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3N"EW BOOT & SHOE KI ,. f? 'S, N. B. COX.B, (Succesaorto Mnore & I.oomis ) has opin'.l .1 store in FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Mam strcet, Ann Arbor, and has on hand a largo aasciiiiicnt of BOOTS, SH0E3 & RUBBERS, manufactured trom the bost material inl warranted o give satfsfactiou , conaiating ol MLN'S KIP, CALF AND TH1CK BOOTS, Di UBIE SOI-ED. MENS Bilt FALO OVERSEOES, of all descnptions. LADIES GAITEBS, Morocm Bootees, Halmoriiln. Feil Overskoes, and Rubbers. Alsn, ïïoy's Kip, CHlf&Th'K'Ii Boots, togetlier wilb a variety of CHILDUEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. I ,.in atso Mnnufacturlng WARÏiANTED BOOTS & SIIOES. Meii's Fine Freiwhi Ctilf Boo s Pegged and SewedL Givemeacall befnre purclnising elsewhsre. I will soll my KOofls ctieap Tor ca!i. REPAIllING NEATLY DONE AND ON SOORT NOTICE. N.B.Cfïï.R. Anu Artor.Jan. I3th, 186S. 8S7tf WONDERFUL BUCCEfcS. jüjr The attentioo and research of the most üsMuguished Chemists and Physiciaria tor yars haTe. beéndevotedtbihe production of a remedy for thise mostdistressing maladies NeRAI.cia and I' Alter long (tudj alld many experhn.'iits, a sptxifir. preparatiov has been discuvered. WATSON'S Neuralgia Kiiiü.an Interna!. Remedy, is curing tkoueaiids of caws whereall fttherreijiedifls have ntte-rly failed. Weare assured ttrat it is no nnre " ANODYNK," relwvrag for the moment whilethocaus remniti. but is a perfect SPECiKICand CURE fot thoise painfol digeses. The vast number of Linhnents, Embrncutiona and Kxtornal Uediolnea wWeh act as stimulants of tlie surface or.iy, aretneTely temporal y In ittr effêcti and of dnubthil virtue The KWG reachss the souroe of all tronWe, and eilcctually banislu-B the dtoeaw from tlu'syifin. l'rice- One Dollar per Bott'.e. Prepared hy C. R. WALKER, lj-887 Buffalo, N. Y., nd. Fort Erié, C. V. I am bouïid for the SHOËING SHOP! J. 0. tíUÜTHER & R. A. JOHXSON, Blaoksmitbs. Will do Horse Shoeingand all kinds oí JobWng ra tlieir line ai the aborteat possible notice. Also CftTriage ind WagoaWork done to order, and sa-tisfaction given or no pay. CHEI.SEA, Washténaw Co. , Mich., Feb. 2. '63, 3mS90 Tcba cco ! Tobacco ! I AM SEIX1NG GOOD FINE CÜT CHEWING TOBACCO At from Fft y cents to $1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From 1 1 cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Ann jUbur, Mich., De . 17; 18C2. 883tf lüackwood's Magazine AND TUE British Reviews. IH1IOES ril 13 AP AS EVER, TO THQSÍ fIIO PAY PRO.iPTLY IX AIIYANCE. Notwithstandir.g the cost of Reprlnting these Pêriod icals has mort' than doub'.cil in ci'ii.-i'quence of the cnurmous riae in the price of Paper and of a g'iwral advnnce in all other and notwithatarid'ng otber publish ra are reduein the size pruncreufihag tinprice of fcheir publicationo, we shall continue, for the year 3í(3, to iiirnishours compLte, aa heretüfore, at the old rates, vr.. : - TUF IiON'DON QÜARTERLY (Consjrvative), 3 THE EÖISBURGH REVIEW (Whig) THE NORT1I BP.IT1SH REVIEW (Fiee Churoli). 4 THE WÍSTMIN9TB REVIEW (Liberal) BI.ACKWOOD'S KDIXBL'Kial MAGAZIXE (Tory). TERM.S. Per ;t n n . Foriiny oneof tho four Review, - - - $3 00 For inytwo oi the four RtiviewH, - - - 5 00 For uiytlirec of tlie Reviews, 7 00 For all foor of tlie Reviews, - - - 8 00 ForBlackwood e Magazine, - - 3 0- Vot Blackwood and nè Review, - - - 5 00 Fnr I ;i;irk "i] ;i ml l wm Ücvifws. - - - 7 00 ForBlackwooilaad threeHeviews, - - 9 00 por lil;icl;woHl;tnl tlie fo&r Be views 1 - -■ 1000 These will be our nriccs to all who pay prior to the lst of Avril. To t'i'ise whn (Jefer paying till af'ter that time, the p rices will be inopék?ed to sllö pk tent as the ncreased gostof Reprint muy deioaud - thert:f:i-e, SEN'D IX YOUR ORDERS AND BAVE YOUH H)XL:Y. LEOKARD SCOTT 00 , ï'ul.lishcrs, No. '8 Walker Street, New York. FAEM FOR SALE ! o I olfcr for sale my farm Bituated n the Townsïiip of Sciu, in Washtenaw C"inny, gn the mam road ruin Ann Arbor t Jackson', ibout Five miles West of Aun Arbor, anJ threeanS a balf miles from Déxter. The Furai uunÜM 11ILNDRED & XIXETY ACRES OF LAND eoraposed -i-nnv.üy of a gravelly loam, susoeptlbifl of bèing vorkex) in wet or ihy wtütUer, is weli watorcd by a ti ving Btrtam. 1 ettoatly uner imptovemfnt, wood lamí sufiieieDi for hv fataí, buiUHn ,-ml fencpa t'U-.'íibl v .Mii. nrfiNir-l liuf_' l'rnit. All ol whicb wil! be buIÍ cbean, anfl liftlf of purchaa money ay on bond nuil murigage for a ttrm of yearp. J. 1J. M. ANDERSON. fic.o, March 30, 1863. 3m89fi loe, Ice, Ice! rSHALTj commoace Icliveiing lee im or fcbouttb iir-,1. of M;iy t.cxt aml troulU beglftd Iq furni-li ;i 1 ' ptreons wiftbing ïo atni endeavor t. yive aati t all ■((() inav ;ivur me with their orders. Families furaiabed 20 loa per. day ap te .Inly lart dri Sl,DOpeF numih. AIut JuJjf lut, $1.50 ni. ;i'!i Extra .puntilles 20 cent pur lOtt ths Hotels, Batch era ftna3nltOBt stipplie&aR beretofortt. Pavmen' rquirüd ;it tho expira t ion of eacb mnoíb. oot paying their inlls wiiliia reaaopb!ethnt after presentation, the supply nf tee wíl) be stnpppn. ( l.KMKNT U THOMSON. Ann Arbor, Marcli 19, lSiVá, 6w896 SPSCIAL NOXIQK. AaHWBBWitt NOTíCE íh bereb.y giveo that a'n assessnwnt of thirl; pt r ct'iit. n tii e capital sto (beiug tfie st'cond u stailment) has thts day been opperen by the (feta rd Oiri'ctcrs. Ï he sume wiil be due attd pajahQ on tli lsii;iv (ifMuv lux', tö Vplney OhapiD, Prea.AoD Arbor. Lty Order uf tbe Board, t'. 11 M1LLKX, Sec'yj;? i.m. Ann Aroor, March 19, Igtí3. Ayer's Caíliaríic Pilis, THE REBELLIOJNï ON HIGH PRICESFOR CLOTHING, HAS COMMENCED AT TJIE OLO & RELIABLE CLOTHIiyG emporitim: i No. 3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. rAM now oponing a lar ge and varied nssorlment of Spring and Summer (Joods, and ia view of the rebellion on highpricesgnataU7fWill offer tbera tomyfriends and ouBtomt-rs at the very lówest figures tur Casli. - in want of a superior article f Clutiis Cassinicros, or Beady-Made Olothing, -will cali onwsvi. wAcryER, who has just retnrncd frnm the East, with a lorgc .assortment of SPRING & SU MM ER GOQDS whieh Jiavcbeen purcliaaed atthelale IX) W PEICES! and cannfTer them at a lower figure than ever before. Amongmy Assortment may be found BROADCLOTHS, OASSIMERES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of .all descriptions, together with a superior assortment oí Itenciy-Macle Clotlllng, ffli-v. s,wvTRUXKS, CARPET BAOS, ]KS-r4f UMBREI.LAS, an.l mSSGeiiUemen's Furahsiüng ' witli numonitis other articTes USualïy found in similar establishment. As an EM PORTO M OF FASIIION, the subscriber flátters himself , that his long experience and general auccegfij will onable him to give the greatest 9'atisfaclioH toalï whomay trust liim in the way oi EF Manufacturing Garments to order. WM. VfAQSER. AnnArlior,AplM9thlS62. 84Stf THE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES WILL be for the Healii g of the Nations. BibU. THE GREAT AND rKI.KBRATF.n l'UVSin AN of the THKOAT.LUNOS, HEART, LIVfcK AND ÏHE BLOOD, Known all over the country as tlib CELEÜItATKD HSTEH-A-KT HE3B.33 DOCTOB 1 Of 32 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit the following places, viz APl'OINTMKN'TSFOR 1882, 1863 and 1R64. Prof R. J. ' Lvons can be cousulted at tho fnllowtng places evcry moi.tli, viz: Detroit, Hussel House, oach ïnonth, 18th and 19th. Ana Albor, Monitor House, each mouth, 2(Kh. .JacliKon, Hibbard House, eacb month, 21. Adrián, líracket House, each roonth 2d and23d. Toledo, Ohio.Colhns House, each month, 24th, 25th, and 2öth. Hillsdatej Mich. , Iliilsdalc House, eaih month, 27th Coldwater, Mich., Soutnei'n Mickigaa Iioue, each month, 28th. Elkhart, Klkhart House, each month, 29tti. Siuth liend, Ind., St. Jo. Hotel, each month, 30. Laporie, Ind., Tee Garden House, each njouth 3lst. Wooster, Ohio, Crandell Exchauije, each inontii, 7th aqd 8ili . Manslitld, Ohio, Wiler House, eich month, 9th and lOth. Mt. Vernon, Kenyon House, each month, llth and lith. N'ewark, Ohio, Holton House, each month, 13th and 14 th, l'ainesville, Ohio, Cowles House, each month, 4th C1.KV1-.1.AN1), OHIO. RKSim-.NSK AN') OFFICE, 282 SUPEIiJOR SÏHEET. Kast of the public square, opposite the Postoffice. Ofliee dnyü each moulJi, Ut. t 4th, 5tb, tith, lüth.- Office huurs Irom 9 A H. to 12 M. aud from 2 V. M. to 4 I'. M. OnSun.liiyfroni Ü tolOA. M.,and 1 to 2 P. M. adherí to - I glvé such balm as liave no strife, With nature or the las of Üfe, With blood mr hands I never stain, Norpoison men toease llieir pain. He is a ph y sitian indeed, whn Curm. The Ind ia ö Her. I'octor, R. J. LYUN'S, cures the fnl lAirlng compiaintü in the obstinate sia&es of thuir exist nee, viz; l)isi.;ise,s oC t'ue Throat, Lungs, Ilcart, Livcr, Storaach, ]ropsy in Ibe Chest, Kheumatism, Neuralgia, Fits. or F:tIln;;íMCÍness,anilall other nervousd&mtigements. Also ;ill diseasCit of the blood, mich as Scrolula, Krysip■■las Cáncer s, Fever ores, Leprosy, and all other coraplicateO chronic complainis ■ All forms of female diliiculties attended to with the results. It is hopert that no one will despair of a cure until theyliavegiven tb.eln.dian Hürb Ductor's Medicines a fair and faithful trial. í,Duríng the Doctor'; travcls in Europe, W't ÏAdies, South America, and the United States, lie has been the instrument in God'a hand. to reytore to health and vigor thousauds who wert i;ivoiuíp and pronouneuii incurable by ihe most eminent o ld school physicians; nay, more, thousamls who were on the verge of the grave, are now living to the Indi;-n llerb's Dootor'f skill and Buccessfu] treatment.andare daily exclainiing: "B'esaed- in'.lht-day when saw and purtook of the IndianHorb Öoctor's medicine.'3 fatifactor referenctóséf cires will. be gladly and chetrfuUy giyen henever rrquived, The i'octor piedles his word and honor, that he will in no wise.directly or indirectly, induce or cause any invalid to take his medicine without the strongest probability of a cure. g= Mode uf examina tí on, which ia entirely different from the laculty. l'r. Lyon profe.sses to discern dieeases by the eye. He therêfore aská no rpiestions, nor doeshfl tequirfc putteotsto expiáis sjmptoms. Cali one and all, tnd have the symptoms and location p.f your discase t'X]laiiiedfree of cbarge. ITlii' poorsliaü be libera íly considpred. ftí-Postüíllce address, box 2f,f3. R. J. lA'OXS, M IX Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25. 1862. ly80 (Hssbliüiou JVotice. THE CO-1'ARTNKRSHII' heretofore existinj; underthe firm of I.oumU & ïripp }ü this tlay di.ssolved by mutual consent. WM. L I-OOMIS, CHAS.TH1PP. Ann Arbor, Feb.2, 186:5. 8ÍJlm3 FOR SALE. n. ACRES of exrrllcnt timbt-red land- the S, % o ö' " N W. % of Seo. "2, Toun 5 N. Range 3 W., Clin tonOminty, Itisipagood nfighboihoud, abont fou mi es from PeWÍtl and ten from Lansiny. För terni inquire at or address. ARGU8 OFFICE. Jan 20thTïfi61 8S8tf iiuctioneers Kíotice. BVIÍON GREEN, havfag applied for a license, now holds himseil in raadlntsp to altend to all calis .- Hu-ving hadexpeiisnce, Ucis positive he cun give good satisfactie . Ail c;il:s promptly atteoded to. öha-rges, laasonable. Apply at the Fraukhn House UYRON ORE?N. Ann Arbnr, Oct. 24, lfif2. - tí" t f Trueses ! RUPTL'RK (JAN BK CUftED RrV A TRUSS of the rigbt kind, if properi-y Öited, a?d dulj'áttenáed te. Thla bas btfn abucdaatty deLonntpatej} in innunwr ble instanceibjí tke une of the Muitipcdni Trusa il lr. Xïi'is, ilunny: tli, ■'.. lew vr.irs. Ttiis Truss beiDE cOveíea iHth flard Rtrbbcr, s perfecily vnftkrproof, m;iv be ueri iu tiauag, aml, always cleanly as .wel] is iii'lcsti-iii-,iM' bv ordiriary usage, lf not satisfiictnry aft er a fair tria'l I' sity Uije, it may be rt ■ tuFHÍd. It ehallengtï) cuuiiarisuu with any trusfl knmtfï. Dr IllüGS' u'Mcí', No. 2 JiARCLAY Street. NewYurk. , fcSölf jLttention Company! -'iMIKlinn of Níooro ,t Loömis, are now efóetog ou 1 Eheir business in t ;.ii city. and all those intU bied f the lirni, cit her by or book account, art; respee lully in'vitetl tp cali and scttle the same imnieiliatil and 8vi After tlie lüth, inst.. Ihe book fin3 acooÜnts of said firm will be left wifh Mr. . I 1 Nlè, onO door nortb o) Messrs. Kohoff & Müler LiiXtksiore, PrankUn Block, Mflio i.s tluly autburizedi settle tliu same. UOOIUS & LO0MÍS. Ann Arbor, Jan. 7th, 1803. fc86tf Lost. ON Saiurtlay. Man-li I4th in tbis city , a Wn Het, er i tainiug a Xotc givoia by Jcob ü angst ' rfpi to Ge Bush or bftrer, n me timé iii -lanuary, IR :i, paya h in one year. AUpereoiiB av eanttoned a.irainst pu obaaing tbe same, as paymuori has dt-tMi Btapped, rAftsonable roward II b paid for the return of Wa let and Note, or the Note. bv896. ci-orcF Pln Ayer's Sarsaparüla


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Michigan Argus