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S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. Tbey punfy, BtreHgtban and [ttvigofatff. They créate a healthy appwtittí. 'J'hcy arean antidote Jo chance ofwateï1 and diet. Xhey ovcrc&cfceeftecta of dissipation and hito hoars. The f strengtben th system an i enlirefi the mimi. Tii' y pf-vent raiasmaíic and inleimittent fevers. Xhey purify the breath ana acidit ol the stomach. . Tboy dyspopsia and Gonstipation. They euro Diarrhea, Cholera an i Cholera Mofbus. TI103' cure I.ivcr Complatttt and Nerroua ITeiulache. Tlicy aïe the best bitters Ín the worlr. They ni;iki. the vcak man strong, aud are exnaasted nature'e great resteren . They aire oía de of pure St, Uroix Rum, 1] celebra te3 Calisaya Bark, roots anti Iiorbs, and are takt u-iili Ilic plcasurt' of a beterage, vrithout rescax br time of day. Partieul irly recommended to deliea ■ entle sttmulant. Sold by all Gr bers, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. 1'. II. Drake&C B02 Broadway New York. imiH LYON'3 KATHAIRON. Kathaiïoit ifi from the tíreek word, "Kathro," o '-l:tt luiiru," edgoifying to cleanse, rejuvinate and r store. Tliis article is n int ita o me -i ;mtU-s. For pr Ben lag) restoring and fceautifying the human hair it the most remarkable preparation In the world. It again owned and put up iy th origina] proprietar, ta is now iiïii'l'1 wiih the same care, skill ftad at ten tú wiiicli gave It a -sale ot over one milliuu bottles par au num 1! is a i]n-i ilelightful Hair Dressiflg. It eracicates scurf and dai It keepa the head ftobl ated clean. It makee the hair ricli, soft and glossy It prerents the hair from falling olïand turning gra It restores hair upou bald hea'da. i ladj ox gentleman wtio values a beautíful hea of hair should ue Lyon'a Katliarion. It knowp an Éised throughout the civilized world. gold by all re■ii' dealera. 8m894 DEWAS S. 3ARNE8 & CK, rrnp'ra, N. T. HEIMSTREETS Inimitable Huir Restoratire. IT ÍS SOU A DYE, But restores grfty hair to ïts origihal color, by supplycapillary tubes with n;ii i ■■;a, impaïred by ago or dieeftBe All nst.i it.ntrnux dycs are composeil of lunar caust'c, döstroyiog the vitality anl beauty t)ftlie uiir, and ailord of themselvea nn dresug. HeiíQ6trííot;8 Inimitable Coloríng not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a Iiuxurintit Beau)}1', promotes its growth, prevenía ita faUtag pfT, craáicates Jandruff, mvl imparte health and plea il tesa to the aead. It bas Btood the tost of f ïim, beiug the original I !:; ir ' 'olorïng, and is consta ntly inc reas ing in favor. vJsed b} both gentleman aim ladies. It fs sold by all i-rspectiible dealere, or can be procurad by thom of f-! cinninrcial agehts, D. S. Iï k Co. 2Ö2 Broadtfay NOw-Tork. Two sizes, 50 cents and $1. Cir.89t A CARD TO THE LADÏE3. DR. DUPOiWS GOLDEN PILLSFOtt FEMALES. Infallilile in correctlng, regulating and removing ;il! ob structions, trom whatever cause, an 1 alwáya successfut aa a preventive. Tlie combination of Ingrediente in Dr. Duponco' Golden Pilis for Females are perfectly harmlt B8. Thoj have been used in llie private practico of Dr. Ihiponco ■ ;■ : t -L-nrs, aml tlinuin'ïs í' ladíes can téstífy U Iheir gfest a"nd névet ftttlfog siiccess in nlmost every oase in corrocting trrealarities, ivlicving paininl am distr&ssing menstruation, partïcularly at the cliange o lii'o. Kfiim live to ten piils will cure that common je dreadful complaint, the Whites Nearly every female intholand suffers frcm tliis complaint. The above PJllhftS permanently cureflthousamN. azu they vriW cure 3 ou if you use them. Thoy oan not harm you; on the contrary. tlit-v remove all obstructions, re itoxe nature to its proper channel, and in, inórate the whole eystem. liantes whoee licalth wil] Dotperinttan increase of family, will ïitïd these pilla a succr-ssf'u reventive. Laóies peculiarly situated. or those sup ]■ sing ,-, ftUould not n?e tiao&é VW'ix during the finst tlm-o nionüiSj as tbey aro cettain to prA duee niiscarriagtj "after which admonition" the pro prietar assumes no reaponsibílity, although their miki tiesa wili prevent an íajury to hèalth: The ingredienta en m nos i 112; the above I'jUs are inftde bnown to every Airont, and tbey rt"iïl teïl yon they are safe and wil' per forra all claimed lor them. Pri.-o $1 por box 3oW in .VNN ARBOB, by PTEIíIílNft WTLPOtf. Braggists, W. A. HCJNT, Druí I, adíes living ,tt a distance by sending them SI .00 ■ thft Ann Arbor í'osi "ffw?, can have the T'ilis seot (coofidentially) by mmil, to sfej paít of the country free oí pos t age. N. B. - Beware of a bast; counterfeit of tkeêe Pilis. - Yon c:ni buy the counterfeit article at any prieefroin 23 tb 76 conts a box fdéítrat that). Ladibs your Ifven and bea Itb are of too maca valué t'i bo trífli i apou with a wortbles article. rheefwre, ■ offeriBg-you thse Pillsfor loss than SI ■■ box, avoid them as yon would !M.;n. They are bogvCk. None aregeouine unl'vs - the Bame of S. 1). ÏIOVVK ís on every box wh'ch has receotly been addod, on account cl' tie l'illn being coutei-íVitfil. Sold alao, by KINNE& 3MTTÏT, Ypsilanli. i.uss .v BEEBEJackson, íindby ODe.druggÍFt in every village and city ui the United States, andby FAUiiANli.sllKl-;] EY& 00.. General Stale Agenta, Detroit. S. I) IIÖWK, SolePropríetor, SGTyrs Ni.w Voiík. O-TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO-XD Ie. 0. O.BaisTOxa dístingttished Chemist and Druggietof tbeci y of Bufólo, N, Y iuvented andiflanufaetnred a oomgpnndknovn as BRITOL'S BALííAM OV HOAKHOUND, whlcl la a perfect Bastaste for C0UGH9, colps, or any itp.o.vcniAi. or ll'xg DiFnciTTiEs arismg fronï damp, cold, or sudden chango of he wenther. ■ver; peraonnhohasever taken BR ISTOVS BALS AM OF HOAKHOUND; prooounces Í the b st ;tr'ie!e ever invented ; and so ju.stiy cejebrated has it beoome, that the market is already full of imita tions, countèrfeits, and most daneroua compounds, nn.ler the name of Balsam of Hoarhound. Therefore, always be careful to cali for Bristoi's Balaam, and see that bis Vf&ïi ri.' sig'nature ík on the outside label oí 1he botile. Maxk.- T'ais invaluable Medicine lias been now some twenty one years before the imbhc, and without any effort "Ji the part of the proprietor, its sale has bicorne very extensive, and is daily increasfng. The low price at wbich Iho Medicine is sold (25 CENTS) enables ALL to riartake of its healing qualities. C. CROSBY, BUFFALO, N.Y. Solo manuCacturer, to whom all orders should bE addressdd. For sale by all respectable drnggigts . Iyeow888 ÍCT TOBACCO- You can biiy the best grades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO at frm 50 cenïB to One Dollar. SMOKING froni fonrteen to twenty cents at M. DEVAiSTY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAK STORE Sign - Red Indian. Suuth s!de Huron strect, a few doora from Cook's Hot 1. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dec. 11, 1862. 883tf AGOOD TEEE IS KNOWN 3Y .! IJ'. tío is ;: i;""! Phystaían liy '.i. tfacesssrol Works. 1 PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEGREAANB CELEB1UTED l'li VSICIAX OF THE ' OAT, LUNGS AND I Known all over the counir; as tb 6 Culebra ted 1 N D I A N 11ER13 DOCTOR! From South Araerica, ivill bc at hts rooms, RUSSELL JHlL-.--'K, pETQÏTj Onthel8th and I9tb inston the same date of and every subseqnent month during 18' and Iriü3, A NE IT PA1TPHLET Of the life, stmly and extensive ttavels of Dr. Lyonn can '" ' procured bj allwhodefiiroone, free uf cbire, Dr. 1. iffl'l visit Ann Arbor, Jackson, and Adrián Mí; ii. . as followS : Ann Arbur, Monitor House, '-Olli. on, Hibbard House, - Adrián, Biaoketl il' nse ■'.: ' and 23!. Modi ra ■■ ■■.-.- 'ihü Duf p qudtiprui nor ro plain sjmptoms. Afflio.tprt, come ■ i location of yoiir .lis. evse c.vptained free of charge. FOR SALE. Q ACISES of excellent timbered the ". '.ff O' ' N. Vv'. '.,' of Si-c.ii.Towu 5 N. ILi.iil ,■ S V.,ClintonCounty. ltisinagood j ut four miles from DeWltt and ten from Lansing. For terms nquln at or address, A1Ï0ÜS OFFICE. Jan. 20tli, 1 8S8tf Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


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