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Democratic Testimony

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T!ie time for politicians of either proetavery party to cry out soccessfully, "Abolition is dying away - the next clection will be the !n.t of yon" has now passed. The onword progress of Liberty principies U loresecn und predicted by the ablest stntesmen of both par ties, and is nn'icipated with dread by the sluvelioldcrs. Tlie following notice h fmm iho Deniocra'ic Review, one of the nblest pi büeations of thnt party. The proposnl to recede the Pedoral District to Virginia and Maryland is n itt-elf an evidf nee thot tbe slaveholders are afraid to meet the issue of Aboltton in the District fiurly ond fnlly.- They would put the District out of their hands for fear lest elavery should be abolished in its burders. We lmve room in tho present article for but few words moro. Nw that the TwentyFin li Rule has been rrteinded - now tbat Abolitionists feel themselves thus ttrengthened nnd stimulnted- now that tlie overthrow of the Wliigs has disengaged stich vast numbers of persons from their former relations and object:, who constitule the recruiting maleïiul for thnt p.irty - an now thnt the subject of slavery has been thiiB nationalized by its owii very friemls, in a mode obnoxious in so mtiny wnys to the public sentiment of the fren Siates - therecan be no doubt that more vehement and jimverful agUation of JïboUtionism willtake jdace thmhas yet heen ftnoúni . It wil! pour and preas the new Congress, in the forin of de.-mnd for acfion more or Jess ürect as the subject of slaveiy in the Districtof Coliimbia. It will cali for its aboluion tbere - for the aboütion of the slave trnde - for the proliibition of the introducüon of slaveu io the District. These (iemands will be nrged wkh a forcé that has never yet attached to tbem, in conspqnence of that collective national respnnsibility for the institution, in the eye3 of the whole world, which has lately bpen spread over the wholc North, East and West, by the South itself. We see I tit one way of quieiing or avoiding this og-itntion of which that miserable povertj'-stricken little 'en Miles Square must cont'nue the fatal round, opportunity and excuse. Let it be ven back to Virginia and ftlarylaod. It is erfectly useless to the Federal Government. f thought by any desirable, Congrees could till retain sufficient contingent authority to erve for its own protection against mobs, if uch dangers should ever aris?. It could reain the ownersliip of all public buildings and roperty with ampie gunrantees of its own independence, against any possible danger that could ever assail it.''


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