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Dressing With Taste

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that, with all the lime American womon bestow npon droge, so few know how to prepare a simple toilet with laste. To bo well dressed jneuns, with most, to wear rich ir.aterial, made up in gorgeous stylo, and with uil t! ie usual aecessi rics of lace and juWtjlry, td add to the roagnificence of the general effect. Nuver was n greater mista ke, To be wel) dreased is only to havo attire . ed to ti'.ne, place and oircuniFtances, made in a bftoomiflg marnier. This nttire may be a shilling calicó or a rich sil k, and vet, in either, if it be adapted to the conditions we have inention.'.d, a vvoman may be said to be well dressed. Whero hoiusehold duties have tobo per formeel, and the care of eh.ldren devolvcs partly npon tho the mistress of the house, a neat dress, fitted gracoful)y to'the figure, is much botter tor mornibg wear than the faded remains of a more preten'ious cóstume. Nolbing looks inore torlorn than to soe a wouldbe-lady peribrtning househuld duties of not the lausfc relitied oharaoter, in an old torn or dirty silk dress, or a soiled and wraggled open vvrapper. One of the secreta of dressing well is to dress appropriately, auother to be enreful of the details, 'the minute of the toilet. - ïborough personal e'eíuilinesg, glossy and well brushed hair, neat shoes and fltockings, are as essential to a good personal appearance as the material and fashion of the dres?. Indeed, a lady who is particular in these minor matters, oan hardly over be eaid to be ill-dreseed, as this delicate refinement will not only excuse faults, but naturally show itself in the taste whieh will guide her selection, no matter how mail the cost may be. Some persons have an extreme horror of being ■"caught," as they cali it, in a morning ■dress. Why they should be so sensitivo on this point, it is ditBoult to say. If it is clean, and adapted to the work ín vvhich they are engaged, there is no shame in wearing it, and above all, it ouffhttobe remembered that no attire is good enough for the family, vvhich is nol good enough for mere aequaintanees who may chanoe to favor yon with their society. It is muoh botter to be caught in a plain morning dress than to be caught very much dressed, as some unlucky individuals are, at a srroll evening prrty. In one case there is real cause for raoptiScation ; in the other there is nono. Mothers should carefully hnpress this lesson upon their daughters. Many a young lady has lost an eligible match through the discovery Ihat tho belle of tho evening was the slattern of the morninuf, and that she paid more attention to the mimber oi her flounoes than the cleanIines8 of her p'erson, more eai'u on the brilliancy of che hcad-dress than the condilion of her hair. JL3LT The first thing for a man in entering upon activo life is to choose his prolesssion ; and the next is for hirn to hold that profession in ts ti'iie rela tion8 to himself as a man Tbere are oflen erroneous views on thislast point, whiub are fatal to mII trae success in life, because they leave the standard which men should ever strive to reach, A man shonid ïemember that, wha'ever be his business or profession, this. is not all nor tho chief end of lile; but that charaeter is worth infinitely more than his prqfessio?i. Manhood is iii-st, nnd profetssion is next in order of the divine arrangements, as well as the relative order of their value; and therefore this should have the first place in our thonghts. To Ilústrate' our meaning, let us take familiar example. A man chooses a trade or a kind of business for his occu pation, and to this gives all big Ihouis. He fii;ds that by this trade he can become rich, and bends all his enorgieg to accomplish this object. - liky and night sumrner and winter, ye-ur after yoar ho follous it without relaxing his exertions. Ho studies the principies of his business just só far as ha can render it profitablo. I time he becomes skillful in his business, and skill secures him woaHh, and woalth, is regarded as the evidence of suceess.


Old News
Michigan Argus