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From Suffolk

From Suffolk image
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Suffofk, Va., May 4. At 9 o'olook yesterday moniinoGod. Peck sent a torco of inmntrv, caval'y and arlillery across tho Nnnsémond River at Suöolk tu make a reouanoissance. They_ advaneed cautiously ii) t!ia old Petersburg turnpike, and wlieii two iniles out eucountered tho ene:ny's rifle pits, wHiob were thor oughly nianned. Tho Eighty-uinth New York nado a spirited and succossful chargo upoo the rebel works -and ötirried th'em afler a heavy rusistance, when the eneiny rotreated and {all baok out of range, leaving their ded and soirie wound'.id en the field. During this time the tlrawbridge and our anny gunboats were playing upon the eneaiy doing good exección. Tho tiharpabootera èecreted in tho woods. In ;ho afteruoop our troopa cariio upon a rebel masked battery, .situated two and a half miles nonh of Suffolk, and at 4 o'clock JDavis' maas battery and tho gunbóiit Briggs cominenced shelling it, aud after tiiirty minutes the rebuls retuined lire, which was kept up on both sidea uutil aunset, whoQ the enemy's battery was .silenced. Co!. King'goldj of the One Hundred and Third New York, was wounded whüe Leading bis regiment in front, and died during the night. The Chaplain of the Fifteenth New Jersey, was wounded. í Wtiile the above skirrrishing was n progrese, Gen. Getley erossed the Nan, soinoiid four miles böloiv Suffolk and encountered the enemy, and t was rumoced and believed tbat he liad captured a rebel batlery of eightguns and a larga mni)l)er of priscinors. This needs uonfirrrutioti. Scouts were sent from Suftolk yesterday on tho Suminerion and Ealonton Road. but discovted nothing of the enemy, and after going about six miles they returncd. ïhe enemy's rifte pits on the South Quay Road and in our front wers vacated yosterday afternoon and the troops left in great haste, taking their bnggage vit!i chem, evideatly having more important business elsewhera. Philadelphisi, May 5. A passenger wbo arrived here from Fortre88 Monroe, this aiternoon, snys ivhep he leit there yestorday, tliera was fighling going on near tíuffolk. A forcé of Union troops had been sent against some works the rebels were coustruoting. lt,was undorstood the rebels bad been diiven some distance, but no particulars are given.


Old News
Michigan Argus