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"CODNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. DEPO3ITORY of Bible s and Testamenta at tlie Society pnces at W. C. Voorhei l'. T. D. TOOKEIl. DREMlt'M PI!OTl.MiAI'lIK.H. Exc-hange Block, Aun I Aih 'i . Michigan. J 0. WATTS & Í5RO. ■EU.ER- íq Clocks, Wateres, Jnvelry awi Silver ) W.ire No. ::. N r Bl i :fc, Ana Arbor. BLISS. . DEAIílt in Clock-i. Vit-'i-, JeVclry an! Sil,er W.ire No. 22, New Biook, Anu 0. H. M ILLEN." DELER in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, &c. &c. M.ün Street, Ano Ail . BAOH & PIERSON.' ! DEALERS in Dry (J}flo4)ÖPOcerïea Hardware, Boots íc Shoea, &c, Main st., Ann Arbor. 0. COLLIER." MANÜFAOTURER and dealer ín Boots anj Shoea, one door north of the Post Oílice. N. B. COLÉ. DEALER in Tioots & Shoes, Rubbers, &c. Fir.nkiiu Block, Mait. Street, Ann Arbor. "RÍSD0N & HENDERriON. DSAtEaS 10 Hardware, Stovs, house furnishing gaodfi, Xíd Ware, kc , &c . New Hlock, Main st, 0. 0. SPAFFORD. ftTANUFACTl'KFR of all kinds at Coooper Wqr , [VJ. Cny Gooper Shop. Custoru work doae on short íiotice. Detroit Street, Ann Altor. A, J. SUTHEHLAND, AGRXT for the New York Life Insurance Coxúpany, Office on Hurón street. Aao has oa haul a fftock of the most approve I sewing niLchiaes. 8S5tf GEORGE FISCHER. MEAT MARKl'T- Hurón Street- General dealer in Fresh and SU Meáis, Baef, MuttoO, Pork, i Poullry, Iril, Tallow, te., So, SUHOFF & MILLEK. TvEALERS 'ii HisceUaneoush8cfaoolánd Blank Books, _i suiiiuticry. Paper Hangiogs, &c. , Main st , Fnmfelin piock HIRAM J. BEAKES TTOHNEV an.l Counsellor nt Luw. .:-. Solicitorin X Chancer.y. Office in City HallBiock. over Webster's Book Store. WM. LEWITT, M. D. PHVSTf'lAN and Surgeon. Office at his pemdence, inntli suie tr IIiii-Lju street. and secon'l west of Divisi.)!i ntreet. M. GÜITERMAN & CO. WKOLBBALE and KetaU Dealeis an.l Manaíactarara of Ready-Stada Clothing. lmiiorters of Cloth, i . Ooesktos, be., N '. 5, Phoenix Btock, M.ii:i st. WM. VVAGNER. DEI.KR in Rearty Wade Clothing, Clofhs, Casimeres, ■iini Vbtiag8, Hatf, Caps, Trunks, Carjtei Bagfl) &j.; puoe.iix Block, Main gtreet É L A WSON & ÖEER. GROCKliS. Provisión and CommisMmi Mercliants, and Dealers íd YVater Lime, Land Plantor, and l'.,t.-Hr of Paris, one door eat of Cooks Hotel. T. B. FIIEEMAN. BARBER and Fashionablc Huir Dregser, Kain stroet, Aun Arbor, Jlich, Huif Front a and Curlskepi noxir stautly tm liand, J. M. SOOTïT" AMBROTYPE and Plmt.-n.nli Artisi , in the nema over Campion's Clothing store, Phceuix Block. Perfect Batisfaction given. : W. WEEKS. SURVf.YoR and Civil Engtnecr, continúes to tjivo itnnfedtactj attention to all orders. Oüicu at bi dence at the corner of Catlieriue and IHayor st ,. e 9; 1 U. B. PORTEE, SURGEON IIENitST. .f Muin ano Hurón treets, over Bach & i'iersun's Store. All calU promptfj attendrd to Aprï8j9 J.R. WEBSTER & CO. DEAT.Ei:s in Law aml Medica] Books School Sooks, ■ ; Book, Ui.scellaueous BUokR, pens, iuU, and evury rttriet ntétatiimery, Hu ron m. , i'ity Huil Block. J. 15. TIJOMPSÖft DKA1.R ï in Drv (JOoda and Qrocftrles, Boots and ükoes, .V; Pi; , l.i,-.. bou int aul sul!, M 'h" "M Mand of 'Tljoinr!]!! & Millen, Corner M;ün ;iud Wa.ihnigtuu Stj. MACK & SGIÍMID. DK.VLEUS in Foreign ana [omest'C Dry Gon.l, Grnceríe. H.vt8 aad Cajpa, Böotfl unl dhoes, Croclier}', I te, Corner of Main & Liberty sts. O. A. KËLLEY, i l.t - Ar'.nr. C%S6fl 1 L-.i 11 1 ■■- ar.l l'liutojra j)Ii Albums i ■n1t;un iy (u luiu-l, u:id ;it lowt-r ratcs than can be . fouBd eUcwUero. ly8Sl ANDRË WBELL. DKAtjPïS ia iirocerit-s, Pravfslons, Flour, Ptwitieei, .V':.. (fcc,, coroor BCnia and Waabiogto 8 re b, Ana AcUiu. Tlie higlietmai'iiet priceti paid l'ir cuuntry luce. Sf-6 "iTöTo. f. " WA34TKNAW Lodge, No. íi, of tlio Independent Or■ ler of O A Felloftrs racet ;ii their Im'-Ih Rooni, evi-rv Ki-iM-tv !-:voniug, at 73 (i'clb'Ok. iirSoximEUC, ;. P. B. Ror, Secy ' . KÍNGSLI3 Y & MQB.G AÑ7" A TT JIINKVS, CounMitare Solicitors, anú HL 1' iblic, have Booka md Pial : h iwin titlps of ll (an-t ia tho Oouaty, and altend to oveyancmg apd 3èllectï6g deman la, 'and t payittg taxeq itnd school instrest iu a.ay part of the itate. O-lïce Baat oi the pa i k. D. DeFOKEST. WI0LS3ALE and retaïl dealor in Lumber, I.atb, Shinles, 8ih, Dodrt, Blindn, Watr Llrae, Grand Bifer PUiter, Piaster Paris, and Nftilu ofMUiwa A f uit aa1 (erfiïct assortuient of the above, nad ;ii' (hther kiadi of buiMing raaterïals const:tntly on bacd at tliè pOiSiblo rates, on Detroit st ., a feW roda f rom the Railroad Dapot. Also opurating extensively in the FdtdntCciueitt Koc!i:ig.


Old News
Michigan Argus