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Ltw tvmmmmt$. A GEBAT BOOK POR AGENTS To be Sold enly by Subscnpl ion . JJIARY OF THE ümerican Revolution. FRÜJI WniQ & TOK Y NEVVSPAPERS. And Original Documents. Lditor of tho Kebellto.v Hecord, etc, Ooe-thick 8vo. Volume of 1100 pages. Ülusirated with i welve SupwbSteel Engravingf by Ritchie. i 3 fin. Thla importan) ano nüuable bo k vill be found uf ■ y intelligent Anie-ican- allordine tneonly livipgand truthful indication of hetpirit the Jif.nj frcskness, the darivg Ixr.guagc, and gigceatU BCiumeê, of the Som o Libkbtt, m their inaug and rtruggle for índependeoce : while at the same time tt exhibitR the yarious phasefl of. the Tory opposition, tlieii en ■ ■ ttioaa, iheir caufeioui iioubts. timiá eounaels, and open enmity, Here meDtaomo already knwn, ■ nee forgotten, but all active pati ti aoa "i. eithei side, gdve onreserved venl patrlotism or passton, Hui: temporarj fears or !o I ) ,■■ .- pirations, their indivitual suerings und private mistortunea The matiïala of this work are tafeen from Whig and Tokt; Nbwspjj er , pablished during the American Revolution, Private Dia ries, and otbercontemporaneoua writlngs. Theypreseni tothe student of tuis day the BSme riow the readers of the Revolutionary period enjoyed- the manners and cusí ms o the people, and the raopal and i'eligious,a.s wel) as politica] features of the linif. The work contafns nol only the currpnt accounts by botb WfflOiND Tory writerp, of the different skirmïshes and ba nd land, but, at the same time, gires a cleai idea of the effect of those occui cencea upon thp ■ mes. I ■ embraces accounts of the b&Us, parties, mnrtha criticismo upon men and books, weñ ltng parties, eleigb-rides, tbe VVbigs tsrred and fathüer&a; fox-hunts bj theofflcei'i of the Bfitisb army surptises, birth laj celebra ïons, practical jokea by men whom we bave been : i the most se rio u a natural fis])Dition ; patiïotic songs and bailada ; h&rs' ;ames, o .■.,'.. elebrated men and women, popular mftrrïments and isagea, aod Mir celebrations of nmi&w i festivlties . The wotkearries the reader back ïnto the homos, ipon the i w liftarthstones, tbei 1 i i Revoluti .i, '■ 'M Iota him hear t1 i . and Toriea lampooni .. b ■' other, audsee tho I '■ ! in i beir own wa v. ■ .:■ mi's wishto kïiow ezart.y how the peoile oí the American Revolution thoughi and talkcd aüout GENERAL WASHINGTON akd KING GEOROETHB THTRD, 1 hïa , the u lgb of the ol ation. f ' KXf'KRIF.N'CKD CANVASSERS arewanted to canvans for tho rork, to whntn Hberal cnmm.fiiioiig wili bo g -i. Appli I v Ic.1 U r to I be blinher CIIARLKM 'V. KVANS, "wol 44S Broaiïwny. Fórjale. Two Dweiling Houses ! 1 TWO STORY FRAME BWELt,WG HOUSE n.l Lol 1 4 x 8, uow nccupica by J. Il Bnrleíon. P. givenOcfc 1, 18B3. 1',. STORY FRAME DWEI.L1ÑG HOUSE, IÏA1ÏN an I LOT, 4x8. DOW oecupifl by D R. Kolley, , glven April lat, 1884, good sellara, olsterrm and aai bnildmgs abo ut the premlsee. Property a.d olí '■■■ f L. C. Riadon on VVUUam street, Aan Arbör.- For lurüior particular inquire of ANDREW BEr,L. Ann Arbor, Mny 14, 1863. 904U' 1863. JVL&y. 1863. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT THE "Old Corner!" I am uow receiving a well SELECTED STOCK OF NEW GOODS, Spring and Summer Trade, C0NS1STING OF STAPLE DRY GOODS, DRBSS GOODS, TEIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, &c, &c. Also i f uil assortment of Family G-roceries! al] oí' which wero bought low and aro to be SOLD CHEAP FOB CASE. The highest Market price paid for xr o o x i C. B. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cash Store, Corner of Main and Washington sts. (90-ltf) Ann Arbor. Wanted- Correspondents. Two young officers of good moral cliaracter, high standing, and full of fun, in order to drive dull care away, and relieve monotonv of oamp-lii'e, wish to eorrespoDd with any immber of intelligent and patriotic young ladies, with a view to fiin, fiiendship or love. l'liotographs desired with missives. Address JAMES M. CHÜRGH CURTÍS C. BÜCHANAN, 2d Mich. Battery, Bethel, Tenn. NO. 48. AN ORDINANCÏ i'or the protection, management, and governinant of C'emeteries íiiul Buiial grounds. Be it ordaincd Yg the Mayor, Recordar and Aldermen of the City of Ana Arbor: Seo. 1. That if any pergpn or persons sliall wrongfully and maliciously destroy, remove defaoe or injure any fonce, gate; or oUier stnicture to, or around, or inclosing, or ibrming any part of the inclosnre of any burial ground or ceraetery in this city ; or shall wilfully and improperly destroy, remove, mutílate, cut, break, mar, deiace, or injure any tomb, monument, gravestone, -or ofher structure or thing of any kind placed or designed for a monument fov or memorial of the dead, or any fence, raáltng, bedge, cu:b, seat, or other structure, tree, shrub, plant, i: or thing, tliat sliall hare been in tended placed or left for the protection or ornament ef any block, lot, grounds, tomb lírave, monument, grave-stone, or oílier structure herein-before mentioned, in any iuclosed cemetery or burial grountl in this city ; or shall wilfully injure or trample, or go upon any grave, or any hlork or lot, inclosure, plot, or jaro1! of grem any cemetery or burial ground within tliís city that shall at. the timo have been laid out, graded and turfed, or othenvise worked and improved by or for any person, family persons, or association, as and for a place fcr burying the dead, or as a memorial oí' anr deceased person or persons ; (except by premission of the owner of such improvements ; or in or along an alley, walk, or passage uay. or place laid out and intended for a walk or passage way, in or through such improved ground ;) toe person or persons so offending shall or may upon conviction tliereof before any Justice of the Peace, residing in this city, or before any conrt haring jurisdiction of the offence, be pnnished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars, or by imprisoument in tUe countyjail not exceeding thirty days, or by both ia the discretian of the court or justice before ivhom the offender shall be tried. Sec. 2. That a Sexton foreach public buria] ground in said city, may be appointed by the Commón Council, who shall hold bis office for one year, and uTitil removed by the Comraou Council, or until his successov shall be appointed. Seo. 3. That tlte following rules and regulations for the protection, management and government of Forest Hill Cemetory only, in said city, be and the saino are hereby made and preserib; d, to-wit : o )){'r:;oii shall ride or drive in any of the grounas within the inclösure of said cemetery, (it being that pafrt of the west half of the soath-east qnarter of section mimber twentyeight, in townsliip nnmber two south in range Dumber ?ix cast, in tb? State of Michigan, lying north of the fieddes Road,) except in and along the avenues and in and along such paths au may be graded and gravele'd for tliat purpose and designated by a guide board or sign pointing them out as "carriage patlis," nor along any avenue or carriage paths fastfir lïian a walk. No horse or team shall be fastened or hitched in said coiaetery, except at a post provided for that purpose"; or left ucliitched ihcrein witliout a keeper. No pereon or persons risíting said cemetryj snall take any dog, or flre-arms, or refresln ments into said eemetery, or discharge any BTe-arros therein, or in any manner attempt lry, Wgliten, or injure any bird oíother animal therein. No person hall take into tlio eemeterv nny flowers, except for the of leaviná ' mi, tlirrciii, :m(l no person shall piek of' gather nny cultivated flower in said cení etery, or remore, break, cut or mark any tree, shrub or plant, or any braaeh or pan tliereof or any thing growing or being thereon. nor snall any person take any ílowers from the said cemetery. No person shsli ttorow oí pn nny thing in any pond, basin or reservoir oí water in said '■'" T, orin any manner disturb. rile or rendar unclean or impuro the water in any such pond, basin or reservoir. If any person or persen'; shH viólate any oí the rules or regulatkms prescribed in this section. the person or peroona so offending shall or may npon conviction ihereof, beforé any Jnsticeóf the Peace residingin this city or before any court havins jurisdiction of tlío oífence, be pnnished by a fine ñót cxcmVms five dollars, or by, in the oounty jail not exceding ten days, or by botb in thp discretion of the court or justice before wbom the oifonder shall be tried. These rules and regulations shall not apply to the Superintendent wbfle in the performance of dniies in the cemetery nor to any act done by any person or laborer in the cemetery imdcr the direotion of the Superintendent or of the Board of Offlcers of the Cemetery Company. or of any committee thereof, nor to any act property done by a lot nolder, or any one under his directioñs on the lot of such lot holder. Sec. 4. Persons visiting the eemetery shall in all respeets observo the proprieties of a place consecrated to the tender associationa between the ljviug and the dead they liare loved and mourn ; and if any person or personsshali commit any trespass in the cemetery, or viólate any of these rules or regulations, or conduct or converse in a rude boisterous, unseemly or improper manner, thé Buperintendant, or any person employed by the Cení. Ury Board w any commi(te Uiereof, and havincr chargfl of the prounda at tl;e time, may remove and kop any and every suen offender from (he cemetery gtonnds. _ Madeand passed in Comrhon Oouncil, at the cityjf Ann Arbor, this llth day of May, A. D., 1863. E. 1.VELLS, Mayor. N. B. Cor.E, Recorder. HQ. 49. AN ORDINAXCE, relativo to repairiffg and renew in d ■.Mlks. fíe it ordaitir.l by the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the City of Ann Arbor: ' Sec. 1. That it shall be the duty of every pwner and oceupánt of any lot or premisos in said city, in front of which there is or hereafter shall be a sidewalk made. planked or pared, to keep the same clear and in good repair, and when necessary to renew the .sime, and whecever any such owner or oceupant shail fail to keep such sidewalk clear and freo from all obstructions or impediments or shall surfer the same to be out of repair, and the same shall so continue for tile space of twenty-four liours áfter notice thereof, as after provided, or snch other timp as shal] be determined by tbe Common Couucil, or the, person or persons giving siich notioe to the owner or owners, occupant or occupantï of the lot or premises in front of which sucli sidwalk shall be, : lia.ll belinble t.o pay a fine not i exeeeding tweniy-fi dollars .and costs of prosecution wliieh shafl be recovcred before ny Justice of thëPeace, of said city; and the noties hereby raqaired may he giren by the Si -eet Commissioner, or any other perso'n or persons designated by the Common Oouncil, and may be given to the owner or oocupant, eitheV verbally orin writinL, or by posting written ï-iotice on the lot or premises when there shall lie no person residing on the same. Sec. 2. Whenever in the opinión of theCommon Council of said city, any of the sidewalks wnich now are or may hereafter b? ■ made, planked or paved within said city. shall be so dtlapjdated, injured or impaired as to make i i neeessary to renrw such sidewalk by re-building the same, said Common Council shall define and declare the manner in wliicb the sanie shall be renewed and shall desígnate one or more of their own number or of the other offleers of said city to superintend the same, and the persons or officers so designated shaN 1'orllnviUi notify the severa] owners or oecttpants of the lots or premises in front of and adjoining to which such sidewalk or any portion thereof shall be ■ and said notice may be given personally to snch owners or oecupants, or by learing written notice at bis, her or their place of residence, ot, if there hé no occupant, and the owner thereof does not reside in said city. then by posting up such written notice in some conspicuous place, on snch lot or premises, and upon such notice being given such severa! owners or occupants shall witbin thirty days thereafter reoew the portion of such'sidewalk which is ín front of and adjoining his. her or 'their lots or premises, in the manner so declared and deflned by said Commoa Council and to the acceptance of the persons or officers designated to snperinténd the same ; and in case any such owner or occupant shall refuse, or slialL negleot for the Bpace of thirty days afler the giving of such notice to renew l'iis, her, or their portion of such sidewalk in manner tid, ii shall be the duty of the person of ofiicer appointed to superintend the same forthwith to cause the. same to beso renewed, and he Bhail rnake nnd return to the Common Council a written report, describing the lots. and.premïses in front of which he shall have caused such sidewalk to be renewed. specifving the width of the same on_ the street, and the notice given as aforesaid, and the name or names of the owners or occupant s thereof, and he shall set down opposite to each the cost of renewing the sidewalk in front of and adjoining the same. Sec. 3. When any such report sball be mude and shall he approved by the Common Council, the same shall have the foree and effect of an assessment roïl, and it shall be the duty of the Recorder to niake out from and according to such report a tax roll inclnding all the property described as above required in said report, the owners or occupants of which have so refused or neglected to renew such sidewalks, wüh the amount of cost therein specined as aforesaid. and he shall submit the same to the Oommoh Council, and the Common Council shall canse a warrant to be attached to siu:]i tax-roll. directed to the Collector and authorizing a7id commanding liiin to collect from the sovera] persons naiiK'l in siuli tax-roll, the severa] suma of money thérein set opposite their respective nanies, whieh warrant, shall be sijjned, renewed, retnrned and exeented in he same manner, and shall be of the same tenor and effect, and give like powers and impose tho same duties in all respects as is providedin in An Ordinanee of said city, entitled " An Ordinance relativo to improving sidewalks," made and passed in Common Oouncil, Márch 22d. A. D., 1853, for tlie tax-roll and warrant therein providcd for. Sec. 4, It' any of snob sums in snch taxroll mentioned, shall remain unpaid, and the Collexdor shall not be able to collect the same within the time liinitcd by sneb warrant op any renewal tnereof, it is l'.ereby made the dut y of the Collector, and be is hereby ant'iorized and empowered to' proveed to the colleetion of tbe same by salí' of sueh lots or: premises for the shortest term at whicb any one will offer ro talce the same, for the oonsideration of advancing the sum or smns set in Snch tax-roll, together witb interest thereon ineïuding cost of notices, and one dollar for expi eh sale and of makina the return and ree d thereof and! the certilicate to the purchaer ; and the proceedings sball be in all respects the same ag are cequired in making salo of the premises for delinquent and unpaid asspssments upon the tax-roll and warrant, under the aforesaid "Ordinance relativo to iinprotíng Bidewalkg,' and lilee notices sball be gïven, tbe same riht of redenïption enjoyed, like papers l'e exeeu! with the sanio legal effect as is provided in said Ordinance. Made and passed in Common Council, this llth day of May, A. D.. 1868. E. WJEtLS, Mayor. N. B. Colk, Kecorder.


Old News
Michigan Argus