city. Just Heceived at IIENION & GOTT'S.. Ann Arbor, April 23, 1863. 901tf: 1868. 1868. SPRING COODS! AT leduced Fr ices! Just receiving at C. H. MÏLLË'S MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR. April 17, 18G3. 4w900. n'n - MAIVHOOU; nO WLOST, BOWRESTORED, Just Publisftert, in a Sealcd Enirbip'. frvx Six C.mis. A Lecture on Ilie Nature, TjYtment in Rodicsl ('ure f Spermatorrhoe or Seminal Weaknes, tJcximi De-' lilitv. N'TVíHisucss. íiikI Involunt.uv Emlssions, inJucinu tapulancy, ConüuinpUon aml Mentul and l'hj-sical Dubllity. BY ROB'T J. CUI.VEKWKI.L, M. D. The important fact that the awful consciuencc of 8eU ïuay be cffectuallj removí! llwui. ínter,." nal ine'licÍQ"& or the il.ingeroiiH application of caustics iuMiumeiit-i. m'Mlicatea bobgl, aní other emijiricat ,1, 'vires, s here clearlv demomitrated, aml the rntirely. new aml higbly 8ucoe8fiil tte&tm'ent hs a.lojtted bj. I he elelraleil anthor, fully expiainer], by incans of whicli t-vt-rv one is eoabled to cure hinjself perfectíy aal at the least posüfblf eot, therehy évoiding all th ,ulverli.d,nLiu, of 1he (hiy. The lecture W.ÍU pupve a boon to thousamls aml thnusands. rient im.lei seal, in a phün envelope, tp ay mldres, po paid oa re.-eipt of twopostage stanips,by address,n,toepuU.hcr8. rHAS c KUN-K & r0 , 9UOtf 1?T Buwery, Ne Vork, Post Office I)qx,-U8U.


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Michigan Argus