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. _ _11 - ■'■op- -ii err: . " - ,. _ - - " - --"" -- . _-_j [ All,V,'J,W ul'lvN1-sU' "J"'-' i FilOM PÜBIJHHElé 1 A.M) Manufaoturer8)tt New aud Complete stock of LAW & MJKO1CAL BüüKS, School ISooks, Miscellancous Búoks, Blank Books, dan statioetery: ffallaud WiBdow Papor, OrawiDL'ainl N':itlii.maticllnsfrnrnenta Music, }av,-mlf UtiraAet, Euwiop, s uul Cards. ' fSh"i ij-'-Af:-yFJMfe".ffinLi.Jj-u.-:.JJ -. 'tjJt - -■-■■ -ssststzfggftm M,ir;nl - GOLD And all otlíer kinds of 'Pens and Peficis Windb Cómico, BhadSs and Fixturo, POCKET CÜTLEHYl Andeverythingpertaining to the triulo, and more to whichthey would invite the attentiun of the country. Inconductingour business, we shall do allthatcan nc ( tlmt no rcasonable man, woman or child shal] ünd any fault. We possess faeilities whlcu will enable us to supnlv our stomers at the LoweBt Possible Figures. We propose !n Heil for READY PAY, ata bmalladvanco. Weexflecta profit on our gobds, but Cash Saloswill Admit of Low FIGURES. The "Empire Book Stom," is manned by agood 'crew ' nd tbc.v wil] be found on the "quarter deok, ready ana willing to vtteudto all withpleaaure, who will favor them with a cali. Eemember tho "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, MayT1860 7Ja Great Keduction in the Price of SINGER & COS Standard Machines . Well known to be the Best for ManujactuHng Purpose?. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly sold at $90,'reduced to $70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for raerly sold at $100, reduced to $75. SINGEB'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the beat Machine In the ivorW for Family Sewing and Ugb.1 Mapoiaoturing Purpoasa,: (wilh Hemmer.) and beautifully ornamentad $60. The Nos. 1 anri 2 Machines are of great capacity and appiication for manufacturing purposes. Uur No. 3 .Machines are espccially adapted to all kinds )f light and heav.y Lether York, to Carrlage ïrirunlng, Boot and Shoe Making, Ilarness Uaking etc. etc Theyareof extra size, and th ,,n arm longenoughto ïke umler lt and stitch the Iargest size dashes, fliere s scarcely anypart of a Trimmers' stitching tbat cannot be better done ivith tbem thiin by hand so too the aving of time and labor is ve-y great.' Th'etableuf hese machines is 24 incbes long, and theshuttlc all mld ui times the usual quantityjof thread. Thelaree nachine work as fastas small ones. We would aak for oui Letter A Machines, the speïalattontion of Vest Makers and Dresa Makers and all hose who vant Machines for UgWmanufacluring pur osea. They embudy the pridciples of the standard machines, makmg likothem. theiuter!ocked sitch and are destined to be as celebrated for Family Sewiho and lighl manufactunng parposes aslour standard machines are for manufiicluring purpose in general We have always on hand, hemmimg gai'Ges.siik twist U8SS AND COTTO.VTHKEAD, ON SPOOLS, BEST MACHINE OILin bottles, etc, etc. We manufacture our own Xeedles, and would wam all persons using our machines uot tu buy any others. ïïo know that there are needies sold of thi most inferior quahly at higher prices than we oharg 3 for the best. The needies SQld by ua are miuiulacturcii ispecially for uur ma hiries. A bad medie may ihi ben machine alinost useless. Oui customers may rest assured tliat al, rur Krancli Omces are I urnished with the " genuineaoli -Ie " In case of small parchases, the money may be sent in [vM;i;-e si.-unps, or bank notes. Correspondente will pleasewrite tbeirnames distincty. It is all inpnrtant tbat we sbould, ineacücase now the Post Office, County, and State. AU persons requfring information aboot Siwiag achines, theirsiío, priees, working capacities, and the jest methoda pi imrchasing, can obtain it by sondiog to is, oraoj of our BranchUflicesforaccpy of I. M. Singer & Co.'s Gazette. Which is .i beautiful Pictorial Paper elitlrelv devotedto the subject-! wül besenl gratis. j. i Wo havo made the abuve RF.DUCÏION IN TRICES with the two-fold view of benefitiilg the poblionidourselves. The pnblichave been Bwiodledby spin-ions machines made ia imilation of om-s. The metal in them, trom the u-on casting to the smallest peiee, sol pooiquality. liieir m:i],ors have not the inciius to do their wort wei!. I'hev arehMaway in üecref places, wliere it tohave ui their commandthe proper meobanical appllanoes. 11 is only by iloing i ereat bustneBS.And having'extensive manufaetttring establishments, that trood machines can be made at moderatpvioea, The best de-iigned machines, BAIlI.Y MADE, are always liable to get out of order, and aiesuro lo cost considerable trouble and money to keep them in repaire The qualitiea to belooked f orina Machine are röêrtaintyof correct action :it all ratos of speed, simplicity of construction, great duKibiiity, and rapidity of operation , ivith the least labor. Machines to combine these essential qaa)i$efi, yanst be madeof the best metal a,od finished tn perfection. We have the way and means on a grand scule, to do this. Thepurchast'vsof machines, whosedaily bread itmay concern, ivill flnd that those ímTlngthe abovequalities not only work wel] at rápidas well as ilmr vates of speed ,but last longor in tlio nest possible working order. Uur machines, as made by us, wül earn more money with lesa labor than any others whetber in imitation Di oursornot. Infact, thcyarecheanerthan auy other macliinesas agift. I. 51. SÍNGER & CO., 458 Droadway New York. Detroit Office, 58 Woodward Avenue (Merrill M. II. GOODRfOH, Agent, Ann Arbor. j SCHOFF & MIL LER , RE 3TILLOX HAND at theirolü Stand A No. 2, Franklin Block, with theraost complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PEKFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNIOES, CITRTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c Ever offered ia this Market ! and thoy wouldsnggest tothoñe in puveuit cfanytliingin SANTA CL A US' LI WE ;hat they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchanlng from th!s alock, as oacb purchaser getf n additional present of Jewelry , &c. , Aanging invaluo irom 50 cte. to $50. &3F Tlioytrust that tli?irlon. exporiencfi in seleotin oodfl forthis market nnrt strict.attcniion to tho wants f Oustomerp,may ontitle tbem to a liberal aliare of 'atronag'. Add Aibor, Dec. 5. 1S60 "7HL L ara Boimd for M. GUITERMAN CO'S í Dispute tlie fact if you can, It takes t.he TAILOIl after all to give appearance to the onter man. If' you wish to appear well You must accordiugly Dress VVell. Go to 31. Guiterrnan & Co's,, There you will find tbinga exactly SO. SONI)HEnia.]w&ys ready to take your measuve, GÚITERMAN will sell you Goods with great píeasure, At figures LOWER thaa you will find in i he State, 'J'ake heed- CALL early, else you are too LATE. Tho iNDüCEJiE.Ms are now greater than ever, Our Clekks you will find obliging and clever. We will show yon good CLOTHING (lf OUf OVVn OETTINO UP, Filling our Store from Bottom to rop. STUDENTS especially will find it to THKIIl ADVANTAGE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 OVERC0ATS of Cloth, Boaver, and Beur, Warranted for altnost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our Oivn IMPORTAT1ON, Forwarded through our New York relations. ÍJroin England, Belgium, Germany and Franee, Such as you can stand up in, or wear, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN of everv grade, We sell them from ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGIIT. VEPTS, &C, of every desoription, You will tínd it eo without fiction, Furnishing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all Tve say now, Therefore we make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M. GÜITERMAN. & Co., RISDON&HEJNDERSOA' H--X7-o (lio BUCKEYB GRA1N DRILL, and G-rass Seed Sover, Manufactured at Springfleld, Ohio. THE YEKY LATEST IMPROVEMENT, and better than all others; artapted to sowing Wheat, Kye, Oats, Barley i QdGrase Seod . lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will soiv all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Never lunches the Grain 4:th. Never bréales the Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed hroadcast beMndthe Drill. QtJi. Has high wheels and long Hoes. Ith. lias long and wide steel points. 8th. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank dñlls. 10A, lt has a self adjusting shut off üide. It is neatly and substantially made. There is hardly a Drill offered n the market but can boast of more or less ''FIRST PREMIUMS." They arp nbout as fndisorimjnately bestowed a-i the title of "Professor," wbich is BOmetlmes applied to the "fiddler" or " bootblack." They cease to convey tho idea of merk. The Uuekeye Drill has been on Exbibition at quite a number ofStiteand County Falra, and seeking favor at the bands of any Commitlee, has reoeived its f all sbare of PreXDiumfi TESTIMONÍALO : We give the following oames of a few Farmers in th's vïcinity wao have büught and used theBucUeyeJJrill : Godfre.v Miller, icio. Jacob l'o Ibera ui íl JacobTremper, (1 Thomas AVbile, Northfield. John Brokaw, Cliristian Kapp, " Kdw.ird Boyden, Webster. Jamoa Trcrtdwell, AnnArbor Daniel O'Hara, " John G. Coob, Lodi O. A. Marshall, ( L. Edmon'-'s, Salioe. George Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv. Co. We arealso Agents for the Ohio Reaper & Mower, aclinowledged tobe the vcry best in uee. We are just ín receipt' of 100 Grain Oradles Wliieli we wiil sell dicap. Also alargeassortruent o G-rass And the largest and best selected stock of I3J3NT STXJFF FOR CARRIAGKS over before oiïered Ín this market. We alao keep a largeand Culi VAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PA1NT, and UNSEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOYES, TINWAEE, VXD KAVK TROUGIISalwaj-s on hand and jiut up at the hortest notico. Aun Aroor, Juno 3Pth ,Hr,_', &gtí


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