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BOOT SHOE g g N. B. GOLE, (Buccessor to Moors & Loomia ) haj ppened a síoro En FllANKLIN BUILDINGS, Main street, Ano Arbor, and lias on hand a largo asBOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, rttanufactured from the bost material and warrantedto ctíon, consisting of MLN'S KIP, CALF AND THICK BOOTS, DOÜBIiB SOLED. MENS BUFFALO OrÈRSEOES, of all deacnptfons. XjuÍIDIES? GAITEES, Morocco Bootees, Bahnorals, Feil. OversJwa, and Rubbers. Aho, Boj 's Kip, Cwlf & Tisick Boots, her wJih a, varietj of CHILDUEN" & YOUTH'S SHOES. t I ua also Hanwfootvrlng WAERANTED BOOTS & 8H0ES. Men's Fine Fiesich CalJTBoois Peigert anti 8eMred. Givomeacall bef)rp pi;rchas!ng el.stiwherp. Iwili Keil my uoiiIh cheap for ca:it. REPAIRINQ NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTICE. N.B.COI.E. Ann Arbor, Jan. l&tll, 1$6, 8S7tf r Hispas WOTJDERFUL SUCCESS. J&jf Thfl nttention Eind research of the most dfBtfogm'shed Cbemists and Pbysicjans for years have beenderoted tothe produetion of a remedy for fti e most disi ! idfea NbüRAIOIA and EfeEUMATiSM. A f ter Ion □ 1 m&ny experimente, a specJic pfleparation has been discorered, WATSON'S Neuralgia Kjng,aa Internal Remedy, is curing ihousan la of cases where all otber remedios have utte i ! . W'v -. re ■ mefo " .Noi;V;K," reheringfor the momectwbilethi cauae remainsj bnt is a perfret ■: CÜRË for those painful dfseaaes, The vast Dumber of Uniments, Eml rocaiiona and Externa] ■' '■■'■fi1 ,■ whicl . ' ■ ruulants of the Burface ottly art mereh temporal y fn effeefcs and of doubtful s-irtue The NEURALGIA KING reachea thesouroeof :i!l trouble, and eflfectually bai isjiea the dieasefrom i he sy.stem. Trice- Cüc Düllar per Böttle. Prrpared by C. !ï. WALKER, 1yS' TïufTaln. N Y ■ ,ind Fort Rrie, Ö.W. j-j. FAIRBANKS' ïji Standard L.SCALE8! jjflpÜPSP OF ALL KINDS. Prestes, t,-c. Fairbanks, Orcenleaf & Co., 172 Ftroet, Cliicayo. PoW in Detroit by PA11RD & SIIELUY. jCie'Be careful to buv only the gemünc3 8853'1 1863. SPRlNö. 186 o re are now opeuing A Lar ge and iJeauíiful assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Go ds! LADSES3 DRESS GOODS in great variety, niBBOKTS, XJress Trimraings, cfco Also a largo stock of Goeds for Mens' Wear7 C'assimeres, Gloihs, &c. and a full assoi-tment of Ladies and Chiidren's HATS, CAPS, GROCEEIES, OKOCKEEY All of which we will sell at the LOWEST TOSSIBLE O .A. S3 SX PR1CE! MACK Sc SCHMID. Ann Arbor. Marcb 19, '03. 896tf Toba eco ! Tobacco ! I AM SELUHfl GOOD FINE CÜT 0HEWÍNG TOBACCO At f rom Fijiy cents to %l per pounè. SMOKING TOBACCO, From 1 cents to 20 eens per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, M;ch., De-. 17, 1S02. 883tf FAEM FOR SALE ! O farm situated in the Tonyisliip "f 8Oio, in Wa h.teiuiw Cáunty, o: tha umiu roaü froirf Aan Arbor to Jack soa . about Fïve miles West of Ann Arüor3 anl thrae aml a half miles t'roia Dexter. The Furm conBiattí of ONE HUNDRIi!) & XIXETY ACRES OP LAND óoraposeU generaUy of n, gravelly loam, runceptible of bemg wo taedin ■ ■ weathor, is welj watert by ;i Ilvirig ptrfairi. II ifc naostly nnderïra ■ !Íen1 fo 'lo Pb nn . buitdii ■ ' ■ r lof fine fruit. All of which n , i be solü eb (ao, o i ■ half f the pur eb aso tnouüv Ja v on boud and mortgage for tcrïn i J.'JI. M. APKKPOTi. Sc'o, Miirc-U 30, 1863. ;UnS98 uctioneers Motice. BviïOV (;!;kk, lirniar applted for a Ifcofli, no-w ■ ' - iiiniM U in readiness tn atfpnd to alí calla. Hav!ng;hadexpeiÍ9ncd, heis posítíve lie can gir Hatipfrtctifn. Ai I ■;! promptly it tended tn. c leasonablo. Apply at the Franfclin RTousp, ÜYKOV ffílEfije Ann Arbor. Oct. OJ, ! 62. PTftif Ayer's Ague -Cure, THE American Collecting Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims ('f xtl K-:mls against the Qenoral Oovernment, State iiottirn ueul , t!te City, or private purties, profiecutcd aftd ootlecied a1 iSy árpense a-iidrisk ■ ■ i prívale partios [ pofiuss superior facHitre for eollectirig claims ever vwhore in tl I'riited Stare and Canadan, rtliering merchante, assisnees-, bankefh andotnerB.ol the caie and all vesponsibility. Spetilai aitenlion givén to old debts, hard case b, dr . fflllsj estatea etc. Beinf familiar with all the detail of the " fnlrnnl Law," I will atlend pronfïptly to the collectiorv of drawbacks , and taxeg overpaid thrmnrh jL'noránce of the law. Soldiers' pensions, pay ün bnnnty securod forthcAï or their heir.J . For that purpoM9, :un[ foï jn-osecutijig claims a.gainstthe((nernui(.i!. I hav a brauch oflicé at Washington. No cjïarge made uniese claims are collected. All Holdlers dlctcharged by renson of wound - however sluiri the timellicy have served- "aro ontitlcd to One Hmidred Dollars Iiounty. All soldier having sefwd tWoycaT,ar entltled to the ai . ■ 'ih" hijihet market irice will be paid foT Kol-' dirs claims, and ot hor demanda against the (ieneral (lovernmet.t. [nCormRtlOD mul opinions given, nnd investisation made u itltoia charge , upoo cliúm.i p-onosed to bc placed nmyhnSi For particular)!, an H. HUNTINGTOIsí LEE, No,28 ftfoadtfay, N. Y TraE ÜOÜTS AND THE LEAVES W1LL bo for tho IleaÜLg of the NutloiK Hibic. THE GREAT AND CELEÈRATEB l'IIY.Slci .N of ihd JHROAT, LUNOS, I1K.VKT, I.IVlu'. AX!) THK BI.OOU, Known all over the country as the CELEürUTED IIsTI3IA.ISr HEUS DOCTÓH ƒ Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, ühio. Will vlslt the followint? places, viz A:POlT.IENlti POR 1862, 186.3 and 1S04. l'iof R. J. Lyoos can be consulted at the fnjlowme plaoes evfjry, viz: Detroit. RuaaelHoUlie, eae.hmouth, 18th and 19th. Arm Arbur. Monitor House, each month, 30ih. Jackson, H'bbard House, each month, 21 Aihian, BracUet Uouse, each fnoiith 22dandSSd Toledo, Ohio.Colhns House, each month 24th 35th and üfiti! . Hillsdale, Mich. , Hillsdnle Housn, each month, 27th. Co ld ya ter, llieb-., Southern Michigan llouse eaoh month, 28th. ' Elkhart, Klkliart Iïousp, each tnonth , ï?tjf . South Bc-nd, hul., 8t. Jo. ljolol, each irtontli, 8C Ind., Tee Gárilet) Htm . . :■.■'). month Slsf Wooster, Ohio,CrndeUExcUange, eaoii inontli, 7(h and 8tli. ' ManafleM, Ohin. Wiler House, each monit, 01 h and lOth. Mt. Vernon, Kenyon House, each month, llth and 12th. Newark, Ohio, Holton House, each mcntli loth and llth,' Patoeïvillo, Ohio, Cowles House, each immth 4th ('l.i-.M.l.AJiii, OHIO, RE81DEK3E AN1) OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STEEET. Easl of the public square, opposile the Postoffiw. 1 e daya each month,. lt, ad, 4th, 5th eth 15tb - noursfrom9 A. M. tolZM. aad from 3 V M 'to 4 1'. M. OnSundjn" from 9 to 10A. M., and 1 to 3 V. 1. jEÈ.Maxims stiTctly adhered to I give such balín as have no strife, With nature or the la"--s oí Ufe, Withbloodmy hands Inever táin. Norpoieon men toease theirpabi. Seis a phyñcian indeed, who Ou; The IwdiaB Herj Doctor, B. .;. l.YOXS. cures the following oompiaintsiBtbe mos; obstinate siuaesof tfir ezistence, viz: Diseasesof thoThront, Lungs, Heart I.iver Stomach, Dropay in the C'hcst, Rheumatigm, Neuralgia, Fits, or FaUÍDgSícknes,and al! oí her nerveus de ra ngements. AlsOl!: ftheMood.snotaBSorolola, Eryslp'. Le#rojr, and all other comlaints Ail forras of female ili.üculties attended to with the .. i'I i resuiís. It is hoped that no one will despair of a cnrD until thej haye giyen tire India n Hert Uoctor'a Medicines & fair and failhful trial, (aüuring the Doctor1. trTela in Encope, West Indi,-, - i America, and tlie United Simes, he bas boen lïie inslrumcnt in God' hand. to restore to health umi vigor thounsda wbo were givenup :in-l pjonoiuiced incurabfe by ihe most eminentold school phyaicians; nar, more, thousandá wh'o were on the wrge of the ;nive. re living moKumiTits to.the [nóSan Herb's Dóetor'a skill and isflful treiititirnt and are daüj exclaimiog: "Bssod bc theday wfcen fust m saw ajrd partook of the Indian líerb Doctor's medicino." . Satisfactoryreferenees of carea will be gladly and cheerfuliy given whenever required, The Doctor pledgee bis worq aai honor, tht he -n-ill ín no wíse,directly or índirectly, induce or cause my in vn lid to take bis medicine without Ihestrongest probi.bility of a cure. J3f= Mode of examination, whicli ií enfirely diíTerent frora the fiiculty. Dr. Lyon psrofeasëa to discern diwases hy-tho eye. Jle therefore asks noquontioos, nor doeahe reqnire patiegtsto eïplain symptoms. Cali one and all, inil hare thèsyimptoins and ïocatlon of your diseaBe explained free of charge. 5r-OffTho yjoor sli:ili be Hberally considerad. - LeFobtoilice addresH, box -■ t-;. K. J. LTOXS.M I'. Cleveland, Ohio. Kot. SS, 1S02. ly'80 Trusses ! RÜPTURE CAN BE CTRJ5D I!Y A ÏRl'S.s of tl.e nght kind, if properiy BitPd ar,,! duly attendi-d to. lhis bas beeo abupuantl demonstruted in innúmera ble Instonceaby tlieunaothe Multiprda! Trnss of Dr. Hlgis, duniiL' tl,n last vears. ïhis Truas bemgcoreied wilh U:iid Rubber, is perfecilv w:iterproof, mjy be nsed ir. bathiqg, and i ahiajs c-leauly as wen as indestructible by ordin:irv udage. If not SHttsfactory after a fair triaj .)f sixty' dyc, n may br n. turnea. It challengts coinparison with any truss known. Dr. KIGGS' uffice, No. 2 BARCLAY Street. NewY'"-l'. f.8ótf OITY COOPER SHOP. 1VlioIesaIc :iin Dfírtit. O C. SPAFFORD Wonld respectfnlly announca to the oltizens ol Ann Arbor and vicnntv, that ae is uow nranuTacturing andkeepsconstantly osheod a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! s-icli as Pork atid Ciclt-r Ifarrels, Kcgs, Firkins, Churns, Well J3nckets, &c, Whieh wili be sold cheap for cash. CUSTOM WORK Kade to order on short notice. Repairing done m'lh neatness and dispatch, 1 would cali particular attentMm t" Herö6ats in want of Biitter Firiiins. lammannfaeturinf: the XewYoili Stntc Flrkfn, ■Uk-h 8 a better Firkin tlian has eTet bcfore boen offered nthis market. I would invite all ivho want Firkim to Cali and exaninc for tliemselves befcre purchasing èlsenhre, and I will eonvince tok tliat you have calloil at the rigiit place, I ivoull a)io cali the attcntion of BrewcTS in SaMt of BEEK KEGS, I am now prepared to manufacturo Eights, Quarters and half Bbls. in lurge ov small lots, and of a Better Quality tlian can be had in Detroit or elsewhorc. B-'-'All wort warranted to givecntire satis 'action. nuinkiulfor favors and by a sfnct rrttention to msiness, I hofie to meril a cmitinm,: liberal snpplj of he public patronaeo. ï ■ . Do not fvrget tocairaf the nty ConperSkeji O. C. SPAFFOIU). Detroit . St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 88Pvl 1868. lees. SPRÏIMG COODS! AT Eeduced Frices ! ■Fust receinag m O. H. MILtBN'S JSAIX STIiEET, xVXN AI1B0R. April 17, 18G3. 4v900. Not ice. "VWÍN8 to the narancl foarof the eomin.i? dra ft I haveƒ Rïild out all rrf.y ReK RstatêamJ personal jtroperty, un all f1! i i iiv, i save expuaffe, Jil leasfciitl and mtllo before tho-first st as afler i pv wlll be lelt In tte hands öf a Justice of JOÜN ftOSÉ. Ana Arbo, Mo-y 7. 1-J CO


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Michigan Argus