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THE REBULLIOS OX HIGH TRICES FOR CLOTIIING, HAS Cü.MMENCED AT THE OLO & RELIABLE CLOTHI NC EMPOEIUMJ No. 3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. TAMnow opening a large aud varied assorf mont of Srring.indSumiueriiocxls, and ín view of the rebellon on higli pricos generalij, will oB'er them to mj friends and customers at the very lowost figures for Cnsh.- Those in want of a jsupcrior article of Cloths, Cassimerea, or Beady-rEade Olothing, -will c;l11 onWM. WACNER, ft'ho bas jast returnotl Trom the East, witli a large asüortmt-nt of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS which have been purebased at the late LOY PEIOES! and can offer thomat a Ion-er figure than ever before. Araonginy Assortment may be fouud BROADCLOTHS, CASS1MERES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of al! descriprtfom, togethor w!th a superior assortmcitt ui Rcnily-Madc CiotUlng, MMJvSYftTRüyKg, CAM-ET BAGP, JHfi! TMBRELLAS, ani fflaidaGenilcmen's Funiisliing GrOODB, vith numcxousothcrarticIcB usually found iu similar establishments. As an EMPORIUM OP FASHION, he subscriber flattershimelf, that his long experienco nd general aucoeu, will enableliimto give the greatest atUfaction toall whoniay trust him nthe way ol 6 Manufacturing Garraeuts to order. WM. WAGN-ER. Ann .U-bor, Apl il 9th ISO?, 848tf lWaTMiiii5TO5ii!nmn!P7i!KinrJM!nimní;ivíin-;witníiítiiiminniii O. BLISS 'ouM take tiiis method of informing hís oíd friends v patrons uni all otheis wlio mi; favor hlm witb helr patronage, tbat he has greatly enlarged his Stock and Assortment ! and Uaving adoptcd the ■ CASH SYSTEM BOTII ÍN BÜYIXG &SELLING isproparM to solí Gor.ds at Hasonablo PríOCS, 'lis slock conslstsiu nart ot the I'üUowing: -3 AMERICAX AND OTIÍER ?t%v Watches ! áaii SETHÏHOMAS ULOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CriAINS, TABLE AND ■ POCKET CUTLÊRY ! Fazors, Shear.q, Scissorsand Brusbefl, ROGERS PLATED WARE, the best in market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and EXVELOPES, Musical Instruments, String SfBoocs for Instruments, SFECT A.OXjiB 3, of Qold, Silver, Steel, and Plaled, with PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior articlo. Persons having difflcult watohes to flt wllli glasse can be accoruodated, as my stock is largo'and complete, P. S. Particular attcution to tlio UEFA IH IETG of all kinds of fine Watches, such as Making and Setting new -Tewels, Plniom, Staffs, and Cylinders. AUo CLOCKS, &o TEWELIRrsr SL& SllirsueaentílWanted' WS ÜM 6tandeast C. BLISS. Aan 4rbor, Nov. 25, 18C2 826tf HO WLOST, HO W RESTORED JuU Published, in a gcalcd Entielopc. Priee Six Cents. A Lecture on the Naturo, Trcatment an-1 Radical Cure .t or Seminal Weakness, Sexual I)etihty.Norvousness.and Involuntary Emissions indu ï)übiit1'POlenCy' Cünsuml)tion' hai Jlontalaud Physicnl I3Y ROBT J. CCTLVEKWELL, M. D. The important factthat the awful consequences of 8elf-Abue may be eITcctually removed withoui interialnv.l,cin8.)rthoil!ingcrousapplication of caustica nFtnimonts, merlicated bougies, and other empirical levice, is hcre clcarly demonstrated, and the entirely ww and hlghly aooeasful t.eatmont as aJoptert by ho eelebrated author, f„liy Biplained, by raean of which t-very one is ,-nabled to cure himself perfectly and at the lcact possiblo cost, thereuy avoiding ali the idvertwdm.strumSoftlnday. The lecture will prove a hoon to ötOUttfiai nnd thousauds. Sent uuderseal.ia a plain envelopi-, to any address MtSP.tOf "PM.P.,Í addres.-' intiit w CnAS.J. C. KLIN'E & CO., 30W 35Í Bowery, Nw Sfotk, Pct Office Box,liS8j PMNTIÏiT" OF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT THE ARGOS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPaRED TO FILL ALL OUDERS IN THE LINE OF P li I N T I N G AT THE HOST REASONABLE RATES. We have recently purchased a xtxTca-ca-XiES ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have added the latst styles of Cnrd Tj'pe, which enables us to print INVITATION CAEDS, WEDDING CAKDS, V1SITING CARDS, BUSINESS CAEDS, &c. in the nentest stylcs, and ns cheap aa any other house in the State. We are also prepared to print POSTEES, HANDBILLS, ÜLAKKS, j;JLL EEADS, CIRCULARS, TAMPIILETS &i! TIKJE -A-IRG-TTS BOOK BINDERY j i ■ i ig in charge of i ] FIKST GLASS WORKMEN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS Of ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufacturad in bkststyle at Ne-w York Prices, Periodicals of all kinds p BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-33ound. All Work warranted to give entire eatisfaction. E. B. POJYD, Prop'r. Office and Bindery, cor. Main & Hurón Sis. JOval Picture Frames ALI.SIZEP.STYLES and PHICES juut recoivcd and forsale chp.ipat 'iCIIOFF & MILLEE'S. 1860.Dee.26. 7gotf All Losses promptly adjusted MERCHANTSMÑSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital, $200,000. Total Amti, Jan. UI, 1862, Í237.S87.0S JjlcliJliltirB, - (, crA fin E. Tnos. LOM.Í Secy!ARK II0WARD' P'Oside"t' ïlie undrlgnd hu been ppointed Agtnt fr the aoovo rclmbl.. Cnmpany, a.ntl „ill ,ff9(ft iDsuran " gaiust loases by flre at reasoaabln-ate "unco


Old News
Michigan Argus