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I ■ I - ■ Fairbaxks' Scales.- Having learned that in sonie cases, persons with whom we liave no connection whatever, have been traveling through the country represenüng' themselves as our agents, or as selling scales made from Fairbanks' patterns, &c, we deern it proper to say tbat the genuine Fáirbanka' scales are made only at Saint Johnsbury, Vermont, where they have been made for thirty-three years or more, by E. fc. T. Fairbanks & Co., the original inventora, and that others represented as such are only imitations. If the agents for such other scales have confldence in their merits, they would have no occasion to resort to such means to sell them, or avail themselves of a reputation which the Messrs. Fairbanks have honostly earned. All our traveling agents will be furnished by us with certiflcates of agency, wbich they will be happy to show to purchasers with whom they may not be personally acquainted. FAIRBANKS, GREENLEAF & CO. Chicago, April 23d, 18G3. MICHIGAN (DEXTRAL RAILRQADJ Passenger trains now leave Detroit, Chicago, and the several Stations in thibCuunty ,as follows : GOIXO WEST. Leave. Mail. Dy Ex. Jack. Ac. N'ightEx. 630a. M. 7.5OA.M. S.OOp.M 7.4OP.M. Vpsilauti, 6 55 " 9.10 " 6.30 " 8.S5 " Aiin Arbor, 7 15 " 9.Í8 '; 6 55 " 9 15 " tkxter, 7.40 " 1" M. 7 85 " ■' Chelaea, 8.00 " " 7.45 '' " Ar. Chicago, 6.30 " 7.B0 j.. m. The mail train goes only to Michigan City. GOING EAST, Leavc. Night Ex. Jack. Ac. Mail. Vny Ex. Chicago, 7.15 P.M. 5.00 a. si 7 ;.'O a. m. Chelsea. 5.35 A.M. 3.05 P. M. Dexter, ' 5 55 " 3.25 " Ann Arbor, 4 .45 a. M. 0.30 " 3.50 P. M. 4.43 P. m, Ypsilanti, 5.05 " 6-55 " 4.15 " 5.P0 " Ar. Detroit, 8.05 " 8.15 " 5.40 " 6.Ï0 " Traim do not stop atfítations where figures are omittedin the table. Trains conneet at Detroit with the Great Western and (ïraml Trunk Raihvays of Canada, and the Detroit and Toledo, and Detroit and Milwaukee Railroads, and Cleveland Steamers. At tht Coinpany's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Jolietand I-afayette, thiouch tickets can be purehafted to all the principal cities and to-.vus ia the United Statei and ('añadas. LUXl'RIOUS SLEEPING CARS upon all oight train. Ruttan's celebrated Ventilating Apnaratus upon all day trains - -the best dust preveutativ' in use. R X. RICE,jeneral Superintendent. M. C. R. R. Office, April 17, 183. S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATI0N BITTERS. They purify, strensthen aod invigorate. They créate a heultliy appetite. They arean antidote to change of wr.ter and diet. They overeóme ellects of dis.sipation aud late bours, They ñtrcngthen the system au 1 enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breatti ann acidity of the stauiach. They cure dyspepsia and Constipntion. They cure Diarrhea, Choiura an 1 Cholera Morbus. They care Livor Cnmphiint ftpd Xervous Head;iche. They are the best bitters in tiie worlr . Tney make the tvcak man stroig, auil are exhausted nature's great rea t ore r. They are m;i de of pure it. Croix Ruin, Ihe ce!firateil Calisa1 a Bark, roots and herbs, andaré taken with the pleasureof a bevcrage, wühont regard to age or time of ilay. Farticuhtrly recnmraended to delicate persons rt-quiring a gentle atanulAiit. Sold by all Grocera, Druggit., Hotels and Saloons. P. H. DrakoA: Co. 202 Broadway. New York. íi]lA LYON'S KATHAIRON. Kathairon is from the Oretk irord, uKathro," or i;Kathairo," niguifying to cleanae, töjuvinato and restore. Thiw article ís vhat i.ts n mesigniües. Forpreberviog, restoriug and beautifyirift the human hair it is the most reinarkabie preparation in the world. It is again ow'ned ijud put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill and attention which gave it a saleof over one miliion bottles per aanum It is amostdelightful Hair Dressing. It eracicates scurf and dandrutï. It kceps tbc hcad cool aod clean. It makes the hnir rich, soft and glossy It prevenís the hair from fallingolTand turuinggray "It restores hair upon bald heads. . Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful hend of hair should use Lyon's Katharion. It is known and used throughout the cvilied world. gold by all respectable dealers. 6niS04 DEMAS S. DARXKS fc CO.,3Prop'rs, X. Y. HEIMSTRRETS Inimitable Hair Restorative. IT IS NOT A DYE, But restoros gray hair to íts oíígínal color, by flupplying the capillary tubef( ■iih natura! .sustenance, mpaired by age or disease AU instantaneous dyes are cnmposed of lunar caustic, destroying tbc vitality and beauty of the hair, and afTord of tliemselves nodiesing. Heimstreet's Inimitable Coloring uot only re.stores hair to its natural color by an easy procesa, but gïves the hair a Ijuxurlant JJrniUy, promotes its growth, prevent.- its faliing off, eradicates JandruiT, anl imparts health and pleasantness to the nrad. It hasstood the test ui' time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is constanfly inereasing in favor. Uaed b; both gentleman and ladies. It is sold by all respectable dealer, or can bc procured by thera of tlio commercial age uts, U.S. Barues k Co. Í02 Bmachvay, Xew-York. Two sizes, 50 cents and SI. 6mgiM O-TWENTY-ONE YEAUS AGO-o Mr. O. C, BarsT(U,a di-stinuished Cliemist and Druggistof theciiy of BufTalo, X, Y., invputed andmr.nufactured a coinpound known as BRISTOL'S BAÏ.tiAM OF HOARHOUND. which is a perfect specific tot COCGHS, COLD3, or aiiy BEOXCHÍAL or LCXG UlfTlCULTIES arisiiig from dam'p, cold, or sudden ohange of tlie weather. Evrry person who has ever taken BRISTOL'S BAL9AM OF HOARHOUXD, pronounces it tke best article ever invonted ; and so justly celebrated has it beeftme, that the market isalreacïy full of imita tions, counterfeits, and most dangerous compounds, under the name of Balsara of Hoarhound. Tlierefore, alway% bc ca re ful to cali for Bristoi's Balsam, and sco that his WRITÏEX sigaature is on the outside lnbel of he bottle. Mark.- This iavaluable Jledicfne has been now sonae twenty-one years before the pnbhc, and without any effort on the part of th proprietor, its saltí has becomrrery extensive, and is daity increasing. Tlie low price at which the Medicine is sohl (-23 CENTS) cnables A1,L to p-irtake of its bcaling qualitiea. C. CRO3BY, BUFTALO, N.Y. Sole manufacturer, to whom all orders should U addressed. For sale by al! rcffociable druggists. l;-eoT888 1 ■


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Michigan Argus