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NEW BOOT SHOE TSJ'" HL :P O "' g N. B. COLE, (Successor to Moore &Loomis.) has openeda store in FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Main strect, Ann Arbor, and has on hand a large ashortincnt üf BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, manufacturad irom ihe bost materiul and warranled to jiive SHtibfuction, consisting of JIKN'S KIP, CALF AND THICK BOOTS, DUVBliE SOI-ED, MENS BUI' FALO OVERSHOES, of til! descnptions. IA-IDIJSS GAITERS, Morocco Bootees, Balmorals, Feil Occrshoei, and Rubbers. Also, Boy's Kip, Calf & Thick Boots, túgethttC wilh a varicty Of GHILDREN & YOUïH'S SHOES. I im also Dlniiufacturlng WAEKANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Men's Fine Frene h Calf Boots Pcgged and Sewed. Giveraeacall befoi-o purcliasing el.sewlicrc. I uill Bell my üüods etieap tor citt;h. HEPA.IRING NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTICE. N. B.COI.E. Auu Arbor, Jiiu. 13tll, 1503. 887tf I am foound for the CEEBIjSBA SHOEiG SHOP! J. 0. SUUTHER & R. A. JOHNSON, Blaoksmiths. Wlll do Horse Shoeingantl all kin'ls of Jobbing :n their litiu at tin! Bhorteat posslble notice. Also Carriage and Wagon Worti douc to order, and satisfaclioo giveu or no pay. CHELSEA, W'ashtonaw Co. , Mioh., Feb. 2. '63, " 3mS90 WONDERFUL BUCCESS. Tlie fittenüon and research of the most dïsfloguished Cbemista and Physiciuns for ye.irsl.iave' been dcvoled to the pvnductiou, of a remetly for hose moatdiatressingmaiadfes Neuraigia and Aftcr Inng study and many experinv'nts a spcctjic preparatian has been discoveretl. WAtBCWS Neuralgia Kiut;,au Iitténtal Iieifitdy,ia curing thousauds of cüpos where all oth er remedies have utterly failed. Wc are assuredthat itis no mere " ANObYNK," relioving for tbe moment wliiletho. cause reraains, but i8 a perfect SPECIFIC aud CURE for t&oae p ainful disonses. The vast Damber of Liniinents, Kmbrocaiions and Esternal Medicines, flrhtoh act as stimu];ints of the surface only, are merely temporal y in hheir effects and of doubtful virtne The NEURAL'JIA KÏNG reaches the sou roe of all trouble, aud effectuuliy banishes Ihe dicease from the Kystem. Price- One Dollar per Bottlc. Prrpared by C. K. WALKER, IvSS7 Buffaïo, N. Y , Ana Fort, C. W. ,„ FAIRBANKS' Y Standard C SCUES! MÈ.i-y9P? AUo, Wardwtise Trucks, Letter Presea, f)C. Fairfoanks, Gieenleaf & Co., 172 LakeStrevt, Chicago. Eold in Detroit by PAUH NI & SHEtrlSY. fliS-Bc careful to bny tliü gpnu!ne.-a S85yl 1863. SPRING. 1863. We are now opening A Lar ge and Bcautiful aBSortmcnt of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry G o o ds ! LADIES' DBESS GOODS in great variety, RIBBONS, jarosa Trinuaxinga, cfcc. xlso a lurge stock of doods for Mens' We ar, C'assimeres, Gloihs, &c. and a full assortment of Ladies and Cnildren'd - HATR, CAPS, GROCEIÏIES, GROCKEEY, All of which we wül sell at tho LOWEST TOSSIBLE O A. fS II E 1 X O E S MACK & SGHM10. Ann Arbor, March 19, '63. 8S6tf Tobacco I Tobacco ! I AM SELL1NG GOOD FINE CÜT CIIEWING TOBACCO Atfrom Fifty cents to $1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, Frnm 1 í cents o 20 cents per pound at retait. M. DEVANY. Aun Arbor, Jlich., Du . 17, 1802. 863tf Auctioneers Notico. BYRON GREEN, ha ving applicd fot n. Üconse, ïjow holdf) lumseif in readia to attent! to all calis - Having hadexpeii?nce, beli ponltire he give gnnrt Batisfactifm. All cal.B proinptly attearleri to. Cbatges leasooablo. Anply at the Fiaukhn Houe. Arm Arï)-?, Ot.Cáj 1F-W. ÍT5ii American Collecting Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claimi of all kinds against the General Government, Stute Ufvern nent, the City, or private parties, prosecuted and collected at my expense and risk Against private partis I possess superior facilities for collecting claims everywhere in thv United States and Canallas, relieving inerchants, assignees, bankers, audothers, ol the caí o and all reftponsïbillty. Special attoniion given to oíd debU, hard cases, di, vor:as, wilta, estáte s, etc, Being familiar wiih all the details of tho l Int' mal Revenue Law," I will attend prompt ly to tho collectJon of drawbacks, and taxoa overpaid through ignorauce of the law. Soldiers' pensions, pay, and bounty secured forthem or their heirs. For that pur poso, and for prosecufing clainiá against the (rovernment, I inve a branch ofiïco at Washington. No charge made unless claims are col lected. All tioldicrs discharged by reasnn of wounds-however shorï the time they have Bcrved - aro etititled to One Handred Dollars BouiUy. All oldiera bavingserved twoyears,arn entitled to tlie Bnnie. fjf Tho high est market price will be paid for soldiers' claims, and other demanda against tho tioncral Government. Information and opinions given, and investigaron rnadt; without charge, upou claims proposed to bü placed in my hands. For particuiars. a&dr'MA H. HUNTINGTON LEE, OOOtf Xo, 210 lirnadwM', N. Y Doublé Premium OS"er! Selectie Monthiy. Li"eiD Inïincfmcnt! ARTISTIC ATTRACTION. THE two match Pnrlor Prints will besent, pestage paid, after thia date, to BACa new subscriber to Ths Kci.fxtic Magazimj who seiids his name and S5 in adva nee. 1. Itetiirncd from Warlcct, Ia a beautiful en graving, by John Sartain. The market-carl h.ifi returned l'roin the town, beuring a rich freiglit of purchase.s to the deügliled young peupU, who are receivDg them with eagerneea. The wbole family re as sembled on or iu front ii tlie Piaz?,.-1, . wbich, with the Mansion appears almost exactly üko the Mount Ver non horno oí Washington, with the old gentlé&an seated,and adjusling bis glasses to read the paper, who Kioká likts Wash'ngton liiiielf. The wbole scène in the large eng ra ving is attractive and beauül'ul, and wortfa a place on the parlor wallis. 2. The match piintis Filial Aírectlon, or Suiiflny ITornlis, alto engraved by John Fartain, ata cost of twelve hun ired dollars fur both of them. Bartiinsprico was $5 for the two nntc'n prints. Tï.escenc in tbifl print is at the famüy home, and the view thro' the open gate presenta the viilage church in the distance, with its spire polnting heavenward, and a beau tiful gi.l of sotne tweutysummers waits, Bible in .and, by tbe gate, holding it open fot tht egreas oí tbc family. Themotber, stiü handsomo, atienda the a geel grandfather, with the chüdreD , house dog, and the donkey, makc uii theiamily group,just dep&rtlng for woralHp in the village sanctuary. Both are beautiful match prints, easüy obtained in this roantwr. '. A large and üne portrait of the Ilon. EDWARD ETERKTT wilt bo sent in place of either print, as a premium, postitge paid, as may be preierred. 4. TJamuafy nnmber of tbe Eclbctic iiembellish ed wil b, doublo historie plates, with tieasurea of literaturo. 5. TbeFbruary mimber píate has flvo portraits of eminent men. 6. The Maren number plato ia a print of Napoleon I. at thebatile of iusterlitz. 7. Three superior plu tes are ín the liiinds of tho artist for future numbers. Now is a good tima to subscribe. Addresi, W. H. BIDWELL, No, 5 Boekman St , NY. ' The Great Living llistory.' THE REBELÏÏQN RECORD ! A M.1KY OF AMERICAN EVBNT8 Edited by FRANK MOORB. HablifhiBA in paris, at 50 cerjte, eachpart Uustrated wiUi two 1ortraitK engravecí on steel. FOUU VOLUMES are now roady at annexed prices,until April 1,1S6J: Cloth $3 75 a voluir.e. Sheep 4 0J Half Calf, or half Morocco, 5 00 " THE RE1ÏEIXION RRCORD IS INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UOR.WY. Tlio four volumes coutnin : I A FULIj AND CONCl-'F: DIARY OF EVENT3, from llio Meeting of the South Carolina Oouveution iu Dec , 18U0, to thecapiureuf New Orleans, inclusive. n, OvorON'E THOUSAND OFFICIAL REPORTS and XARRAT1VES of all tho Bateles and Skirmishos that have occurtt'd (lurillg the war. III. Over FIVE HTOÍÜRED SONGS AND BALLiDS, botb loyal aud rebel. IV. FORTY-SEVEN PORTRAITS, engraved on steel, of the most celebrated inen of tbe timo, aud Twenty-six Mapa and l':ans of Battles. v. Over THREE TfI0ü3ANO Incidents lafl Aneodotes of personal daring and bravery. "As a work forcunsíant rcferonco it ia cmiDently to be relied on.'3 G. P. PUTXAM, Puhlishcr, 532 Broadway. CHAS. T. EVANS, Gen Agt.J 448 Broadn'ay. SPECIAL. NOTICE. Onandafter April Ist, the pnce of '-The RebetHon Record" will be ADVAwÓnj FIFTY CTS. A VOLUME - Froni that date, the sale of Parts, from ïs'os. 1 to 24, wilt be discontinuad. B.ack Pkts of thjJ'Hobfillion Kccord" will be sjIü only in volumes. Purcbafers and Rubscribers who have not completed the four vols. must at oace do so. The work will coutlnue to be : ublished in parts, at 50 cent-; - each paft Ulustrated with two por'raits on Bfièet. Volume V. wiy compriso seven parts. THE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES WILL be for the Ileaiii.g of the Natioue. Bible. Prof. n. O". IjYOKTS, THE GBEAT AND CELEBRATED PHTSICUN of tlic THKÜAT.LÜNGS, HEAKT, LIVtR AND THE BLOOI', Known all over the country as the CKLEBR-TED IKTDI-A-ÏNr HEKB DOCTOB I Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit ths followmg places, via á?POIN'TMENTSFOR1Sí5'2, 1863 and 164. ' Prof K. J. Lyoas can be cousulted at the fojlowiug places every moDth, viz: Detroit, Hussel Ho use, each moath, 18 tli and. 19th. Arm Arbor, Monitor House, each month, 20ih. .Tackscn, liibbani House, each moutli, 'l. Adrián, Bracket House, each month 22d and23d. Toledo, OliiOj Colhns House, each mouth, 24thj 2óth, and 26th. Hillsdale, Mich.,Hillsrtale House, eaeh montb,27tli. Coldwater, Mich-, doutneru Micliigan House, each month, SSth. Elkhart, i-:iklnrt Housp,each moutb, 29tji. South Bend, lod., Öt. Jo. Hotel, each month, 30. Laporto, Ind., Tee Garden House, eacii month 31st. Wooster, Uhto, Crandoll Exchange, each montk, Tth and8th. Mansfifcld, Oliio, Wiler House, each menth, Oth and lOth. It. Vernon, Kcnyon House, each menth. llth and l2tU. Newark, Ohio, Holton House, each menth, 13th and Htb, l'ainesvilïe,Ohio, CowIcrIIoufp, ench montb,4th CLLVLLAND, OHIO. R1ÜSIHLNCE ANü OFFICE, 282 SÜPEUJÜU STREET, Eaat of thO public square, opposite the PoRtoffic. Office daya each mouth, Ist. Bd, 4ih, 5th, fth, IBth, - Office hours from 9 A. M. to 12 M, aud from 2 V. M. to 4 P. M. OnSunday from 9 to 10A. M.,and 1 to 3 i. M. jQfMaxims tricily adhered to - I Rive sucb balra as have no strife, With nature or ihe la 'Vf, ut' Üfe, With bloodmy hands I nuver stain, Norpoison men toeaso theirpaiu. He is aphytician indeed, who Cures. The Indian Her. Poctor, II. J. LViíXá, cures the fol lou'ing couipiaints In the most ub.--toate tiages of their exitence, viz: Disoases of theThroat, I.ucgs, Tlö.irt, I.iver, Stomach, Dropsy in the Cliest, Rlieumati.-m, Neuralgia , Fits. or FaüiiiKicknesR,;ind all othcr nervusiieraugements. Also alldiseaspsof the lilood, snclj ;ts Scroiula, Krysipelas. Cancera. Fever dores, LepLusy, and all uthei' coruplicated clirouic coniplaints. AU forms of femaJu diliicultios atiended to with the happiest results. lt is boped that no nno will ctaripatï of a cure until thc3 have ftven the India n HurB ifoctor's Mediolnes a fair and faithfnl trial. ■Ê-Uuring the Doctor'; trnvelR in Europe, West Indie, South America, and the Unitc-d Ötaies, he Lus been the instrument in God'a hand, to rectore lo htalth and vigor ihousands wbo were given up anil prouounced incurable by the most emmeutold school physiclans; uay, more, thetmiacli _who were on the verge of the gvave. art? now living moLum?nts to the Iadlsn Herb's Doctor 'e skill and successful treatment,andare daily excïainiing: " B'essed botliedrty whtn flrst "e saw and partook of the Indian Ilerb Doctor's medicine." i-'atisffictory references of cures will be gladly anc cheevfully giTenwhenever requirod. The Doctor pledges bis word And honor, that ho wil' a no wise.directly or indirecíly, induce or causp any invalid to tftke hifi medicine vjthout the strocgest probability of a, cure. jfiCg Mode of e-xaminaticj, whicb ia entirely diiTn-ent from the faculty. I'r. Lyon pTofeísea to dUceru dineai-Ofl by the eye. He thereforo askfi uoruostions, nor does he requirö patientsto ex p la in syruptoms. Cali one and all, ind have thfsympt"ins and location of yuur disenso fxilaincdfreo of' charge. l"Thft pnor phrll bo liberajly con&idercrK jQ3"PostolDi;e address bos ZCX;. K J. I-VOXP, M T-. Clovplana,Ohio. Nov. 25.1862. lyí80 FOK SALE I rilWO of tho most -'lesira ble huilriinelotf; in the City of L Ana Arlvr, eonlataing eacb nac ;t':rf' aii'l a qualíor ' of grouud. They aro sit'iatedon Stüte tr'treet,near tbo South wef.t coraer af tUe ru'rrí'ty Hftuare. Krr i truiF,i:s..noülroat th Ahit'5 Oí FICE. ' ttWW 4 PAIN CURED! R&DWAY'S RE AD Y RELIEF Is iho mo.t Imiwrtanl medicinal curativo- or (■ i mediale ieU-fn( tbo sulfurar- oí' áll rarloties ofl'AlVS, ACHEá aud [XI-'IKMITIKS, and the prompt euro of tho sick whcru PAIS, oltlior Intornal or external, U n roncoirJíODt of 1U0 dUeasc, that lias ovur boon dlsruvorad. IX A FEW MINUTES Aftcr Iho applicatie! uf lbo RBADY BÍ1.IEF eitr. naJIy, oritsadmlnistratlo" Intjrimlly, iho patioul - soocl wiih tli? mist escrocintinf! PaTSS, ACHti. CIUM, HHEUUAriS,NEURALG!A.GOlIT,I.UMUA),rEVlLR AXf Al.l'K SPA3VH, SOK!". 1HRHAT, INFI.UKNZA, DIPTHBRIAiCüSGKWION or IXtLAMUATIOS, will enjoy eiwo and comfort. RADWAY'S REA.DY RELIEF f3 nnftr t ttftiuini ie:-, on i'll itop pain yaUktr, Ihiii uil prcpar.itUl ; f (;mnn, Mo;- Ijií.u. ViTtr.U', llyuida'uu.i. Aruica, Valonan, Chlo:ofurm oo cc Kllnir, iindcr wlialcvcr unm 1 illHngolheo uilher Liiito-iili, l'ain Killers r.r Scm'.h ing Lili -?, rhlch morïly iuspehds the f telina of pain :■ bciiumbiBg t'.io itorGD[itire f cültii;.; and killiiig Uic neree. Tlio s rpi i..linina.-torsCliloroform,Vjiuui,&o .wrcntlorin n üno thenervcs of iwroeptlfm- RAOWÁY'á KKAHY HF.I.IKK -tops iho ino.-tcxorwHatitig iki,ftnU Muurerf thup ticnt. tho ruil X35Osion oí hu scuiis. Th! U tliacm y remo j 1 g.MierU usi! HiEitwill stop pain, Bocjniolc.n) t I-i f. fi-i-m O,)ium, MorphiDO, or omo otbor ktuiim! drug, burtful u Lbo seuoral bc.tilh. Guaj-d ugaiUEt sickiic.s. O:i lbo Ur.,t ..dic.ui.iu nf noi.i or uncasiness, f l.i tho -T'iMAflI nr UdWU-S lake .1 twupoonfal of tbo READV KKI.1KK in a wino sla- of w.ter. If in tho LIMB', JOINTS, rjK.U), lUeOAf, CHftt. BA' K, n('r jw o th'. O'ily. apply tho i:. I.U-'.i" Kxrmxjaur- 4 utw miïiuicj uil poi a vi di, comfort mUI i a ■:. Thl 1 siniplo uppliaitinu brtt.ik i; a runnidilii' disr oóc. It iï uiuch oasier tu p:-cvj:;t ilbcsuo tbaa 1 1 cure il. WEALTH FOP. THE POOR. Vly, BA.LTI1 U tho worklag tttm'a cap.i.d Tho poor ',fiJ itr man eau ill allord U Iha hurde:w fi ■ '■5TÍÍÍ urssorpaydocfif'a Mlls. U"R tWEVfY F1VK fefe QEXrBOÏTLKOFRAIWA"3RKAliyKlJiar A-ill, il BioU-,c Ica.iblohtintorosuraiilw aborsM-iíi.iüí lostot time.- ix l.lf iisod wbell pain i Ani ni-riencel, wiilstop il i:r.moiial.-iy. Keep Iliu Rcnslf ahvaysin tho honso.ond u-e it wlion you fooi paiu ; you wi i üot lo-c 0.1e day iu a yoar by üiokuid. IHrOBTAÑt TO TARMEUS Anddfl)oM,r6oMiég!n8paio:y!-ottlodilBtHcia,whri it is flilü "il t sotvuru tho porvicoi of a pliysioi-'n, lAl'lWAY'J KKvDY KEU.JT n i .valuablo. Itcinba llüet wWl!ÍtÍV'OO3SlrUlCl ( .' 'Iru; gu.„! InkllOüOI wliero lU.'ttOi duro nf", t iï .wvimd, or if rizal uiU.i ISKLuLnZA, IIFI11ERU, SÜiiü T.IKOVT, Ba 1 COL'; 11S ]Ji 1 Kft5EXK-"S, BlIJWii UBOUC, 1NTI. VMMA(IiJN OK ÏHü POWEL. SIOUACH. i.UNI.j, UVKR, KinXEVS or wii HIAI.t, TON'. PCARI.ET FKVi: , MEASLKS, TYPHOID FBVER, nU.U)Ud FEVSR, KKV R AND AGUE or wtll KEÜBAUjIA, IIKAI) A' I1K, TIÜ [WLOBEUX TOOTIIACHF. EAR-ACIIK, or Vrttb LU'rBAfi" PAI.N'IN' TUK BACK orRHFUMATIiM, or vrittl DIARKHfEV CilOI.'iRA MOM)U.J or IlY-KNTKKY. nr mth r-l-.'.NS. PCAtlS or BKÜMES, or with STRAm CRAMP.A or RPASMS Tho appllcailon of RAi)n .VVS HKADY BEI .11 F ua( cure you of tho worst ot Uoso Coo p'.aiuts in a f.-w hours. li Li K UMA-T J SM. f!ï l':ir.fl;l :;■[! ii rs Daftlcd tho ni'i.-t skiiHll iiiivs ( i ■ i; s an i op iliu remedios. It i;iho mn c il fil.:;'t of duva tl vet RADWAY'S KKADÏ ltKI.IM' httanuvêrflftlel iuairnt ngimaioimt.' relief to lbo sufbrer ; and i:i ui ca.-es nt Acuto, hiQ inim:i!ory or Nervous Hbeuroattam, lo effoct a porm inotitOMrü. (Ia Cïironir. Rbtumatfsm and (out, RADWAY'S CIJLANdlNO eYKUP, Cillel ICcnovating IUo'tent, =l;o.;ldbo takco ai au adjunct with tbo itKAUY IÍÍ.UEF) ACUTE CHRONIC EHEUMATISM. Tho foUowiug is writton bythl wcll known cirrcsiKnic;a ('f LhoNo Yu. k lloralJ", LoiiUnn Timos (Fjlïland). New Orlcaiii Ticayuuo, Dclti, CuarOótou JK-rcory , &c. : Wil. SIDN'EY 11YERS, KfQ , HAVAN'A, CUBA. lliVANA, Cuba, Jju. 2, 1558. Mesfrs Radivfl 't tf Co. : Uk.mi.uik.- 1 li ivu been a suHercr from Acuto Clironiu Rlvonmitism t ir the last twci.ty years of my lifj ; uiy suirorii;gd diiring tbatpertuü, ncitbor nor jx-n can expross. I bavo .iieiit a liit'c firtune on Dooora' bü , wi h .littio. ivinaliy s..btanli;il beuufit. Ucceinly I h.i l ono of inv frequent periódica) at ack-. I was vory ill fui1 ;i wook, and had not tlot ui l.onr at ly one liin ■- A Spauish li-icml, to whoai I re. Ui: 1 niy si fferhlg, tM'l me bc luid a rcrocdy wlixh ■; 1 givo me lelicf, ml bo klmi'y presouied ma wiih n IhmUo i f " HADWAV.-? KKAHY iü LII'.K." Allhouüll ykopllcal u( dcrivinj ny udvaLtigu lro:n its ue, 1 ihat ng l applu-d il r ocly on going to uoil. and, to my great amnz 'ra nt, fctt r-liovcd,aniUlo;itsouiully. ïbo Mït uiiílil I again aiipliM tho Keadï Relief, and awoko in tho morning Irco from pain. h;iving onVv ustd ubout hfttf tbc bolllo. Ho.utily do l'rciuni yon my humblo acknowlwletnonti tor vour lnrálailo medtonft, whicb imy wcll b cillod "ablessh.g ti man.'' (banking you, f rom my soul.for your wonderfal romodjr, 1 have loo hunor to subscribo inysolf, Yom, rospootAi ly, W. Slli.VEY MYI-T.3. ÍSTEU R ALGIA. (EXQ,i;iSITE PAI,) TIC D0L0EEDX, T00TH-ACHE, FACEACHS, aiIALU'SUDDKN PAKfS. Persou i suíTeiing with Neuralgia oxperiencc the aiun i tifexorociating pain. Tiio paroxynar.'shi'p,u M ■, pluiigiiib', slubbing, iud ccd uauutiy - iko aü cleclno sbocL. MAt'WAY'rf READY RELIEF Is the only rcmwly hithcrtnknowu,tli-itwi)l:ilT.i dirameliatereli f to lboso wbo huiïet' wnli thiá loitariuií CttMplailit. (!n casos of cbronlo Neuralgia, tho au isiiigSyruo.iallBd RENOVATISG RKSOLVENT, Hl expedito tho euro) In recent atucká, tho Rt-JAi'Y KH.1EF. apjilicd cxtarnally to tbo partí brettt ; in ttrikes, and i loxspoouful or KELIKb' to a wino glnss of vvatc. jWheu tbo parosyáinj appear, wiU eífeuta curo. HOW TO CüfiB A BAD COLD BETWBEN BitD-TIME AND SUXUISE. TffoizsJ ".'h SORETHROAT, IUu-scuo-i-, Bad Cough, ditücuit Bretuhlng, Hul aoho, Watcry Ihsiii.irgcs from tlio Nuo an l Eyas, l'ain in lbo Back aud Ja:ita, Ac, bathu Ihfl ', CUi'Sr. H;ad and JuiaU w;th tha HEADT RE1.ILF, and m iko a EO READY RELIEF SLINO, By adtliüg to half a tumblor i Í hut wator, swo-leuod Wllh nugttr, a dossu.t-spoo.,ful i.f KADiVAY'S KEALV RKLU', and drink ibis on going to bod. In a ftw minuk's yon will p -rspiro f-ouiy, slcop suamlljr, iwl waüc ia ihe mornisg curo'l of vuur cold. (Fro'ii the Ckrütian Adwca'e.) (t Vp bop; to present toüii renderá of tiie Adfeate tho foliowilig letlur addrossed to Ur. Radwny. l'lt;ioo afflicto.l wi'.ti WIÍAK L'JXG-i A-NÜTHREATüMlil) WIl'H CONSÜMPTIO.V, i ei l Tlio writor, Mr. JAilliS SAGE, n weM kjowu la MicuiüANas a popular liotcl-l;ecper." Mraniis. Hacoqib Co. , Mioli. , Sopt. 4. 18T. Pf; RaïïWay - Dsar Str: .Vb tul four Teara ailiflb, I WW vory mcii uiKictuJ n'.i IHáEABED I.UNUA My IrteniU tUuughtAad the Cuimitnpinn. 1 v.tí uiitircly unüt f.bu.-l;iods,rni !ud blo ut, unil had ove-iy syiupt-im ut tb abovo final ilne.i o. Ononight.oii joing to hud,I tlw.-.glit [ would mko a BWiMt, iMid took your Rsadt Heut (in hut water) ns a : timulaut t sw.'at mo. It (!H . l'iio por-; (ira !■ n was ufa BUrny sulMtincg, ;md offonivo 5,1,-1!, IfuUoved la nu tho Hk.bï Rkli k nvory olhor nightfor ï'our wooks.and m lile indi. f t.i.t limi"Wuatiroiy wcil. Thii i. i ti-mj büitoiiunl i.f fict', wUkU I will 'tcitify to uu :or aatb. Vou -s. otc , JA.U..Ü SaUU, .itio's Hoto!, UcinpbiMlch, FEVER AND AGÜE. A tftblo-siwosifui UÍIÚDWAY'S I!EA1Ï KhUtF, In tuniblt-r tif wtuer, taken fvory morninj; bctoru breakfa-i, wil preveat attooki ol'l'i'Vor ;iml Ague, lfmpont to it; malaria, lf Bfilaotl with tbis c imiHaiiit, tako (Uq Mil) doso, aal Ikiüio Ihii Houd, Ncrk, ijm 1 Mij S;ir.iO iD'.' liour bo&)ru tllQ Cll 1U aro C'XMrCted ; tilia Wflf" b'rjak up a:i 1 euro ilio vror t formi ufgu. e&jp, R. UADWAY glrea you, for -5 ccnt-;,n mcillcl .o YJJ Vk ili il w.ü pruvo il rllio.tcy in a lew huur?, an-l rC' -■'" l '"U t ":i ttiVc.i''s ü undcTtbo mdinary s&J troalrovntvf iiiiyttalons, oold by younpiur d.iys, ü'oolü uu l in -n; ii i. : etj tb .t cvory but Iü is complrte wIipii yiM prchipe, ft'id puroltmo no r.KAI'Y Ktl.tiF UH'au y-iT m ui.'" slij.uituro i.f HAIWAY 6 ( i) i.o:i lbo mifsiiio lib.'l.and [h ■ 'i nu "f I'.AkW'aV c ('il. blow i i.n f:i' Li ' "T i; rb liciti ir [ ;sü;.ii üi' li:ri;,ii' K.) r iKFKWPriH W l'VKKY Vn.I.ACK AN'll ÏOWN IN LH.: CXIlEll oTAfö -vND CANADAi RA3WAY & CO. 87 Uiüdoa 1.MC, -N". YFor Sale by STEI5BINS & WILSON ! Ayer's Cherry Pectoral


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